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import os

from tensorflow.keras import backend as K
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Lambda, Dot, Activation, Concatenate, Layer

# KERAS_ATTENTION_DEBUG: If set to 1. Will switch to debug mode.
# In debug mode, the class CustomAttention is no longer a Keras layer.
# What it means in practice is that we can have access to the internal values
# of each tensor. If we don't use debug, Keras treats the object
# as a layer and we can only get the final output.
debug_flag = int(os.environ.get('KERAS_ATTENTION_DEBUG', 0))

class CustomAttention(object if debug_flag else Layer):

    def __init__(self, units=128, **kwargs):
        super(CustomAttention, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.units = units

    # noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
    def build(self, input_shape):
        input_dim = int(input_shape[-1])
        with K.name_scope( if not debug_flag else 'attention'):
            self.attention_score_vec = Dense(input_dim, use_bias=False, name='attention_score_vec')
            self.h_t = Lambda(lambda x: x[:, -1, :], output_shape=(input_dim,), name='last_hidden_state')
            self.attention_score = Dot(axes=[1, 2], name='attention_score')
            self.attention_weight = Activation('softmax', name='attention_weight')
            self.context_vector = Dot(axes=[1, 1], name='context_vector')
            self.attention_output = Concatenate(name='attention_output')
            self.attention_vector = Dense(self.units, use_bias=False, activation='tanh', name='attention_vector')
        if not debug_flag:
            # debug: the call to build() is done in call().
            super(CustomAttention, self).build(input_shape)

    def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape):
        return input_shape[0], self.units

    def __call__(self, inputs, training=None, **kwargs):
        if debug_flag:
            return, training, **kwargs)
            return super(CustomAttention, self).__call__(inputs, training, **kwargs)

    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
    def call(self, inputs, training=None, **kwargs):
        Many-to-one attention mechanism for Keras.
        @param inputs: 3D tensor with shape (batch_size, time_steps, input_dim).
        @param training: not used in this layer.
        @return: 2D tensor with shape (batch_size, units)
        @author: felixhao28, philipperemy.
        if debug_flag:
        # Inside dense layer
        #              hidden_states            dot               W            =>           score_first_part
        # (batch_size, time_steps, hidden_size) dot (hidden_size, hidden_size) => (batch_size, time_steps, hidden_size)
        # W is the trainable weight matrix of attention Luong's multiplicative style score
        score_first_part = self.attention_score_vec(inputs)
        #            score_first_part           dot        last_hidden_state     => attention_weights
        # (batch_size, time_steps, hidden_size) dot   (batch_size, hidden_size)  => (batch_size, time_steps)
        h_t = self.h_t(inputs)
        score = self.attention_score([h_t, score_first_part])
        attention_weights = self.attention_weight(score)
        # (batch_size, time_steps, hidden_size) dot (batch_size, time_steps) => (batch_size, hidden_size)
        context_vector = self.context_vector([inputs, attention_weights])
        pre_activation = self.attention_output([context_vector, h_t])
        attention_vector = self.attention_vector(pre_activation)
        return attention_vector

    def get_config(self):
        Returns the config of a the layer. This is used for saving and loading from a model
        :return: python dictionary with specs to rebuild layer
        config = super(CustomAttention, self).get_config()
        config.update({'units': self.units})
        return config