Adam Sitabkhan authoredAdam Sitabkhan authored
place_grid.py 4.31 KiB
import cvxpy as cp
import numpy as np
def place_grid(robot_locations, cell_size=1, grid_shape=(5, 5)):
Place a grid to cover robot locations with alignment to centers.
- robot_locations (list): locations of robots involved in conflict [[x,y], [x,y], ...]
- cell_size (float): the width of each grid cell in continuous space
- grid_shape (tuple): (# of rows, # of columns) of the grid
- origin (tuple): bottom-left corner of the grid in continuous space
robot_locations = np.array(robot_locations)
N = len(robot_locations)
# Decision variable: Bottom-left corner of the grid in continuous space
origin = cp.Variable(2, name='origin')
# Decision variable: Integer grid indices for each robot
grid_indices = cp.Variable((N, 2), integer=True, name='grid_indices')
# Calculate cell centers for each robot based on grid indices
# Reshape origin to (1, 2) for broadcasting
cell_centers = cp.reshape(origin, (1, 2), order='C') + grid_indices * cell_size + cell_size / 2
# Objective: Minimize the sum of squared distances
cost = cp.sum_squares(robot_locations - cell_centers)
# Constraints
constraints = []
# Grid indices must be non-negative
constraints.append(grid_indices >= 0)
# Grid indices must fit within grid bounds
if grid_shape[0] == grid_shape[1]: # Square grid
constraints.append(grid_indices <= grid_shape[0] - 1)
else: # Rectangular grid
constraints.append(grid_indices[:,0] <= grid_shape[1] - 1)
constraints.append(grid_indices[:,1] <= grid_shape[0] - 1)
# No two robots can share a cell
# Reformulation of the constraints
# abs(grid_indices[i, 0] - grid_indices[j, 0]) >= 1 and
# abs(grid_indices[i, 1] - grid_indices[j, 1]) >= 1
# to be compatible with solver
for i in range(N):
for j in range(i+1, N):
# Auxiliary variable for the distance between cell centers i and j in the x direction
xdist = cp.Variable(name=f"xdist_{i}_{j}")
constraints.append(xdist >= grid_indices[i, 0] - grid_indices[j, 0])
constraints.append(xdist >= -(grid_indices[i, 0] - grid_indices[j, 0]))
# Auxiliary variable for the distance between cell centers i and j in the y direction
ydist = cp.Variable(name=f"ydist_{i}_{j}")
constraints.append(ydist >= grid_indices[i, 1] - grid_indices[j, 1])
constraints.append(ydist >= -(grid_indices[i, 1] - grid_indices[j, 1]))
# Enforce that robots must be at least one cell apart
constraints.append(xdist + ydist >= cell_size)
# Solve the optimization problem
prob = cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cost), constraints)
prob.solve(solver=cp.SCIP, scip_params={
"numerics/feastol": 1e-6,
"numerics/dualfeastol": 1e-6,
if prob.status not in ["optimal", "optimal_inaccurate"]:
print("problem could not be solved to optimality")
return None
return origin.value, cell_centers.value
def main():
robot_locations = [(1.2, 1.6), (1.6, 1.2)]
cell_size = 1
grid_shape = (5, 5)
origin, cell_centers = place_grid(robot_locations, cell_size, grid_shape)
print("Grid Origin (Bottom-Left Corner):", origin)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4))
# Draw the grid
for i in range(grid_shape[1] + 1):
# Draw vertical lines
plt.plot([origin[0] + i * cell_size, origin[0] + i * cell_size],
[origin[1], origin[1] + grid_shape[0] * cell_size], 'k-')
for i in range(grid_shape[0] + 1):
# Draw horizontal lines
plt.plot([origin[0], origin[0] + grid_shape[1] * cell_size],
[origin[1] + i * cell_size, origin[1] + i * cell_size], 'k-')
# Plot robot locations
robot_locations = np.array(robot_locations)
plt.scatter(robot_locations[:, 0], robot_locations[:, 1], c='r', label='Robot Locations')
# Plot cell centers
cell_centers = np.array(cell_centers)
plt.scatter(cell_centers[:, 0], cell_centers[:, 1], c='b', label='Cell Centers')
if __name__ == "__main__":