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    import numpy as np
    class QueryDatabase:
        def __init__(self, lib2x3, lib3x3, lib5x2):
            self.lib2x3 = lib2x3
            self.lib3x3 = lib3x3
            self.lib5x2 = lib5x2 
        def order_query(self, starts, goals):
            Order the starts and goals in the way that the library expects to see them
            Ordering is determined the start node.
            We use row major ordering:
             ___ ___ ___
                starts - the starts of each robot to be reordered
                goals - the goals of each robot to be reordered
            Outputs - 
                ordered_starts - The starts in the correct order
                ordered_goals - The goals in the correct order
                new_to_old - The mapping of indices, so that we can recover the original order.
            fake_starts = []
            for start in starts:
                fake_starts.append([3*(start[0]), start[1]])
            # get the sums of the starts
            sum_starts = []
            for start in fake_starts:
            # use argsort to sort them
            sum_starts = np.asarray(sum_starts)
            sum_starts_sorted_idxs = np.argsort(sum_starts)
            # sum_starts_sorted_idxs = np.flip(sum_starts_sorted_idxs)
            ordered_starts = [starts[i] for i in sum_starts_sorted_idxs]
            ordered_goals = [goals[i] for i in sum_starts_sorted_idxs]
            new_to_old= [0]*len(sum_starts_sorted_idxs)
            for i in range(len(sum_starts_sorted_idxs)):
                new_to_old[sum_starts_sorted_idxs[i]] = i
            return ordered_starts, ordered_goals, new_to_old
        def restore_original_order(self, ordered, new_to_old_idx):
            Order a solution according to its original start and goal ordering. 
                ordered - list of paths, given in order from the database
                new_to_old_idx - a mapping from the ordered index to the old order index.
                og_order - the same solution, but in the order of the orignal order given by new_to_old_idx
            og_order = [ordered[new_to_old_idx[i]] for i in range(len(ordered))]
            return og_order
        def query_library(self, s):
            Query the library to get a solution for the subproblem s
                s - (instance of subproblem class) The subproblem the we need a solution for
                sol - (list of paths) A valid solution for s. This is a list of paths 
            start_nodes = s.get_starts()
            goal_nodes = s.get_goals()
            if start_nodes == goal_nodes:
                # print(f"start and goal are equal")
                sol = []
                for goal in goal_nodes: sol.append([goal])
                return sol
            sol = None
            count = 0
            while sol is None:
                for i in range(8):
                    if s.type == 23:
                        start_nodes = s.get_starts()
                        goal_nodes = s.get_goals()
                        # print(f"type = {s.type}")
                        # print(f"tl = {s.top_left}")
                        # print(f"br = {s.bottom_right}")
                        # for r in s.all_robots_involved_in_subproblem: print(r.get_label())
                        # print(f"temp starts = {s.temp_starts}")
                        # print(f"temp goals = {s.temp_goals}")
                        # print(f"goal nodes before = {goal_nodes}")
                        # print(f"start nodes before = {start_nodes}")
                        # print(f"goal nodes before = {goal_nodes}")
                        # reorder the starts and goals for the query
                        start_nodes, goal_nodes, mapping_idxs = self.order_query(start_nodes, goal_nodes)
                        sol = self.lib_2x3.get_matching_solution(start_nodes, goal_nodes)
                        # reorder the solution to match the robots in our og order
                        if sol is not None: sol = self.restore_original_order(sol, mapping_idxs)
                        # print(f"subproblem = {s.subproblem_layout}")
                        # print(f"start nodes after= {start_nodes}")
                        # print(f"goal nodes after = {goal_nodes}\n\n\n")
                        if sol is not None: break
                    elif s.type == 33:
                        start_nodes = s.get_starts()
                        goal_nodes = s.get_goals()
                        # print(f"type = {s.type}")
                        # print(f"tl = {s.top_left}")
                        # print(f"br = {s.bottom_right}")
                        # print(f"temp starts = {s.temp_starts}")
                        # print(f"temp goals = {s.temp_goals}")
                        # print(f"goal nodes before = {goal_nodes}")
                        # print(f"start nodes before = {start_nodes}")
                        # print(f"goal nodes before = {goal_nodes}")
                        # reorder the starts and goals for the query
                        start_nodes, goal_nodes, mapping_idxs = self.order_query(start_nodes, goal_nodes)
                        sol = self.lib_3x3.get_matching_solution(start_nodes, goal_nodes)
                        # reorder the solution to match the robots in our og order
                        if sol is not None: sol = self.restore_original_order(sol, mapping_idxs)
                        # print(f"subproblem = {s.subproblem_layout}")
                        # print(f"start nodes after= {start_nodes}")
                        # print(f"goal nodes after = {goal_nodes}")
                        if sol is not None: break
                    elif s.type == 25:
                        start_nodes = s.get_starts()
                        goal_nodes = s.get_goals()
                        # print(f"subproblem = {len(s.subproblem_layout)}")
                        if len(s.subproblem_layout) == 5:
                            obs_locat = s.subproblem_layout[2][1][0]
                            if self.obstacle_map[obs_locat[0]][obs_locat[1]]:
                                # print(f"type = {s.type}")
                                # print(f"tl = {s.top_left}")
                                # print(f"br = {s.bottom_right}")
                                # print(f"temp starts = {s.temp_starts}")
                                # print(f"temp goals = {s.temp_goals}")
                                # print(f"start nodes before = {start_nodes}")
                                # print(f"goal nodes before = {goal_nodes}")
                                # reorder the starts and goals for the query
                                start_nodes, goal_nodes, mapping_idxs = self.order_query(start_nodes, goal_nodes)
                                sol = self.lib_2x5.get_matching_solution(start_nodes, goal_nodes)
                                # reorder the solution to match the robots in our og order
                                if sol is not None: 
                                    sol = self.restore_original_order(sol, mapping_idxs)
                                # print(f"subproblem = {s.subproblem_layout}")
                                # print(f"start nodes after= {start_nodes}")
                                # print(f"goal nodes after = {goal_nodes}\n\n\n")
                                if sol is not None: 
                        #     else:
                        #         print("obs in wrong spot")
                        # else:
                        #     print("subproblem wrong shape")
                    count += 1
                if sol is None: 
                if count >= 10: break
            if sol == None: raise Exception("Error. Failed to get solution from database")
            return sol