This is a manual test plan for cs242-sp21 assignment2: GoodRead Crawler
The following OS are appropriate system for running the GoodRead Crawler application and testing.
- Windows 7 or above
- Mac OS X
- Linux
#### Testing Prerequisites
Softwares/applications are required for running the test.
- Python 3
- Javascript
- React JS
## Scenes for Testing
## 1.GET function
#### Test1.1
- test content:
Test GET exist book data
- expect result:
Successfully get book data and showing in table
#### Test1.2
- test content:
Test GET exist author data
- expect result:
Successfully get author data and showing in table
#### Test1.3
- test content:
Test GET unexist book data
- expect result:
Request failed
#### Test1.4
- test content:
Test GET unexist author data
- expect result:
Request failed
#### Test1.5
- test content:
Test search exist book data with id
- expect result:
Successfully find the data and print in table
#### Test1.6
- test content:
Test search exist book data with flexible search condition
- expect result:
Successfully find the data and showing in table
#### Test1.7
- test content:
Test search unexist book data
- expect result:
Request failed
#### Test1.8
- test content:
Test using scrape in GET command
- expect result:
Request failed
## 2.PUT function
#### Test2.1
- test content:
Test PUT update data for exist book documentation
- expect result:
No new document is created, existing document updated
#### Test2.2
- test content:
Test PUT new book documentation
- expect result:
A new book document is created
#### Test2.3
- test content:
Test PUT update data for exist author documentation
- expect result:
No new document is created, existing document updated
#### Test2.4
- test content:
Test PUT new author documentation
- expect result:
A new author document is created
## 3.POST function
#### Test3.1
- test content:
Test POST book data
- expect result:
Successfully post new book documtent
#### Test3.2
- test content:
Test POST author data
- expect result:
Successfully post new author documtent
#### Test3.3
- test content:
Test Scrape data
- expect result:
New book and author data is added into collections
#### Test3.4
- test content:
Test the input form of book-type doc can be closed by click 'back' button and another form of author-type can be opened
- expect result:
Successfully changed the form
## 4.DELETE function
#### Test4.1
- test content:
Test DELETE book data by id
- expect result:
Successfully delete the book data
#### Test4.2
- test content:
Test DELETE author data by name
- expect result:
Successfully delete the author data
#### Test4.3
- test content:
Test DELETE unexist data
- expect result:
Request failed
## 5.Responsive UI Test
#### Test5.1
- test content:
Test main page can fit mobile device
- expect result:
All elements can be fitted in screen of mobile-device size
#### Test5.2
- test content:
Test data table can scroll
- expect result:
Data table can be scroll to right and left when the screen's size is not large enough