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from shapely.geometry import Polygon, Point
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import random
import numpy as np
import sys

from Utils import Node

def shapes_collide(shape_1, shape_2):
    Determine if two circles, two polygons, or a circle and a polygon intersect.
    True if they do intersect, else false
        - shape_1 (Shapely obj): the first shape
        - shape_2 (shapely obj): the second shape
        - bool
    return shape_1.intersects(shape_2)

def break_edge_into_segments(node1, node2,edge_dir, delta):
    edge_segments = []
    p = node1
    while np.linalg.norm(p - node1) < np.linalg.norm(node2 - node1):
        p = p + delta*edge_dir

    return edge_segments

def paths_collide_v1(path_1, path_2, delta=.3):
    Determine if two paths collide with each other. 
    Return true if a collision is detected.
        - path_1 (list): the first path
        - path_2 (list): the second path
        - delta (float): the amount of an edge that is checked at a time
    min_len = min(len(path_1), len(path_2))

    for i in range(min_len-1):
        path1_node1 = np.array([path_1[i].x, path_1[i].y])
        path1_node2 = np.array([path_1[i+1].x, path_1[i+1].y])
        path2_node1 = np.array([path_2[i].x, path_2[i].y])
        path2_node2 = np.array([path_2[i+1].x, path_2[i+1].y])

        edge1 = path1_node2 - path1_node1
        edge2 = path2_node2 - path2_node1
        edge1_dir = edge1 / np.linalg.norm(edge1)
        edge2_dir = edge2 / np.linalg.norm(edge2)

        edge1_segments = break_edge_into_segments(path1_node1,path1_node2, edge1_dir, delta)
        edge2_segments = break_edge_into_segments(path2_node1,path2_node2, edge2_dir, delta)

        num_segs = min(len(edge1_segments), len(edge2_segments))
        edge1_segments = edge1_segments[0:num_segs]
        edge2_segments = edge2_segments[0:num_segs]

        # for seg1,seg2 in zip(edge1_segments, edge2_segments):

def paths_collide_v2(path_1, path_2, delta=.3):
    Determine if two paths collide with each other. 
    Return true if a collision is detected.
        - path_1 (list): the first path
        - path_2 (list): the second path
        - delta (float): the amount of an edge that is checked at a time
    min_len = min(len(path_1), len(path_2))
    history = []

    for i in range(min_len-1):
        path1_node1 = np.array([path_1[i].x, path_1[i].y])
        path1_node2 = np.array([path_1[i+1].x, path_1[i+1].y])
        path2_node1 = np.array([path_2[i].x, path_2[i].y])
        path2_node2 = np.array([path_2[i+1].x, path_2[i+1].y])

        edge1 = path1_node2 - path1_node1
        edge2 = path2_node2 - path2_node1
        edge1_dir = edge1 / np.linalg.norm(edge1)
        edge2_dir = edge2 / np.linalg.norm(edge2)

        edge1_segments = break_edge_into_segments(path1_node1,path1_node2, edge1_dir, delta)
        edge2_segments = break_edge_into_segments(path2_node1,path2_node2, edge2_dir, delta)

        num_segs = min(len(edge1_segments), len(edge2_segments))
        edge1_segments = edge1_segments[0:num_segs]
        edge2_segments = edge2_segments[0:num_segs]

        for p1,p2 in zip(edge1_segments, edge2_segments):
            circ1 = Point(p1[0],p1[1])
            circ1 = circ1.buffer(.1)
            circ2 = Point(p2[0],p2[1])
            circ2 = circ2.buffer(.1)


            if circ1.intersects(circ2): 
                return True, history

    return False, history
def draw_path(ax, path, color):
    for i in range(len(path)-1):
        this_node = path[i]
        next_node = path[i+1]

        ax.plot([this_node.x, next_node.x], [this_node.y, next_node.y], '-o', color=color)

def draw_edge_collision_check(ax, hist):
    for circs in hist:
        circ1 = circs[0]
        circ2 = circs[1]
        ax.plot(*circ1.exterior.xy, color="red")
        ax.plot(*circ2.exterior.xy, color="red")

if __name__ == "__main__":

    path1 = [Node([1,1]), Node([2,2]), Node([3,3]), Node([4,4]),]
    path2 = [Node([.7,1.5]), Node([2,1.5]), Node([3,2.5])]

    collide, hist = paths_collide_v2(path1, path2)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()


    draw_edge_collision_check(ax, hist)

    # coords = ((0., 0.), (0., 1.), (1., 1.), (1., 0.), (0., 0.))
    # polygon = Polygon(coords)
    # print(polygon.area)
    # plt.plot(*polygon.exterior.xy)

    # p1 = Polygon([(0,0), (1,1), (1,0), (0,0)])
    # p2 = Polygon([(0,1), (1,0), (1,1), (0,1)])
    # plt.plot(*p1.exterior.xy)
    # plt.plot(*p2.exterior.xy)
    # print(p1.intersects(p2))

    # circles = []
    # center2 = Point(2, 2)
    # circles.append(center2.buffer(5))
    # center2 = Point(1, 1)
    # circles.append(center2.buffer(5))
    # for circ in circles:
    #     plt.plot(*circ.exterior.xy)


    # print(circles[0].intersects(p1))