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made F16 stanalone

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# Adaptation of F16 model
This is an adaptation of the Python F16 model from (Stanley Bak)[].
This is an adaptation of the Python F16 model from [Stanley Bak](
All the files are copied to make this example a standalone executable.
Stanley Bak
Autopilot State-Machine Logic
There is a high-level advance_discrete_state() function, which checks if we should change the current discrete state,
and a get_u_ref(f16_state) function, which gets the reference inputs at the current discrete state.
import abc
from math import pi
import numpy as np
from numpy import deg2rad
from aerobench.lowlevel.low_level_controller import LowLevelController
from aerobench.util import Freezable
class Autopilot(Freezable):
'''A container object for the hybrid automaton logic for a particular autopilot instance'''
def __init__(self, init_mode, llc=None):
assert isinstance(init_mode, str), 'init_mode should be a string'
if llc is None:
# use default
llc = LowLevelController() = llc
self.xequil = llc.xequil
self.uequil = llc.uequil
self.mode = init_mode # discrete state, this should be overwritten by subclasses
def advance_discrete_mode(self, t, x_f16):
advance the discrete mode based on the current aircraft state. Returns True iff the discrete mode
has changed. It's also suggested to update self.mode to the current mode name.
return False
def is_finished(self, t, x_f16):
returns True if the simulation should stop (for example, after maneuver completes)
this is called after advance_discrete_state
return False
def get_u_ref(self, t, x_f16):
for the current discrete state, get the reference inputs signals. Override this one
in subclasses.
returns four values per aircraft: Nz, ps, Ny_r, throttle
def get_checked_u_ref(self, t, x_f16):
for the current discrete state, get the reference inputs signals and check them against ctrl limits
rv = np.array(self.get_u_ref(t, x_f16), dtype=float)
assert rv.size % 4 == 0, "get_u_ref should return Nz, ps, Ny_r, throttle for each aircraft"
for i in range(rv.size //4):
Nz, _ps, _Ny_r, _throttle = rv[4*i:4*(i+1)]
l, u =,
assert l <= Nz <= u, f"autopilot commanded invalid Nz ({Nz}). Not in range [{l}, {u}]"
return rv
class FixedSpeedAutopilot(Autopilot):
'''Simple Autopilot that gives a fixed speed command using proportional control'''
def __init__(self, setpoint, p_gain):
self.setpoint = setpoint
self.p_gain = p_gain
init_mode = 'tracking speed'
Autopilot.__init__(self, init_mode)
def get_u_ref(self, t, x_f16):
'''for the current discrete state, get the reference inputs signals'''
x_dif = self.setpoint - x_f16[0]
return 0, 0, 0, self.p_gain * x_dif
Stanley Bak
Python Version of F-16 GCAS
ODE derivative code (controlled F16)
from math import sin, cos
import numpy as np
from numpy import deg2rad
from aerobench.lowlevel.subf16_model import subf16_model
from aerobench.lowlevel.low_level_controller import LowLevelController
def controlled_f16(t, x_f16, u_ref, llc, f16_model='morelli', v2_integrators=False):
'returns the LQR-controlled F-16 state derivatives and more'
assert isinstance(x_f16, np.ndarray)
assert isinstance(llc, LowLevelController)
assert u_ref.size == 4
assert f16_model in ['stevens', 'morelli'], 'Unknown F16_model: {}'.format(f16_model)
x_ctrl, u_deg = llc.get_u_deg(u_ref, x_f16)
# Note: Control vector (u) for subF16 is in units of degrees
xd_model, Nz, Ny, _, _ = subf16_model(x_f16[0:13], u_deg, f16_model)
if v2_integrators:
# integrators from matlab v2 model
ps = xd_model[6] * cos(xd_model[1]) + xd_model[8] * sin(xd_model[1])
Ny_r = Ny + xd_model[8]
# Nonlinear (Actual): ps = p * cos(alpha) + r * sin(alpha)
ps = x_ctrl[4] * cos(x_ctrl[0]) + x_ctrl[5] * sin(x_ctrl[0])
# Calculate (side force + yaw rate) term
Ny_r = Ny + x_ctrl[5]
xd = np.zeros((x_f16.shape[0],))
xd[:len(xd_model)] = xd_model
# integrators from low-level controller
start = len(xd_model)
end = start + llc.get_num_integrators()
int_der = llc.get_integrator_derivatives(t, x_f16, u_ref, Nz, ps, Ny_r)
xd[start:end] = int_der
# Convert all degree values to radians for output
u_rad = np.zeros((7,)) # throt, ele, ail, rud, Nz_ref, ps_ref, Ny_r_ref
u_rad[0] = u_deg[0] # throttle
for i in range(1, 4):
u_rad[i] = deg2rad(u_deg[i])
u_rad[4:7] = u_ref[0:3] # inner-loop commands are 4-7
return xd, u_rad, Nz, ps, Ny_r
Stanley Bak for F-16 model
from math import sqrt
def adc(vt, alt):
'''converts velocity (vt) and altitude (alt) to mach number (amach) and dynamic pressure (qbar)
See pages 63-65 of Stevens & Lewis, "Aircraft Control and Simulation", 2nd edition
# vt = freestream air speed
ro = 2.377e-3
tfac = 1 - .703e-5 * alt
if alt >= 35000: # in stratosphere
t = 390
t = 519 * tfac # 3 rankine per atmosphere (3 rankine per 1000 ft)
# rho = freestream mass density
rho = ro * tfac**4.14
# a = speed of sound at the ambient conditions
# speed of sound in a fluid is the sqrt of the quotient of the modulus of elasticity over the mass density
a = sqrt(1.4 * 1716.3 * t)
# amach = mach number
amach = vt / a
# qbar = dynamic pressure
qbar = .5 * rho * vt * vt
return amach, qbar
Stanley Bak
F-16 GCAS in Python
cl function
import numpy as np
from aerobench.util import fix, sign
def cl(alpha, beta):
'cl function'
a = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], \
[-.001, -.004, -.008, -.012, -.016, -.022, -.022, -.021, -.015, -.008, -.013, -.015], \
[-.003, -.009, -.017, -.024, -.030, -.041, -.045, -.040, -.016, -.002, -.010, -.019], \
[-.001, -.010, -.020, -.030, -.039, -.054, -.057, -.054, -.023, -.006, -.014, -.027], \
[.000, -.010, -.022, -.034, -.047, -.060, -.069, -.067, -.033, -.036, -.035, -.035], \
[.007, -.010, -.023, -.034, -.049, -.063, -.081, -.079, -.060, -.058, -.062, -.059], \
[.009, -.011, -.023, -.037, -.050, -.068, -.089, -.088, -.091, -.076, -.077, -.076]], dtype=float).T
s = .2 * alpha
k = fix(s)
if k <= -2:
k = -1
if k >= 9:
k = 8
da = s - k
l = k + fix(1.1 * sign(da))
s = .2 * abs(beta)
m = fix(s)
if m == 0:
m = 1
if m >= 6:
m = 5
db = s - m
n = m + fix(1.1 * sign(db))
l = l + 3
k = k + 3
m = m + 1
n = n + 1
t = a[k-1, m-1]
u = a[k-1, n-1]
v = t + abs(da) * (a[l-1, m-1] - t)
w = u + abs(da) * (a[l-1, n-1] - u)
dum = v + (w - v) * abs(db)
return dum * sign(beta)
Stanley Bak for F-16 model
This is the objective function for finding the trim condition of the initial states
from math import asin, sin
from tgear import tgear
from conf16 import conf16
from subf16_model import subf16_model
def clf16(s, x, u, const, model='stevens', adjust_cy=True):
objective function of the optimization to find the trim conditions
x and u get modified in-place
returns the cost
_, singam, _, _, tr, _, _, _, thetadot, _, _, orient = const
gamm = asin(singam)
if len(s) == 3:
u[0] = s[0]
u[1] = s[1]
x[1] = s[2]
u[0] = s[0]
u[1] = s[1]
u[2] = s[2]
u[3] = s[3]
x[1] = s[4]
x[3] = s[5]
x[4] = s[6]
# Get the current power and constraints
x[12] = tgear(u[0])
[x, u] = conf16(x, u, const)
# we just want the derivative
subf16 = lambda x, u: subf16_model(x, u, model, adjust_cy)[0]
xd = subf16(x, u)
# Steady Level flight
if orient == 1:
r = 100.0*(xd[0]**2 + xd[1]**2 + xd[2]**2 + xd[6]**2 + xd[7]**2 + xd[8]**2)
# Steady Climb
if orient == 2:
r = 500.0*(xd[11]-x[0]*sin(gamm))**2 + xd[0]**2 + 100.0*(xd[1]**2 + xd[2]**2) + \
10.0*(xd[6]**2 + xd[7]**2 + xd[8]**2)
# Coord Turn
if orient == 3:
r = xd[0]*xd[0] + 100.0 * (xd[1] * xd[1] + xd[2]*xd[2] + xd[11]*xd[11]) + 10.0*(xd[6]*xd[6] + \
xd[7]*xd[7]+xd[8]*xd[8]) + 500.0*(xd[5] - tr)**2
# Pitch Pull Up
if orient == 4:
r = 500.0*(xd[4]-thetadot)**2 + xd[0]**2 + 100.0*(xd[1]**2 + xd[2]**2) + 10.0*(xd[6]**2 + xd[7]**2 + xd[8]**2)
# Scale r if it is less than 1
if r < 1.0:
r = r**0.5
return r
Stanley Bak
F-16 GCAS Python
import numpy as np
from aerobench.util import fix, sign
def cm(alpha, el):
'cm function'
a = np.array([[.205, .168, .186, .196, .213, .251, .245, .238, .252, .231, .198, .192], \
[.081, .077, .107, .110, .110, .141, .127, .119, .133, .108, .081, .093], \
[-.046, -.020, -.009, -.005, -.006, .010, .006, -.001, .014, .000, -.013, .032], \
[-.174, -.145, -.121, -.127, -.129, -.102, -.097, -.113, -.087, -.084, -.069, -.006], \
[-.259, -.202, -.184, -.193, -.199, -.150, -.160, -.167, -.104, -.076, -.041, -.005]], dtype=float).T
s = .2 * alpha
k = fix(s)
if k <= -2:
k = -1
if k >= 9:
k = 8
da = s - k
l = k + fix(1.1 * sign(da))
s = el / 12
m = fix(s)
if m <= -2:
m = -1
if m >= 2:
m = 1
de = s - m
n = m + fix(1.1 * sign(de))
k = k + 3
l = l + 3
m = m + 3
n = n + 3
t = a[k-1, m-1]
u = a[k-1, n-1]
v = t + abs(da) * (a[l-1, m-1] - t)
w = u + abs(da) * (a[l-1, n-1] - u)
return v + (w - v) * abs(de)
Stanley Bak
F16 GCAS in Python
cn function
import numpy as np
from aerobench.util import fix, sign
def cn(alpha, beta):
'cn function'
a = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], \
[.018, .019, .018, .019, .019, .018, .013, .007, .004, -.014, -.017, -.033], \
[.038, .042, .042, .042, .043, .039, .030, .017, .004, -.035, -.047, -.057], \
[.056, .057, .059, .058, .058, .053, .032, .012, .002, -.046, -.071, -.073], \
[.064, .077, .076, .074, .073, .057, .029, .007, .012, -.034, -.065, -.041], \
[.074, .086, .093, .089, .080, .062, .049, .022, .028, -.012, -.002, -.013], \
[.079, .090, .106, .106, .096, .080, .068, .030, .064, .015, .011, -.001]], dtype=float).T
s = .2 * alpha
k = fix(s)
if k <= -2:
k = -1
if k >= 9:
k = 8
da = s - k
l = k + fix(1.1 * sign(da))
s = .2 * abs(beta)
m = fix(s)
if m == 0:
m = 1
if m >= 6:
m = 5
db = s - m
n = m + fix(1.1 * sign(db))
l = l + 3
k = k + 3
m = m + 1
n = n + 1
t = a[k-1, m-1]
u = a[k-1, n-1]
v = t + abs(da) * (a[l-1, m-1] - t)
w = u + abs(da) * (a[l-1, n-1] - u)
dum = v + (w - v) * abs(db)
return dum * sign(beta)
Stanley Bak
Python F-16
Apply constraints to x variable
used when finding trim conditions
from math import sin, cos, asin
from tgear import tgear
def conf16(x, u, const):
'apply constraints to x'
radgam, singam, rr, pr, tr, phi, cphi, sphi, thetadot, coord, stab, orient = const
gamm = asin(singam)
# Steady Level Flight
if orient == 1:
x[3] = phi # Phi
x[4] = x[1] # Theta
x[6] = rr # Roll Rate
x[7] = pr # Pitch Rate
x[8] = 0.0 # Yaw Rate
# Steady Climb
if orient == 2:
x[3] = phi # Phi
x[4] = x[1] + radgam # Theta
x[6] = rr # Roll Rate
x[7] = pr # Pitch Rate
x[8] = 0.0 # Yaw Rate
# orient=3 implies coordinated turn
if orient == 3:
x[6] = -tr * sin(x[4]) # Roll Rate
x[7] = tr * cos(x[4]) * sin(x[3]) # Pitch Rate
x[8] = tr * cos(x[4]) * cos(x[3]) # Yaw Rate
# Pitch Pull Up
if orient == 4:
x[4] = x[1] # Theta = alpha
x[3] = phi # Phi
x[6] = rr # Roll Rate
x[7] = thetadot # Pitch Rate
x[8] = 0.0 # Yaw Rate
x[12] = tgear(u[0])
return x, u
Stanley Bak
Python F-16 GCAS
import numpy as np
from aerobench.util import fix, sign
def cx(alpha, el):
'cx definition'
a = np.array([[-.099, -.081, -.081, -.063, -.025, .044, .097, .113, .145, .167, .174, .166], \
[-.048, -.038, -.040, -.021, .016, .083, .127, .137, .162, .177, .179, .167], \
[-.022, -.020, -.021, -.004, .032, .094, .128, .130, .154, .161, .155, .138], \
[-.040, -.038, -.039, -.025, .006, .062, .087, .085, .100, .110, .104, .091], \
[-.083, -.073, -.076, -.072, -.046, .012, .024, .025, .043, .053, .047, .040]], dtype=float).T
s = .2 * alpha
k = fix(s)
if k <= -2:
k = -1
if k >= 9:
k = 8
da = s - k
l = k + fix(1.1 * sign(da))
s = el / 12
m = fix(s)
if m <= -2:
m = -1
if m >= 2:
m = 1
de = s - m
n = m + fix(1.1 * sign(de))
k = k + 3
l = l + 3
m = m + 3
n = n + 3
t = a[k-1, m-1]
u = a[k-1, n-1]
v = t + abs(da) * (a[l-1, m-1] - t)
w = u + abs(da) * (a[l-1, n-1] - u)
cxx = v + (w - v) * abs(de)
return cxx
Stanley Bak
Python F-16 GCAS
def cy(beta, ail, rdr):
'cy function'
return -.02 * beta + .021 * (ail / 20) + .086 * (rdr / 30)
Stanley Bak
Python F-16 GCAS
Cz function
import numpy as np
from aerobench.util import fix, sign
def cz(alpha, beta, el):
'cz function'
a = np.array([.770, .241, -.100, -.415, -.731, -1.053, -1.355, -1.646, -1.917, -2.120, -2.248, -2.229], \
s = .2 * alpha
k = fix(s)
if k <= -2:
k = -1
if k >= 9:
k = 8
da = s - k
l = k + fix(1.1 * sign(da))
l = l + 3
k = k + 3
s = a[k-1] + abs(da) * (a[l-1] - a[k-1])
return s * (1 - (beta / 57.3)**2) - .19 * (el / 25)
Stanley Bak
F16 GCAS in Python
dampp function
import numpy as np
from aerobench.util import fix, sign
def dampp(alpha):
'dampp functon'
a = np.array([[-.267, -.110, .308, 1.34, 2.08, 2.91, 2.76, 2.05, 1.50, 1.49, 1.83, 1.21], \
[.882, .852, .876, .958, .962, .974, .819, .483, .590, 1.21, -.493, -1.04], \
[-.108, -.108, -.188, .110, .258, .226, .344, .362, .611, .529, .298, -2.27], \
[-8.80, -25.8, -28.9, -31.4, -31.2, -30.7, -27.7, -28.2, -29.0, -29.8, -38.3, -35.3], \
[-.126, -.026, .063, .113, .208, .230, .319, .437, .680, .100, .447, -.330], \
[-.360, -.359, -.443, -.420, -.383, -.375, -.329, -.294, -.230, -.210, -.120, -.100], \
[-7.21, -.540, -5.23, -5.26, -6.11, -6.64, -5.69, -6.00, -6.20, -6.40, -6.60, -6.00], \
[-.380, -.363, -.378, -.386, -.370, -.453, -.550, -.582, -.595, -.637, -1.02, -.840], \
[.061, .052, .052, -.012, -.013, -.024, .050, .150, .130, .158, .240, .150]], dtype=float).T
s = .2 * alpha
k = fix(s)
if k <= -2:
k = -1
if k >= 9:
k = 8
da = s - k
l = k + fix(1.1 * sign(da))
k = k + 3
l = l + 3
d = np.zeros((9,))
for i in range(9):
d[i] = a[k-1, i] + abs(da) * (a[l-1, i] - a[k-1, i])
return d
Stanley Bak
F-16 GCAS in Python
dlda function
import numpy as np
from aerobench.util import fix, sign
def dlda(alpha, beta):
'dlda function'
a = np.array([[-.041, -.052, -.053, -.056, -.050, -.056, -.082, -.059, -.042, -.038, -.027, -.017], \
[-.041, -.053, -.053, -.053, -.050, -.051, -.066, -.043, -.038, -.027, -.023, -.016], \
[-.042, -.053, -.052, -.051, -.049, -.049, -.043, -.035, -.026, -.016, -.018, -.014], \
[-.040, -.052, -.051, -.052, -.048, -.048, -.042, -.037, -.031, -.026, -.017, -.012], \
[-.043, -.049, -.048, -.049, -.043, -.042, -.042, -.036, -.025, -.021, -.016, -.011], \
[-.044, -.048, -.048, -.047, -.042, -.041, -.020, -.028, -.013, -.014, -.011, -.010], \
[-.043, -.049, -.047, -.045, -.042, -.037, -.003, -.013, -.010, -.003, -.007, -.008]], dtype=float).T
s = .2 * alpha
k = fix(s)
if k <= -2:
k = -1
if k >= 9:
k = 8
da = s - k
l = k + fix(1.1 * sign(da))
s = .1 * beta
m = fix(s)
if m <= -3:
m = -2
if m >= 3:
m = 2
db = s - m
n = m + fix(1.1 * sign(db))
l = l + 3
k = k + 3
m = m + 4
n = n + 4
t = a[k-1, m-1]
u = a[k-1, n-1]
v = t + abs(da) * (a[l-1, m-1] - t)
w = u + abs(da) * (a[l-1, n-1] - u)
return v + (w - v) * abs(db)
Stanley Bak
Python GCAS F - 16
dldr function
import numpy as np
from aerobench.util import sign, fix
def dldr(alpha, beta):
'dldr function'
a = np.array([[.005, .017, .014, .010, -.005, .009, .019, .005, -.000, -.005, -.011, .008], \
[.007, .016, .014, .014, .013, .009, .012, .005, .000, .004, .009, .007], \
[.013, .013, .011, .012, .011, .009, .008, .005, -.002, .005, .003, .005], \
[.018, .015, .015, .014, .014, .014, .014, .015, .013, .011, .006, .001], \
[.015, .014, .013, .013, .012, .011, .011, .010, .008, .008, .007, .003], \
[.021, .011, .010, .011, .010, .009, .008, .010, .006, .005, .000, .001], \
[.023, .010, .011, .011, .011, .010, .008, .010, .006, .014, .020, .000]], dtype=float).T
s = .2 * alpha
k = fix(s)
if k <= -2:
k = -1
if k >= 9:
k = 8
da = s - k
l = k + fix(1.1 * sign(da))
s = .1 * beta
m = fix(s)
if m <= -3:
m = -2
if m >= 3:
m = 2
db = s - m
n = m + fix(1.1 * sign(db))
l = l + 3
k = k + 3
m = m + 4
n = n + 4
t = a[k-1, m-1]
u = a[k-1, n-1]
v = t + abs(da) * (a[l-1, m-1] - t)
w = u + abs(da) * (a[l-1, n-1] - u)
return v + (w - v) * abs(db)
Stanley Bak
F16 GCAS in Python
dnda function
import numpy as np
from aerobench.util import fix, sign
def dnda(alpha, beta):
'dnda function'
a = np.array([[.001, -.027, -.017, -.013, -.012, -.016, .001, .017, .011, .017, .008, .016], \
[.002, -.014, -.016, -.016, -.014, -.019, -.021, .002, .012, .016, .015, .011], \
[-.006, -.008, -.006, -.006, -.005, -.008, -.005, .007, .004, .007, .006, .006], \
[-.011, -.011, -.010, -.009, -.008, -.006, .000, .004, .007, .010, .004, .010], \
[-.015, -.015, -.014, -.012, -.011, -.008, -.002, .002, .006, .012, .011, .011], \
[-.024, -.010, -.004, -.002, -.001, .003, .014, .006, -.001, .004, .004, .006], \
[-.022, .002, -.003, -.005, -.003, -.001, -.009, -.009, -.001, .003, -.002, .001]], dtype=float).T
s = .2 * alpha
k = fix(s)
if k <= -2:
k = -1
if k >= 9:
k = 8
da = s - k
l = k + fix(1.1 * sign(da))
s = .1 * beta
m = fix(s)
if m <= -3:
m = -2
if m >= 3:
m = 2
db = s - m
n = m + fix(1.1 * sign(db))
l = l + 3
k = k + 3
m = m + 4
n = n + 4
t = a[k-1, m-1]
u = a[k-1, n-1]
v = t + abs(da) * (a[l-1, m-1] - t)
w = u + abs(da) * (a[l-1, n-1] - u)
return v + (w - v) * abs(db)
Stanley Bak
F16 GCAS in Python
dndr function
import numpy as np
from aerobench.util import fix, sign
def dndr(alpha, beta):
'dndr function'
a = np.array([[-.018, -.052, -.052, -.052, -.054, -.049, -.059, -.051, -.030, -.037, -.026, -.013], \
[-.028, -.051, -.043, -.046, -.045, -.049, -.057, -.052, -.030, -.033, -.030, -.008], \
[-.037, -.041, -.038, -.040, -.040, -.038, -.037, -.030, -.027, -.024, -.019, -.013], \
[-.048, -.045, -.045, -.045, -.044, -.045, -.047, -.048, -.049, -.045, -.033, -.016], \
[-.043, -.044, -.041, -.041, -.040, -.038, -.034, -.035, -.035, -.029, -.022, -.009], \
[-.052, -.034, -.036, -.036, -.035, -.028, -.024, -.023, -.020, -.016, -.010, -.014], \
[-.062, -.034, -.027, -.028, -.027, -.027, -.023, -.023, -.019, -.009, -.025, -.010]], dtype=float).T
s = .2 * alpha
k = fix(s)
if k <= -2:
k = -1
if k >= 9:
k = 8
da = s - k
l = k + fix(1.1 * sign(da))
s = .1 * beta
m = fix(s)
if m <= -3:
m = -2
if m >= 3:
m = 2
db = s - m
n = m + fix(1.1 * sign(db))
l = l + 3
k = k + 3
m = m + 4
n = n + 4
t = a[k-1, m-1]
u = a[k-1, n-1]
v = t + abs(da) * (a[l-1, m-1] - t)
w = u + abs(da) * (a[l-1, n-1] - u)
return v + (w - v) * abs(db)
Stanley Bak
Low-level flight controller
import numpy as np
from aerobench.util import Freezable
class CtrlLimits(Freezable):
'Control Limits'
def __init__(self):
self.ThrottleMax = 1 # Afterburner on for throttle > 0.7
self.ThrottleMin = 0
self.ElevatorMaxDeg = 25
self.ElevatorMinDeg = -25
self.AileronMaxDeg = 21.5
self.AileronMinDeg = -21.5
self.RudderMaxDeg = 30
self.RudderMinDeg = -30
self.NzMax = 6
self.NzMin = -1
class LowLevelController(Freezable):
'''low level flight controller
old_k_long = np.array([[-156.8801506723475, -31.037008068526642, -38.72983346216317]], dtype=float)
old_k_lat = np.array([[37.84483, -25.40956, -6.82876, -332.88343, -17.15997],
[-23.91233, 5.69968, -21.63431, 64.49490, -88.36203]], dtype=float)
old_xequil = np.array([502.0, 0.0389, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0389, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, \
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1000.0, 9.0567], dtype=float).transpose()
old_uequil = np.array([0.1395, -0.7496, 0.0, 0.0], dtype=float).transpose()
def __init__(self, gain_str='old'):
# Hard coded LQR gain matrix from matlab version
assert gain_str == 'old'
# Longitudinal Gains
K_long = LowLevelController.old_k_long
K_lat = LowLevelController.old_k_lat
self.K_lqr = np.zeros((3, 8))
self.K_lqr[:1, :3] = K_long
self.K_lqr[1:, 3:] = K_lat
# equilibrium points from
self.xequil = LowLevelController.old_xequil
self.uequil = LowLevelController.old_uequil
self.ctrlLimits = CtrlLimits()
def get_u_deg(self, u_ref, f16_state):
'get the reference commands for the control surfaces'
# Calculate perturbation from trim state
x_delta = f16_state.copy()
x_delta[:len(self.xequil)] -= self.xequil
## Implement LQR Feedback Control
# Reorder states to match controller:
# [alpha, q, int_e_Nz, beta, p, r, int_e_ps, int_e_Ny_r]
x_ctrl = np.array([x_delta[i] for i in [1, 7, 13, 2, 6, 8, 14, 15]], dtype=float)
# Initialize control vectors
u_deg = np.zeros((4,)) # throt, ele, ail, rud
# Calculate control using LQR gains
u_deg[1:4] =, x_ctrl) # Full Control
# Set throttle as directed from output of getOuterLoopCtrl(...)
u_deg[0] = u_ref[3]
# Add in equilibrium control
u_deg[0:4] += self.uequil
## Limit controls to saturation limits
ctrlLimits = self.ctrlLimits
# Limit throttle from 0 to 1
u_deg[0] = max(min(u_deg[0], ctrlLimits.ThrottleMax), ctrlLimits.ThrottleMin)
# Limit elevator from -25 to 25 deg
u_deg[1] = max(min(u_deg[1], ctrlLimits.ElevatorMaxDeg), ctrlLimits.ElevatorMinDeg)
# Limit aileron from -21.5 to 21.5 deg
u_deg[2] = max(min(u_deg[2], ctrlLimits.AileronMaxDeg), ctrlLimits.AileronMinDeg)
# Limit rudder from -30 to 30 deg
u_deg[3] = max(min(u_deg[3], ctrlLimits.RudderMaxDeg), ctrlLimits.RudderMinDeg)
return x_ctrl, u_deg
def get_num_integrators(self):
'get the number of integrators in the low-level controller'
return 3
def get_integrator_derivatives(self, t, x_f16, u_ref, Nz, ps, Ny_r):
'get the derivatives of the integrators in the low-level controller'
return [Nz - u_ref[0], ps - u_ref[1], Ny_r - u_ref[2]]
Stanley Bak
F16 GCAS in Python
Morelli dynamics (Polynomial interpolation)
def Morellif16(alpha, beta, de, da, dr, p, q, r, cbar, b, V, xcg, xcgref):
#alpha=max(-10*pi/180,min(45*pi/180,alpha)) # bounds alpha between -10 deg and 45 deg
#beta = max( - 30 * pi / 180, min(30 * pi / 180, beta)) #bounds beta between -30 deg and 30 deg
#de = max( - 25 * pi / 180, min(25 * pi / 180, de)) #bounds elevator deflection between -25 deg and 25 deg
#da = max( - 21.5 * pi / 180, min(21.5 * pi / 180, da)) #bounds aileron deflection between -21.5 deg and 21.5 deg
#dr = max( - 30 * pi / 180, min(30 * pi / 180, dr)) #bounds rudder deflection between -30 deg and 30 deg
# xcgref = 0.35
#reference longitudinal cg position in Morelli f16 model
phat = p * b / (2 * V)
qhat = q * cbar / (2 * V)
rhat = r * b / (2 * V)
a0 = -1.943367e-2
a1 = 2.136104e-1
a2 = -2.903457e-1
a3 = -3.348641e-3
a4 = -2.060504e-1
a5 = 6.988016e-1
a6 = -9.035381e-1
b0 = 4.833383e-1
b1 = 8.644627
b2 = 1.131098e1
b3 = -7.422961e1
b4 = 6.075776e1
c0 = -1.145916
c1 = 6.016057e-2
c2 = 1.642479e-1
d0 = -1.006733e-1
d1 = 8.679799e-1
d2 = 4.260586
d3 = -6.923267
e0 = 8.071648e-1
e1 = 1.189633e-1
e2 = 4.177702
e3 = -9.162236
f0 = -1.378278e-1
f1 = -4.211369
f2 = 4.775187
f3 = -1.026225e1
f4 = 8.399763
f5 = -4.354000e-1
g0 = -3.054956e1
g1 = -4.132305e1
g2 = 3.292788e2
g3 = -6.848038e2
g4 = 4.080244e2
h0 = -1.05853e-1
h1 = -5.776677e-1
h2 = -1.672435e-2
h3 = 1.357256e-1
h4 = 2.172952e-1
h5 = 3.464156
h6 = -2.835451
h7 = -1.098104
i0 = -4.126806e-1
i1 = -1.189974e-1
i2 = 1.247721
i3 = -7.391132e-1
j0 = 6.250437e-2
j1 = 6.067723e-1
j2 = -1.101964
j3 = 9.100087
j4 = -1.192672e1
k0 = -1.463144e-1
k1 = -4.07391e-2
k2 = 3.253159e-2
k3 = 4.851209e-1
k4 = 2.978850e-1
k5 = -3.746393e-1
k6 = -3.213068e-1
l0 = 2.635729e-2
l1 = -2.192910e-2
l2 = -3.152901e-3
l3 = -5.817803e-2
l4 = 4.516159e-1
l5 = -4.928702e-1
l6 = -1.579864e-2
m0 = -2.029370e-2
m1 = 4.660702e-2
m2 = -6.012308e-1
m3 = -8.062977e-2
m4 = 8.320429e-2
m5 = 5.018538e-1
m6 = 6.378864e-1
m7 = 4.226356e-1
n0 = -5.19153
n1 = -3.554716
n2 = -3.598636e1
n3 = 2.247355e2
n4 = -4.120991e2
n5 = 2.411750e2
o0 = 2.993363e-1
o1 = 6.594004e-2
o2 = -2.003125e-1
o3 = -6.233977e-2
o4 = -2.107885
o5 = 2.141420
o6 = 8.476901e-1
p0 = 2.677652e-2
p1 = -3.298246e-1
p2 = 1.926178e-1
p3 = 4.013325
p4 = -4.404302
q0 = -3.698756e-1
q1 = -1.167551e-1
q2 = -7.641297e-1
r0 = -3.348717e-2
r1 = 4.276655e-2
r2 = 6.573646e-3
r3 = 3.535831e-1
r4 = -1.373308
r5 = 1.237582
r6 = 2.302543e-1
r7 = -2.512876e-1
r8 = 1.588105e-1
r9 = -5.199526e-1
s0 = -8.115894e-2
s1 = -1.156580e-2
s2 = 2.514167e-2
s3 = 2.038748e-1
s4 = -3.337476e-1
s5 = 1.004297e-1
Cx0 = a0 + a1 * alpha + a2 * de**2 + a3 * de + a4 * alpha * de + a5 * alpha**2 + a6 * alpha**3
Cxq = b0 + b1 * alpha + b2 * alpha**2 + b3 * alpha**3 + b4 * alpha**4
Cy0 = c0 * beta + c1 * da + c2 * dr
Cyp = d0 + d1 * alpha + d2 * alpha**2 + d3 * alpha**3
Cyr = e0 + e1 * alpha + e2 * alpha**2 + e3 * alpha**3
Cz0 = (f0 + f1 * alpha + f2 * alpha**2 + f3 * alpha**3 + f4 * alpha**4) * (1 - beta**2) + f5 * de
Czq = g0 + g1 * alpha + g2 * alpha**2 + g3 * alpha**3 + g4 * alpha**4
Cl0 = h0 * beta + h1 * alpha * beta + h2 * alpha**2 * beta + h3 * beta**2 + h4 * alpha * beta**2 + h5 * \
alpha**3 * beta + h6 * alpha**4 * beta + h7 * alpha**2 * beta**2
Clp = i0 + i1 * alpha + i2 * alpha**2 + i3 * alpha**3
Clr = j0 + j1 * alpha + j2 * alpha**2 + j3 * alpha**3 + j4 * alpha**4
Clda = k0 + k1 * alpha + k2 * beta + k3 * alpha**2 + k4 * alpha * beta + k5 * alpha**2 * beta + k6 * alpha**3
Cldr = l0 + l1 * alpha + l2 * beta + l3 * alpha * beta + l4 * alpha**2 * beta + l5 * alpha**3 * beta + l6 * beta**2
Cm0 = m0 + m1 * alpha + m2 * de + m3 * alpha * de + m4 * de**2 + m5 * alpha**2 * de + m6 * de**3 + m7 * \
alpha * de**2
Cmq = n0 + n1 * alpha + n2 * alpha**2 + n3 * alpha**3 + n4 * alpha**4 + n5 * alpha**5
Cn0 = o0 * beta + o1 * alpha * beta + o2 * beta**2 + o3 * alpha * beta**2 + o4 * alpha**2 * beta + o5 * \
alpha**2 * beta**2 + o6 * alpha**3 * beta
Cnp = p0 + p1 * alpha + p2 * alpha**2 + p3 * alpha**3 + p4 * alpha**4
Cnr = q0 + q1 * alpha + q2 * alpha**2
Cnda = r0 + r1 * alpha + r2 * beta + r3 * alpha * beta + r4 * alpha**2 * beta + r5 * alpha**3 * beta + r6 * \
alpha**2 + r7 * alpha**3 + r8 * beta**3 + r9 * alpha * beta**3
Cndr = s0 + s1 * alpha + s2 * beta + s3 * alpha * beta + s4 * alpha**2 * beta + s5 * alpha**2
Cx = Cx0 + Cxq * qhat
Cy = Cy0 + Cyp * phat + Cyr * rhat
Cz = Cz0 + Czq * qhat
Cl = Cl0 + Clp * phat + Clr * rhat + Clda * da + Cldr * dr
Cm = Cm0 + Cmq * qhat + Cz * (xcgref - xcg)
Cn = Cn0 + Cnp * phat + Cnr * rhat + Cnda * da + Cndr * dr - Cy * (xcgref - xcg) * (cbar / b)
return Cx, Cy, Cz, Cl, Cm, Cn
Stanley Bak
Python F-16
power derivative (pdot)
from aerobench.lowlevel.rtau import rtau
def pdot(p3, p1):
'pdot function'
if p1 >= 50:
if p3 >= 50:
t = 5
p2 = p1
p2 = 60
t = rtau(p2 - p3)
if p3 >= 50:
t = 5
p2 = 40
p2 = p1
t = rtau(p2 - p3)
pd = t * (p2 - p3)
return pd
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