@@ -153,9 +153,9 @@ Have you written a blog about OpenFaaS? Do you have a speaking event? Send a Pul
*[Read blogs/articles and find events about OpenFaaS](https://github.com/openfaas/faas/blob/master/community.md)
### Roadmap and contributing
### Contributing
OpenFaaS is written in Golang and is MIT licensed - contributions are welcomed whether that means providing feedback, testing existing and new feature or hacking on the source.
OpenFaaS Community Edition is written in Golang and is MIT licensed. Various types of contributions are welcomed whether that means providing feedback, testing existing and new feature or hacking on the source code.
You can find a detailed breakdown of the [openfaas](https://github.com/openfaas/) and [openfaas-incubator](https://github.com/openfaas-incubator/) organisations and projects [in the docs](https://docs.openfaas.com/contributing/get-started/).
## Feature overview
For an overview see [the docs](https://docs.openfaas.com/) or see a [feature comparison between OpenFaaS and OpenFaaS Cloud](https://docs.openfaas.com/openfaas-cloud/intro/).
### OpenFaaS
OpenFaaS is a platform for building Serverless Functions and/or deploying existing microservices. Any programming language or binary is supported with a range of [templates](https://github.com/openfaas/templates) available to help you get started.
The core services which make up OpenFaaS need to run on a Linux master, but Windows worker nodes can be added to your cluster to run Windows binaries and functions.
Platforms: the x86_64 platform has first class support, with 32-bit arm and 64-bit arm provided on a best-effort basis.
Orchestrators: there is official support for Kubernetes & faasd (containerd) with the community providing support for AWS Fargate, Hashicorp Nomad and others.
### OpenFaaS Cloud
OpenFaaS Cloud is a multi-user distribution of OpenFaaS with a built-in CI/CD pipeline, OAuth delegation, a dashboard and a git-based workflow with public/private GitHub and self-hosted GitLab.
## What is coming next?
Proposals and feature requests are tracked [on the 2020 Roadmap on Trello](https://trello.com/invite/b/5OpMyrBP/ade103a10ae1e38eb5d3eee7955260a9/2020-openfaas-roadmap) and through the GitHub issue tracker of each project in the two organisations.