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Exclude.h 1.54 KiB
// Exclude.h
// Copyright Justin Dufresne and Terrance Howard, 2013
#ifndef EXCLUDE_H
#define EXCLUDE_H
#include "JamesBond.h"
#include <limits.h>
class Exclude {
Exclude() : ind1(-1), ind2(-1) {}
Exclude(int ind1, int ind2) : ind1(ind1), ind2(ind2) {}
bool operator==(const Exclude& e) const;
bool operator!=(const Exclude& e) const;
void print();
int ind1;
int ind2;
class Node {
Node(int index);
void clearTree();
int makeTree(Node** particles, Bond* bonds, int2* bondMap, int bondstart, int bondend);
void add(Node* n);
bool inTree;
int index;
int cap;
int numBonds;
Node** bonds;
// makeExcludes(Bond* bonds, int* bondMap, int num, int numBonds, String exList)
// @param list of sorted cell bonds; corresponding bond map; number of particles; number of bonds;
// string formated like so "EXCLUDE 1-2 1-3 1-4"; number of excludes
// @return Array of Excludes
// This algorithm finds the central particle in every bond tree,
// then creates a list of exclusions for the particle pairs
// defined in exList. For example, 1-2 means that there should
// be an exclusion between the central particle and every
// particle it is directly bonded to. 1-3 means that there should
// be an exclusion between the central particle and every particle
// it is two bonds away from
Exclude* makeExcludes(Bond* bonds, int2* bondMap, int num, int numBonds,
String exList, int& numExcludes);
void getExcludes(int root, Node* curr, Exclude* result, int depth, int& capacity,
int& numExcludes, bool sentinel, bool* done);