New Features:
- scadnano Support:
Integrated support for scadnano, enabling users to read in model from scadnano designs.
- Pandas-Compatible List Reading:
Added functionality to read in model in pd.DataFrame format and retrieve its own DataFrame.
- oxDNA Bonds and Base Pairing Localization:
Implemented the ability to locate oxDNA bonds and analyze base-pairing behavior using the virt2nuc file (generated by tacoxDNA.
- Cadnano Data Retrieval for oxDNA Generation:
Enhanced the system to retrieve relevant caDNAno information, facilitating the generation of oxDNA structures.
Merge request reports
assigned to @pinyili2
added 1 commit
- 43805028 - Fix bug handling insertions and skips at strand ends; handle multiple...
added 6 commits
23d3df48 - 1 commit from branch
- db5c5712 - Segmend.connect_ends(...) will not make a crossover for '5prime' locations
- 3dee5868 - Merge branch 'master' into pinyili2
- 537868ea - Fix segment orientation and coordinate splines for new cadnano reader
- d6069d75 - Order of double-stranded segment creation and ds-segment direction should...
- a5677aa8 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/pinyili2' into pinyili2
Toggle commit list-
23d3df48 - 1 commit from branch
added 1 commit
- 6f01c8d2 - Draft routine for updating reader list coordinates and orientations
added 2 commits
mentioned in commit 3b257147
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