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Configuration.cpp 87.7 KiB
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    	int partClassPart =  0;
    	int partClassRB   =  1;
    	int currPartClass = -1;				// 0 => particle, 1 => rigidBody
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    	for (int i = 0; i < numParams; i++) {
    		String param = config.getParameter(i);
    		String value = config.getValue(i);
    		// printf("Parsing %s: %s\n", param.val(), value.val());
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    		if (param == String("outputName"))
    			outputName = value;
    		else if (param == String("timestep"))
    			timestep = (float) strtod(value.val(), NULL);
    		else if (param == String("rigidBodyGridGridPeriod"))
    			rigidBodyGridGridPeriod = atoi(value.val());
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    		else if (param == String("steps"))
    			steps = atol(value.val());
    		else if (param == String("seed"))
    			seed = atoi(value.val());
    		else if (param == String("origin"))
    		    origin = stringToVector3( value );
    		else if (param == String("systemSize"))
    		    size = stringToVector3( value );
    		else if (param == String("basis1"))
    		    basis1 = stringToVector3( value );
    		else if (param == String("basis2"))
    		    basis2 = stringToVector3( value );
    		else if (param == String("basis3"))
    		    basis3 = stringToVector3( value );
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    		else if (param == String("inputCoordinates"))
    			inputCoordinates = value;
    		else if (param == String("restartCoordinates"))
    			restartCoordinates = value;
                    //Han-Yi Chou
                    else if (param == String("inputMomentum"))
                            inputMomentum = value;
                    else if (param == String("restartMomentum"))
                            restartMomentum = value;
    		else if (param == String("copyReplicaCoordinates"))
    		        copyReplicaCoordinates = atoi(value.val());
    		else if (param == String("temperature"))
    			temperature =  (float) strtod(value.val(),NULL);
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    		else if (param == String("temperatureGrid"))
    			temperatureGridFile = value;
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    		else if (param == String("numberFluct"))
    			numberFluct = atoi(value.val());
    		else if (param == String("numberFluctPeriod"))
    			numberFluctPeriod = atoi(value.val());
    		else if (param == String("interparticleForce"))
    			interparticleForce = atoi(value.val());
    		else if (param == String("fullLongRange") || param == String("fullElect") )
    			fullLongRange = atoi(value.val());
    		else if (param == String("coulombConst"))
    			coulombConst = (float) strtod(value.val(), NULL);
    		else if (param == String("electricField"))
    			electricField = (float) strtod(value.val(), NULL);
    		else if (param == String("cutoff"))
    			cutoff = (float) strtod(value.val(), NULL);
    		else if (param == String("switchLen"))
    			switchLen = (float) strtod(value.val(), NULL);
    		else if (param == String("pairlistDistance"))
    			pairlistDistance = (float) strtod(value.val(), NULL);
    		else if (param == String("scaleIMDForce"))
    			imdForceScale = (float) strtod(value.val(), NULL);		
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    		else if (param == String("outputPeriod"))
    			outputPeriod = atoi(value.val());
    		else if (param == String("outputEnergyPeriod"))
    			outputEnergyPeriod = atoi(value.val());
    		else if (param == String("outputFormat"))
    			outputFormat = TrajectoryWriter::getFormatCode(value);
    		else if (param == String("currentSegmentZ"))
    			currentSegmentZ = (float) strtod(value.val(), NULL);
    		else if (param == String("numCap"))
    			numCap = atoi(value.val());
    		else if (param == String("decompPeriod"))
    			decompPeriod = atoi(value.val());
                    //Han-Yi Chou
                    else if (param == String("ParticleDynamicType"))
                        ParticleDynamicType = value;
                    else if (param == String("RigidBodyDynamicType"))
                        RigidBodyDynamicType = value;
                    else if (param == String("ParticleLangevinIntegrator"))
                        ParticleLangevinIntegrator = value;
                    else if (param == String("ParticleInterpolationType"))
                        ParticleInterpolationType = atoi(value.val());
                    else if (param == String("RigidBodyInterpolationType"))
                        RigidBodyInterpolationType = atoi(value.val());
    		// PARTICLES
    		else if (param == String("particle")) {
    		    part[++currPart] = BrownianParticleType(value);
    		    currPartClass = partClassPart;
                    else if (param == String("mu")) { // for Nose-Hoover Langevin
    		    if (currPart < 0) exit(1);
    		    part[currPart].mu = (float) strtod(value.val(), NULL);
    		} else if (param == String("forceXGridFile")) {
    		    if (currPart < 0) exit(1);
    		    partForceXGridFile[currPart] = value;
    		} else if (param == String("forceYGridFile")) {
    		    if (currPart < 0) exit(1);
    		    partForceYGridFile[currPart] = value;
    		} else if (param == String("forceZGridFile")) {
    		    if (currPart < 0) exit(1);
    		    partForceZGridFile[currPart] = value;
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    		} else if (param == String("forceGridScale")) {
    		    if (currPart < 0) exit(1);
    		    int tmp;
    		    stringToArray<float>(&value, tmp, &partForceGridScale[currPart]);
    		    if (tmp != 3) {
    			printf("ERROR: Expected three floating point scale values for x,y,z, but got `%s'.\n", param.val());
    		} else if (param == String("diffusionGridFile")) {
    		    if (currPart < 0) exit(1);
    		    partDiffusionGridFile[currPart] = value;
    		} else if (param == String("diffusion")) {
    		    if (currPart < 0) exit(1);
    		    part[currPart].diffusion = (float) strtod(value.val(), NULL);
    		} else if (param == String("charge")) {
    		    if (currPart < 0) exit(1);
    		    part[currPart].charge = (float) strtod(value.val(), NULL);
    		} else if (param == String("radius")) {
    		    if (currPart < 0) exit(1);
    		    part[currPart].radius = (float) strtod(value.val(), NULL);
    		} else if (param == String("eps")) {
    		    if (currPart < 0) exit(1);
    		    part[currPart].eps = (float) strtod(value.val(), NULL);
    		} else if (param == String("reservoirFile")) {
    		    if (currPart < 0) exit(1);
    		    partReservoirFile[currPart] = value;
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    		else if (param == String("tabulatedPotential"))
    			tabulatedPotential = atoi(value.val());
    		else if (param == String("tabulatedFile"))
    			readTableFile(value, ++currTab);
    		else if (param == String("tabulatedBondFile")) {
    			if (numTabBondFiles >= btfcap) {
    				String* temp = bondTableFile;
    				btfcap *= 2;	
    				bondTableFile = new String[btfcap];
    				for (int j = 0; j < numTabBondFiles; j++)
    					bondTableFile[j] = temp[j];
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    				delete[] temp;
    			if (readBondFile(value, ++currBond))
    		} else if (param == String("inputParticles")) {
    			if (readPartsFromFile) {
    				printf("WARNING: More than one particle file specified. Ignoring new file.\n");
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    			} else {
    				partFile = value;
    				readPartsFromFile = true;
    				loadedCoordinates = true;
    		} else if (param == String("inputGroups")) {
    			if (readGroupSitesFromFile) {
    				printf("WARNING: More than one group file specified. Ignoring new file.\n");
    			} else {
    				groupSiteFile = value;
    				readGroupSitesFromFile = true;
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    		} else if (param == String("inputBonds")) {
    			if (readBondsFromFile) {
    				printf("WARNING: More than one bond file specified. Ignoring new bond file.\n");
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    			} else {
    				bondFile = value;				
    				readBondsFromFile = true;
    		} else if (param == String("inputExcludes")) {
    			if (readExcludesFromFile) {
    				printf("WARNING: More than one exclude file specified. Ignoring new exclude file.\n");
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    			} else {
    			    printf("inputExclude %s\n", value.val());
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    				excludeFile = value;				
    				readExcludesFromFile = true;
    		} else if (param == String("exclude") or param == String("exclusion")) {
    			excludeRule = value; 
    		} else if (param == String("inputAngles")) {
    			if (readAnglesFromFile) {
    				printf("WARNING: More than one angle file specified. Ignoring new angle file.\n");
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    			} else {
    				angleFile = value;
    				readAnglesFromFile = true;
    		} else if (param == String("inputBondAngles")) {
    			if (readBondAnglesFromFile) {
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    				printf("WARNING: More than one bondangle file specified. Ignoring new bondangle file.\n");
    			} else {
    			        bondAngleFile = value;
    				readBondAnglesFromFile = true;
    		} else if (param == String("inputProductPotentials")) {
    			if (readBondAnglesFromFile) {
    				printf("WARNING: More than one product potential file specified. Ignoring new file.\n");
    			        productPotentialFile = value;
    				readProductPotentialsFromFile = true;
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    		} else if (param == String("tabulatedAngleFile")) {
    			if (numTabAngleFiles >= atfcap) {
    				String* temp = angleTableFile;
    				atfcap *= 2;	
    				angleTableFile = new String[atfcap];
    				for (int j = 0; j < numTabAngleFiles; j++)
    					angleTableFile[j] = temp[j];
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    				delete[] temp;
    			if (readAngleFile(value, ++currAngle))
    		} else if (param == String("inputDihedrals")) {
    			if (readDihedralsFromFile) {
    				printf("WARNING: More than one dihedral file specified. Ignoring new dihedral file.\n");
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    			} else {
    				dihedralFile = value;
    				readDihedralsFromFile = true;
    		} else if (param == String("tabulatedDihedralFile")) {
    			if (numTabDihedralFiles >= dtfcap) {
    				String * temp = dihedralTableFile;
    				dtfcap *= 2;
    				dihedralTableFile = new String[dtfcap];
    				for (int j = 0; j < numTabDihedralFiles; j++)
    					dihedralTableFile[j] = temp[j];
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    				delete[] temp;
    			if (readDihedralFile(value, ++currDihedral))
    		} else if (param == String("inputRestraints")) {
    			if (readRestraintsFromFile) {
    				printf("WARNING: More than one restraint file specified. Ignoring new restraint file.\n");
    			} else {
    				restraintFile = value;
    				readRestraintsFromFile = true;
    		} else if (param == String("gridFileScale")) {
    			//partGridFileScale[currPart] = (float) strtod(value.val(), NULL);
    			  stringToArray<float>(&value, part[currPart].numPartGridFiles, 
    		} else if (param == String("gridFileBoundaryConditions")) {
    		    register size_t num = value.tokenCount();
    		    if (num > 0) {
    			String *tokens  = new String[num];
    			BoundaryCondition *data = new BoundaryCondition[num];
    			for(size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
    			    if (tokens[i] == "dirichlet")
    				data[i] = dirichlet;
    			    else if (tokens[i] == "neumann")
    				data[i] = neumann;
    			    else if (tokens[i] == "periodic")
    				data[i] = periodic;
    			    else {
    				fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: Unrecognized gridFile boundary condition \"%s\". Using Dirichlet.\n", tokens[i].val() );
    				data[i] = dirichlet;
    			delete[] tokens;
    			part[currPart].set_boundary_conditions(num, data);
    			delete[] data;
    		} else if (param == String("rigidBodyPotential")) {
    		    if (currPart < 0) exit(1);
                    //Han-Yi Chou initial COM velocity for total particles
                    else if (param == String("COM_Velocity"))
                        COM_Velocity = stringToVector3(value);
    		// RIGID BODY
    		else if (param == String("rigidBody")) {
    			// part[++currPart] = BrownianParticleType(value);
    			rigidBody[++currRB] = RigidBodyType(value, this);
    			currPartClass = partClassRB;
    		else if (param == String("inertia")) {
    		    if (currRB < 0) exit(1);
    			rigidBody[currRB].inertia = stringToVector3( value );
    		} else if (param == String("rotDamping")) {
    		    if (currRB < 0) exit(1);
    			rigidBody[currRB].rotDamping = stringToVector3( value );
    		} else if (param == String("attachedParticles")) {
    		} else if (param == String("densityGrid")) {
    		    if (currRB < 0) exit(1);
    		} else if (param == String("potentialGrid")) {
    		    if (currRB < 0) exit(1);
    		} else if (param == String("densityGridScale")) {
    		    if (currRB < 0) exit(1);
    		} else if (param == String("potentialGridScale")) {
    		    if (currRB < 0) exit(1);
    		} else if (param == String("pmfScale")) {
    		    if (currRB < 0) exit(1);
    		} else if (param == String("position")) {
    		    if (currRB < 0) exit(1);
    			rigidBody[currRB].initPos = stringToVector3( value );
    		} else if (param == String("orientation")) {
    		    if (currRB < 0) exit(1);
    			rigidBody[currRB].initRot = stringToMatrix3( value );
                    } else if (param == String("momentum")) {
                            rigidBody[currRB].initMomentum = stringToVector3(value);
                    } else if (param == String("angularMomentum")) {
    		    if (currRB < 0) exit(1);
                            rigidBody[currRB].initAngularMomentum = stringToVector3(value);
    		else if (param == String("inputRBCoordinates"))
    			inputRBCoordinates = value;
    		else if (param == String("restartRBCoordinates"))
    		        restartRBCoordinates = value;
    		// COMMON
    		else if (param == String("num")) {
    		    if (currPartClass == partClassPart) {
    			if (currPart < 0) exit(1);
    			part[currPart].num = atoi(value.val());
    		    } else if (currPartClass == partClassRB) {
    			if (currRB < 0) exit(1);
    			rigidBody[currRB].num = atoi(value.val());
                    //set mass here Han-Yi Chou
                    else if (param == String("mass"))
                        if (currPartClass == partClassPart) {
    			if (currPart < 0) exit(1);
                            part[currPart].mass    = (float) strtod(value.val(),NULL);
                        } else if (currPartClass == partClassRB) {
    			if (currRB < 0) exit(1);
                            rigidBody[currRB].mass = (float) strtod(value.val(),NULL);
                    //set damping here, using anisotropic damping, i.e. data type Vector3 Han-Yi Chou
                    else if (param == String("transDamping"))
                        if (currPartClass == partClassPart) {
    			if (currPart < 0) exit(1);
                            part[currPart].transDamping    = stringToVector3(value);
    		    } else if (currPartClass == partClassRB) {
    			if (currRB < 0) exit(1);
                            rigidBody[currRB].transDamping = stringToVector3(value);
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    		else if (param == String("gridFile")) {
    			if (currPartClass == partClassPart)
    			    if (currPart < 0) exit(1);
                                    printf("Applying grid file '%s'\n", value.val());
    				stringToArray<String>(&value, part[currPart].numPartGridFiles, 
    				const int& num = part[currPart].numPartGridFiles;
    				partGridFileScale[currPart] = new float[num];
                                    for(int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
                                        // printf("%s ", partGridFile[currPart]->val());
    				    partGridFileScale[currPart][i] = 1.0f;
    				// Set default boundary conditions for grids
    				BoundaryCondition *bc = part[currPart].pmf_boundary_conditions;
    				if (bc == NULL) {
    				    bc = new BoundaryCondition[num];
    				    for(int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
    					bc[i] = dirichlet;
    				    part[currPart].pmf_boundary_conditions = bc;
    			else if (currPartClass == partClassRB) {
    			    if (currRB < 0) exit(1);
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    		// UNKNOWN
    		else {
    			printf("ERROR: Unrecognized keyword `%s'.\n", param.val());
    	// extra configuration for RB types
    	for (int i = 0; i < numRigidTypes; i++)
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    	return numParams;
    //Han-Yi Chou
    void Configuration::Print()
        printf("The dynamic type for particle is %s \n", ParticleDynamicType.val());
        for(int i = 0; i < numParts; ++i)
            printf("The type %d has mass %f \n", i,part[i].mass);
            printf("The diffusion coefficient is %f \n", part[i].diffusion);
            printf("The translational damping is %f %f %f \n", part[i].transDamping.x, part[i].transDamping.y, part[i].transDamping.z);
        printf("Done with check for Langevin");
    void Configuration::PrintMomentum()
        for(int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
            printf("%f %f %f\n", momentum[i].x, momentum[i].y, momentum[i].z);
    Vector3 Configuration::stringToVector3(String s) {
    	// tokenize and return
    	int numTokens = s.tokenCount();
    	if (numTokens != 3) {
    		printf("ERROR: could not convert input to Vector3.\n"); // TODO improve this message
    	String* token = new String[numTokens];
    	Vector3 v( (float) strtod(token[0], NULL),
    						 (float) strtod(token[1], NULL),
    						 (float) strtod(token[2], NULL) );
    	return v;
    Matrix3 Configuration::stringToMatrix3(String s) {
    	// tokenize and return
    	int numTokens = s.tokenCount();
    	if (numTokens != 9) {
    		printf("ERROR: could not convert input to Matrix3.\n"); // TODO improve this message
    	String* token = new String[numTokens];
    	Matrix3 m( (float) strtod(token[0], NULL),
    						 (float) strtod(token[1], NULL),
    						 (float) strtod(token[2], NULL),
    						 (float) strtod(token[3], NULL),
    						 (float) strtod(token[4], NULL),
    						 (float) strtod(token[5], NULL),
    						 (float) strtod(token[6], NULL),
    						 (float) strtod(token[7], NULL),
    						 (float) strtod(token[8], NULL) );
    	return m;
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    void Configuration::readAtoms() {
    	// Open the file
    	FILE* inp = fopen(partFile.val(), "r");
    	char line[256];
    	// If the particle file cannot be found, exit the program
    	if (inp == NULL) {
    		printf("ERROR: Could not open `%s'.\n", partFile.val());
    		bool found = true;
    		for (int i = 0; i < numParts; i++)
    			if (part[i].num == 0)
    				found = false;
    		// assert(false); // TODO probably relax constraint that particle must be found; could just be in RB
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    		if (!found) {
    			printf("ERROR: Number of particles not specified in config file.\n");
    		printf("Using default coordinates file\n");
    	// Our particle array has a starting capacity of 256
    	// We will expand this later if we need to.
    	int capacity = 256;
    	numPartsFromFile = 0;
    	partsFromFile = new String[capacity];
    	indices = new int[capacity];
    	indices[0] = 0;
    	// Get and process all lines of input
    	while (fgets(line, 256, inp) != NULL) {
    		// Lines in the particle file that begin with # are comments
    		if (line[0] == '#') continue;
    		String s(line);
    		int numTokens = s.tokenCount();
    		// Break the line down into pieces (tokens) so we can process them individually
    		String* tokenList = new String[numTokens];
    		// Legitimate ATOM input lines have 6 tokens: 
    		// ATOM | Index | Name | X-coord | Y-coord | Z-coord
    		// A line without exactly six tokens should be discarded.
                    if (ParticleDynamicType == String("Langevin") || ParticleDynamicType == String("NoseHooverLangevin")) {
    		    if (numTokens != 9) {
    			printf("Error: Invalid particle file line: %s\n", line);
    		} else {
    		    if (numTokens != 6) {
    			printf("Error: Invalid particle file line: %s\n", line);
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    		// Ensure that this particle's type was defined in the config file.
    		// If not, discard this line.
    		bool found;
    		for (int j = 0; j < numParts; j++) {
    			// If this particle type exists, add a new one to the list
    			if (part[j].name == tokenList[2]) {
    				found = true;
    		// If the particle's type does not exist according to the config file, discard it.
    		if (!found) {
    			printf("WARNING Unknown particle type %s found and discarded.\n", tokenList[2].val());
    		// If we don't have enough room in our particle array, we need to expand it.
    		if (numPartsFromFile >= capacity) {
    			// Temporary pointers to the old arrays
    			String* temp = partsFromFile;	
    			int* temp2 = indices;
    			// Double the capacity
    			capacity *= 2;
    			// Create pointers to new arrays which are twice the size of the old ones
    			partsFromFile = new String[capacity];
    			indices = new int[capacity];
    			// Copy the old values into the new arrays
    			for (int j = 0; j < numPartsFromFile; j++) {
    				partsFromFile[j] = temp[j];
    				indices[j] = temp2[j];
    			// delete the old arrays
    			delete[] temp;
    			delete[] temp2;
    		// Make sure the index of this particle is unique.
    		// NOTE: The particle list is sorted by index. 
    		bool uniqueID = true;		
    		int key = atoi(tokenList[1].val());
    		int mid = 0;
    		// If the index is greater than the last index in the list, 
    		// this particle belongs at the end of the list. Since the 
    		// list is kept sorted, we know this is okay.
    		if (numPartsFromFile == 0 || key > indices[numPartsFromFile - 1]) {
    			indices[numPartsFromFile] = key;
    			partsFromFile[numPartsFromFile++] = line;
    		// We need to do a binary search to figure out if
    		// the index already exists in the list. 
    		// The assumption is that input files SHOULD have their indices sorted in 
    		// ascending order, so we shouldn't actually use the binary search 
    		// or the sort (which is pretty time consuming) very often.
    		else {
    			int low = 0, high = numPartsFromFile - 1;
    			while (low <= high) {
    				mid = (int)((high - low) / 2 + low);
    				int curr = indices[mid];
    				if (curr < key) {
    					low = mid + 1;
    				} else if (curr > key) {
    					high = mid - 1;
    				} else {
    					// For now, particles with non-unique IDs are simply not added to the array
    					// Other possible approaches which are not yet implemented:
    					// 1: Keep track of these particles and assign them new IDs after you have
    					//    already added all of the other particles. 	
    					// 2: Get rid of ALL particles with that ID, even the ones that have already 
    					//    been added.
    					printf("WARNING: Non-unique ID found: %s\n", line);
    					uniqueID = false;
    			if (uniqueID) {
    				// Add the particle to the end of the array, then sort it. 
    				indices[numPartsFromFile] = key;
    				partsFromFile[numPartsFromFile++] = line;
    				std::sort(indices, indices + numPartsFromFile);
    				std::sort(partsFromFile, partsFromFile + numPartsFromFile, compare());		
    void Configuration::readGroups() {
    	// Open the file
        const size_t line_char = 16384;
    	FILE* inp = fopen(groupSiteFile.val(), "r");
    	char line[line_char];
    	// If the particle file cannot be found, exit the program
    	if (inp == NULL) {
    		printf("ERROR: Could not open `%s'.\n", partFile.val());
    	// Our particle array has a starting capacity of 256
    	// We will expand this later if we need to.
    	// int capacity = 256;
    	numGroupSites = 0;
    	// partsFromFile = new String[capacity];
    	// indices = new int[capacity];
    	// indices[0] = 0;
    	// Get and process all lines of input
    	while (fgets(line, line_char, inp) != NULL) {
    		// Lines in the particle file that begin with # are comments
    		if (line[0] == '#') continue;
    		String s(line);
    		int numTokens = s.tokenCount();
    		// Break the line down into pieces (tokens) so we can process them individually
    		String* tokenList = new String[numTokens];
    		// Legitimate GROUP input lines have at least 3 tokens: 
    		// GROUP | Atom_1_idx | Atom_2_idx | ...
    		// A line without exactly six tokens should be discarded.
    		if (numTokens < 3) {
    		    printf("Error: Invalid group file line: %s\n", line);
    		// Make sure the index of this particle is unique.
    		// NOTE: The particle list is sorted by index. 
    		std::vector<int> tmp;
    		for (int i=1; i < numTokens; ++i) {
    		    const int ai = atoi(tokenList[i].val());
    		    if (ai >= num+num_rb_attached_particles) {
    			printf("Error: Attempted to include invalid particle in group: %s\n", line);
    		    } else if (ai >= num) {
    			printf("WARNING: including RB particles in group with line: %s\n", line);
    		    tmp.push_back( ai );
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    void Configuration::readBonds() {
    	// Open the file
    	FILE* inp = fopen(bondFile.val(), "r");
    	char line[256];
    	// If the particle file cannot be found, exit the program
    	if (inp == NULL) {
    		printf("WARNING: Could not open `%s'.\n", bondFile.val());
    		printf("         This simulation will not use particle bonds.\n");
    	// Our particle array has a starting capacity of 256
    	// We will expand this later if we need to.
    	int capacity = 256;
    	numBonds = 0;
    	bonds = new Bond[capacity];
    	// Get and process all lines of input
    	while (fgets(line, 256, inp) != NULL) {
    		// Lines in the particle file that begin with # are comments
    		if (line[0] == '#') continue;
    		String s(line);
    		int numTokens = s.tokenCount();
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    		// Break the line down into pieces (tokens) so we can process them individually
    		String* tokenList = new String[numTokens];
    		// Legitimate BOND input lines have 4 tokens: 
    		// A line without exactly five tokens should be discarded.
    		if (numTokens != 5) {
    			printf("WARNING: Invalid bond file line: %s\n", line);
    		String op = tokenList[1];
    		int ind1 = atoi(tokenList[2].val());
    		int ind2 = atoi(tokenList[3].val());
    		String file_name = tokenList[4];
    		if (ind1 == ind2) {
    			printf("WARNING: Invalid bond file line: %s\n", line);
    		if (ind1 < 0 || ind1 >= num+num_rb_attached_particles+numGroupSites ||
    		    ind2 < 0 || ind2 >= num+num_rb_attached_particles+numGroupSites) {
    			printf("ERROR: Bond file line '%s' includes invalid index\n", line);
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    		// If we don't have enough room in our bond array, we need to expand it.
    		if (numBonds+1 >= capacity) { // "numBonds+1" because we are adding two bonds to array
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    			// Temporary pointer to the old array
    			Bond* temp = bonds;	
    			// Double the capacity
    			capacity *= 2;
    			// Create pointer to new array which is twice the size of the old one
    			bonds = new Bond[capacity];
    			// Copy the old values into the new array
    			for (int j = 0; j < numBonds; j++)
    				bonds[j] = temp[j];
    			// delete the old array
    			delete[] temp;
    		// Add the bond to the bond array
    		// We must add it twice: Once for (ind1, ind2) and once for (ind2, ind1)
    		// RBTODO: add ind1/2 to exclusion list here iff op == REPLACE
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    		Bond* b = new Bond(op, ind1, ind2, file_name);
    		bonds[numBonds++] = *b;
    		b = new Bond(op, ind2, ind1, file_name);
    		bonds[numBonds++] = *b;
    		delete[] tokenList;
    	// Call compareBondIndex with qsort to sort the bonds by BOTH ind1 AND ind2
    	std::sort(bonds, bonds + numBonds, compare());
    	/* Each particle may have a varying number of bonds
    	 * bondMap is an array with one element for each particle
    	 * which keeps track of where a particle's bonds are stored
    	 * in the bonds array.
    	 * bondMap[i].x is the index in the bonds array where the ith particle's bonds begin
    	 * bondMap[i].y is the index in the bonds array where the ith particle's bonds end
    	bondMap = new int2[num+num_rb_attached_particles+numGroupSites];
    	for (int i = 0; i < num+num_rb_attached_particles+numGroupSites; i++) {
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    		bondMap[i].x = -1;
    		bondMap[i].y = -1;
    	int currPart = -1;
    	int lastPart = -1;
    	for (int i = 0; i < numBonds; i++) {
    		if (bonds[i].ind1 != currPart) {
    			currPart = bonds[i].ind1;
    			bondMap[currPart].x = i;
    			if (lastPart >= 0) bondMap[lastPart].y = i;
    			lastPart = currPart;
    	if (bondMap[lastPart].x > 0)
    		bondMap[lastPart].y = numBonds;
    void Configuration::readExcludes()
    	// Open the file
    	FILE* inp = fopen(excludeFile.val(), "r");
    	char line[256];
    	// If the exclusion file cannot be found, exit the program
    	if (inp == NULL) {
    		printf("WARNING: Could not open `%s'.\n", excludeFile.val());
    		printf("This simulation will not use exclusions.\n");
    	// Get and process all lines of input
    	while (fgets(line, 256, inp) != NULL) {
    		// Lines in the particle file that begin with # are comments
    		if (line[0] == '#') continue;
    		String s(line);
    		int numTokens = s.tokenCount();
    		// Break the line down into pieces (tokens) so we can process them individually
    		String* tokenList = new String[numTokens];
    		// Legitimate EXCLUDE input lines have 3 tokens: 
    		// BOND | INDEX1 | INDEX2
    		// A line without exactly three tokens should be discarded.
    		if (numTokens != 3) {
    			printf("WARNING: Invalid exclude file line: %s\n", line);
    		int ind1 = atoi(tokenList[1].val());
    		int ind2 = atoi(tokenList[2].val());
    		addExclusion(ind1, ind2);
    		delete[] tokenList;
    void Configuration::addExclusion(int ind1, int ind2) {
        if (ind1 >= num+num_rb_attached_particles || ind2 >= num+num_rb_attached_particles) {
    	printf("WARNING: Attempted to add an exclusion for an out-of-range particle index (%d or %d >= %d).\n", ind1, ind2, num+num_rb_attached_particles);
        // If we don't have enough room in our bond array, we need to expand it.
        if (numExcludes >= excludeCapacity) {
    	// Temporary pointer to the old array
    	Exclude* temp = excludes;	
    	// Create pointer to new array which is twice the size of the old one
    	excludes = new Exclude[excludeCapacity];
    	// Copy the old values into the new array
    	for (int j = 0; j < numExcludes; j++)
    	    excludes[j] = temp[j];
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        // Add the bond to the exclude array
        // We must add it twice: Once for (ind1, ind2) and once for (ind2, ind1)
        Exclude ex1(ind1, ind2);
        excludes[numExcludes++] = ex1;
        Exclude ex2(ind2, ind1);
        excludes[numExcludes++] = ex2;
    void Configuration::buildExcludeMap() {
        // Call compareExcludeIndex with qsort to sort the excludes by BOTH ind1 AND ind2
        std::sort(excludes, excludes + numExcludes, compare());
        /* Each particle may have a varying number of excludes
         * excludeMap is an array with one element for each particle
         * which keeps track of where a particle's excludes are stored
         * in the excludes array.
         * excludeMap[i].x is the index in the excludes array where the ith particle's excludes begin
         * excludeMap[i].y is the index in the excludes array where the ith particle's excludes end
        excludeMap = new int2[num+num_rb_attached_particles];
        for (int i = 0; i < num+num_rb_attached_particles; i++) {
    	excludeMap[i].x = -1;
    	excludeMap[i].y = -1;
        int currPart = -1;
        int lastPart = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < numExcludes; i++) {
    	if (excludes[i].ind1 != currPart) {
    	    currPart = excludes[i].ind1;
    	    assert(currPart < num+num_rb_attached_particles);
    	    excludeMap[currPart].x = i;
    	    if (lastPart >= 0)
    		excludeMap[lastPart].y = i;
    	    lastPart = currPart;
        if (excludeMap[lastPart].x > 0)
    	excludeMap[lastPart].y = numExcludes;
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    void Configuration::readAngles() {
    	FILE* inp = fopen(angleFile.val(), "r");
    	char line[256];
    	int capacity = 256;
    	numAngles = 0;
    	angles = new Angle[capacity];
    	// If the angle file cannot be found, exit the program
    	if (inp == NULL) {
    		printf("WARNING: Could not open `%s'.\n", angleFile.val());
    		printf("This simulation will not use angles.\n");
    	while(fgets(line, 256, inp)) {
    		if (line[0] == '#') continue;
    		String s(line);
    		int numTokens = s.tokenCount();
    		String* tokenList = new String[numTokens];
    		// Legitimate ANGLE inputs have 5 tokens
    		// Any angle input line without exactly 5 tokens should be discarded
    		if (numTokens != 5) {
    			printf("WARNING: Invalid angle input line: %s\n", line);
    		// Discard any empty line
    		if (tokenList == NULL) 
    		int ind1 = atoi(tokenList[1].val());
    		int ind2 = atoi(tokenList[2].val());
    		int ind3 = atoi(tokenList[3].val());
    		String file_name = tokenList[4];
    		//printf("file_name %s\n", file_name.val());
    		if (ind1 >= num+num_rb_attached_particles+numGroupSites or ind2 >= num+num_rb_attached_particles+numGroupSites or ind3 >= num+num_rb_attached_particles+numGroupSites)
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    		if (numAngles >= capacity) {
    			Angle* temp = angles;
    			capacity *= 2;
    			angles = new Angle[capacity];
    			for (int i = 0; i < numAngles; i++)
    				angles[i] = temp[i];
    			delete[] temp;
    		Angle a(ind1, ind2, ind3, file_name);
    		angles[numAngles++] = a;
    		delete[] tokenList;
    	std::sort(angles, angles + numAngles, compare());	
    	// for(int i = 0; i < numAngles; i++)
    	// 	angles[i].print();
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    void Configuration::readDihedrals() {
    	FILE* inp = fopen(dihedralFile.val(), "r");
    	char line[256];
    	int capacity = 256;
    	numDihedrals = 0;
    	dihedrals = new Dihedral[capacity];
    	// If the dihedral file cannot be found, exit the program
    	if (inp == NULL) {
    		printf("WARNING: Could not open `%s'.\n", dihedralFile.val());
    		printf("This simulation will not use dihedrals.\n");
    	while(fgets(line, 256, inp)) {
    		if (line[0] == '#') continue;
    		String s(line);
    		int numTokens = s.tokenCount();
    		String* tokenList = new String[numTokens];
    		// Legitimate DIHEDRAL inputs have 6 tokens
    		// Any angle input line without exactly 6 tokens should be discarded
    		if (numTokens != 6) {
    			printf("WARNING: Invalid dihedral input line: %s\n", line);
    		// Discard any empty line
    		if (tokenList == NULL) 
    		int ind1 = atoi(tokenList[1].val());
    		int ind2 = atoi(tokenList[2].val());
    		int ind3 = atoi(tokenList[3].val());
    		int ind4 = atoi(tokenList[4].val());
    		String file_name = tokenList[5];
    		//printf("file_name %s\n", file_name.val());
    		if (ind1 >= num+num_rb_attached_particles+numGroupSites or
    		    ind2 >= num+num_rb_attached_particles+numGroupSites or
    		    ind3 >= num+num_rb_attached_particles+numGroupSites or
    		    ind4 >= num+num_rb_attached_particles+numGroupSites)
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    		if (numDihedrals >= capacity) {
    			Dihedral* temp = dihedrals;
    			capacity *= 2;
    			dihedrals = new Dihedral[capacity];
    			for (int i = 0; i < numDihedrals; ++i)
    				dihedrals[i] = temp[i];
    			delete[] temp;
    		Dihedral d(ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4, file_name);
    		dihedrals[numDihedrals++] = d;
    		delete[] tokenList;
    	std::sort(dihedrals, dihedrals + numDihedrals, compare());