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  • Learn to ignore specific revisions
  • from guided_mrmp.controllers.optimizer import Optimizer
    np.seterr(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore")
    class MultiMPC:
        def __init__(self, num_robots, model, T, DT, state_cost, final_state_cost, input_cost, input_rate_cost, settings, circle_obs):
            Initializes the MPC controller.
            self.nx = model.state_dimension()  # number of state vars 
   = model.control_dimension()  # number of input/control vars
            self.num_robots = num_robots
            self.robot_radius = model.radius
            self.robot_model = model
            self.dt = DT
            self.circle_obs = circle_obs
            # how far we can look into the future divided by our dt 
            # is the number of control intervals
            self.control_horizon = int(T / DT) 
            # Weight for the error in state
            self.Q = np.diag(state_cost)
            # Weight for the error in final state
            self.Qf = np.diag(final_state_cost)
            # weight for error in control
            self.R = np.diag(input_cost)
            self.P = np.diag(input_rate_cost)
            self.acceptable_tol = settings['acceptable_tol']
            self.acceptable_iter = settings['acceptable_iter']
            self.print_level = settings['print_level']
            self.print_time = settings['print_time']
        def apply_quadratic_barrier(self, d_max, d, c):
            Applies a quadratic barrier to some given distance. The quadratic barrier 
            is a soft barrier function. We are using it for now to avoid any issues with
            invalid initial solutions, which hard barrier functions cannot handle. 
                d (float):      distance to the obstacle
                c (float):      controls the steepness of curve. 
                                higher c --> gets more expensive faster as you move toward obs
                d_max (float):  The threshold distance at which the barrier starts to apply 
            return c*ca.fmax(0, (d_max-d)**2)
        def setup_mpc_problem(self, initial_state, target, prev_cmd, As, Bs, Cs):
            Create the cost function and constraints for the optimization problem.
                - initial_state (nx3 array): Initial state for each robot
                - target : Target state for each robot
                - prev_cmd: Previous control input for each robot
                - As: List of A matrices for each robot
                - Bs: List of B matrices for each robot
                - Cs: List of C matrices for each robot
            opti = ca.Opti()
            # Decision variables
            X = opti.variable(self.nx*self.num_robots, self.control_horizon + 1)
            pos = X[:self.num_robots*2,:]               # position is the first two values
            x = pos[0::2,:]
            y = pos[1::2,:]
            heading = X[self.num_robots*2:,:]           # heading is the last value
            U = opti.variable(*self.num_robots, self.control_horizon)
            # Parameters
            initial_state = ca.MX(initial_state)
            # print(f"target = {target}")
            # target = target
            # prev_cmd = ca.MX(prev_cmd)
            # As = ca.MX(As)
            # Bs = ca.MX(Bs)
            # Cs = ca.MX(Cs)
            # Cost function
            cost = 0
            for k in range(self.control_horizon):
                for i in range(self.num_robots):# 0, 3 # 3,6
                    # print(f"k = {k}/{self.control_horizon-1}")
                    # print(f"target a = {target[i]}")
                    # print(f"target b = {target[i][:][k]}")
                    # # print(f"target c = {target[i][:][k]}")
                    this_target = [target[i][0][k], target[i][1][k], target[i][2][k]]
                    # print(f"this_target = {this_target}")
                    # difference between the current state and the target state
                    cost += ca.mtimes([(X[i*3 : i*3 +3, k+1] - this_target).T, self.Q, X[i*3 : i*3 +3, k+1] - this_target])
                    # control effort
                    cost += ca.mtimes([U[i*2:i*2+2, k].T, self.R, U[i*2:i*2+2, k]])
                if k > 0:
                    # Penalize large changes in control
                    cost += ca.mtimes([(U[i*2:i*2+2, k] - U[i*2:i*2+2, k-1]).T, self.P, U[i*2:i*2+2, k] - U[i*2:i*2+2, k-1]])
            # Final state cost
            for i in range(self.num_robots):
                final_target = this_target = [target[i][0][-1], target[i][1][-1], target[i][2][-1]]
                cost += ca.mtimes([(X[i*3 : i*3 +3, -1] - final_target).T, self.Qf, X[i*3 : i*3 +3, -1] - final_target])
            # robot-robot collision cost
            dist_to_other_robots = 0
            for k in range(self.control_horizon):
                for r1 in range(self.num_robots):
                    for r2 in range(r1+1, self.num_robots):
                        if r1 != r2:
                            d = ca.sumsqr(pos[2*r1 : 2*r1+1, k] - pos[2*r2 : 2*r2+1, k]) 
                            d = ca.sqrt(d)
                            dist_to_other_robots += self.apply_quadratic_barrier(6*self.robot_radius, d-self.robot_radius*2, 1)
            # obstacle collision cost
            obstacle_cost = 0
            for k in range(self.control_horizon):
                for i in range(self.num_robots):
                    for obs in self.circle_obs:
                        d = ca.sumsqr(x[i, k] - obs[0]) + ca.sumsqr(y[i, k] - obs[1])
                        d = ca.sqrt(d)
                        obstacle_cost += self.apply_quadratic_barrier(6*self.robot_radius, d-self.robot_radius*2, 1)
            opti.minimize(cost + .5*dist_to_other_robots + .5*obstacle_cost)
            # Constraints
            for i in range(self.num_robots):
                for k in range(self.control_horizon):
                    A = ca.MX(As[i])
                    B = ca.MX(Bs[i])
                    C = ca.MX(Cs[i])
                    opti.subject_to(X[i*3:i*3+3, k+1] == ca.mtimes(A, X[i*3:i*3+3, k]) + ca.mtimes(B, U[i*2:i*2+2, k]) + C)
            for i in range(self.num_robots):
                opti.subject_to(X[i*3:i*3+3, 0] == initial_state[i])
            for i in range(self.num_robots):
                opti.subject_to(opti.bounded(-self.robot_model.max_acc, U[i*2:i*2+2, :], self.robot_model.max_acc))
                opti.subject_to(ca.fabs(U[i*2, 0] - prev_cmd[i][0]) / self.dt <= self.robot_model.max_d_acc)
                opti.subject_to(ca.fabs(U[i*2+1, 0] - prev_cmd[i][1]) / self.dt <= self.robot_model.max_d_steer)
                for k in range(1, self.control_horizon):
                    opti.subject_to(ca.fabs(U[i*2, k] - U[i*2, k-1]) / self.dt <= self.robot_model.max_d_acc)
                    opti.subject_to(ca.fabs(U[i*2+1, k] - U[i*2+1, k-1]) / self.dt <= self.robot_model.max_d_steer)
            return {
                'opti': opti,
                'X': X,
                'U': U,
                'initial_state': initial_state,
                'target': target,
                'prev_cmd': prev_cmd,
                'cost': cost,
                'dist_to_other_robots': dist_to_other_robots
        def solve_optimization_problem(self, problem, initial_guesses=None, solver_options=None):
            opt = Optimizer(problem)
            results = opt.solve_optimization_problem(initial_guesses, solver_options)
            return results
        def step(self, initial_state, target, prev_cmd, initial_guesses=None):
            Sets up and solves the optimization problem.
                initial_state: List of current estimates of [x, y, heading] for each robot
                target: State space reference, in the same frame as the provided current state
                prev_cmd: List of previous commands [v, delta] for all robots  
                initial_guess: Optional initial guess for the optimizer
                x_opt: Optimal state trajectory
                u_opt: Optimal control trajectory
            As, Bs, Cs = [], [], []
            for i in range(self.num_robots):
                # print(f"initial_state[i] = {initial_state[i]}")
                # print(f"prev_cmd[i] = {prev_cmd[i]}")
                A, B, C = self.robot_model.linearize(initial_state[i], prev_cmd[i], self.dt)
            solver_options = {'ipopt.print_level': self.print_level, 
                              'print_time': self.print_time, 
                            #   'ipopt.tol': 1e-3,
                              'ipopt.acceptable_tol': self.acceptable_tol, 
                              'ipopt.acceptable_iter': self.acceptable_iter}
            problem = self.setup_mpc_problem(initial_state, target, prev_cmd, As, Bs, Cs)
            result = self.solve_optimization_problem(problem, initial_guesses, solver_options)
            if result['status'] == 'succeeded':
                x_opt = result['X']
                u_opt = result['U']
                print("Optimization failed")
                x_opt = None
                u_opt = None
            return x_opt, u_opt