- Apr 27, 2020
Neta Zmora authored
Neta Zmora authored
Soumendu Kumar Ghosh authored
* Merge pytorch 1.3 commits This PR is a fix for issue #422. 1. ImageNet models usually use input size [batch, 3, 224, 224], but all Inception models require an input image size of [batch, 3, 299, 299]. 2. Inception models have auxiliary branches which contribute to the loss only during training. The reported classification loss only considers the main classification loss. 3. Inception_V3 normalizes the input inside the network itself. More details can be found in @soumendukrg's PR #425 [comments](https://github.com/NervanaSystems/distiller/pull/425#issuecomment-557941736). NOTE: Training using Inception_V3 is only possible on a single GPU as of now. This issue talks about this problem. I have checked and this problem persists in torch 1.3.0: [inception_v3 of vision 0.3.0 does not fit in DataParallel of torch 1.1.0 #1048](https://github.com/pytorch/vision/issues/1048 ) Co-authored-by:
Neta Zmora <neta.zmora@intel.com>
- Apr 22, 2020
Neta Zmora authored
shorten the TOC
Neta Zmora authored
shorten the basic version
- Apr 21, 2020
Neta Zmora authored
Add hsi-toolbox
Neta Zmora authored
Added TorchFI citation
- Apr 20, 2020
Neta Zmora authored
This script shows how to specify a compression-schedule directly using Distiller's API, instead of using a YAML specification examples/scheduling_api/direct_api_pruning.py
Neta Zmora authored
Added masking primitives: -mask_tensor -create_mask_threshold_criterion -create_mask_level_criterion -create_mask_sensitivity_criterion These APIs have a clearer name and communicate their responsibility better: create a tensor mask, based on some criterion. Previously, distiller.pruning.create_mask_threshold_criterion was named distiller.threshold_mask which did not communicate well what this function did. Masking functionality is no longer hidden inside the Pruner instances, so they can be used directly by an application, or to compose new Pruner classes. Removed file distiller.pruning.pruner: -The base-class _ParameterPruner is useless and adds needless details to the implementation. AGP: Separated the pruning-rate schedule from the rest of the logic. This allows us to mix-and-match different pruning-rate schedules (just like LR schedulers).
- Apr 16, 2020
Neta Zmora authored
As requested in issue #496
- Apr 13, 2020
Neta Zmora authored
Added some more Distiller citations
Neta Zmora authored
Neta Zmora authored
Fix ToC Move "Built With" to the Acknowledgement section
Neta Zmora authored
Experiment with layout reformatting: shorten the Community section by making it foldable.
Neta Zmora authored
Experiment with layout reformatting: shorten the Community section by making it foldable.
- Apr 12, 2020
Neta Zmora authored
Added citations
Neta Zmora authored
change distiller citation as suggested in issue #492
Neta Zmora authored
Remove warning regarding Distiller release 0.3 (breaking backward compat)
- Mar 31, 2020
Guy Jacob authored
- Feb 26, 2020
Guy Jacob authored
The gitdb versioning issue is resolved internally in gitpython 3.1.0, so moving to that and removing specific gitb requirements
- Feb 23, 2020
levzlotnik authored
levzlotnik authored
levzlotnik authored
- Feb 17, 2020
Guy Jacob authored
Guy Jacob authored
* BUGFIX: Fixed wrong attribute name for zero-point in conversion of eltwise add/mult and concat * Add PyTorch PTQ convert for embedding (converted to FP32 embedding + quant op) * Fix conversion function to work with tuple/list model inputs
Guy Jacob authored
* Move image classification specific setup code to separate script at examples/classifier_compression/ptq_lapq.py * Make ptq_coordinate_search function completely independent of command line arguments * Change LAPQ command line args function to update existing pre-existing parser (changed CLAs perfix to 'lapq' for more clarity) * Enable LAPQ from compress_classifier.py (trigger with --qe-lapq) * Add pointers in documentation
- Feb 13, 2020
Guy Jacob authored
- Feb 09, 2020
levzlotnik authored
- Feb 06, 2020
Guy Jacob authored
Convert Distiller PTQ models to "native" PyTorch PTQ (#458) * New API: distiller.quantization.convert_distiller_ptq_model_to_pytorch() * Can also be called from PostTrainLinearQuantizer instance: quantizer.convert_to_pytorch() * Can also trigger from command line in image classification sample * Can save/load converted modules via apputils.load/save_checkpoint * Added Jupyter notebook tutorial * Converted modules have only the absolutely necessary quant-dequant operations. For a fully quantized model, this means just quantization of model input and de-quantization of model output. If a user keeps specific internal layers in FP32, quant-dequant operations are added as needed * Can configure either 'fbgemm' or 'qnnpack' backend. For 'fbgemm' we take care of preventing overflows (aka "reduce_range" in the PyTorch API)
- Feb 03, 2020
Guy Jacob authored
- Feb 02, 2020
Lev Zlotnik authored
"Loss Aware Post-Training Quantization" (Nahshan et al., 2019) Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.07190 Reference implementation: https://github.com/ynahshan/nn-quantization-pytorch/tree/master/lapq Proper documentation is still TODO, for now see the example YAML file at 'examples/quantization/post_train_quant/resnet18_imagenet_post_train_lapq.yaml' * Implemented in distiller/quantization/ptq_coordinate_search.py * At the moment that file both the model-independent algorithm implementation and image-classification specific sample script. Still TODO: Refactor that * Post train quantization changes (range_linear): * Added getters/setters for quantization parameters (scale/zero_point) and clipping values * Add option to save backup of FP32 weights to allow re-quantization after quantizer was created. * Add option to clip weights in addition to activations * Fix fusions to not occur only when activations aren't quantized * RangeLinearFakeQuantWrapper: * Make inputs quantization optional * In case of ReLU + ACIQ, clip according to input stats * Data loaders: * Add option to not load train set at all from disk (to speed up loading time in post-training runs) * Modified "image_classifier.py" accordingly
- Jan 19, 2020
Neta Zmora authored
Temp patch until moving to torchvision 0.5. See https://github.com/pytorch/vision/issues/1712#issuecomment-575036523
- Jan 18, 2020
Neta Zmora authored
Fix the formatting of a ValueError raised when a module is missing an attribute, when collecting activation statistics.
- Jan 15, 2020
Guy Jacob authored
(we use 8-bit values below, but this applies to any bit-width) * We use the notion of "full" and "restricted" quantized range for symmetric quantization (see section 2.2 in https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.08342) * "Full" quantized range ==> [-128, 127], "restircted" ==> [-127, 127] * Until now, when doing symmetric quantization we assumed a "full" range when saturating after quantization, but calculated the scale factor as if the range was restricted. This means we weren't making full utilization of the quantized range. * On the other hand, in some other implementations of quantization (e.g. TensorFlow), the "restricted" range is used. * So, we make it an option to use either the proper "full" range (q_min = -128) or "restricted" range (q_min = -127). * LinearQuantMode.SYMMETRIC now means the "full" range is used, and added LinearQuantMode.SYMMETRIC_RESTRICTED for using the "restricted" range. * Updated tests and documentation.
- Jan 06, 2020
Guy Jacob authored
* Fake quant wrapper now also works on (fake) quantized inputs * Remove 'requires_quantized_inputs' flag * Unrelated: Moved LinearQuantMode enum to q_utils
- Dec 30, 2019
Guy Jacob authored
In PostTrainLinearQuantizer and QuantAwareTrainRangeLinearQuantizer
- Dec 29, 2019
Neta Zmora authored
- Dec 26, 2019
Guy Jacob authored
- Dec 18, 2019
Bar authored
Add directionality to SummaryActivationStatsCollector to allow collection of statistics on incoming and outgoing activations/feature-maps; instead of just outgoing activations. Also includes some code refactoring.
- Dec 12, 2019
Guy Jacob authored