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  • import pygame
    import numpy as np
    class Simulator:
    rachelmoan's avatar
    rachelmoan committed
        def __init__(self, robots, dynamics_models, env, policy, settings):
            robots: list of Robot objects
            dynamics_models: list of DynamicsModel objects
            circle_obstacles: list of tuples (x,y,radius)
            rectangle_obstacles: list of tuples (x,y,width,height)
            policy: The policy that gives us the controls for each robot at a given time
            state: the current state of the world. This is a list of tuples, where each tuple is the state of a robot
            time: the current time
            self.robots = robots
    rachelmoan's avatar
    rachelmoan committed
            self.circ_obstacles = env.circle_obs
            self.rect_obstacles = env.rect_obs
            self.policy = policy 
            self.state = [robot.current_position for robot in robots]
            self.num_robots = len(robots)
            self.dynamics_models = dynamics_models
            self.time = 0
            self.scaling_factor = settings['simulator']['scaling_factor']
        def all_robots_at_goal(self):
            for r in self.robots:
                if (np.sqrt((r.current_position[0] - r.goal[0]) ** 2 + (r.current_position[1] - r.goal[1]) ** 2) > 10):
        def advance(self, screen, dt):
            Advance the simulation by dt seconds
            conflict_detected, controls = self.policy.advance(screen,self.state, self.time, dt)
            # if not conflict_detected:
            for i in range(self.num_robots):
                new_state = self.dynamics_models[i].next_state(self.state[i], controls[i], dt)
                self.robots[i].current_position = new_state
                self.state[i] = new_state
            self.time += dt
            # if conflict_detected:
            #     print("Executing full trajectory")
            #     for i in range(self.num_robots):
            #         controls_list = controls[i]
            #         for j in range(len(controls_list)):
            #             next_control = [controls_list[0][j], controls_list[1][j]]
            #             print(f"next control = {next_control}")
            #             new_state = self.dynamics_models[i].next_state(self.state[i], next_control, dt)
            #             self.robots[i].current_position = new_state
            #             self.state[i] = new_state
            #     self.time += dt
        def draw_environment(self, screen):
            for obs in self.circ_obstacles:
      , (0,0,0), (obs[0]*self.scaling_factor,obs[1]*self.scaling_factor), obs[2]*self.scaling_factor)
            for obs in self.rect_obstacles:
                pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0,0,0), obs)
        def draw_robots(self, screen):
            for robot in self.robots:
                x,y,yaw = robot.current_position
      , robot.color, (x*self.scaling_factor,y*self.scaling_factor), robot.radius*self.scaling_factor)
                # Plot direction marker
                dx = robot.radius * np.cos(robot.current_position[2])
                dy = robot.radius * np.sin(robot.current_position[2])
                pygame.draw.line(screen, (0,0,0), (x*self.scaling_factor,y*self.scaling_factor), (x*self.scaling_factor+dx*self.scaling_factor,y*self.scaling_factor+dy*self.scaling_factor), width=2)
        def run(self, screen, show_vis=False):
            clock = pygame.time.Clock()
            pause = False
            while not self.all_robots_at_goal():
                if show_vis:
                    for event in pygame.event.get():
                        if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                        if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
                        if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_p:
                            pause = not pause
                        if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN and event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT and pause:
                            self.policy.add_vis_guide_paths(screen, self.scaling_factor)
                if not pause:
                    if show_vis: 
                        self.policy.add_vis_guide_paths(screen, self.scaling_factor)