diff --git a/demo/F16/README.md b/demo/F16/README.md
index 654c1430aa3be833e9cbd4d3d8ca07aa55fa828a..d1cc352b13d48ec3069c2cf90d7420ca8df97911 100644
--- a/demo/F16/README.md
+++ b/demo/F16/README.md
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 # Adaptation of F16 model 
-This is an adaptation of the Python F16 model from (Stanley Bak)[https://github.com/stanleybak/AeroBenchVVPython]. 
+This is an adaptation of the Python F16 model from [Stanley Bak](https://github.com/stanleybak/AeroBenchVVPython). 
+All the files are copied to make this example a standalone executable. 
diff --git a/demo/F16/aerobench/highlevel/autopilot.py b/demo/F16/aerobench/highlevel/autopilot.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d369cdc82cbd69c46ffcb9fc6769b407ca78570e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/F16/aerobench/highlevel/autopilot.py
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+Stanley Bak
+Autopilot State-Machine Logic
+There is a high-level advance_discrete_state() function, which checks if we should change the current discrete state,
+and a get_u_ref(f16_state) function, which gets the reference inputs at the current discrete state.
+import abc
+from math import pi
+import numpy as np
+from numpy import deg2rad
+from aerobench.lowlevel.low_level_controller import LowLevelController
+from aerobench.util import Freezable
+class Autopilot(Freezable):
+    '''A container object for the hybrid automaton logic for a particular autopilot instance'''
+    def __init__(self, init_mode, llc=None):
+        assert isinstance(init_mode, str), 'init_mode should be a string'
+        if llc is None:
+            # use default
+            llc = LowLevelController()
+        self.llc = llc
+        self.xequil = llc.xequil
+        self.uequil = llc.uequil
+        self.mode = init_mode # discrete state, this should be overwritten by subclasses
+        self.freeze_attrs()
+    def advance_discrete_mode(self, t, x_f16):
+        '''
+        advance the discrete mode based on the current aircraft state. Returns True iff the discrete mode
+        has changed. It's also suggested to update self.mode to the current mode name.
+        '''
+        return False
+    def is_finished(self, t, x_f16):
+        '''
+        returns True if the simulation should stop (for example, after maneuver completes)
+        this is called after advance_discrete_state
+        '''
+        return False
+    @abc.abstractmethod
+    def get_u_ref(self, t, x_f16):
+        '''
+        for the current discrete state, get the reference inputs signals. Override this one
+        in subclasses.
+        returns four values per aircraft: Nz, ps, Ny_r, throttle
+        '''
+        return
+    def get_checked_u_ref(self, t, x_f16):
+        '''
+        for the current discrete state, get the reference inputs signals and check them against ctrl limits
+        '''
+        rv = np.array(self.get_u_ref(t, x_f16), dtype=float)
+        assert rv.size % 4 == 0, "get_u_ref should return Nz, ps, Ny_r, throttle for each aircraft"
+        for i in range(rv.size //4):
+            Nz, _ps, _Ny_r, _throttle = rv[4*i:4*(i+1)]
+            l, u = self.llc.ctrlLimits.NzMin, self.llc.ctrlLimits.NzMax
+            assert l <= Nz <= u, f"autopilot commanded invalid Nz ({Nz}). Not in range [{l}, {u}]"
+        return rv
+class FixedSpeedAutopilot(Autopilot):
+    '''Simple Autopilot that gives a fixed speed command using proportional control'''
+    def __init__(self, setpoint, p_gain):
+        self.setpoint = setpoint
+        self.p_gain = p_gain
+        init_mode = 'tracking speed'
+        Autopilot.__init__(self, init_mode)
+    def get_u_ref(self, t, x_f16):
+        '''for the current discrete state, get the reference inputs signals'''
+        x_dif = self.setpoint - x_f16[0]
+        return 0, 0, 0, self.p_gain * x_dif
diff --git a/demo/F16/aerobench/highlevel/controlled_f16.py b/demo/F16/aerobench/highlevel/controlled_f16.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c7ee115954ed94673ddbf8de28c9dd0eb7083937
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/F16/aerobench/highlevel/controlled_f16.py
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+Stanley Bak
+Python Version of F-16 GCAS
+ODE derivative code (controlled F16)
+from math import sin, cos
+import numpy as np
+from numpy import deg2rad
+from aerobench.lowlevel.subf16_model import subf16_model
+from aerobench.lowlevel.low_level_controller import LowLevelController
+def controlled_f16(t, x_f16, u_ref, llc, f16_model='morelli', v2_integrators=False):
+    'returns the LQR-controlled F-16 state derivatives and more'
+    assert isinstance(x_f16, np.ndarray)
+    assert isinstance(llc, LowLevelController)
+    assert u_ref.size == 4
+    assert f16_model in ['stevens', 'morelli'], 'Unknown F16_model: {}'.format(f16_model)
+    x_ctrl, u_deg = llc.get_u_deg(u_ref, x_f16)
+    # Note: Control vector (u) for subF16 is in units of degrees
+    xd_model, Nz, Ny, _, _ = subf16_model(x_f16[0:13], u_deg, f16_model)
+    if v2_integrators:
+        # integrators from matlab v2 model
+        ps = xd_model[6] * cos(xd_model[1]) + xd_model[8] * sin(xd_model[1])
+        Ny_r = Ny + xd_model[8]
+    else:
+        # Nonlinear (Actual): ps = p * cos(alpha) + r * sin(alpha)
+        ps = x_ctrl[4] * cos(x_ctrl[0]) + x_ctrl[5] * sin(x_ctrl[0])
+        # Calculate (side force + yaw rate) term
+        Ny_r = Ny + x_ctrl[5]
+    xd = np.zeros((x_f16.shape[0],))
+    xd[:len(xd_model)] = xd_model
+    # integrators from low-level controller
+    start = len(xd_model)
+    end = start + llc.get_num_integrators()
+    int_der = llc.get_integrator_derivatives(t, x_f16, u_ref, Nz, ps, Ny_r)
+    xd[start:end] = int_der
+    # Convert all degree values to radians for output
+    u_rad = np.zeros((7,)) # throt, ele, ail, rud, Nz_ref, ps_ref, Ny_r_ref
+    u_rad[0] = u_deg[0] # throttle
+    for i in range(1, 4):
+        u_rad[i] = deg2rad(u_deg[i])
+    u_rad[4:7] = u_ref[0:3] # inner-loop commands are 4-7
+    return xd, u_rad, Nz, ps, Ny_r
diff --git a/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/adc.py b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/adc.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a70390eb25f9e91855152adf31799e17297e34e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/adc.py
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+Stanley Bak
+adc.py for F-16 model
+from math import sqrt
+def adc(vt, alt):
+    '''converts velocity (vt) and altitude (alt) to mach number (amach) and dynamic pressure (qbar)
+    See pages 63-65 of Stevens & Lewis, "Aircraft Control and Simulation", 2nd edition
+    '''
+    # vt = freestream air speed
+    ro = 2.377e-3
+    tfac = 1 - .703e-5 * alt
+    if alt >= 35000: # in stratosphere
+        t = 390
+    else:
+        t = 519 * tfac # 3 rankine per atmosphere (3 rankine per 1000 ft)
+    # rho = freestream mass density
+    rho = ro * tfac**4.14
+    # a = speed of sound at the ambient conditions
+    # speed of sound in a fluid is the sqrt of the quotient of the modulus of elasticity over the mass density
+    a = sqrt(1.4 * 1716.3 * t)
+    # amach = mach number
+    amach = vt / a
+    # qbar = dynamic pressure
+    qbar = .5 * rho * vt * vt
+    return amach, qbar
diff --git a/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/cl.py b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/cl.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6bff35919a610317771baa8bc22ffcfacfe48973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/cl.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Stanley Bak
+F-16 GCAS in Python
+cl function
+import numpy as np
+from aerobench.util import fix, sign
+def cl(alpha, beta):
+    'cl function'
+    a = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], \
+    [-.001, -.004, -.008, -.012, -.016, -.022, -.022, -.021, -.015, -.008, -.013, -.015], \
+    [-.003, -.009, -.017, -.024, -.030, -.041, -.045, -.040, -.016, -.002, -.010, -.019], \
+    [-.001, -.010, -.020, -.030, -.039, -.054, -.057, -.054, -.023, -.006, -.014, -.027], \
+    [.000, -.010, -.022, -.034, -.047, -.060, -.069, -.067, -.033, -.036, -.035, -.035], \
+    [.007, -.010, -.023, -.034, -.049, -.063, -.081, -.079, -.060, -.058, -.062, -.059], \
+    [.009, -.011, -.023, -.037, -.050, -.068, -.089, -.088, -.091, -.076, -.077, -.076]], dtype=float).T
+    s = .2 * alpha
+    k = fix(s)
+    if k <= -2:
+        k = -1
+    if k >= 9:
+        k = 8
+    da = s - k
+    l = k + fix(1.1 * sign(da))
+    s = .2 * abs(beta)
+    m = fix(s)
+    if m == 0:
+        m = 1
+    if m >= 6:
+        m = 5
+    db = s - m
+    n = m + fix(1.1 * sign(db))
+    l = l + 3
+    k = k + 3
+    m = m + 1
+    n = n + 1
+    t = a[k-1, m-1]
+    u = a[k-1, n-1]
+    v = t + abs(da) * (a[l-1, m-1] - t)
+    w = u + abs(da) * (a[l-1, n-1] - u)
+    dum = v + (w - v) * abs(db)
+    return dum * sign(beta)
diff --git a/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/clf16.py b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/clf16.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a09addfe2445456f98efb89c6fbcee662be911e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/clf16.py
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+Stanley Bak
+clf16.py for F-16 model
+This is the objective function for finding the trim condition of the initial states
+from math import asin, sin
+from tgear import tgear
+from conf16 import conf16
+from subf16_model import subf16_model
+def clf16(s, x, u, const, model='stevens', adjust_cy=True):
+    '''
+    objective function of the optimization to find the trim conditions
+    x and u get modified in-place
+    returns the cost
+    '''
+    _, singam, _, _, tr, _, _, _, thetadot, _, _, orient = const
+    gamm = asin(singam)
+    if len(s) == 3:
+        u[0] = s[0]
+        u[1] = s[1]
+        x[1] = s[2]
+    else:
+        u[0] = s[0]
+        u[1] = s[1]
+        u[2] = s[2]
+        u[3] = s[3]
+        x[1] = s[4]
+        x[3] = s[5]
+        x[4] = s[6]
+    #
+    # Get the current power and constraints
+    #
+    x[12] = tgear(u[0])
+    [x, u] = conf16(x, u, const)
+    # we just want the derivative
+    subf16 = lambda x, u: subf16_model(x, u, model, adjust_cy)[0]
+    xd = subf16(x, u)
+    #
+    # Steady Level flight
+    #
+    if orient == 1:
+        r = 100.0*(xd[0]**2 + xd[1]**2 + xd[2]**2 + xd[6]**2 + xd[7]**2 + xd[8]**2)
+    #
+    # Steady Climb
+    #
+    if orient == 2:
+        r = 500.0*(xd[11]-x[0]*sin(gamm))**2 + xd[0]**2 + 100.0*(xd[1]**2 + xd[2]**2) + \
+            10.0*(xd[6]**2 + xd[7]**2 + xd[8]**2)
+    #
+    # Coord Turn
+    #
+    if orient == 3:
+        r = xd[0]*xd[0] + 100.0 * (xd[1] * xd[1] + xd[2]*xd[2] + xd[11]*xd[11]) + 10.0*(xd[6]*xd[6] + \
+            xd[7]*xd[7]+xd[8]*xd[8]) + 500.0*(xd[5] - tr)**2
+    #
+    # Pitch Pull Up
+    #
+    if orient == 4:
+        r = 500.0*(xd[4]-thetadot)**2 + xd[0]**2 + 100.0*(xd[1]**2 + xd[2]**2) + 10.0*(xd[6]**2 + xd[7]**2 + xd[8]**2)
+    #
+    # Scale r if it is less than 1
+    #
+    if r < 1.0:
+        r = r**0.5
+    return r
diff --git a/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/cm.py b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/cm.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4c00a17596797b95076272f079f7e81502396b30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/cm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+Stanley Bak
+F-16 GCAS Python
+import numpy as np
+from aerobench.util import fix, sign
+def cm(alpha, el):
+    'cm function'
+    a = np.array([[.205, .168, .186, .196, .213, .251, .245, .238, .252, .231, .198, .192], \
+        [.081, .077, .107, .110, .110, .141, .127, .119, .133, .108, .081, .093], \
+        [-.046, -.020, -.009, -.005, -.006, .010, .006, -.001, .014, .000, -.013, .032], \
+        [-.174, -.145, -.121, -.127, -.129, -.102, -.097, -.113, -.087, -.084, -.069, -.006], \
+        [-.259, -.202, -.184, -.193, -.199, -.150, -.160, -.167, -.104, -.076, -.041, -.005]], dtype=float).T
+    s = .2 * alpha
+    k = fix(s)
+    if k <= -2:
+        k = -1
+    if k >= 9:
+        k = 8
+    da = s - k
+    l = k + fix(1.1 * sign(da))
+    s = el / 12
+    m = fix(s)
+    if m <= -2:
+        m = -1
+    if m >= 2:
+        m = 1
+    de = s - m
+    n = m + fix(1.1 * sign(de))
+    k = k + 3
+    l = l + 3
+    m = m + 3
+    n = n + 3
+    t = a[k-1, m-1]
+    u = a[k-1, n-1]
+    v = t + abs(da) * (a[l-1, m-1] - t)
+    w = u + abs(da) * (a[l-1, n-1] - u)
+    return v + (w - v) * abs(de)
diff --git a/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/cn.py b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/cn.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b06e3729c43572920230f410ef80555c3b766ee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/cn.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+Stanley Bak
+F16 GCAS in Python
+cn function
+import numpy as np
+from aerobench.util import fix, sign
+def cn(alpha, beta):
+    'cn function'
+    a = np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], \
+        [.018, .019, .018, .019, .019, .018, .013, .007, .004, -.014, -.017, -.033], \
+        [.038, .042, .042, .042, .043, .039, .030, .017, .004, -.035, -.047, -.057], \
+        [.056, .057, .059, .058, .058, .053, .032, .012, .002, -.046, -.071, -.073], \
+        [.064, .077, .076, .074, .073, .057, .029, .007, .012, -.034, -.065, -.041], \
+        [.074, .086, .093, .089, .080, .062, .049, .022, .028, -.012, -.002, -.013], \
+        [.079, .090, .106, .106, .096, .080, .068, .030, .064, .015, .011, -.001]], dtype=float).T
+    s = .2 * alpha
+    k = fix(s)
+    if k <= -2:
+        k = -1
+    if k >= 9:
+        k = 8
+    da = s - k
+    l = k + fix(1.1 * sign(da))
+    s = .2 * abs(beta)
+    m = fix(s)
+    if m == 0:
+        m = 1
+    if m >= 6:
+        m = 5
+    db = s - m
+    n = m + fix(1.1 * sign(db))
+    l = l + 3
+    k = k + 3
+    m = m + 1
+    n = n + 1
+    t = a[k-1, m-1]
+    u = a[k-1, n-1]
+    v = t + abs(da) * (a[l-1, m-1] - t)
+    w = u + abs(da) * (a[l-1, n-1] - u)
+    dum = v + (w - v) * abs(db)
+    return dum * sign(beta)
diff --git a/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/conf16.py b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/conf16.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f322a6def618aa96f0b5163f1c73cd4ca75cd83f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/conf16.py
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+Stanley Bak
+Python F-16
+Apply constraints to x variable
+used when finding trim conditions
+from math import sin, cos, asin
+from tgear import tgear
+def conf16(x, u, const):
+    'apply constraints to x'
+    radgam, singam, rr, pr, tr, phi, cphi, sphi, thetadot, coord, stab, orient = const
+    gamm = asin(singam)
+    #
+    # Steady Level Flight
+    #
+    if orient == 1:
+        x[3] = phi          # Phi
+        x[4] = x[1]         # Theta
+        x[6] = rr           # Roll Rate
+        x[7] = pr           # Pitch Rate
+        x[8] = 0.0          # Yaw Rate
+    #
+    # Steady Climb
+    #
+    if orient == 2:
+        x[3] = phi          # Phi
+        x[4] = x[1] + radgam  # Theta
+        x[6] = rr           # Roll Rate
+        x[7] = pr           # Pitch Rate
+        x[8] = 0.0          # Yaw Rate
+    #
+    # orient=3 implies coordinated turn
+    #
+    if orient == 3:
+        x[6] = -tr * sin(x[4])            # Roll Rate
+        x[7] = tr * cos(x[4]) * sin(x[3])  # Pitch Rate
+        x[8] = tr * cos(x[4]) * cos(x[3])  # Yaw Rate
+    #
+    # Pitch Pull Up
+    #
+    if orient == 4:
+        x[4] = x[1]         # Theta = alpha
+        x[3] = phi          # Phi
+        x[6] = rr           # Roll Rate
+        x[7] = thetadot     # Pitch Rate
+        x[8] = 0.0          # Yaw Rate
+    x[12] = tgear(u[0])
+    return x, u
diff --git a/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/cx.py b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/cx.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c23a96cb6ab44c14e48dce145e1ff9bb4179e8fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/cx.py
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+Stanley Bak
+Python F-16 GCAS
+import numpy as np
+from aerobench.util import fix, sign
+def cx(alpha, el):
+    'cx definition'
+    a = np.array([[-.099, -.081, -.081, -.063, -.025, .044, .097, .113, .145, .167, .174, .166], \
+        [-.048, -.038, -.040, -.021, .016, .083, .127, .137, .162, .177, .179, .167], \
+        [-.022, -.020, -.021, -.004, .032, .094, .128, .130, .154, .161, .155, .138], \
+        [-.040, -.038, -.039, -.025, .006, .062, .087, .085, .100, .110, .104, .091], \
+        [-.083, -.073, -.076, -.072, -.046, .012, .024, .025, .043, .053, .047, .040]], dtype=float).T
+    s = .2 * alpha
+    k = fix(s)
+    if k <= -2:
+        k = -1
+    if k >= 9:
+        k = 8
+    da = s - k
+    l = k + fix(1.1 * sign(da))
+    s = el / 12
+    m = fix(s)
+    if m <= -2:
+        m = -1
+    if m >= 2:
+        m = 1
+    de = s - m
+    n = m + fix(1.1 * sign(de))
+    k = k + 3
+    l = l + 3
+    m = m + 3
+    n = n + 3
+    t = a[k-1, m-1]
+    u = a[k-1, n-1]
+    v = t + abs(da) * (a[l-1, m-1] - t)
+    w = u + abs(da) * (a[l-1, n-1] - u)
+    cxx = v + (w - v) * abs(de)
+    return cxx
diff --git a/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/cy.py b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/cy.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fac8c8c34ae7f1ea1307a9332e30774a146e760c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/cy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Stanley Bak
+Python F-16 GCAS
+def cy(beta, ail, rdr):
+    'cy function'
+    return -.02 * beta + .021 * (ail / 20) + .086 * (rdr / 30)
diff --git a/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/cz.py b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/cz.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..66f5769545f3fdcefb1c010dcd74483b9c0a53e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/cz.py
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Stanley Bak
+Python F-16 GCAS
+Cz function
+import numpy as np
+from aerobench.util import fix, sign
+def cz(alpha, beta, el):
+    'cz function'
+    a = np.array([.770, .241, -.100, -.415, -.731, -1.053, -1.355, -1.646, -1.917, -2.120, -2.248, -2.229], \
+        dtype=float).T
+    s = .2 * alpha
+    k = fix(s)
+    if k <= -2:
+        k = -1
+    if k >= 9:
+        k = 8
+    da = s - k
+    l = k + fix(1.1 * sign(da))
+    l = l + 3
+    k = k + 3
+    s = a[k-1] + abs(da) * (a[l-1] - a[k-1])
+    return s * (1 - (beta / 57.3)**2) - .19 * (el / 25)
diff --git a/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/dampp.py b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/dampp.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ffca449504156a1f2a1d50f98eb2b207c114d127
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/dampp.py
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+Stanley Bak
+F16 GCAS in Python
+dampp function
+import numpy as np
+from aerobench.util import fix, sign
+def dampp(alpha):
+    'dampp functon'
+    a = np.array([[-.267, -.110, .308, 1.34, 2.08, 2.91, 2.76, 2.05, 1.50, 1.49, 1.83, 1.21], \
+        [.882, .852, .876, .958, .962, .974, .819, .483, .590, 1.21, -.493, -1.04], \
+        [-.108, -.108, -.188, .110, .258, .226, .344, .362, .611, .529, .298, -2.27], \
+        [-8.80, -25.8, -28.9, -31.4, -31.2, -30.7, -27.7, -28.2, -29.0, -29.8, -38.3, -35.3], \
+        [-.126, -.026, .063, .113, .208, .230, .319, .437, .680, .100, .447, -.330], \
+        [-.360, -.359, -.443, -.420, -.383, -.375, -.329, -.294, -.230, -.210, -.120, -.100], \
+        [-7.21, -.540, -5.23, -5.26, -6.11, -6.64, -5.69, -6.00, -6.20, -6.40, -6.60, -6.00], \
+        [-.380, -.363, -.378, -.386, -.370, -.453, -.550, -.582, -.595, -.637, -1.02, -.840], \
+        [.061, .052, .052, -.012, -.013, -.024, .050, .150, .130, .158, .240, .150]], dtype=float).T
+    s = .2 * alpha
+    k = fix(s)
+    if k <= -2:
+        k = -1
+    if k >= 9:
+        k = 8
+    da = s - k
+    l = k + fix(1.1 * sign(da))
+    k = k + 3
+    l = l + 3
+    d = np.zeros((9,))
+    for i in range(9):
+        d[i] = a[k-1, i] + abs(da) * (a[l-1, i] - a[k-1, i])
+    return d
diff --git a/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/dlda.py b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/dlda.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1f6b424b85147182a2c6021978932c9f06d2071f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/dlda.py
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+Stanley Bak
+F-16 GCAS in Python
+dlda function
+import numpy as np
+from aerobench.util import fix, sign
+def dlda(alpha, beta):
+    'dlda function'
+    a = np.array([[-.041, -.052, -.053, -.056, -.050, -.056, -.082, -.059, -.042, -.038, -.027, -.017], \
+    [-.041, -.053, -.053, -.053, -.050, -.051, -.066, -.043, -.038, -.027, -.023, -.016], \
+    [-.042, -.053, -.052, -.051, -.049, -.049, -.043, -.035, -.026, -.016, -.018, -.014], \
+    [-.040, -.052, -.051, -.052, -.048, -.048, -.042, -.037, -.031, -.026, -.017, -.012], \
+    [-.043, -.049, -.048, -.049, -.043, -.042, -.042, -.036, -.025, -.021, -.016, -.011], \
+    [-.044, -.048, -.048, -.047, -.042, -.041, -.020, -.028, -.013, -.014, -.011, -.010], \
+    [-.043, -.049, -.047, -.045, -.042, -.037, -.003, -.013, -.010, -.003, -.007, -.008]], dtype=float).T
+    s = .2 * alpha
+    k = fix(s)
+    if k <= -2:
+        k = -1
+    if k >= 9:
+        k = 8
+    da = s - k
+    l = k + fix(1.1 * sign(da))
+    s = .1 * beta
+    m = fix(s)
+    if m <= -3:
+        m = -2
+    if m >= 3:
+        m = 2
+    db = s - m
+    n = m + fix(1.1 * sign(db))
+    l = l + 3
+    k = k + 3
+    m = m + 4
+    n = n + 4
+    t = a[k-1, m-1]
+    u = a[k-1, n-1]
+    v = t + abs(da) * (a[l-1, m-1] - t)
+    w = u + abs(da) * (a[l-1, n-1] - u)
+    return v + (w - v) * abs(db)
diff --git a/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/dldr.py b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/dldr.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8d75348462f36b83800feb01659e7477df40f327
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/dldr.py
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+Stanley Bak
+Python GCAS F - 16
+dldr function
+import numpy as np
+from aerobench.util import sign, fix
+def dldr(alpha, beta):
+    'dldr function'
+    a = np.array([[.005, .017, .014, .010, -.005, .009, .019, .005, -.000, -.005, -.011, .008], \
+    [.007, .016, .014, .014, .013, .009, .012, .005, .000, .004, .009, .007], \
+    [.013, .013, .011, .012, .011, .009, .008, .005, -.002, .005, .003, .005], \
+    [.018, .015, .015, .014, .014, .014, .014, .015, .013, .011, .006, .001], \
+    [.015, .014, .013, .013, .012, .011, .011, .010, .008, .008, .007, .003], \
+    [.021, .011, .010, .011, .010, .009, .008, .010, .006, .005, .000, .001], \
+    [.023, .010, .011, .011, .011, .010, .008, .010, .006, .014, .020, .000]], dtype=float).T
+    s = .2 * alpha
+    k = fix(s)
+    if k <= -2:
+        k = -1
+    if k >= 9:
+        k = 8
+    da = s - k
+    l = k + fix(1.1 * sign(da))
+    s = .1 * beta
+    m = fix(s)
+    if m <= -3:
+        m = -2
+    if m >= 3:
+        m = 2
+    db = s - m
+    n = m + fix(1.1 * sign(db))
+    l = l + 3
+    k = k + 3
+    m = m + 4
+    n = n + 4
+    t = a[k-1, m-1]
+    u = a[k-1, n-1]
+    v = t + abs(da) * (a[l-1, m-1] - t)
+    w = u + abs(da) * (a[l-1, n-1] - u)
+    return v + (w - v) * abs(db)
diff --git a/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/dnda.py b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/dnda.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d7e623554415d52300ec68953f92aadc14debf78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/dnda.py
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+Stanley Bak
+F16 GCAS in Python
+dnda function
+import numpy as np
+from aerobench.util import fix, sign
+def dnda(alpha, beta):
+    'dnda function'
+    a = np.array([[.001, -.027, -.017, -.013, -.012, -.016, .001, .017, .011, .017, .008, .016], \
+        [.002, -.014, -.016, -.016, -.014, -.019, -.021, .002, .012, .016, .015, .011], \
+        [-.006, -.008, -.006, -.006, -.005, -.008, -.005, .007, .004, .007, .006, .006], \
+        [-.011, -.011, -.010, -.009, -.008, -.006, .000, .004, .007, .010, .004, .010], \
+        [-.015, -.015, -.014, -.012, -.011, -.008, -.002, .002, .006, .012, .011, .011], \
+        [-.024, -.010, -.004, -.002, -.001, .003, .014, .006, -.001, .004, .004, .006], \
+        [-.022, .002, -.003, -.005, -.003, -.001, -.009, -.009, -.001, .003, -.002, .001]], dtype=float).T
+    s = .2 * alpha
+    k = fix(s)
+    if k <= -2:
+        k = -1
+    if k >= 9:
+        k = 8
+    da = s - k
+    l = k + fix(1.1 * sign(da))
+    s = .1 * beta
+    m = fix(s)
+    if m <= -3:
+        m = -2
+    if m >= 3:
+        m = 2
+    db = s - m
+    n = m + fix(1.1 * sign(db))
+    l = l + 3
+    k = k + 3
+    m = m + 4
+    n = n + 4
+    t = a[k-1, m-1]
+    u = a[k-1, n-1]
+    v = t + abs(da) * (a[l-1, m-1] - t)
+    w = u + abs(da) * (a[l-1, n-1] - u)
+    return v + (w - v) * abs(db)
diff --git a/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/dndr.py b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/dndr.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..805f170958e9a55df40addd68e2ab00566de0538
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/dndr.py
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+Stanley Bak
+F16 GCAS in Python
+dndr function
+import numpy as np
+from aerobench.util import fix, sign
+def dndr(alpha, beta):
+    'dndr function'
+    a = np.array([[-.018, -.052, -.052, -.052, -.054, -.049, -.059, -.051, -.030, -.037, -.026, -.013], \
+        [-.028, -.051, -.043, -.046, -.045, -.049, -.057, -.052, -.030, -.033, -.030, -.008], \
+        [-.037, -.041, -.038, -.040, -.040, -.038, -.037, -.030, -.027, -.024, -.019, -.013], \
+        [-.048, -.045, -.045, -.045, -.044, -.045, -.047, -.048, -.049, -.045, -.033, -.016], \
+        [-.043, -.044, -.041, -.041, -.040, -.038, -.034, -.035, -.035, -.029, -.022, -.009], \
+        [-.052, -.034, -.036, -.036, -.035, -.028, -.024, -.023, -.020, -.016, -.010, -.014], \
+        [-.062, -.034, -.027, -.028, -.027, -.027, -.023, -.023, -.019, -.009, -.025, -.010]], dtype=float).T
+    s = .2 * alpha
+    k = fix(s)
+    if k <= -2:
+        k = -1
+    if k >= 9:
+        k = 8
+    da = s - k
+    l = k + fix(1.1 * sign(da))
+    s = .1 * beta
+    m = fix(s)
+    if m <= -3:
+        m = -2
+    if m >= 3:
+        m = 2
+    db = s - m
+    n = m + fix(1.1 * sign(db))
+    l = l + 3
+    k = k + 3
+    m = m + 4
+    n = n + 4
+    t = a[k-1, m-1]
+    u = a[k-1, n-1]
+    v = t + abs(da) * (a[l-1, m-1] - t)
+    w = u + abs(da) * (a[l-1, n-1] - u)
+    return v + (w - v) * abs(db)
diff --git a/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/low_level_controller.py b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/low_level_controller.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d472bf309937035d4cef72ba5c7fcf0de6c94400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/low_level_controller.py
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+Stanley Bak
+Low-level flight controller
+import numpy as np
+from aerobench.util import Freezable
+class CtrlLimits(Freezable):
+    'Control Limits'
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.ThrottleMax = 1 # Afterburner on for throttle > 0.7
+        self.ThrottleMin = 0
+        self.ElevatorMaxDeg = 25
+        self.ElevatorMinDeg = -25
+        self.AileronMaxDeg = 21.5
+        self.AileronMinDeg = -21.5
+        self.RudderMaxDeg = 30
+        self.RudderMinDeg = -30
+        self.NzMax = 6
+        self.NzMin = -1
+        self.freeze_attrs()
+class LowLevelController(Freezable):
+    '''low level flight controller
+    '''
+    old_k_long = np.array([[-156.8801506723475, -31.037008068526642, -38.72983346216317]], dtype=float)
+    old_k_lat = np.array([[37.84483, -25.40956, -6.82876, -332.88343, -17.15997],
+                          [-23.91233, 5.69968, -21.63431, 64.49490, -88.36203]], dtype=float)
+    old_xequil = np.array([502.0, 0.0389, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0389, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, \
+                        0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1000.0, 9.0567], dtype=float).transpose()
+    old_uequil = np.array([0.1395, -0.7496, 0.0, 0.0], dtype=float).transpose()
+    def __init__(self, gain_str='old'):
+        # Hard coded LQR gain matrix from matlab version
+        assert gain_str == 'old'
+        # Longitudinal Gains
+        K_long = LowLevelController.old_k_long
+        K_lat = LowLevelController.old_k_lat
+        self.K_lqr = np.zeros((3, 8))
+        self.K_lqr[:1, :3] = K_long
+        self.K_lqr[1:, 3:] = K_lat
+        # equilibrium points from BuildLqrControllers.py
+        self.xequil = LowLevelController.old_xequil
+        self.uequil = LowLevelController.old_uequil
+        self.ctrlLimits = CtrlLimits()
+        self.freeze_attrs()
+    def get_u_deg(self, u_ref, f16_state):
+        'get the reference commands for the control surfaces'
+        # Calculate perturbation from trim state
+        x_delta = f16_state.copy()
+        x_delta[:len(self.xequil)] -= self.xequil
+        ## Implement LQR Feedback Control
+        # Reorder states to match controller:
+        # [alpha, q, int_e_Nz, beta, p, r, int_e_ps, int_e_Ny_r]
+        x_ctrl = np.array([x_delta[i] for i in [1, 7, 13, 2, 6, 8, 14, 15]], dtype=float)
+        # Initialize control vectors
+        u_deg = np.zeros((4,)) # throt, ele, ail, rud
+        # Calculate control using LQR gains
+        u_deg[1:4] = np.dot(-self.K_lqr, x_ctrl) # Full Control
+        # Set throttle as directed from output of getOuterLoopCtrl(...)
+        u_deg[0] = u_ref[3]
+        # Add in equilibrium control
+        u_deg[0:4] += self.uequil
+        ## Limit controls to saturation limits
+        ctrlLimits = self.ctrlLimits
+        # Limit throttle from 0 to 1
+        u_deg[0] = max(min(u_deg[0], ctrlLimits.ThrottleMax), ctrlLimits.ThrottleMin)
+        # Limit elevator from -25 to 25 deg
+        u_deg[1] = max(min(u_deg[1], ctrlLimits.ElevatorMaxDeg), ctrlLimits.ElevatorMinDeg)
+        # Limit aileron from -21.5 to 21.5 deg
+        u_deg[2] = max(min(u_deg[2], ctrlLimits.AileronMaxDeg), ctrlLimits.AileronMinDeg)
+        # Limit rudder from -30 to 30 deg
+        u_deg[3] = max(min(u_deg[3], ctrlLimits.RudderMaxDeg), ctrlLimits.RudderMinDeg)
+        return x_ctrl, u_deg
+    def get_num_integrators(self):
+        'get the number of integrators in the low-level controller'
+        return 3
+    def get_integrator_derivatives(self, t, x_f16, u_ref, Nz, ps, Ny_r):
+        'get the derivatives of the integrators in the low-level controller'
+        return [Nz - u_ref[0], ps - u_ref[1], Ny_r - u_ref[2]]
diff --git a/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/morellif16.py b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/morellif16.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4632b78cdcd91e06777a1f4680db9a44f8623770
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/morellif16.py
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+Stanley Bak
+F16 GCAS in Python
+Morelli dynamics (Polynomial interpolation)
+def Morellif16(alpha, beta, de, da, dr, p, q, r, cbar, b, V, xcg, xcgref):
+    'desc'
+    #alpha=max(-10*pi/180,min(45*pi/180,alpha)) # bounds alpha between -10 deg and 45 deg
+    #beta = max( - 30 * pi / 180, min(30 * pi / 180, beta)) #bounds beta between -30 deg and 30 deg
+    #de = max( - 25 * pi / 180, min(25 * pi / 180, de)) #bounds elevator deflection between -25 deg and 25 deg
+    #da = max( - 21.5 * pi / 180, min(21.5 * pi / 180, da)) #bounds aileron deflection between -21.5 deg and 21.5 deg
+    #dr = max( - 30 * pi / 180, min(30 * pi / 180, dr)) #bounds rudder deflection between -30 deg and 30 deg
+    # xcgref = 0.35
+    #reference longitudinal cg position in Morelli f16 model
+    phat = p * b / (2 * V)
+    qhat = q * cbar / (2 * V)
+    rhat = r * b / (2 * V)
+    ##
+    a0 = -1.943367e-2
+    a1 = 2.136104e-1
+    a2 = -2.903457e-1
+    a3 = -3.348641e-3
+    a4 = -2.060504e-1
+    a5 = 6.988016e-1
+    a6 = -9.035381e-1
+    b0 = 4.833383e-1
+    b1 = 8.644627
+    b2 = 1.131098e1
+    b3 = -7.422961e1
+    b4 = 6.075776e1
+    c0 = -1.145916
+    c1 = 6.016057e-2
+    c2 = 1.642479e-1
+    d0 = -1.006733e-1
+    d1 = 8.679799e-1
+    d2 = 4.260586
+    d3 = -6.923267
+    e0 = 8.071648e-1
+    e1 = 1.189633e-1
+    e2 = 4.177702
+    e3 = -9.162236
+    f0 = -1.378278e-1
+    f1 = -4.211369
+    f2 = 4.775187
+    f3 = -1.026225e1
+    f4 = 8.399763
+    f5 = -4.354000e-1
+    g0 = -3.054956e1
+    g1 = -4.132305e1
+    g2 = 3.292788e2
+    g3 = -6.848038e2
+    g4 = 4.080244e2
+    h0 = -1.05853e-1
+    h1 = -5.776677e-1
+    h2 = -1.672435e-2
+    h3 = 1.357256e-1
+    h4 = 2.172952e-1
+    h5 = 3.464156
+    h6 = -2.835451
+    h7 = -1.098104
+    i0 = -4.126806e-1
+    i1 = -1.189974e-1
+    i2 = 1.247721
+    i3 = -7.391132e-1
+    j0 = 6.250437e-2
+    j1 = 6.067723e-1
+    j2 = -1.101964
+    j3 = 9.100087
+    j4 = -1.192672e1
+    k0 = -1.463144e-1
+    k1 = -4.07391e-2
+    k2 = 3.253159e-2
+    k3 = 4.851209e-1
+    k4 = 2.978850e-1
+    k5 = -3.746393e-1
+    k6 = -3.213068e-1
+    l0 = 2.635729e-2
+    l1 = -2.192910e-2
+    l2 = -3.152901e-3
+    l3 = -5.817803e-2
+    l4 = 4.516159e-1
+    l5 = -4.928702e-1
+    l6 = -1.579864e-2
+    m0 = -2.029370e-2
+    m1 = 4.660702e-2
+    m2 = -6.012308e-1
+    m3 = -8.062977e-2
+    m4 = 8.320429e-2
+    m5 = 5.018538e-1
+    m6 = 6.378864e-1
+    m7 = 4.226356e-1
+    n0 = -5.19153
+    n1 = -3.554716
+    n2 = -3.598636e1
+    n3 = 2.247355e2
+    n4 = -4.120991e2
+    n5 = 2.411750e2
+    o0 = 2.993363e-1
+    o1 = 6.594004e-2
+    o2 = -2.003125e-1
+    o3 = -6.233977e-2
+    o4 = -2.107885
+    o5 = 2.141420
+    o6 = 8.476901e-1
+    p0 = 2.677652e-2
+    p1 = -3.298246e-1
+    p2 = 1.926178e-1
+    p3 = 4.013325
+    p4 = -4.404302
+    q0 = -3.698756e-1
+    q1 = -1.167551e-1
+    q2 = -7.641297e-1
+    r0 = -3.348717e-2
+    r1 = 4.276655e-2
+    r2 = 6.573646e-3
+    r3 = 3.535831e-1
+    r4 = -1.373308
+    r5 = 1.237582
+    r6 = 2.302543e-1
+    r7 = -2.512876e-1
+    r8 = 1.588105e-1
+    r9 = -5.199526e-1
+    s0 = -8.115894e-2
+    s1 = -1.156580e-2
+    s2 = 2.514167e-2
+    s3 = 2.038748e-1
+    s4 = -3.337476e-1
+    s5 = 1.004297e-1
+    ##
+    Cx0 = a0 + a1 * alpha + a2 * de**2 + a3 * de + a4 * alpha * de + a5 * alpha**2 + a6 * alpha**3
+    Cxq = b0 + b1 * alpha + b2 * alpha**2 + b3 * alpha**3 + b4 * alpha**4
+    Cy0 = c0 * beta + c1 * da + c2 * dr
+    Cyp = d0 + d1 * alpha + d2 * alpha**2 + d3 * alpha**3
+    Cyr = e0 + e1 * alpha + e2 * alpha**2 + e3 * alpha**3
+    Cz0 = (f0 + f1 * alpha + f2 * alpha**2 + f3 * alpha**3 + f4 * alpha**4) * (1 - beta**2) + f5 * de
+    Czq = g0 + g1 * alpha + g2 * alpha**2 + g3 * alpha**3 + g4 * alpha**4
+    Cl0 = h0 * beta + h1 * alpha * beta + h2 * alpha**2 * beta + h3 * beta**2 + h4 * alpha * beta**2 + h5 * \
+        alpha**3 * beta + h6 * alpha**4 * beta + h7 * alpha**2 * beta**2
+    Clp = i0 + i1 * alpha + i2 * alpha**2 + i3 * alpha**3
+    Clr = j0 + j1 * alpha + j2 * alpha**2 + j3 * alpha**3 + j4 * alpha**4
+    Clda = k0 + k1 * alpha + k2 * beta + k3 * alpha**2 + k4 * alpha * beta + k5 * alpha**2 * beta + k6 * alpha**3
+    Cldr = l0 + l1 * alpha + l2 * beta + l3 * alpha * beta + l4 * alpha**2 * beta + l5 * alpha**3 * beta + l6 * beta**2
+    Cm0 = m0 + m1 * alpha + m2 * de + m3 * alpha * de + m4 * de**2 + m5 * alpha**2 * de + m6 * de**3 + m7 * \
+        alpha * de**2
+    Cmq = n0 + n1 * alpha + n2 * alpha**2 + n3 * alpha**3 + n4 * alpha**4 + n5 * alpha**5
+    Cn0 = o0 * beta + o1 * alpha * beta + o2 * beta**2 + o3 * alpha * beta**2 + o4 * alpha**2 * beta + o5 * \
+        alpha**2 * beta**2 + o6 * alpha**3 * beta
+    Cnp = p0 + p1 * alpha + p2 * alpha**2 + p3 * alpha**3 + p4 * alpha**4
+    Cnr = q0 + q1 * alpha + q2 * alpha**2
+    Cnda = r0 + r1 * alpha + r2 * beta + r3 * alpha * beta + r4 * alpha**2 * beta + r5 * alpha**3 * beta + r6 * \
+        alpha**2 + r7 * alpha**3 + r8 * beta**3 + r9 * alpha * beta**3
+    Cndr = s0 + s1 * alpha + s2 * beta + s3 * alpha * beta + s4 * alpha**2 * beta + s5 * alpha**2
+    ##
+    Cx = Cx0 + Cxq * qhat
+    Cy = Cy0 + Cyp * phat + Cyr * rhat
+    Cz = Cz0 + Czq * qhat
+    Cl = Cl0 + Clp * phat + Clr * rhat + Clda * da + Cldr * dr
+    Cm = Cm0 + Cmq * qhat + Cz * (xcgref - xcg)
+    Cn = Cn0 + Cnp * phat + Cnr * rhat + Cnda * da + Cndr * dr - Cy * (xcgref - xcg) * (cbar / b)
+    return Cx, Cy, Cz, Cl, Cm, Cn
diff --git a/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/pdot.py b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/pdot.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dbfb1c3200aba86e69fcf4a34090768df018a323
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/pdot.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+Stanley Bak
+Python F-16
+power derivative (pdot)
+from aerobench.lowlevel.rtau import rtau
+def pdot(p3, p1):
+    'pdot function'
+    if p1 >= 50:
+        if p3 >= 50:
+            t = 5
+            p2 = p1
+        else:
+            p2 = 60
+            t = rtau(p2 - p3)
+    else:
+        if p3 >= 50:
+            t = 5
+            p2 = 40
+        else:
+            p2 = p1
+            t = rtau(p2 - p3)
+    pd = t * (p2 - p3)
+    return pd
diff --git a/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/rtau.py b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/rtau.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a2f00d6e32fc1182722af5c9a8c025b5e88138db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/rtau.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Stanley Bak
+Python F-16
+Rtau function
+def rtau(dp):
+    'rtau function'
+    if dp <= 25:
+        rt = 1.0
+    elif dp >= 50:
+        rt = .1
+    else:
+        rt = 1.9 - .036 * dp
+    return rt
diff --git a/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/subf16_model.py b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/subf16_model.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b807b16520a8b735bef9bc17890c9c0219b4c69d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/subf16_model.py
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+Stanley Bak
+Python F-16 subf16
+outputs aircraft state vector deriative
+#         x[0] = air speed, VT    (ft/sec)
+#         x[1] = angle of attack, alpha  (rad)
+#         x[2] = angle of sideslip, beta (rad)
+#         x[3] = roll angle, phi  (rad)
+#         x[4] = pitch angle, theta  (rad)
+#         x[5] = yaw angle, psi  (rad)
+#         x[6] = roll rate, P  (rad/sec)
+#         x[7] = pitch rate, Q  (rad/sec)
+#         x[8] = yaw rate, R  (rad/sec)
+#         x[9] = northward horizontal displacement, pn  (feet)
+#         x[10] = eastward horizontal displacement, pe  (feet)
+#         x[11] = altitude, h  (feet)
+#         x[12] = engine thrust dynamics lag state, pow
+#         u[0] = throttle command  0.0 < u(1) < 1.0
+#         u[1] = elevator command in degrees
+#         u[2] = aileron command in degrees
+#         u[3] = rudder command in degrees
+from math import sin, cos, pi
+from aerobench.lowlevel.adc import adc
+from aerobench.lowlevel.tgear import tgear
+from aerobench.lowlevel.pdot import pdot
+from aerobench.lowlevel.thrust import thrust
+from aerobench.lowlevel.cx import cx
+from aerobench.lowlevel.cy import cy
+from aerobench.lowlevel.cz import cz
+from aerobench.lowlevel.cl import cl
+from aerobench.lowlevel.dlda import dlda
+from aerobench.lowlevel.dldr import dldr
+from aerobench.lowlevel.cm import cm
+from aerobench.lowlevel.cn import cn
+from aerobench.lowlevel.dnda import dnda
+from aerobench.lowlevel.dndr import dndr
+from aerobench.lowlevel.dampp import dampp
+from aerobench.lowlevel.morellif16 import Morellif16
+def subf16_model(x, u, model, adjust_cy=True):
+    '''output aircraft state vector derivative for a given input
+    The reference for the model is Appendix A of Stevens & Lewis
+    '''
+    assert model in ['stevens', 'morelli']
+    assert len(x) == 13
+    assert len(u) == 4
+    xcg = 0.35
+    thtlc, el, ail, rdr = u
+    s = 300
+    b = 30
+    cbar = 11.32
+    rm = 1.57e-3
+    xcgr = .35
+    he = 160.0
+    c1 = -.770
+    c2 = .02755
+    c3 = 1.055e-4
+    c4 = 1.642e-6
+    c5 = .9604
+    c6 = 1.759e-2
+    c7 = 1.792e-5
+    c8 = -.7336
+    c9 = 1.587e-5
+    rtod = 57.29578
+    g = 32.17
+    xd = x.copy()
+    vt = x[0]
+    alpha = x[1]*rtod
+    beta = x[2]*rtod
+    phi = x[3]
+    theta = x[4]
+    psi = x[5]
+    p = x[6]
+    q = x[7]
+    r = x[8]
+    alt = x[11]
+    power = x[12]
+    # air data computer and engine model
+    amach, qbar = adc(vt, alt)
+    cpow = tgear(thtlc)
+    xd[12] = pdot(power, cpow)
+    t = thrust(power, alt, amach)
+    dail = ail/20
+    drdr = rdr/30
+    # component build up
+    if model == 'stevens':
+        # stevens & lewis (look up table version)
+        cxt = cx(alpha, el)
+        cyt = cy(beta, ail, rdr)
+        czt = cz(alpha, beta, el)
+        clt = cl(alpha, beta) + dlda(alpha, beta) * dail + dldr(alpha, beta) * drdr
+        cmt = cm(alpha, el)
+        cnt = cn(alpha, beta) + dnda(alpha, beta) * dail + dndr(alpha, beta) * drdr
+    else:
+        # morelli model (polynomial version)
+        cxt, cyt, czt, clt, cmt, cnt = Morellif16(alpha*pi/180, beta*pi/180, el*pi/180, ail*pi/180, rdr*pi/180, \
+                                                  p, q, r, cbar, b, vt, xcg, xcgr)
+    # add damping derivatives
+    tvt = .5 / vt
+    b2v = b * tvt
+    cq = cbar * q * tvt
+    # get ready for state equations
+    d = dampp(alpha)
+    cxt = cxt + cq * d[0]
+    cyt = cyt + b2v * (d[1] * r + d[2] * p)
+    czt = czt + cq * d[3]
+    clt = clt + b2v * (d[4] * r + d[5] * p)
+    cmt = cmt + cq * d[6] + czt * (xcgr-xcg)
+    cnt = cnt + b2v * (d[7] * r + d[8] * p)-cyt * (xcgr-xcg) * cbar/b
+    cbta = cos(x[2])
+    u = vt * cos(x[1]) * cbta
+    v = vt * sin(x[2])
+    w = vt * sin(x[1]) * cbta
+    sth = sin(theta)
+    cth = cos(theta)
+    sph = sin(phi)
+    cph = cos(phi)
+    spsi = sin(psi)
+    cpsi = cos(psi)
+    qs = qbar * s
+    qsb = qs * b
+    rmqs = rm * qs
+    gcth = g * cth
+    qsph = q * sph
+    ay = rmqs * cyt
+    az = rmqs * czt
+    # force equations
+    udot = r * v-q * w-g * sth + rm * (qs * cxt + t)
+    vdot = p * w-r * u + gcth * sph + ay
+    wdot = q * u-p * v + gcth * cph + az
+    dum = (u * u + w * w)
+    xd[0] = (u * udot + v * vdot + w * wdot)/vt
+    xd[1] = (u * wdot-w * udot)/dum
+    xd[2] = (vt * vdot-v * xd[0]) * cbta/dum
+    # kinematics
+    xd[3] = p + (sth/cth) * (qsph + r * cph)
+    xd[4] = q * cph-r * sph
+    xd[5] = (qsph + r * cph)/cth
+    # moments
+    xd[6] = (c2 * p + c1 * r + c4 * he) * q + qsb * (c3 * clt + c4 * cnt)
+    xd[7] = (c5 * p-c7 * he) * r + c6 * (r * r-p * p) + qs * cbar * c7 * cmt
+    xd[8] = (c8 * p-c2 * r + c9 * he) * q + qsb * (c4 * clt + c9 * cnt)
+    # navigation
+    t1 = sph * cpsi
+    t2 = cph * sth
+    t3 = sph * spsi
+    s1 = cth * cpsi
+    s2 = cth * spsi
+    s3 = t1 * sth-cph * spsi
+    s4 = t3 * sth + cph * cpsi
+    s5 = sph * cth
+    s6 = t2 * cpsi + t3
+    s7 = t2 * spsi-t1
+    s8 = cph * cth
+    xd[9] = u * s1 + v * s3 + w * s6 # north speed
+    xd[10] = u * s2 + v * s4 + w * s7 # east speed
+    xd[11] = u * sth-v * s5-w * s8 # vertical speed
+    # outputs
+    xa = 15.0                  # sets distance normal accel is in front of the c.g. (xa = 15.0 at pilot)
+    az = az-xa * xd[7]         # moves normal accel in front of c.g.
+    ####################################
+    ###### peter additions below ######
+    if adjust_cy:
+        ay = ay+xa*xd[8]           # moves side accel in front of c.g.
+    # For extraction of Nz
+    Nz = (-az / g) - 1 # zeroed at 1 g, positive g = pulling up
+    Ny = ay / g
+    return xd, Nz, Ny, az, ay
diff --git a/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/tgear.py b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/tgear.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8c0fe4735b581a4e947099e12c2a671f68b7ab59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/tgear.py
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Stanley Bak
+Python F-16 GCAS
+def tgear(thtl):
+    'tgear function'
+    if thtl <= .77:
+        tg = 64.94 * thtl
+    else:
+        tg = 217.38 * thtl - 117.38
+    return tg
diff --git a/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/thrust.py b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/thrust.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3de5f8b18481376a24d7031c2b1c96af08e75e91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/F16/aerobench/lowlevel/thrust.py
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+Stanle Bak
+Python F-16
+Thrust function
+import numpy as np
+from aerobench.util import fix
+def thrust(power, alt, rmach):
+    'thrust lookup-table version'
+    a = np.array([[1060, 670, 880, 1140, 1500, 1860], \
+        [635, 425, 690, 1010, 1330, 1700], \
+        [60, 25, 345, 755, 1130, 1525], \
+        [-1020, -170, -300, 350, 910, 1360], \
+        [-2700, -1900, -1300, -247, 600, 1100], \
+        [-3600, -1400, -595, -342, -200, 700]], dtype=float).T
+    b = np.array([[12680, 9150, 6200, 3950, 2450, 1400], \
+        [12680, 9150, 6313, 4040, 2470, 1400], \
+        [12610, 9312, 6610, 4290, 2600, 1560], \
+        [12640, 9839, 7090, 4660, 2840, 1660], \
+        [12390, 10176, 7750, 5320, 3250, 1930], \
+        [11680, 9848, 8050, 6100, 3800, 2310]], dtype=float).T
+    c = np.array([[20000, 15000, 10800, 7000, 4000, 2500], \
+        [21420, 15700, 11225, 7323, 4435, 2600], \
+        [22700, 16860, 12250, 8154, 5000, 2835], \
+        [24240, 18910, 13760, 9285, 5700, 3215], \
+        [26070, 21075, 15975, 11115, 6860, 3950], \
+        [28886, 23319, 18300, 13484, 8642, 5057]], dtype=float).T
+    if alt < 0:
+        alt = 0.01 # uh, why not 0?
+    h = .0001 * alt
+    i = fix(h)
+    if i >= 5:
+        i = 4
+    dh = h - i
+    rm = 5 * rmach
+    m = fix(rm)
+    if m >= 5:
+        m = 4
+    elif m <= 0:
+        m = 0
+    dm = rm - m
+    cdh = 1 - dh
+    # do not increment these, since python is 0-indexed while matlab is 1-indexed
+    #i = i + 1
+    #m = m + 1
+    s = b[i, m] * cdh + b[i + 1, m] * dh
+    t = b[i, m + 1] * cdh + b[i + 1, m + 1] * dh
+    tmil = s + (t - s) * dm
+    if power < 50:
+        s = a[i, m] * cdh + a[i + 1, m] * dh
+        t = a[i, m + 1] * cdh + a[i + 1, m + 1] * dh
+        tidl = s + (t - s) * dm
+        thrst = tidl + (tmil - tidl) * power * .02
+    else:
+        s = c[i, m] * cdh + c[i + 1, m] * dh
+        t = c[i, m + 1] * cdh + c[i + 1, m + 1] * dh
+        tmax = s + (t - s) * dm
+        thrst = tmil + (tmax - tmil) * (power - 50) * .02
+    return thrst
diff --git a/demo/F16/aerobench/util.py b/demo/F16/aerobench/util.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf2c4796629e0f3416452ab99ef538d9c973ce57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/F16/aerobench/util.py
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+Utilities for F-16 GCAS
+from math import floor, ceil
+import numpy as np
+class StateIndex:
+    'list of static state indices'
+    VT = 0
+    VEL = 0 # alias
+    ALPHA = 1
+    BETA = 2
+    PHI = 3 # roll angle
+    THETA = 4 # pitch angle
+    PSI = 5 # yaw angle
+    P = 6
+    Q = 7
+    R = 8
+    POSN = 9
+    POS_N = 9
+    POSE = 10
+    POS_E = 10
+    ALT = 11
+    H = 11
+    POW = 12
+class Freezable():
+    'a class where you can freeze the fields (prevent new fields from being created)'
+    _frozen = False
+    def freeze_attrs(self):
+        'prevents any new attributes from being created in the object'
+        self._frozen = True
+    def __setattr__(self, key, value):
+        if self._frozen and not hasattr(self, key):
+            raise TypeError("{} does not contain attribute '{}' (object was frozen)".format(self, key))
+        object.__setattr__(self, key, value)
+class Euler(Freezable):
+    '''fixed step euler integration
+    loosely based on scipy.integrate.RK45
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, der_func, tstart, ystart, tend, step=0, time_tol=1e-9):
+        assert step > 0, "arg step > 0 required in Euler integrator"
+        assert tend > tstart
+        self.der_func = der_func # signature (t, x)
+        self.tstep = step
+        self.t = tstart
+        self.y = ystart.copy()
+        self.yprev = None
+        self.tprev = None
+        self.tend = tend
+        self.status = 'running'
+        self.time_tol = time_tol
+        self.freeze_attrs()
+    def step(self):
+        'take one step'
+        if self.status == 'running':
+            self.yprev = self.y.copy()
+            self.tprev = self.t
+            yd = self.der_func(self.t, self.y)
+            self.t += self.tstep
+            if self.t + self.time_tol >= self.tend:
+                self.t = self.tend
+            dt = self.t - self.tprev
+            self.y += dt * yd
+            if self.t == self.tend:
+                self.status = 'finished'
+    def dense_output(self):
+        'return a function of time'
+        assert self.tprev is not None
+        dy = self.y - self.yprev
+        dt = self.t - self.tprev
+        dydt = dy / dt
+        def fun(t):
+            'return state at time t (linear interpolation)'
+            deltat = t - self.tprev
+            return self.yprev + dydt * deltat
+        return fun
+def get_state_names():
+    'returns a list of state variable names'
+    return ['vt', 'alpha', 'beta', 'phi', 'theta', 'psi', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'pos_n', 'pos_e', 'alt', 'pow']
+def printmat(mat, main_label, row_label_str, col_label_str):
+    'print a matrix'
+    if isinstance(row_label_str, list) and len(row_label_str) == 0:
+        row_label_str = None
+    assert isinstance(main_label, str)
+    assert row_label_str is None or isinstance(row_label_str, str)
+    assert isinstance(col_label_str, str)
+    mat = np.array(mat)
+    if len(mat.shape) == 1:
+        mat.shape = (1, mat.shape[0]) # one-row matrix
+    print("{main_label} =")
+    row_labels = None if row_label_str is None else row_label_str.split(' ')
+    col_labels = col_label_str.split(' ')
+    width = 7
+    width = max(width, max([len(l) for l in col_labels]))
+    if row_labels is not None:
+        width = max(width, max([len(l) for l in row_labels]))
+    width += 1
+    # add blank space for row labels
+    if row_labels is not None:
+        print("{: <{}}".format('', width), end='')
+    # print col lables
+    for col_label in col_labels:
+        if len(col_label) > width:
+            col_label = col_label[:width]
+        print("{: >{}}".format(col_label, width), end='')
+    print('')
+    if row_labels is not None:
+        assert len(row_labels) == mat.shape[0], \
+            "row labels (len={}) expected one element for each row of the matrix ({})".format( \
+            len(row_labels), mat.shape[0])
+    for r in range(mat.shape[0]):
+        row = mat[r]
+        if row_labels is not None:
+            label = row_labels[r]
+            if len(label) > width:
+                label = label[:width]
+            print("{:<{}}".format(label, width), end='')
+        for num in row:
+            #print("{:#<{}}".format(num, width), end='')
+            print("{:{}.{}g}".format(num, width, width-3), end='')
+        print('')
+def fix(ele):
+    'round towards zero'
+    assert isinstance(ele, float)
+    if ele > 0:
+        rv = int(floor(ele))
+    else:
+        rv = int(ceil(ele))
+    return rv
+def sign(ele):
+    'sign of a number'
+    if ele < 0:
+        rv = -1
+    elif ele == 0:
+        rv = 0
+    else:
+        rv = 1
+    return rv
+def extract_single_result(res, index, llc):
+    'extract a res object for a sinlge aircraft from a multi-aircraft simulation'
+    num_vars = len(get_state_names()) + llc.get_num_integrators()
+    num_aircraft = res['states'][0].size // num_vars
+    if num_aircraft == 1:
+        assert index == 0
+        rv = res
+    else:
+        rv = {}
+        rv['status'] = res['status']
+        rv['times'] = res['times']
+        rv['modes'] = res['modes']
+        full_states = res['states']
+        rv['states'] = full_states[:, num_vars*index:num_vars*(index+1)]
+        if 'xd_list' in res:
+            # extended states
+            key_list = ['xd_list', 'ps_list', 'Nz_list', 'Ny_r_list', 'u_list']
+            for key in key_list:
+                rv[key] = [tup[index] for tup in res[key]]
+    return rv
+class SafetyLimits(Freezable):
+    'a class for holding a set of safety limits.'
+    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+        self.altitude = kwargs['altitude'] if 'altitude' in kwargs and kwargs['altitude'] is not None else None
+        self.Nz = kwargs['Nz'] if 'Nz' in kwargs and kwargs['Nz'] is not None else None
+        self.v = kwargs['v'] if 'v' in kwargs and kwargs['v'] is not None else None
+        self.alpha = kwargs['alpha'] if 'alpha' in kwargs and kwargs['alpha'] is not None else None
+        self.psMaxAccelDeg = kwargs['psMaxAccelDeg'] if 'psMaxAccelDeg' in kwargs and kwargs['psMaxAccelDeg'] is not None else None
+        self.betaMaxDeg = kwargs['betaMaxDeg'] if 'betaMaxDeg' in kwargs and kwargs['betaMaxDeg'] is not None else None
+        self.freeze_attrs()
+class SafetyLimitsVerifier(Freezable):
+    'given some limits (in a SafetyLimits) and optional low-level controller (in a LowLevelController), verify whether the simulation results are safe.'
+    def __init__(self, safety_limits, llc=None):
+        self.safety_limits = safety_limits
+        self.llc = llc
+    def verify(self, results):
+        # Determine the number of state variables per tick of the simulation.
+        if self.llc is not None:
+            num_state_vars = len(get_state_names()) + \
+                             self.llc.get_num_integrators()
+        else:
+            num_state_vars = len(get_state_names())
+        # Check whether the results are sane.
+        assert (results['states'].size % num_state_vars) == 0, \
+            "Wrong number of state variables."
+        # Go through each tick of the simulation and determine whether
+        # the object(s) was (were) in a safe state.
+        for i in range(results['states'].size // num_state_vars):
+            _vt, alpha, beta, _phi, \
+                _theta, _psi, _p, _q, \
+                _r, _pos_n, _pos_e, alt, \
+                _, _, _, _ = results['states'][i]
+            nz = results['Nz_list'][i]
+            ps = results['ps_list'][i]
+            if self.safety_limits.altitude is not None:
+                assert self.safety_limits.altitude[0] <= alt <= self.safety_limits.altitude[1], "Altitude ({}) is not within the specified limits ({}, {}).".format(alt, self.safety_limits.altitude[0], self.safety_limits.altitude[1])
+            if self.safety_limits.Nz is not None:
+                assert self.safety_limits.Nz[0] <= nz <= self.safety_limits.Nz[1], "Nz ({}) is not within the specified limits ({}, {}).".format(nz, self.safety_limits.Nz[0], self.safety_limits.Nz[1])
+            if self.safety_limits.alpha is not None:
+                assert self.safety_limits.alpha[0] <= alpha <= self.safety_limits.alpha[1], "alpha ({}) is not within the specified limits ({}, {}).".format(nz, self.safety_limits.alpha[0], self.safety_limits.alpha[1])
+            if self.safety_limits.psMaxAccelDeg is not None:
+                assert ps <= self.safety_limits.psMaxAccelDeg, "Ps is not less than the specified max."
+            if self.safety_limits.betaMaxDeg is not None:
+                assert beta <= self.safety_limits.betaMaxDeg, "Beta is not less than the specified max."
diff --git a/demo/F16/aerobench/visualize/anim3d.py b/demo/F16/aerobench/visualize/anim3d.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9042af44979c1f5ef92f4da2ccf967047526fe18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/F16/aerobench/visualize/anim3d.py
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+3d plotting utilities for aerobench
+import math
+import time
+import os
+import traceback
+from scipy.io import loadmat
+import numpy as np
+from numpy import rad2deg
+# these imports are needed for 3d plotting
+from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
+from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Line3D, Poly3DCollection
+import matplotlib
+import matplotlib.animation as animation
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from aerobench.visualize import plot
+from aerobench.util import StateIndex
+def get_script_path(filename=__file__):
+    '''get the path this script'''
+    return os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(filename))
+def make_anim(res, filename, viewsize=1000, viewsize_z=1000, f16_scale=30, trail_pts=60,
+              elev=30, azim=45, skip_frames=None, chase=False, fixed_floor=False,
+              init_extra=None, update_extra=None):
+    '''
+    make a 3d plot of the GCAS maneuver.
+    see examples/anim3d folder for examples on usage
+    '''
+    plot.init_plot()
+    start = time.time()
+    if not isinstance(res, list):
+        res = [res]
+    if not isinstance(viewsize, list):
+        viewsize = [viewsize]
+    if not isinstance(viewsize_z, list):
+        viewsize_z = [viewsize_z]
+    if not isinstance(f16_scale, list):
+        f16_scale = [f16_scale]
+    if not isinstance(trail_pts, list):
+        trail_pts = [trail_pts]
+    if not isinstance(elev, list):
+        elev = [elev]
+    if not isinstance(azim, list):
+        azim = [azim]
+    if not isinstance(skip_frames, list):
+        skip_frames = [skip_frames]
+    if not isinstance(chase, list):
+        chase = [chase]
+    if not isinstance(fixed_floor, list):
+        fixed_floor = [fixed_floor]
+    if not isinstance(init_extra, list):
+        init_extra = [init_extra]
+    if not isinstance(update_extra, list):
+        update_extra = [update_extra]
+    #####
+    # fill in defaults
+    if filename == '':
+        full_plot = False
+    else:
+        full_plot = True
+    for i, skip in enumerate(skip_frames):
+        if skip is not None:
+            continue
+        if filename == '': # plot to the screen
+            skip_frames[i] = 5
+        elif filename.endswith('.gif'):
+            skip_frames[i] = 2
+        else:
+            skip_frames[i] = 1 # plot every frame
+    if filename == '':
+        filename = None
+    ##
+    all_times = []
+    all_states = []
+    all_modes = []
+    all_ps_list = []
+    all_Nz_list = []
+    for r, skip in zip(res, skip_frames):
+        t = r['times']
+        s = r['states']
+        m = r['modes']
+        ps = r['ps_list']
+        Nz = r['Nz_list']
+        t = t[0::skip]
+        s = s[0::skip]
+        m = m[0::skip]
+        ps = ps[0::skip]
+        Nz = Nz[0::skip]
+        all_times.append(t)
+        all_states.append(s)
+        all_modes.append(m)
+        all_ps_list.append(ps)
+        all_Nz_list.append(Nz)
+    ##
+    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 7))
+    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
+    ##
+    parent = get_script_path()
+    plane_point_data = os.path.join(parent, 'f-16.mat')
+    data = loadmat(plane_point_data)
+    f16_pts = data['V']
+    f16_faces = data['F']
+    plane_polys = Poly3DCollection([], color=None if full_plot else 'k')
+    ax.add_collection3d(plane_polys)
+    ax.set_xlabel('X [ft]', fontsize=14)
+    ax.set_ylabel('Y [ft]', fontsize=14)
+    ax.set_zlabel('Altitude [ft]', fontsize=14)
+    # text
+    fontsize = 14
+    time_text = ax.text2D(0.05, 0.97, "", transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=fontsize)
+    mode_text = ax.text2D(0.95, 0.97, "", transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=fontsize, horizontalalignment='right')
+    alt_text = ax.text2D(0.05, 0.93, "", transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=fontsize)
+    v_text = ax.text2D(0.95, 0.93, "", transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=fontsize, horizontalalignment='right')
+    alpha_text = ax.text2D(0.05, 0.89, "", transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=fontsize)
+    beta_text = ax.text2D(0.95, 0.89, "", transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=fontsize, horizontalalignment='right')
+    nz_text = ax.text2D(0.05, 0.85, "", transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=fontsize)
+    ps_text = ax.text2D(0.95, 0.85, "", transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=fontsize, horizontalalignment='right')
+    ang_text = ax.text2D(0.5, 0.81, "", transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=fontsize, horizontalalignment='center')
+    trail_line, = ax.plot([], [], [], color='r', lw=2, zorder=50)
+    extra_lines = []
+    for func in init_extra:
+        if func is not None:
+            extra_lines.append(func(ax))
+        else:
+            extra_lines.append([])
+    first_frames = []
+    frames = 0
+    for t in all_times:
+        first_frames.append(frames)
+        frames += len(t)
+    def anim_func(global_frame):
+        'updates for the animation frame'
+        index = 0
+        first_frame = False
+        for i, f in enumerate(first_frames):
+            if global_frame >= f:
+                index = i
+                if global_frame == f:
+                    first_frame = True
+                    break
+        frame = global_frame - first_frames[index]
+        states = all_states[index]
+        times = all_times[index]
+        modes = all_modes[index]
+        Nz_list = all_Nz_list[index]
+        ps_list = all_ps_list[index]
+        print(f"Frame: {global_frame}/{frames} - Index {index} frame {frame}/{len(times)}")
+        speed = states[frame][0]
+        alpha = states[frame][1]
+        beta = states[frame][2]
+        alt = states[frame][11]
+        phi = states[frame][StateIndex.PHI]
+        theta = states[frame][StateIndex.THETA]
+        psi = states[frame][StateIndex.PSI]
+        dx = states[frame][StateIndex.POS_E]
+        dy = states[frame][StateIndex.POS_N]
+        dz = states[frame][StateIndex.ALT]
+        if first_frame:
+            ax.view_init(elev[index], azim[index])
+            for i, lines in enumerate(extra_lines):
+                for line in lines:
+                    line.set_visible(i == index)
+        time_text.set_text('t = {:.2f} sec'.format(times[frame]))
+        if chase[index]:
+            ax.view_init(elev[index], rad2deg(-psi) - 90.0)
+        colors = ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'magenta']
+        mode_names = []
+        for mode in modes:
+            if not mode in mode_names:
+                mode_names.append(mode)
+        mode = modes[frame]
+        mode_index = modes.index(mode)
+        col = colors[mode_index % len(colors)]
+        mode_text.set_color(col)
+        mode_text.set_text('Mode: {}'.format(mode.capitalize()))
+        alt_text.set_text('h = {:.2f} ft'.format(alt))
+        v_text.set_text('V = {:.2f} ft/sec'.format(speed))
+        alpha_text.set_text('$\\alpha$ = {:.2f} deg'.format(rad2deg(alpha)))
+        beta_text.set_text('$\\beta$ = {:.2f} deg'.format(rad2deg(beta)))
+        nz_text.set_text('$N_z$ = {:.2f} g'.format(Nz_list[frame]))
+        ps_text.set_text('$p_s$ = {:.2f} deg/sec'.format(rad2deg(ps_list[frame])))
+        ang_text.set_text('[$\\phi$, $\\theta$, $\\psi$] = [{:.2f}, {:.2f}, {:.2f}] deg'.format(\
+            rad2deg(phi), rad2deg(theta), rad2deg(psi)))
+        s = f16_scale[index]
+        s = 25 if s is None else s
+        pts = scale3d(f16_pts, [-s, s, s])
+        pts = rotate3d(pts, theta, psi - math.pi/2, -phi)
+        size = viewsize[index]
+        size = 1000 if size is None else size
+        minx = dx - size
+        maxx = dx + size
+        miny = dy - size
+        maxy = dy + size
+        vz = viewsize_z[index]
+        vz = 1000 if vz is None else vz
+        if fixed_floor[index]:
+            minz = 0
+            maxz = vz
+        else:
+            minz = dz - vz
+            maxz = dz + vz
+        ax.set_xlim([minx, maxx])
+        ax.set_ylim([miny, maxy])
+        ax.set_zlim([minz, maxz])
+        verts = []
+        fc = []
+        ec = []
+        count = 0
+        # draw ground
+        if minz <= 0 <= maxz:
+            z = 0
+            verts.append([(minx, miny, z), (maxx, miny, z), (maxx, maxy, z), (minx, maxy, z)])
+            fc.append('0.8')
+            ec.append('0.8')
+        # draw f16
+        for face in f16_faces:
+            face_pts = []
+            count = count + 1
+            if not full_plot and count % 10 != 0:
+                continue
+            for findex in face:
+                face_pts.append((pts[findex-1][0] + dx, \
+                    pts[findex-1][1] + dy, \
+                    pts[findex-1][2] + dz))
+            verts.append(face_pts)
+            fc.append('0.2')
+            ec.append('0.2')
+        plane_polys.set_verts(verts)
+        plane_polys.set_facecolor(fc)
+        plane_polys.set_edgecolor(ec)
+        # do trail
+        t = trail_pts[index]
+        t = 200 if t is None else t
+        trail_len = t // skip_frames[index]
+        start_index = max(0, frame-trail_len)
+        pos_xs = [pt[StateIndex.POS_E] for pt in states]
+        pos_ys = [pt[StateIndex.POS_N] for pt in states]
+        pos_zs = [pt[StateIndex.ALT] for pt in states]
+        trail_line.set_data(np.asarray(pos_xs[start_index:frame]), np.asarray(pos_ys[start_index:frame]))
+        trail_line.set_3d_properties(np.asarray(pos_zs[start_index:frame]))
+        if update_extra[index] is not None:
+            update_extra[index](frame)
+    plt.tight_layout()
+    interval = 30
+    if filename.endswith('.gif'):
+        interval = 60
+    anim_obj = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, anim_func, frames, interval=interval, \
+        blit=False, repeat=True)
+    if filename is not None:
+        if filename.endswith('.gif'):
+            print("\nSaving animation to '{}' using 'imagemagick'...".format(filename))
+            anim_obj.save(filename, dpi=60, writer='imagemagick') # dpi was 80
+            print("Finished saving to {} in {:.1f} sec".format(filename, time.time() - start))
+        else:
+            fps = 40
+            codec = 'libx264'
+            print("\nSaving '{}' at {:.2f} fps using ffmpeg with codec '{}'.".format(filename, fps, codec))
+            # if this fails do: 'sudo apt-get install ffmpeg'
+            try:
+                extra_args = []
+                if codec is not None:
+                    extra_args += ['-vcodec', str(codec)]
+                anim_obj.save(filename, fps=fps, extra_args=extra_args)
+                print("Finished saving to {} in {:.1f} sec".format(filename, time.time() - start))
+            except AttributeError:
+                traceback.print_exc()
+                print("\nSaving video file failed! Is ffmpeg installed? Can you run 'ffmpeg' in the terminal?")
+    else:
+        plt.show()
+def scale3d(pts, scale_list):
+    'scale a 3d ndarray of points, and return the new ndarray'
+    assert len(scale_list) == 3
+    rv = np.zeros(pts.shape)
+    for i in range(pts.shape[0]):
+        for d in range(3):
+            rv[i, d] = scale_list[d] * pts[i, d]
+    return rv
+def rotate3d(pts, theta, psi, phi):
+    'rotates an ndarray of 3d points, returns new list'
+    sinTheta = math.sin(theta)
+    cosTheta = math.cos(theta)
+    sinPsi = math.sin(psi)
+    cosPsi = math.cos(psi)
+    sinPhi = math.sin(phi)
+    cosPhi = math.cos(phi)
+    transform_matrix = np.array([ \
+        [cosPsi * cosTheta, -sinPsi * cosTheta, sinTheta], \
+        [cosPsi * sinTheta * sinPhi + sinPsi * cosPhi, \
+        -sinPsi * sinTheta * sinPhi + cosPsi * cosPhi, \
+        -cosTheta * sinPhi], \
+        [-cosPsi * sinTheta * cosPhi + sinPsi * sinPhi, \
+        sinPsi * sinTheta * cosPhi + cosPsi * sinPhi, \
+        cosTheta * cosPhi]], dtype=float)
+    rv = np.zeros(pts.shape)
+    for i in range(pts.shape[0]):
+        rv[i] = np.dot(pts[i], transform_matrix)
+    return rv
diff --git a/demo/F16/aerobench/visualize/bak_matplotlib.mlpstyle b/demo/F16/aerobench/visualize/bak_matplotlib.mlpstyle
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..58c7faed1401e5334c5489c2343574ae9036ae4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/F16/aerobench/visualize/bak_matplotlib.mlpstyle
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+font.family : serif
+xtick.labelsize : 14
+ytick.labelsize : 14
+axes.labelsize : 20
+axes.titlesize : 28
+path.simplify : False 
diff --git a/demo/F16/aerobench/visualize/f-16.mat b/demo/F16/aerobench/visualize/f-16.mat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dd42bdfb56ac815ef1c1cb6259d92a7d7b8c484d
Binary files /dev/null and b/demo/F16/aerobench/visualize/f-16.mat differ
diff --git a/demo/F16/aerobench/visualize/plot.py b/demo/F16/aerobench/visualize/plot.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c690145292ed4fdb1fba6ea08dbcf0bfeacd73a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/F16/aerobench/visualize/plot.py
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+Stanley Bak
+Python code for F-16 animation video output
+import math
+import os
+import numpy as np
+from numpy import rad2deg
+import matplotlib
+import matplotlib.animation as animation
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from aerobench.util import get_state_names, StateIndex
+def get_script_path(filename=__file__):
+    '''get the path this script'''
+    return os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(filename))
+def init_plot():
+    'initialize plotting style'
+    matplotlib.use('TkAgg') # set backend
+    parent = get_script_path()
+    p = os.path.join(parent, 'bak_matplotlib.mlpstyle')
+    plt.style.use(['bmh', p])
+def plot_overhead(run_sim_result, waypoints=None, llc=None):
+    '''altitude over time plot from run_f16_sum result object
+    note: call plt.show() afterwards to have plot show up
+    '''
+    init_plot()
+    res = run_sim_result
+    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5))
+    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
+    full_states = res['states']
+    if llc is not None:
+        num_vars = len(get_state_names()) + llc.get_num_integrators()
+        num_aircraft = full_states[0, :].size // num_vars
+    else:
+        num_vars = full_states[0, :].size
+        num_aircraft = 1
+    for i in range(num_aircraft):
+        states = full_states[:, i*num_vars:(i+1)*num_vars]
+        ys = states[:, StateIndex.POSN] # 9: n/s position (ft)
+        xs = states[:, StateIndex.POSE] # 10: e/w position (ft)
+        ax.plot(xs, ys, '-')
+        label = 'Start' if i == 0 else None
+        ax.plot([xs[0]], [ys[1]], 'k*', ms=8, label=label)
+    if waypoints is not None:
+        xs = [wp[0] for wp in waypoints]
+        ys = [wp[1] for wp in waypoints]
+        ax.plot(xs, ys, 'ro', label='Waypoints')
+    ax.set_ylabel('North / South Position (ft)')
+    ax.set_xlabel('East / West Position (ft)')
+    ax.set_title('Overhead Plot')
+    ax.axis('equal')
+    ax.legend()
+    plt.tight_layout()
+def plot_attitude(run_sim_result, title='Attitude History', skip_yaw=True, figsize=(7, 5)):
+    'plot a single variable over time'
+    init_plot()
+    res = run_sim_result
+    fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
+    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
+    ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False)
+    times = res['times']
+    states = res['states']
+    indices = [StateIndex.PHI, StateIndex.THETA, StateIndex.PSI, StateIndex.P, StateIndex.Q, StateIndex.R]
+    labels = ['Roll (Phi)', 'Pitch (Theta)', 'Yaw (Psi)', 'Roll Rate (P)', 'Pitch Rate (Q)', 'Yaw Rate (R)']
+    colors = ['r-', 'g-', 'b-', 'r--', 'g--', 'b--']
+    rad_to_deg_factor = 180 / math.pi
+    for index, label, color in zip(indices, labels, colors):
+        if skip_yaw and index == StateIndex.PSI:
+            continue
+        ys = states[:, index] # 11: altitude (ft)
+        ax.plot(times, ys * rad_to_deg_factor, color, label=label)
+    ax.set_ylabel('Attitudes & Rates (deg, deg/s)')
+    ax.set_xlabel('Time (sec)')
+    if title is not None:
+        ax.set_title(title)
+    ax.legend()
+    plt.tight_layout()
+def plot_outer_loop(run_sim_result, title='Outer Loop Controls'):
+    'plot a single variable over time'
+    init_plot()
+    res = run_sim_result
+    assert 'u_list' in res, "Simulation must be run with extended_states=True"
+    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5))
+    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
+    ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False)
+    times = res['times']
+    u_list = res['u_list']
+    ps_list = res['ps_list']
+    nz_list = res['Nz_list']
+    ny_r_list = res['Ny_r_list']
+    # u is: throt, ele, ail, rud, Nz_ref, ps_ref, Ny_r_ref
+    # u_ref is: Nz, ps, Ny + r, throttle
+    ys_list = []
+    ys_list.append(nz_list)
+    ys_list.append([u[4] for u in u_list])
+    ys_list.append(ps_list)
+    ys_list.append([u[5] for u in u_list])
+    ys_list.append(ny_r_list)
+    ys_list.append([u[6] for u in u_list])
+    # throttle reference is not included... although it's just a small offset so probably less important
+    ys_list.append([u[0] for u in u_list])
+    labels = ['N_z', 'N_z,ref', 'P_s', 'P_s,ref', 'N_yr', 'N_yr,ref', 'Throttle']
+    colors = ['r', 'r', 'lime', 'lime', 'b', 'b', 'c']
+    for i, (ys, label, color) in enumerate(zip(ys_list, labels, colors)):
+        lt = '-' if i % 2 == 0 else ':'
+        lw = 1 if i % 2 == 0 else 3
+        ax.plot(times, ys, lt, lw=lw, color=color, label=label)
+    ax.set_ylabel('Autopilot (deg & percent)')
+    ax.set_xlabel('Time (sec)')
+    if title is not None:
+        ax.set_title(title)
+    ax.legend()
+    plt.tight_layout()
+def plot_inner_loop(run_sim_result, title='Inner Loop Controls'):
+    'plot inner loop controls over time'
+    init_plot()
+    res = run_sim_result
+    assert 'u_list' in res, "Simulation must be run with extended_states=True"
+    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5))
+    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
+    ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False)
+    times = res['times']
+    u_list = res['u_list']
+    # u is throt, ele, ail, rud, Nz_ref, ps_ref, Ny_r_ref
+    ys_list = []
+    rad_to_deg_factor = 180 / math.pi
+    for i in range(4):
+        factor = 1.0 if i == 0 else rad_to_deg_factor
+        ys_list.append([u[i] * factor for u in u_list])
+    labels = ['Throttle', 'Elevator', 'Aileron', 'Rudder']
+    colors = ['b-', 'r-', '#FFA500', 'm-']
+    for ys, label, color in zip(ys_list, labels, colors):
+        ax.plot(times, ys, color, label=label)
+    ax.set_ylabel('Controls (deg & percent)')
+    ax.set_xlabel('Time (sec)')
+    if title is not None:
+        ax.set_title(title)
+    ax.legend()
+    plt.tight_layout()
+def plot_single(run_sim_result, state_name, title=None):
+    'plot a single variable over time'
+    init_plot()
+    res = run_sim_result
+    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5))
+    ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
+    ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False)
+    times = res['times']
+    states = res['states']
+    index = get_state_names().index(state_name)
+    ys = states[:, index] # 11: altitude (ft)
+    ax.plot(times, ys, '-')
+    ax.set_ylabel(state_name)
+    ax.set_xlabel('Time')
+    if title is not None:
+        ax.set_title(title)
+    plt.tight_layout()
+def plot_altitude(run_sim_result):
+    '''altitude over time plot from run_f16_sum result object
+    note: call plt.show() afterwards to have plot show up
+    '''
+    plot_single(run_sim_result, 'alt')
+def plot2d(filename, times, plot_data_list):
+    '''plot state variables in 2d
+    plot data list of is a list of (values_list, var_data),
+    where values_list is an 2-d array, the first is time step, the second is a state vector
+    and each var_data is a list of tuples: (state_index, label)
+    '''
+    num_plots = sum([len(var_data) for _, var_data in plot_data_list])
+    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5))
+    for plot_index in range(num_plots):
+        ax = fig.add_subplot(num_plots, 1, plot_index + 1)
+        ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=16)
+        sum_plots = 0
+        states = None
+        state_var_data = None
+        for values_list, var_data in plot_data_list:
+            if plot_index < sum_plots + len(var_data):
+                states = values_list
+                state_var_data = var_data
+                break
+            sum_plots += len(var_data)
+        state_index, label = state_var_data[plot_index - sum_plots]
+        if state_index == 0 and isinstance(states[0], float): # state is just a single number
+            ys = states
+        else:
+            ys = [state[state_index] for state in states]
+        ax.plot(times, ys, '-')
+        ax.set_ylabel(label, fontsize=16)
+        # last one gets an x axis label
+        if plot_index == num_plots - 1:
+            ax.set_xlabel('Time', fontsize=16)
+    plt.tight_layout()
+    if filename is not None:
+        plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight')
+    else:
+        plt.show()