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Commit 17a0c8c9 authored by pinyili2's avatar pinyili2
Browse files


parent b4ff85fe
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1 merge request!1Pinyili2
.DS_Store 0 → 100644
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## TODO: make module this package conform to a single style for input/output
def read_cadnano(json_file, sequence=None, fill_sequence='T', **model_parameters):
from .cadnano_segments import read_json_file
from .cadnano_segments import read_model as model_from_cadnano_json
data = read_json_file(json_file)
return model_from_cadnano_json(data, sequence, fill_sequence, **model_parameters)
def read_vhelix(maya_file, **model_parameters):
from .polygon_mesh import parse_maya_file, convert_maya_bases_to_segment_model
maya_bases = parse_maya_file(maya_file)
model = convert_maya_bases_to_segment_model( maya_bases, **model_parameters )
return model
def read_list(infile,**model_parameters):
import numpy as np
data = np.loadtxt(infile)
data = np.loadtxt(infile,skiprows=1) # strip header
coords = data[:,:3]*10
bp = data[:,3]
stack = data[:,4]
three_prime = data[:,5]
from .segmentmodel_from_lists import model_from_basepair_stack_3prime
return model_from_basepair_stack_3prime(coords, bp, stack, three_prime)
def read_atomic_pdb(pdb_file, **model_parameters):
from .segmentmodel_from_pdb import SegmentModelFromPdb
return SegmentModelFromPdb(pdb_file)
def read_oxdna(coordinate_file, topology_file, idealized_coordinate_file=None, **model_parameters):
""" Idealized coordinate file: coordinates for detecting stacks and base pairs, defaults to coordinate_file """
from .segmentmodel_from_oxdna import mrdna_model_from_oxdna
return mrdna_model_from_oxdna(coordinate_file, topology_file, idealized_coordinate_file, **model_parameters)
This diff is collapsed.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import pdb
import numpy as np
import os,sys
import scipy
from mrdna import logger, devlogger
from ..segmentmodel import SegmentModel, SingleStrandedSegment, DoubleStrandedSegment
from ..arbdmodel.coords import quaternion_from_matrix, rotationAboutAxis, quaternion_slerp
from .. import get_resource_path
ref_stack_position = np.array((-2.41851735, -0.259761333, 3.39999978))
def _three_prime_list_to_five_prime(three_prime):
five_prime = -np.ones(three_prime.shape, dtype=int)
has_three_prime = np.where(three_prime >= 0)[0]
five_prime[three_prime[has_three_prime]] = has_three_prime
return five_prime
def _primes_list_to_strands(three_prime, five_prime):
five_prime_ends = np.where(five_prime < 0)[0]
strands = []
strand_is_circular = []
idx_to_strand = -np.ones(three_prime.shape, dtype=int)
def build_strand(nt_idx, conditional):
strand = [nt_idx]
idx_to_strand[nt_idx] = len(strands)
while conditional(nt_idx):
nt_idx = three_prime[nt_idx]
idx_to_strand[nt_idx] = len(strands)
strands.append( np.array(strand, dtype=int) )
for nt_idx in five_prime_ends:
lambda nt: three_prime[nt] >= 0)
while True:
## print("WARNING: working on circular strand {}".format(len(strands)))
ids = np.where(idx_to_strand < 0)[0]
if len(ids) == 0: break
lambda nt: three_prime[nt] >= 0 and \
idx_to_strand[three_prime[nt]] < 0)
return strands, strand_is_circular
def find_stacks(centers, transforms):
## Find orientation and center of each nucleotide
expected_stack_positions = []
for R,c in zip(transforms,centers):
expected_stack_positions.append( c + )
expected_stack_positions = np.array(expected_stack_positions, dtype=np.float32)
dists = scipy.spatial.distance_matrix(expected_stack_positions, centers)
dists = dists + 5*np.eye(len(dists))
idx1, idx2 = np.where(dists < 3.5)
## Convert distances to stacks
stacks_above = -np.ones(len(centers), dtype=int)
_z = np.array((0,0,1))
for i in np.unique(idx1):
js = idx2[ idx1 == i ]
with np.errstate(divide='ignore',invalid='ignore'):
angles = [np.arccos( transforms[j] transforms[i].dot(_z) ).dot( _z ) ) for j in js]
angles = np.array( angles )
tmp = np.argmin(dists[i][js] + 1.0*angles)
j = js[tmp]
stacks_above[i] = j
return stacks_above
def basepairs_and_stacks_to_helixmap(basepairs,stacks_above):
helixmap = -np.ones(basepairs.shape, dtype=int)
helixrank = -np.ones(basepairs.shape)
is_fwd = np.ones(basepairs.shape, dtype=int)
## Remove stacks with nts lacking a basepairs
nobp = np.where(basepairs < 0)[0]
stacks_above[nobp] = -1
stacks_with_nobp = np.in1d(stacks_above, nobp)
stacks_above[stacks_with_nobp] = -1
end_ids = np.where( (stacks_above < 0)*(basepairs >= 0) )[0]
hid = 0
for end in end_ids:
if helixmap[end] >= 0:
rank = 0
nt = basepairs[end]
bp = basepairs[nt]
assert( bp == end )
if helixmap[nt] >= 0 or helixmap[bp] >= 0:
logger.warning(f'Ill-formed helix: problematic basepair or stacking data near nucleotide {nt} or {bp}... skipping')
# assert(helixmap[nt] == -1)
# assert(helixmap[bp] == -1)
helixmap[nt] = helixmap[bp] = hid
helixrank[nt] = helixrank[bp] = rank
is_fwd[bp] = 0
rank +=1
_tmp = [(nt,bp)]
while stacks_above[nt] >= 0:
nt = stacks_above[nt]
if basepairs[nt] < 0: break
bp = basepairs[nt]
if helixmap[nt] >= 0 or helixmap[bp] >= 0:
logger.warning(f'Ill-formed helix: problematic basepair or stacking data near nucleotide {nt} or {bp}... skipping')
helixmap[nt] = helixmap[bp] = hid
helixrank[nt] = helixrank[bp] = rank
is_fwd[bp] = 0
rank +=1
hid += 1
## Create "helix" for each circular segment
intrahelical = []
processed = set()
unclaimed_bases = np.where( (basepairs >= 0)*(helixmap == -1) )[0]
for nt0 in unclaimed_bases:
if nt0 in processed: continue
nt = nt0
all_nts = [nt]
rank = 0
nt = nt0
bp = basepairs[nt]
if helixmap[nt] >= 0 or helixmap[bp] >= 0:
logger.warning(f'Ill-formed cylic helix: problematic basepair or stacking data near nucleotide {nt} or {bp}... skipping')
helixmap[nt] = helixmap[bp] = hid
helixrank[nt] = helixrank[bp] = rank
is_fwd[bp] = 0
rank +=1
counter = 0
while stacks_above[nt] >= 0:
lastnt = nt
nt = stacks_above[nt]
bp = basepairs[nt]
if nt == nt0 or nt == basepairs[nt0]:
assert( bp >= 0 )
if helixmap[nt] >= 0 or helixmap[bp] >= 0:
logger.warning(f'Ill-formed cyclic helix: problematic basepair or stacking data near nucleotide {nt} or {bp}... skipping')
helixmap[nt] = helixmap[bp] = hid
helixrank[nt] = helixrank[bp] = rank
is_fwd[bp] = 0
rank +=1
hid += 1
return helixmap, helixrank, is_fwd, intrahelical
def set_splines(seg, coordinate, hid, hmap, hrank, fwd, basepair, orientation=None):
maxrank = np.max( hrank[hmap==hid] )
if maxrank == 0:
ids = np.where((hmap == hid))[0]
pos = np.mean( [coordinate[r,:] for r in ids ], axis=0 )
coords = [pos,pos]
contours = [0,1]
if orientation is not None:
ids = np.where((hmap == hid) * fwd)[0]
assert( len(ids) == 1 )
q = quaternion_from_matrix( orientation[ids[0]] )
quats = [q, q]
coords[-1] = pos + orientation[ids[0]].dot(np.array((0,0,1)))
coords,contours,quats = [[],[],[]]
last_q = None
for rank in range(int(maxrank)+1):
ids = np.where((hmap == hid) * (hrank == rank))[0]
coords.append(np.mean( [coordinate[r,:] for r in ids ], axis=0 ))
contours.append( float(rank+0.5)/(maxrank+1) )
if orientation is not None:
ids = np.where((hmap == hid) * (hrank == rank) * fwd)[0]
assert(len(ids) == 1)
q = quaternion_from_matrix( orientation[ids[0]] )
if last_q is not None and < 0:
q = -q
## Average quaterion with reverse direction
bp = basepair[ids[0]]
if bp >= 0:
bp_o = orientation[bp].dot(rotationAboutAxis(np.array((1,0,0)),180))
q2 = quaternion_from_matrix( bp_o )
if < 0:
q2 = -q2
## probably good enough, but slerp is better: q = (q + q2)*0.5
q = quaternion_slerp(q,q2,0.5)
last_q = q
coords = np.array(coords)
if orientation is not None:
quats = np.array(quats)
seg.start_position = coords[0,:]
seg.end_position = coords[-1,:]
def model_from_basepair_stack_3prime(coordinate, basepair, stack, three_prime,
sequence=None, orientation=None,
max_basepairs_per_bead = 5,
max_nucleotides_per_bead = 5,
local_twist = False,
Creates a SegmentModel object from lists of each nucleotide's
basepair, its stack (on 3' side) and its 3'-connected nucleotide
The first argument should be an N-by-3 numpy array containing the
coordinate of each nucleotide, where N is the number of
nucleotides. The following three arguments should be integer lists
where the i-th element corresponds to the i-th nucleotide; the
list element should the integer index of the corresponding
basepaired / stacked / phosphodiester-bonded nucleotide. If there
is no such nucleotide, the value should be -1.
basepair: List of each nucleotide's basepair's index
stack: List containing index of the nucleotide stacked on the 3' of each nucleotide
three_prime: List of each nucleotide's the 3' end of each nucleotide
""" Validate Input """
inputs = (basepair,three_prime)
basepair,three_prime = [np.array(a,dtype=int) for a in inputs]
raise TypeError("One or more of the input lists could not be converted into a numpy array")
inputs = (basepair,three_prime)
coordinate = np.array(coordinate)
if np.any( [len(a.shape) > 1 for a in inputs] ):
raise ValueError("One or more of the input lists has the wrong dimensionality")
if len(coordinate.shape) != 2:
raise ValueError("Coordinate array has the wrong dimensionality")
inputs = (coordinate,basepair,three_prime)
if not np.all(np.diff([len(a) for a in inputs]) == 0):
raise ValueError("Inputs are not the same length")
num_nt = len(basepair)
if sequence is not None and len(sequence) != num_nt:
raise ValueError("The 'sequence' parameter is the wrong length {} != {}".format(len(sequence),num_nt))
if orientation is not None:
orientation = np.array(orientation)
if len(orientation.shape) != 3:
raise ValueError("The 'orientation' array has the wrong dimensionality (should be Nx3x3)")
if orientation.shape != (num_nt,3,3):
raise ValueError("The 'orientation' array is not properly formatted")
if stack is None:
if orientation is not None:
stack = find_stacks(coordinate, orientation)
## Guess stacking based on 3' connectivity
stack = np.array(three_prime,dtype=int) # Assume nts on 3' ends are stacked
_stack_below = _three_prime_list_to_five_prime(stack)
_has_bp = (basepair >= 0)
_nostack = np.where( (stack == -1)*_has_bp )[0]
_has_stack_below = _stack_below[basepair[_nostack]] >= 0
_nostack2 = _nostack[_has_stack_below]
stack[_nostack2] = basepair[_stack_below[basepair[_nostack2]]]
stack = np.array(stack,dtype=int)
raise TypeError("The 'stack' array could not be converted into a numpy integer array")
if len(stack.shape) != 1:
raise ValueError("The 'stack' array has the wrong dimensionality")
if len(stack) != num_nt:
raise ValueError("The length of the 'stack' array does not match other inputs")
bps = basepair # alias
""" Fix stacks: require that the stack of a bp of a base's stack is its bp """
_has_bp = (bps >= 0)
_has_stack = (stack >= 0)
_stack_has_basepair = (bps[stack] >= 0) * _has_stack
stack = np.where( (stack[bps[stack]] == bps) * _has_bp * _has_stack * _has_bp,
stack, -np.ones(len(stack),dtype=int) )
five_prime = _three_prime_list_to_five_prime(three_prime)
""" Build map of dsDNA helices and strands """
hmap,hrank,fwd,intrahelical = basepairs_and_stacks_to_helixmap(bps,stack)
double_stranded_helices = np.unique(hmap[hmap >= 0])
strands, strand_is_circular = _primes_list_to_strands(three_prime, five_prime)
""" Add ssDNA to hmap """
if len(double_stranded_helices) > 0:
hid = double_stranded_helices[-1]+1
hid = 0
ss_residues = hmap < 0
if np.any(bps[ss_residues] != -1):
logger.warning(f'{np.sum(bps[ss_residues] != -1)} ssDNA nucleotides appear to have basepairs... ignoring')
for s,c in zip(strands, strand_is_circular):
strand_segment_ends = [i for i in np.where( np.diff(hmap[s]) != 0 )[0]] + [len(s)-1]
seg_start = 0
for i in strand_segment_ends:
if hmap[s[i]] < 0:
## Found single-stranded segment
ids = s[seg_start:i+1]
assert( np.all(hmap[ids] == -1) )
hmap[ids] = hid
hrank[ids] = np.arange(i+1-seg_start)
seg_start = i+1
if len(double_stranded_helices) > 0:
single_stranded_helices = np.arange(double_stranded_helices[-1]+1,hid)
single_stranded_helices = np.arange(hid)
## Create double-stranded segments
doubleSegments = []
for hid in double_stranded_helices:
seg = DoubleStrandedSegment(name=str(hid),
num_bp = np.sum(hmap==hid)//2)
set_splines(seg, coordinate, hid, hmap, hrank, fwd, basepair, orientation)
assert(hid == len(doubleSegments))
## Create single-stranded segments
singleSegments = []
for hid in single_stranded_helices:
seg = SingleStrandedSegment(name=str(hid),
num_nt = np.sum(hmap==hid))
set_splines(seg, coordinate, hid, hmap, hrank, fwd, basepair, orientation)
assert(hid == len(doubleSegments) + len(singleSegments))
## Find crossovers and 5prime/3prime ends
crossovers,prime5,prime3 = [[],[],[]]
for s,c in zip(strands,strand_is_circular):
tmp = np.where(np.diff(hmap[s]) != 0)[0]
for i in tmp:
crossovers.append( (s[i],s[i+1]) )
if c:
if hmap[s[-1]] != hmap[s[0]]:
crossovers.append( (s[-1],s[0]) )
## Add connections
allSegments = doubleSegments+singleSegments
for r1,r2 in crossovers:
seg1,seg2 = [allSegments[hmap[i]] for i in (r1,r2)]
nt1,nt2 = [hrank[i] for i in (r1,r2)]
f1,f2 = [fwd[i] for i in (r1,r2)]
## Handle connections at the ends
is_terminal1 = (nt1,f1) in ((0,0),(seg1.num_nt-1,1))
is_terminal2 = (nt2,f2) in ((0,1),(seg2.num_nt-1,0))
print(seg1,seg2, r1, r2, is_terminal1, is_terminal2)
if is_terminal1 or is_terminal2:
""" Ensure that we don't have three-way dsDNA junctions """
if is_terminal1 and (bps[r1] >= 0) and (five_prime[bps[r1]] >= 0) and (three_prime[r1] >= 0):
if (bps[five_prime[bps[r1]]] >= 0) and (bps[three_prime[r1]] >= 0):
# is_terminal1 = (three_prime[r1] == bps[five_prime[bps[r1]]])
is_terminal1 = hmap[five_prime[bps[r1]]] == hmap[three_prime[r1]]
if is_terminal2 and (bps[r2] >= 0) and (three_prime[bps[r2]] >= 0) and (five_prime[r2] >= 0):
if (bps[three_prime[bps[r2]]] >= 0) and (bps[five_prime[r2]] >= 0):
# is_terminal2 = (five_prime[r2] == bps[three_prime[bps[r2]]])
is_terminal2 = hmap[three_prime[bps[r2]]] == hmap[five_prime[r2]]
""" Place connection """
if is_terminal1 and is_terminal2:
end1 = seg1.end3 if f1 else seg1.start3
end2 = seg2.start5 if f2 else seg2.end5
seg1._connect_ends( end1, end2, type_='intrahelical')
## Add 5prime/3prime ends
for r in prime5:
seg = allSegments[hmap[r]]
for r in prime3:
seg = allSegments[hmap[r]]
## Add intrahelical connections to circular helical sections
for nt0,nt1 in intrahelical:
seg = allSegments[hmap[nt0]]
assert( seg is allSegments[hmap[nt1]] )
if three_prime[nt0] >= 0:
if hmap[nt0] == hmap[three_prime[nt0]]:
bp0,bp1 = [bps[nt] for nt in (nt0,nt1)]
if three_prime[bp1] >= 0:
if hmap[bp1] == hmap[three_prime[bp1]]:
## Assign sequence
if sequence is not None:
for hid in range(len(allSegments)):
resids = np.where( (hmap==hid)*(fwd==1) )[0]
s = allSegments[hid]
s.sequence = [sequence[r] for r in sorted(resids,key=lambda x: hrank[x])]
## Build model
model = SegmentModel( allSegments,
max_basepairs_per_bead = max_basepairs_per_bead,
max_nucleotides_per_bead = max_nucleotides_per_bead,
local_twist = local_twist,
dimensions = dimensions,
**model_parameters )
model._reader_list_coordinates = coordinate
model._reader_list_basepair = basepair
model._reader_list_stack = stack
model._reader_list_three_prime = three_prime
model._reader_list_five_prime = five_prime
model._reader_list_sequence = sequence
model._reader_list_orientation = orientation
model._reader_list_hmap = hmap
model._reader_list_fwd = fwd
model._reader_list_hrank = hrank
if sequence is None:
for s in model.segments:
return model
def UNIT_circular():
""" Make a circular DNA strand, with dsDNA in the middle """
coordinate = [(0,0,3.4*i) for i in range(7)]
stack = -1*np.ones(len(coordinate))
three_prime = [ 1, 2, 4,-1, 6, 3, 0]
basepair = [-1,-1, 3, 2, 5, 4,-1]
stack = [-1,-1, 4,-1,-1, 3,-1]
for i in [3,5]:
coordinate[i] = (1,0,3.4*i)
model = model_from_basepair_stack_3prime(coordinate, basepair, stack, three_prime,
model.simulate(output_name='circular', directory='unittest')
from mrdna import logger, devlogger
from .segmentmodel_from_lists import model_from_basepair_stack_3prime
from ..arbdmodel.coords import rotationAboutAxis
from oxlibs import *
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix
_seq_to_int_dict = dict(A=0,T=1,C=2,G=3)
_seq_to_int_dict = {k:str(v) for k,v in _seq_to_int_dict.items()}
_yrot = rotationAboutAxis(axis=(0,1,0), angle=180).dot(rotationAboutAxis(axis=(0,0,1),angle=-40))
def mrdna_model_from_oxdna(coordinate_file, topology_file, virt2nuc=None, **model_parameters):
""" Construct an mrdna model from oxDNA coordinate and topology files """
top_data = np.loadtxt(topology_file, skiprows=1,
conf_data = np.loadtxt(idealized_coordinate_file, skiprows=3)
if idealized_coordinate_file is not None:
import pickle
df = pickle.load(virt2nuc)
vh_vb2nuc_rev, vhelix_pattern=df
## Reverse direction so indices run 5'-to-3'
top_data = [a[::-1] for a in top_data]
conf_data = conf_data[::-1,:]
r = conf_data[:,:3] * 8.518
base_dir = conf_data[:,3:6]
# basepair_pos = r + base_dir*6.0
basepair_pos = r + base_dir*10.0
normal_dir = -conf_data[:,6:9]
perp_dir = np.cross(base_dir, normal_dir)
orientation = np.array([np.array(o) for o in zip(perp_dir,-base_dir,-normal_dir)])
def _get_bp(sequence=None):
dists = distance_matrix(r,basepair_pos) + np.eye(len(r))*1000
dists = 0.5*(dists + dists.T)
bp = np.array([np.argmin(da) for da in dists])
for i,j in enumerate(bp):
if j == -1: continue
#'bp {i} {j} {dists[i,j]}')
if dists[i,j] > 2:
bp[i] = -1
elif bp[j] != i:
bpj = bp[j]
logger.warning( " ".join([str(_x) for _x in ["Bad pair", i, j, bp[i], bp[j], dists[i,j], dists[j,i], dists[bpj,j], dists[j,bpj]]]) )
for i,j in enumerate(bp):
if j == -1: continue
if bp[j] != i:
bpj = bp[j]
logger.warning( " ".join([str(_x) for _x in ["Bad pair2", i, j, bp[i], bp[j], dists[i,j], dists[j,i], dists[bpj,j], dists[j,bpj]]]) )
raise Exception
if sequence is not None:
seq = sequence
bp_seq = sequence[bp]
bp_seq[bp==-1] = 'X'
bad_bps = np.where( (bp >= 0) &
(((seq == 'C') & (bp_seq != 'G')) |
((seq == 'G') & (bp_seq != 'C')) |
((seq == 'T') & (bp_seq != 'A')) |
((seq == 'U') & (bp_seq != 'A')) |
((seq == 'A') & ((bp_seq != 'T') | (bp_seq != 'U')))
) )[0]
bp[bp[bad_bps]] = -1
bp[bad_bps] = -1
return bp
def _get_stack():
dists = distance_matrix( r + 3.5*normal_dir + 2.1*perp_dir -1*base_dir, r ) + np.eye(len(r))*1000
stack = np.array([np.argmin(da) for da in dists])
for i,j in enumerate(stack):
if dists[i,j] > 8:
stack[i] = -1
elif i < 10:
## development info
# dr = r[j] - (r[i] - normal_dir[i]*3.4 + perp_dir[i]*1 + base_dir[i]*1)
dr = r[j] - r[i]
#[normal_dir[i].dot(dr), perp_dir[i].dot(dr), base_dir[i].dot(dr)])
return np.array(stack)
seq = top_data[1]
bp = _get_bp(seq)
stack = _get_stack()
three_prime = len(r) - top_data[2] -1
five_prime = len(r) - top_data[3] -1
three_prime[three_prime >= len(r)] = -1
five_prime[five_prime >= len(r)] = -1
def _debug_write_bonds():
from ..arbdmodel import ParticleType, PointParticle, ArbdModel, Group
bond = tuple()
b_t = ParticleType('BASE')
p_t = ParticleType('PHOS')
parts = []
for i,(r0,r_bp,three_prime0,bp0,stack0,seq0) in enumerate(zip(r,basepair_pos, three_prime, bp, stack, seq)):
p = PointParticle(p_t, name='PHOS', position = r0, resid=i)
b = PointParticle(b_t, name=seq0, position = 0.5*(r0+r_bp), resid=i)
model = ArbdModel(parts)
for i,(r0,r_bp,three_prime0,bp0,stack0) in enumerate(zip(r,basepair_pos, three_prime, bp, stack)):
j = three_prime0
if j >= 0:
j = bp0
if j >= 0:
model.bonds = []
for i,(r0,r_bp,three_prime0,bp0,stack0) in enumerate(zip(r,basepair_pos, three_prime, bp, stack)):
j = stack0
if j >= 0:
## _debug_write_bonds()'mrdna_model_from_oxdna: num_bp, num_ss_nt, num_stacked: {np.sum(bp>=0)//2} {np.sum(bp<0)} {np.sum(stack >= 0)}')
if coordinate_file != idealized_coordinate_file:
conf_data = conf_data[::-1,:]
r = conf_data[:,:3] * 8.518
base_dir = conf_data[:,3:6]
basepair_pos = r + base_dir*10.0
normal_dir = -conf_data[:,6:9]
perp_dir = np.cross(base_dir, normal_dir)
orientation = np.array([np.array(o) for o in zip(perp_dir,-base_dir,-normal_dir)])
model = model_from_basepair_stack_3prime( r, bp, stack, three_prime, seq, orientation, **model_parameters )
model.DEBUG = True
for seg in model.segments:
for bead in seg.beads:
bead.position = bead.position + np.random.standard_normal(3)
simulate( model, output_name='test', directory='test4' )
return model
if __name__ == "__main__":
# mrdna_model_from_oxdna("2-oxdna.manual/output/from_mrdna-oxdna-min.last.conf","0-from-collab/")
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ from mrdna import logger, devlogger
from .segmentmodel_from_lists import model_from_basepair_stack_3prime
from ..arbdmodel.coords import rotationAboutAxis
from oxlibs import *
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix
......@@ -10,11 +11,8 @@ _seq_to_int_dict = {k:str(v) for k,v in _seq_to_int_dict.items()}
_yrot = rotationAboutAxis(axis=(0,1,0), angle=180).dot(rotationAboutAxis(axis=(0,0,1),angle=-40))
def mrdna_model_from_oxdna(coordinate_file, topology_file, idealized_coordinate_file=None, **model_parameters):
def mrdna_model_from_oxdna(coordinate_file, topology_file, ,idealized_coordinate_file=None,virt2nuc=None, **model_parameters):
""" Construct an mrdna model from oxDNA coordinate and topology files """
if idealized_coordinate_file is None:
idealized_coordinate_file = coordinate_file
top_data = np.loadtxt(topology_file, skiprows=1,
......@@ -141,6 +139,16 @@ def mrdna_model_from_oxdna(coordinate_file, topology_file, idealized_coordinate_
model = model_from_basepair_stack_3prime( r, bp, stack, three_prime, seq, orientation, **model_parameters )
def find_cadnano_strands(virt2nuc):
import pickle
if virt2nuc is not None:
df = pickle.load(virt2nuc)
vh_vb2nuc_rev, vhelix_pattern=df #vhelix_pattern is the position on yzplane
print("virt2nuc not found")
model.DEBUG = True
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