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  • tbgl/tools/arbd
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......@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ ComputeForce::ComputeForce(const Configuration& c, const int numReplicas = 1) :
numBonds(c.numBonds), numTabBondFiles(c.numTabBondFiles),
numExcludes(c.numExcludes), numAngles(c.numAngles),
numTabAngleFiles(c.numTabAngleFiles), numDihedrals(c.numDihedrals),
numTabDihedralFiles(c.numTabDihedralFiles), numRestraints(c.numRestraints),
numTabDihedralFiles(c.numTabDihedralFiles), numVecangles(c.numVecangles),
numTabVecangleFiles(c.numTabVecangleFiles), numRestraints(c.numRestraints),
numBondAngles(c.numBondAngles), numProductPotentials(c.numProductPotentials),
numReplicas(numReplicas) {
......@@ -143,6 +144,17 @@ ComputeForce::ComputeForce(const Configuration& c, const int numReplicas = 1) :
gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&tableDihedral_d, sizeof(TabulatedDihedralPotential*) * numTabDihedralFiles));
// Create the vecangle table
tableVecangle = new TabulatedVecanglePotential*[numTabVecangleFiles];
tableVecangle_addr = new TabulatedVecanglePotential*[numTabVecangleFiles];
vecangleList_d = NULL;
tableVecangle_d = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < numTabVecangleFiles; i++) {
tableVecangle_addr[i] = NULL;
tableVecangle[i] = NULL;
gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&tableVecangle_d, sizeof(TabulatedVecanglePotential*) * numTabVecangleFiles));
{ // allocate device for pairlists
// RBTODO: select maxpairs in better way; add assertion in kernel to avoid going past this
const int maxPairs = MAX_NLIST_PAIRS;
......@@ -303,6 +315,11 @@ ComputeForce::~ComputeForce() {
gpuErrchk( cudaFree(dihedralList_d) );
gpuErrchk( cudaFree(dihedralPotList_d) );
if (numVecangles > 0) {
gpuErrchk( cudaFree(vecangles_d) );
gpuErrchk( cudaFree(vecangleList_d) );
gpuErrchk( cudaFree(vecanglePotList_d) );
if (numExcludes > 0) {
gpuErrchk( cudaFree(excludes_d) );
gpuErrchk( cudaFree(excludeMap_d) );
......@@ -507,6 +524,41 @@ bool ComputeForce::addDihedralPotential(String fileName, int ind, Dihedral dihed
t.pot = NULL;
return true;
bool ComputeForce::addVecanglePotential(String fileName, int ind, Vecangle vecangles[])
for (int i = 0; i < numVecangles; i++)
if (vecangles[i].fileName == fileName)
vecangles[i].tabFileIndex = ind;
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpyAsync(vecangles_d, vecangles, sizeof(Vecangle) * numVecangles,
if (tableVecangle[ind] != NULL) {
delete tableVecangle[ind];
tableVecangle[ind] = NULL;
tableVecangle_addr[ind] = NULL;
tableVecangle[ind] = new TabulatedVecanglePotential(fileName,VECANGLE);
TabulatedVecanglePotential t = TabulatedVecanglePotential(*tableVecangle[ind]);
// Copy tableAngle[ind] to the device
float *pot;
int size = tableVecangle[ind]->size;
gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&pot, sizeof(float) * size));
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpyAsync(pot, tableVecangle[ind]->pot,
sizeof(float) * size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
t.pot = pot;
gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&tableVecangle_addr[ind], sizeof(TabulatedVecanglePotential)));
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpyAsync(tableVecangle_addr[ind], &t,
sizeof(TabulatedVecanglePotential), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(tableVecangle_d, tableVecangle_addr,
sizeof(TabulatedVecanglePotential*) * numTabVecangleFiles, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
t.pot = NULL;
return true;
void ComputeForce::decompose() {
//gpuErrchk( cudaProfilerStart() );
......@@ -763,6 +815,18 @@ float ComputeForce::computeTabulated(bool get_energy) {
computeTabulatedDihedrals<<<nb, numThreads, 0, gpuman.get_next_stream()>>>(forceInternal_d[0], pos_d[0], sys_d[0], numDihedrals*numReplicas,
dihedralList_d, dihedralPotList_d, tableDihedral_d, energies_d, get_energy);
if (vecangleList_d != NULL && tableVecangle_d != NULL)
//computeTabulatedVecangles<<<nb, numThreads>>>(forceInternal_d[0], pos_d[0], sys_d[0], numVecangles*numReplicas, vecangleList_d, vecanglePotList_d, tableVecangle_d);
if (get_energy) {
computeTabulatedVecangles<true><<<nb, numThreads, 0, gpuman.get_next_stream()>>>(forceInternal_d[0], pos_d[0], sys_d[0], numVecangles*numReplicas,
vecangleList_d, vecanglePotList_d, tableVecangle_d, energies_d);
} else {
computeTabulatedVecangles<false><<<nb, numThreads, 0, gpuman.get_next_stream()>>>(forceInternal_d[0], pos_d[0], sys_d[0], numVecangles*numReplicas,
vecangleList_d, vecanglePotList_d, tableVecangle_d);
// TODO: Sum energy
if (restraintIds_d != NULL )
......@@ -812,6 +876,16 @@ float ComputeForce::computeTabulatedFull(bool get_energy) {
tableDihedral_d, numDihedrals,
num+num_rb_attached_particles, sys_d[0], energies_d,
if (get_energy) {
computeTabulatedVecangles<true><<<numBlocks, numThreads, 0, gpuman.get_next_stream()>>>(forceInternal_d[0], pos_d[0], sys_d[0], numVecangles*numReplicas,
vecangleList_d, vecanglePotList_d, tableVecangle_d, energies_d);
} else {
computeTabulatedVecangles<false><<<numBlocks, numThreads, 0, gpuman.get_next_stream()>>>(forceInternal_d[0], pos_d[0], sys_d[0], numVecangles*numReplicas,
vecangleList_d, vecanglePotList_d, tableVecangle_d);
// Calculate the energy based on the array created by the kernel
if (get_energy) {
......@@ -891,7 +965,7 @@ void ComputeForce::setForceInternalOnDevice(Vector3* f) {
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(forceInternal_d[0], f, sizeof(Vector3) * tot_num, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
void ComputeForce::copyToCUDA(int simNum, int *type, Bond* bonds, int2* bondMap, Exclude* excludes, int2* excludeMap, Angle* angles, Dihedral* dihedrals, const Restraint* const restraints, const BondAngle* const bondAngles, const XpotMap simple_potential_map, const std::vector<SimplePotential> simple_potentials, const ProductPotentialConf* const product_potential_confs)
void ComputeForce::copyToCUDA(int simNum, int *type, Bond* bonds, int2* bondMap, Exclude* excludes, int2* excludeMap, Angle* angles, Dihedral* dihedrals, Vecangle* vecangles, const Restraint* const restraints, const BondAngle* const bondAngles, const XpotMap simple_potential_map, const std::vector<SimplePotential> simple_potentials, const ProductPotentialConf* const product_potential_confs)
assert(simNum == numReplicas); // Not sure why we have both of these things
int tot_num_with_rb = (num+num_rb_attached_particles) * simNum;
......@@ -939,6 +1013,13 @@ void ComputeForce::copyToCUDA(int simNum, int *type, Bond* bonds, int2* bondMap,
sizeof(Dihedral) * numDihedrals,
if (numVecangles > 0) {
// Vecangles_d
gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&vecangles_d, sizeof(Vecangle) * numVecangles));
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpyAsync(vecangles_d, vecangles,
sizeof(Vecangle) * numVecangles,
if (numRestraints > 0) {
int restraintIds[numRestraints];
......@@ -1079,7 +1160,7 @@ void ComputeForce::copyToCUDA(int simNum, int *type, Bond* bonds, int2* bondMap,
// }
// }
void ComputeForce::copyBondedListsToGPU(int3 *bondList, int4 *angleList, int4 *dihedralList, int *dihedralPotList, int4* bondAngleList, int2* restraintList) {
void ComputeForce::copyBondedListsToGPU(int3 *bondList, int4 *angleList, int4 *dihedralList, int *dihedralPotList, int4 *vecangleList, int *vecanglePotList, int4* bondAngleList, int2* restraintList) {
size_t size;
if (numBonds > 0) {
......@@ -1104,6 +1185,16 @@ void ComputeForce::copyBondedListsToGPU(int3 *bondList, int4 *angleList, int4 *d
gpuErrchk( cudaMemcpyAsync( dihedralPotList_d, dihedralPotList, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) );
if (numVecangles > 0) {
size = numVecangles * numReplicas * sizeof(int4);
gpuErrchk( cudaMalloc( &vecangleList_d, size ) );
gpuErrchk( cudaMemcpyAsync( vecangleList_d, vecangleList, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) );
size = numVecangles * numReplicas * sizeof(int);
gpuErrchk( cudaMalloc( &vecanglePotList_d, size ) );
gpuErrchk( cudaMemcpyAsync( vecanglePotList_d, vecanglePotList, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice) );
if (numBondAngles > 0) {
size = 2*numBondAngles * numReplicas * sizeof(int4);
gpuErrchk( cudaMalloc( &bondAngleList_d, size ) );
......@@ -1064,6 +1064,31 @@ void computeTabulatedDihedrals(Vector3* force, const Vector3* __restrict__ pos,
// }
template<bool get_energy>
void computeTabulatedVecangles(Vector3* force, const Vector3* __restrict__ pos,
const BaseGrid* __restrict__ sys,
int numVecangles, const int4* const __restrict__ vecangleList_d,
const int* __restrict__ vecanglePotList_d, TabulatedVecanglePotential** tableVecangle, float* energy=nullptr) {
// int currVecangle = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; // first particle ID
// Loop over ALL vecangles in ALL replicas
for (int i = threadIdx.x+blockIdx.x*blockDim.x; i < numVecangles; i+=blockDim.x*gridDim.x) {
const int4& ids = vecangleList_d[i];
const int& id = vecanglePotList_d[i];
TabulatedVecanglePotential* __restrict__ p = tableVecangle[ id ];
float tmp = p->compute_value( pos, sys, ids);
float2 ef = p->compute_energy_and_deriv(tmp);
p->apply_force(pos,sys,force, ids, ef.y);
if (get_energy) {
atomicAdd( &energy[ids.x], ef.x*0.25 );
atomicAdd( &energy[ids.y], ef.x*0.25 );
atomicAdd( &energy[ids.z], ef.x*0.25 );
atomicAdd( &energy[ids.w], ef.x*0.25 );
void computeHarmonicRestraints(Vector3* force, const Vector3* __restrict__ pos,
......@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ public:
bool addBondPotential(String fileName, int ind, Bond* bonds, BondAngle* bondAngles);
bool addAnglePotential(String fileName, int ind, Angle* angles, BondAngle* bondAngles);
bool addDihedralPotential(String fileName, int ind, Dihedral* dihedrals);
bool addVecanglePotential(String fileName, int ind, Vecangle* vecangles);
void decompose();
......@@ -95,7 +96,7 @@ public:
//MLog: new copy function to allocate memory required by ComputeForce class.
void copyToCUDA(Vector3* forceInternal, Vector3* pos);
void copyToCUDA(int simNum, int *type, Bond* bonds, int2* bondMap, Exclude* excludes, int2* excludeMap, Angle* angles, Dihedral* dihedrals, const Restraint* const restraints, const BondAngle* const bondAngles,
void copyToCUDA(int simNum, int *type, Bond* bonds, int2* bondMap, Exclude* excludes, int2* excludeMap, Angle* angles, Dihedral* dihedrals, Vecangle* vecangles, const Restraint* const restraints, const BondAngle* const bondAngles,
const XpotMap simple_potential_map,
const std::vector<SimplePotential> simple_potentials,
const ProductPotentialConf* const product_potential_confs);
......@@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ public:
void copyToCUDA(Vector3* forceInternal, Vector3* pos, Vector3* mom, float* random);
// void createBondList(int3 *bondList);
void copyBondedListsToGPU(int3 *bondList, int4 *angleList, int4 *dihedralList, int *dihedralPotList, int4 *bondAngleList, int2 *restraintList);
void copyBondedListsToGPU(int3 *bondList, int4 *angleList, int4 *dihedralList, int *dihedralPotList, int4 *vecangleList, int *vecanglePotList, int4 *bondAngleList, int2 *restraintList);
//MLog: because of the move of a lot of private variables, some functions get starved necessary memory access to these variables, below is a list of functions that return the specified private variable.
std::vector<Vector3*> getPos_d()
......@@ -160,6 +161,11 @@ public:
return dihedrals_d;
Vecangle* getVecangles_d()
return vecangles_d;
int3* getBondList_d()
return bondList_d;
......@@ -207,6 +213,8 @@ private:
int numTabAngleFiles;
int numDihedrals;
int numTabDihedralFiles;
int numVecangles;
int numTabVecangleFiles;
int numGroupSites;
int* comSiteParticles;
......@@ -217,6 +225,7 @@ private:
TabulatedPotential **tableBond;
TabulatedAnglePotential **tableAngle;
TabulatedDihedralPotential **tableDihedral;
TabulatedVecanglePotential **tableVecangle;
const BaseGrid* sys;
float switchStart, switchLen, electricConst, cutoff2;
CellDecomposition decomp;
......@@ -237,6 +246,7 @@ private:
TabulatedPotential **tableBond_d, **tableBond_addr;
TabulatedAnglePotential **tableAngle_d, **tableAngle_addr;
TabulatedDihedralPotential **tableDihedral_d, **tableDihedral_addr;
TabulatedVecanglePotential **tableVecangle_d, **tableVecangle_addr;
// Pairlists
float pairlistdist2;
......@@ -273,6 +283,7 @@ private:
Angle* angles_d;
Dihedral* dihedrals_d;
Vecangle* vecangles_d;
int numBondAngles;
BondAngle* bondAngles_d;
......@@ -290,6 +301,8 @@ private:
int4* angleList_d;
int4* dihedralList_d;
int* dihedralPotList_d;
int4* vecangleList_d;
int* vecanglePotList_d;
int2* restraintList_d;
int numRestraints;
......@@ -285,6 +285,7 @@ Configuration::Configuration(const char* config_file, int simNum, bool debug) :
if (readBondsFromFile) readBonds();
if (readAnglesFromFile) readAngles();
if (readDihedralsFromFile) readDihedrals();
if (readVecanglesFromFile) readVecangles();
if (readRestraintsFromFile) readRestraints();
if (readBondAnglesFromFile) readBondAngles();
if (readProductPotentialsFromFile) readProductPotentials();
......@@ -382,12 +383,14 @@ Configuration::Configuration(const char* config_file, int simNum, bool debug) :
if (partForceXGridFile[i].length() != 0) {
part[i].forceXGrid = new BaseGrid(partForceXGridFile[i].val());
if (partForceGridScale[i] != nullptr) part[i].forceXGrid->scale( partForceGridScale[i][0] );
printf("Loaded `%s'.\n", partForceXGridFile[i].val());
printf("Grid size %s.\n", part[i].forceXGrid->getExtent().toString().val());
if (partForceYGridFile[i].length() != 0) {
part[i].forceYGrid = new BaseGrid(partForceYGridFile[i].val());
if (partForceGridScale[i] != nullptr) part[i].forceYGrid->scale( partForceGridScale[i][1] );
printf("Loaded `%s'.\n", partForceYGridFile[i].val());
printf("Grid size %s.\n", part[i].forceYGrid->getExtent().toString().val());
......@@ -396,6 +399,10 @@ Configuration::Configuration(const char* config_file, int simNum, bool debug) :
part[i].forceZGrid = new BaseGrid(partForceZGridFile[i].val());
printf("Loaded `%s'.\n", partForceZGridFile[i].val());
printf("Grid size %s.\n", part[i].forceZGrid->getExtent().toString().val());
if (partForceGridScale[i] != nullptr) {
printf("Scaling forceGridZ `%s' by %f.\n", partForceZGridFile[i].val(), partForceGridScale[i][2] );
part[i].forceZGrid->scale( partForceGridScale[i][2] );
if (partDiffusionGridFile[i].length() != 0) {
......@@ -654,6 +661,7 @@ Configuration::~Configuration() {
if (excludeMap != NULL) delete[] excludeMap;
if (angles != NULL) delete[] angles;
if (dihedrals != NULL) delete[] dihedrals;
if (vecangles != NULL) delete[] vecangles;
if (bondAngles != NULL) delete[] bondAngles;
if (productPotentials != NULL) delete[] productPotentials;
......@@ -669,6 +677,7 @@ Configuration::~Configuration() {
delete[] angleTableFile;
delete[] dihedralTableFile;
delete[] vecangleTableFile;
//if (type_d != NULL) {
......@@ -755,6 +764,17 @@ void Configuration::copyToCUDA() {
b->diffusionGrid = NULL;
// Copy the diffusion grid
if (part[i].forceXGrid != nullptr) {
b->forceXGrid = part[i].forceXGrid->copy_to_cuda();
if (part[i].forceYGrid != nullptr) {
b->forceYGrid = part[i].forceYGrid->copy_to_cuda();
if (part[i].forceZGrid != nullptr) {
b->forceZGrid = part[i].forceZGrid->copy_to_cuda();
//b->pmf = pmf;
gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&part_addr[i], sizeof(BrownianParticleType)));
gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpyAsync(part_addr[i], b, sizeof(BrownianParticleType),
......@@ -887,6 +907,11 @@ void Configuration::setDefaults() {
dihedrals = NULL;
numTabDihedralFiles = 0;
readVecanglesFromFile = false;
numVecangles = 0;
vecangles = NULL;
numTabVecangleFiles = 0;
readBondAnglesFromFile = false;
numBondAngles = 0;
bondAngles = NULL;
......@@ -936,6 +961,8 @@ int Configuration::readParameters(const char * config_file) {
partForceXGridFile = new String[numParts];
partForceYGridFile = new String[numParts];
partForceZGridFile = new String[numParts];
partForceGridScale = new float*[numParts];
partDiffusionGridFile = new String[numParts];
partReservoirFile = new String[numParts];
......@@ -958,6 +985,7 @@ int Configuration::readParameters(const char * config_file) {
partGridFile[i] = NULL;
partGridFileScale[i] = NULL;
partForceGridScale[i] = nullptr;
//part[i].numPartGridFiles = -1;
//for(int i = 0; i < numParts; ++i)
......@@ -972,11 +1000,15 @@ int Configuration::readParameters(const char * config_file) {
int dtfcap = 10;
dihedralTableFile = new String[dtfcap];
int vatfcap = 10;
vecangleTableFile = new String[vatfcap];
int currPart = -1;
int currTab = -1;
int currBond = -1;
int currAngle = -1;
int currDihedral = -1;
int currVecangle = -1;
int currRB = -1;
int partClassPart = 0;
......@@ -1085,6 +1117,14 @@ int Configuration::readParameters(const char * config_file) {
} else if (param == String("forceZGridFile")) {
if (currPart < 0) exit(1);
partForceZGridFile[currPart] = value;
} else if (param == String("forceGridScale")) {
if (currPart < 0) exit(1);
int tmp;
stringToArray<float>(&value, tmp, &partForceGridScale[currPart]);
if (tmp != 3) {
printf("ERROR: Expected three floating point scale values for x,y,z, but got `%s'.\n", param.val());
} else if (param == String("diffusionGridFile")) {
if (currPart < 0) exit(1);
partDiffusionGridFile[currPart] = value;
......@@ -1201,6 +1241,24 @@ int Configuration::readParameters(const char * config_file) {
if (readDihedralFile(value, ++currDihedral))
} else if (param == String("inputVecangles")) {
if (readVecanglesFromFile) {
printf("WARNING: More than one vecangle file specified. Ignoring new vecangle file.\n");
} else {
vecangleFile = value;
readVecanglesFromFile = true;
} else if (param == String("tabulatedVecangleFile")) {
if (numTabVecangleFiles >= dtfcap) {
String * temp = vecangleTableFile;
dtfcap *= 2;
vecangleTableFile = new String[dtfcap];
for (int j = 0; j < numTabVecangleFiles; j++)
vecangleTableFile[j] = temp[j];
delete[] temp;
if (readVecangleFile(value, ++currVecangle))
} else if (param == String("inputRestraints")) {
if (readRestraintsFromFile) {
printf("WARNING: More than one restraint file specified. Ignoring new restraint file.\n");
......@@ -1975,6 +2033,70 @@ void Configuration::readDihedrals() {
// dihedrals[i].print();
void Configuration::readVecangles() {
FILE* inp = fopen(vecangleFile.val(), "r");
char line[256];
int capacity = 256;
numVecangles = 0;
vecangles = new Vecangle[capacity];
// If the vecangle file cannot be found, exit the program
if (inp == NULL) {
printf("WARNING: Could not open `%s'.\n", vecangleFile.val());
printf("This simulation will not use vecangles.\n");
while(fgets(line, 256, inp)) {
if (line[0] == '#') continue;
String s(line);
int numTokens = s.tokenCount();
String* tokenList = new String[numTokens];
// Legitimate VECANGLE inputs have 6 tokens
// Any angle input line without exactly 6 tokens should be discarded
if (numTokens != 6) {
printf("WARNING: Invalid vecangle input line: %s\n", line);
// Discard any empty line
if (tokenList == NULL)
int ind1 = atoi(tokenList[1].val());
int ind2 = atoi(tokenList[2].val());
int ind3 = atoi(tokenList[3].val());
int ind4 = atoi(tokenList[4].val());
String file_name = tokenList[5];
//printf("file_name %s\n", file_name.val());
if (ind1 >= num+num_rb_attached_particles+numGroupSites or
ind2 >= num+num_rb_attached_particles+numGroupSites or
ind3 >= num+num_rb_attached_particles+numGroupSites or
ind4 >= num+num_rb_attached_particles+numGroupSites)
if (numVecangles >= capacity) {
Vecangle* temp = vecangles;
capacity *= 2;
vecangles = new Vecangle[capacity];
for (int i = 0; i < numVecangles; ++i)
vecangles[i] = temp[i];
delete[] temp;
Vecangle d(ind1, ind2, ind3, ind4, file_name);
vecangles[numVecangles++] = d;
delete[] tokenList;
std::sort(vecangles, vecangles + numVecangles, compare());
// for(int i = 0; i < numVecangles; i++)
// vecangles[i].print();
void Configuration::readBondAngles() {
FILE* inp = fopen(bondAngleFile.val(), "r");
char line[256];
......@@ -2093,7 +2215,7 @@ void Configuration::readProductPotentials() {
// Try to match a type
String n = tokenList[i];
if (n == "bond") { type = ΒΟΝD; type_specified = true; }
if (n == "bond") { type = BOND; type_specified = true; }
else if (n == "angle") { type = ANGLE; type_specified = true; }
else if (n == "dihedral") { type = DIHEDRAL; type_specified = true; }
else if (n == "vecangle") { type = VECANGLE; type_specified = true; }
......@@ -2282,6 +2404,26 @@ bool Configuration::readDihedralFile(const String& value, int currDihedral) {
return true;
bool Configuration::readVecangleFile(const String& value, int currVecangle) {
int numTokens = value.tokenCount();
if (numTokens != 1) {
printf("ERROR: Invalid tabulatedVecangleFile: %s, numTokens = %d\n", value.val(), numTokens);
return false;
String* tokenList = new String[numTokens];
if (tokenList == NULL) {
printf("ERROR: Invalid tabulatedVecangleFile: %s; tokenList is NULL\n", value.val());
return false;
vecangleTableFile[currVecangle] = tokenList[0];
// printf("Tabulated Vecangle Potential: %s\n", vecangleTableFile[currVecangle].val() );
return true;
//Load the restart coordiantes only
void Configuration::loadRestart(const char* file_name) {
char line[STRLEN];
......@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
// Forward declerations
class Angle;
class Dihedral;
using Vecangle = Dihedral;
struct Restraint;
class Configuration {
......@@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ class Configuration {
bool operator()(const Exclude& lhs, const Exclude& rhs);
bool operator()(const Angle& lhs, const Angle& rhs);
bool operator()(const Dihedral& lhs, const Dihedral& rhs);
// bool operator()(const Vecangle& lhs, const Vecangle& rhs);
bool operator()(const BondAngle& lhs, const BondAngle& rhs);
bool operator()(const ProductPotentialConf& lhs, const ProductPotentialConf& rhs);
......@@ -66,6 +68,7 @@ class Configuration {
void addExclusion(int ind1, int ind2);
void buildExcludeMap();
void readDihedrals();
void readVecangles();
void readRestraints();
void readBondAngles();
......@@ -74,6 +77,7 @@ class Configuration {
bool readBondFile(const String& value, int currBond);
bool readAngleFile(const String& value, int currAngle);
bool readDihedralFile(const String& value, int currDihedral);
bool readVecangleFile(const String& value, int currVecangle);
bool readBondAngleFile(const String& value, const String& bondfile1, const String& bondfile2, int currBondAngle);
......@@ -207,6 +211,7 @@ public:
int numExcludes;
int numAngles;
int numDihedrals;
int numVecangles;
int numBondAngles;
int numRestraints;
int* numPartsOfType;
......@@ -215,6 +220,7 @@ public:
String excludeFile;
String angleFile;
String dihedralFile;
String vecangleFile;
String restraintFile;
String bondAngleFile;
bool readPartsFromFile;
......@@ -223,6 +229,7 @@ public:
bool readExcludesFromFile;
bool readAnglesFromFile;
bool readDihedralsFromFile;
bool readVecanglesFromFile;
bool readBondAnglesFromFile;
bool readRestraintsFromFile;
//String* partGridFile;
......@@ -237,6 +244,7 @@ public:
String* partForceXGridFile;
String* partForceYGridFile;
String* partForceZGridFile;
float **partForceGridScale;
String* partTableFile;
String* partReservoirFile;
int* partTableIndex0;
......@@ -263,6 +271,10 @@ public:
String* dihedralTableFile;
int numTabDihedralFiles;
Vecangle* vecangles;
String* vecangleTableFile;
int numTabVecangleFiles;
BondAngle* bondAngles;
Restraint* restraints;
......@@ -28,4 +28,6 @@ public:
void print();
using Vecangle = Dihedral;
......@@ -188,6 +188,7 @@ GrandBrownTown::GrandBrownTown(const Configuration& c, const char* outArg,
bondTableFile = c.bondTableFile;
angleTableFile = c.angleTableFile;
dihedralTableFile = c.dihedralTableFile;
vecangleTableFile = c.vecangleTableFile;
// Other parameters.
switchStart = c.switchStart;
......@@ -201,6 +202,7 @@ GrandBrownTown::GrandBrownTown(const Configuration& c, const char* outArg,
numExcludes = c.numExcludes;
numAngles = c.numAngles;
numDihedrals = c.numDihedrals;
numVecangles = c.numVecangles;
partTableIndex0 = c.partTableIndex0;
partTableIndex1 = c.partTableIndex1;
......@@ -220,7 +222,9 @@ GrandBrownTown::GrandBrownTown(const Configuration& c, const char* outArg,
numTabAngleFiles = c.numTabAngleFiles;
dihedrals = c.dihedrals;
vecangles = c.vecangles;
numTabDihedralFiles = c.numTabDihedralFiles;
numTabVecangleFiles = c.numTabVecangleFiles;
bondAngles = c.bondAngles;
......@@ -262,7 +266,7 @@ GrandBrownTown::GrandBrownTown(const Configuration& c, const char* outArg,
internal = new ComputeForce(c, numReplicas);
//MLog: I did the other halve of the copyToCUDA function from the Configuration class here, keep an eye on any mistakes that may occur due to the location.
internal -> copyToCUDA(c.simNum, c.type, c.bonds, c.bondMap, c.excludes, c.excludeMap, c.angles, c.dihedrals, c.restraints, c.bondAngles, c.simple_potential_ids, c.simple_potentials, c.productPotentials );
internal -> copyToCUDA(c.simNum, c.type, c.bonds, c.bondMap, c.excludes, c.excludeMap, c.angles, c.dihedrals, c.vecangles, c.restraints, c.bondAngles, c.simple_potential_ids, c.simple_potentials, c.productPotentials );
if (numGroupSites > 0) init_cuda_group_sites();
// TODO: check for duplicate potentials
......@@ -313,6 +317,13 @@ GrandBrownTown::GrandBrownTown(const Configuration& c, const char* outArg,
internal->addDihedralPotential(dihedralTableFile[p].val(), p, dihedrals);
if (c.readVecanglesFromFile) {
printf("Loading %d tabulated vecangle potentials...\n", numTabVecangleFiles);
for (int p = 0; p < numTabVecangleFiles; p++)
if (vecangleTableFile[p].length() > 0)
internal->addVecanglePotential(vecangleTableFile[p].val(), p, vecangles);
auto _get_index = [this](int idx, int replica) {
// Convenient lambda function to deal with increasingly complicated indexing
auto num = this->num;
......@@ -377,6 +388,20 @@ GrandBrownTown::GrandBrownTown(const Configuration& c, const char* outArg,
if (numVecangles > 0) {
vecangleList = new int4[ (numVecangles) * numReplicas ];
vecanglePotList = new int[ (numVecangles) * numReplicas ];
for(int k = 0 ; k < numReplicas; k++) {
for(int i = 0; i < numVecangles; ++i) {
if (vecangles[i].tabFileIndex == -1) {
fprintf(stderr,"Error: vecanglefile '%s' was not read with tabulatedVecangleFile command.\n", vecangles[i].fileName.val());
vecangleList[i+k*numVecangles] = make_int4( _get_index(vecangles[i].ind1,k), _get_index(vecangles[i].ind2,k), _get_index(vecangles[i].ind3,k), _get_index(vecangles[i].ind4,k) );
vecanglePotList[i+k*numVecangles] = vecangles[i].tabFileIndex;
if (numBondAngles > 0) {
bondAngleList = new int4[ (numBondAngles*2) * numReplicas ];
......@@ -422,7 +447,7 @@ GrandBrownTown::GrandBrownTown(const Configuration& c, const char* outArg,
if (c.numRestraints > 0) delete[] restraintList;
forceInternal = new Vector3[(num+num_rb_attached_particles+numGroupSites)*numReplicas];
......@@ -482,6 +507,10 @@ GrandBrownTown::~GrandBrownTown() {
delete[] dihedralList;
delete[] dihedralPotList;
if (numVecangles > 0) {
delete[] vecangleList;
delete[] vecanglePotList;
if(randoGen->states != NULL)
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
#include "Angle.h"
#include "Configuration.h"
#include "Dihedral.h"
#include "TabulatedPotential.h"
/* #include "RigidBody.h" */
/* #include "RigidBodyType.h" */
/* #include "RigidBodyGrid.h" */
......@@ -228,6 +229,7 @@ private:
int numExcludes;
int numAngles;
int numDihedrals;
int numVecangles;
int num_rb_attached_particles;
......@@ -239,11 +241,13 @@ private:
String excludeFile;
String angleFile;
String dihedralFile;
String vecangleFile;
bool readPartsFromFile;
bool readBondsFromFile;
bool readExcludesFromFile;
bool readAnglesFromFile;
bool readDihedralsFromFile;
bool readVecanglesFromFile;
String* partGridFile;
String* partDiffusionGridFile;
String* partForceXGridFile;
......@@ -275,6 +279,12 @@ private:
int4 *dihedralList;
int *dihedralPotList;
Vecangle* vecangles;
String* vecangleTableFile;
int numTabVecangleFiles;
int4 *vecangleList;
int *vecanglePotList;
int numBondAngles;
BondAngle* bondAngles;
int4 *bondAngleList;
......@@ -254,6 +254,20 @@ public:
val = compute_vecangle(pos, sys, particles[0], particles[1], particles[2], particles[3]);
return val;
HOST DEVICE inline float compute_value(const Vector3* __restrict__ pos,
const BaseGrid* __restrict__ sys,
const int4& particles) const {
float val;
if (type == BOND)
val = compute_bond(pos, sys, particles.x, particles.y);
else if (type == ANGLE)
val = compute_angle(pos, sys, particles.x, particles.y, particles.z);
else if (type == DIHEDRAL)
val = compute_dihedral(pos, sys, particles.x, particles.y, particles.z, particles.w);
else if (type == VECANGLE)
val = compute_vecangle(pos, sys, particles.x, particles.y, particles.z, particles.w);
return val;
HOST DEVICE inline float2 compute_energy_and_deriv(float value) {
float2 ret;
......@@ -285,8 +299,15 @@ public:
int i, int j, int k, int l) const {
const Vector3 ab = sys->wrapDiff(pos[j] - pos[i]);
const Vector3 bc = sys->wrapDiff(pos[l] - pos[k]);
const Vector3 ac = bc+ab;
return compute_angle( ab.length2(), bc.length2(), ac.length2() );
const Vector3 ac = bc-ab;
float tmp = compute_angle( ab.length2(), bc.length2(), ac.length2() );
// printf("i,j,r_ij: %d %d %f %f %f\n",
// i,j, ab.x,ab.y,ab.z);
// printf("k,l,r_kl: %d %d %f %f %f\n",
// k,l, bc.x,bc.y,bc.z);
// printf("i,j,k,l, theta: %d %d %d %d %f\n",
// i,j,k,l, tmp);
return tmp;
HOST DEVICE inline float compute_angle(float distab2, float distbc2, float distac2) const {
......@@ -358,6 +379,22 @@ public:
apply_vecangle_force(pos, sys, forces, particles[0], particles[1],
particles[2], particles[3], energy_deriv);
DEVICE inline void apply_force(const Vector3* __restrict__ pos,
const BaseGrid* __restrict__ sys,
Vector3* __restrict__ forces,
const int4& particles, float energy_deriv) const {
if (type == BOND)
apply_bond_force(pos, sys, forces, particles.x, particles.y, energy_deriv);
else if (type == ANGLE)
apply_angle_force(pos, sys, forces, particles.x, particles.y,
particles.z, energy_deriv);
else if (type == DIHEDRAL)
apply_dihedral_force(pos, sys, forces, particles.x, particles.y,
particles.z, particles.w, energy_deriv);
else if (type == VECANGLE)
apply_vecangle_force(pos, sys, forces, particles.x, particles.y,
particles.z, particles.w, energy_deriv);
__device__ inline void apply_bond_force(const Vector3* __restrict__ pos,
const BaseGrid* __restrict__ sys,
......@@ -397,9 +434,10 @@ public:
float sin = sqrtf(1.0f - cos*cos);
energy_deriv /= abs(sin) > 1e-3 ? sin : 1e-3; // avoid singularity
if (abs(sin) < 1e-3) {
printf("BAD ANGLE: sin, cos, energy_deriv, distab, distbc, distac2: (%f %f %f %f %f)\n",
sin,cos,energy_deriv,distab,distbc); }
if (abs(sin) <= 1e-3) {
printf("BAD ANGLE: sin, cos, energy_deriv, distab, distbc, distac2: (%f %f %f %f %f %f)\n",
// Calculate the forces
TwoVector3 force;
......@@ -504,21 +542,25 @@ public:
#ifdef __CUDA_ARCH__
const Vector3 ab = -sys->wrapDiff(pos[j] - pos[i]);
const Vector3 bc = -sys->wrapDiff(pos[k] - pos[j]);
const Vector3 ab = sys->wrapDiff(pos[j] - pos[i]);
const Vector3 cd = -sys->wrapDiff(pos[l] - pos[k]);
// const Vector3 ac = sys->wrapDiff(pos[k] - pos[i]);
TwoVector3 f = get_angle_force(ab,bc, energy_deriv);
TwoVector3 f = get_angle_force(ab,cd, energy_deriv);
// printf("i,j,k,l, df, f1, f2: %d %d %d %d %f (%f %f %f) (%f %f %f)\n",
// i,j,k,l, energy_deriv, f.v1.x, f.v1.y, f.v1.z, f.v2.x, f.v2.y, f.v2.z);
atomicAdd( &force[i], f.v1 );
atomicAdd( &force[j], -f.v1 );
atomicAdd( &force[k], -f.v2 );
atomicAdd( &force[l], f.v2 );
atomicAdd( &force[k], f.v2 );
atomicAdd( &force[l], -f.v2 );
using TabulatedVecanglePotential = SimplePotential;
#ifndef delgpuErrchk
#undef delgpuErrchk
#undef gpuErrchk(code)