# OpenDX density file written by gridDataFormats.Grid.export()
# File format:
# Data are embedded in the header and tied to the grid positions.
# Data is written in C array order: In grid[x,y,z] the axis z is fastest
# varying, then y, then finally x, i.e. z is the innermost loop.
# (Note: the VMD dx-reader chokes on comments below this line)
object 1 class gridpositions counts 2 2 2
origin -1500.000000 -1500.000000 -1500.000000
delta 3000.000000 0.000000 0.000000
delta 0.000000 3000.000000 0.000000
delta 0.000000 0.000000 3000.000000
object 2 class gridconnections counts 2 2 2
object 3 class array type float rank 0 items 8 data follows
-21.5898945 21.5898945 -21.5898945
21.5898945 -21.5898945 21.5898945
-21.5898945 21.5898945
attribute "dep" string "positions"
object "density" class field
component "positions" value 1
component "connections" value 2
component "data" value 3