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Commit df67e161 authored by Stephen Mayhew's avatar Stephen Mayhew
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package edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.*;
import org.apache.commons.math3.random.JDKRandomGenerator;
import org.apache.commons.math3.random.RandomGenerator;
import org.apache.commons.math3.random.UniformRandomGenerator;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.*;
* Created by mayhew2 on 11/18/15.
public class NeuralLM {
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NeuralLM.class);
private int output_embedding_dimension;
private int n_hidden;
private int n_input_vocab;
private int n_output_vocab;
private int ngram_size;
private int input_embedding_dimension;
private RealMatrix input_embeddings;
private RealMatrix hidden1_weights;
private RealMatrix hidden2_weights;
private RealMatrix output_weights;
private RealMatrix output_biases;
private static RandomGenerator randomgenerator = new JDKRandomGenerator();
private static UniformRandomGenerator unif = new UniformRandomGenerator(randomgenerator);
// vocabulary files
private List<String> index_to_word;
private HashMap<String, Integer> word_to_index;
* Input: a and b are arrays.
* Output: a column vector of the dot product of the rows of a
* and respective columns of b, in other words, diag(
public static RealVector diag_dot(RealMatrix a, RealMatrix b) {
RealMatrix m = a.multiply(b);
RealVector out = new ArrayRealVector(m.getRowDimension());
// I guess that matrix m should be square??
for(int i = 0; i < m.getRowDimension(); i++){
out.setEntry(i, m.getEntry(i,i));
return out;
* Sets the matrix m to have uniform random values in the range (-r, r)
* @param m input matrix
* @param r range parameter
private static void uniform(RealMatrix m, int r) {
//m[:,:]=numpy.random.uniform(-r, r, m.shape);
for(int row = 0; row < m.getRowDimension(); row++){
for(int col = 0; col < m.getColumnDimension(); col++){
m.addToEntry(row,col, r*unif.nextNormalizedDouble());
* This returns the elementwise maximum of a value and a matrix. For example, if the value is 0, then this
* ensures that the matrix has no negative values.
* @param v
* @param m
* @return
private static RealVector maximum(double v, RealVector m){
for(int i = 0; i < m.getDimension(); i++){
double mv = m.getEntry(i);
m.setEntry(i, Math.max(v, mv));
return m;
public NeuralLM(int ngram_size, int n_input_vocab, int n_output_vocab, int input_embedding_dimension, int n_hidden, int output_embedding_dimension) {
this.n_input_vocab = n_input_vocab;
this.n_output_vocab = n_output_vocab;
this.index_to_word = new ArrayList<>();
this.word_to_index = new HashMap<>();
this.ngram_size = ngram_size;
this.input_embedding_dimension = input_embedding_dimension;
this.n_hidden = n_hidden;
this.output_embedding_dimension = output_embedding_dimension;
// createRealMatrix initializes with 0
this.input_embeddings = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(n_input_vocab, input_embedding_dimension) ; //numpy.zeros((n_vocab, input_embedding_dimension));
this.hidden1_weights = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(n_hidden, (ngram_size-1)*input_embedding_dimension) ; //numpy.zeros((n_hidden, (ngram_size - 1) * input_embedding_dimension));
this.hidden2_weights = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(output_embedding_dimension, n_hidden) ; //numpy.zeros((output_embedding_dimension, n_hidden));
this.output_weights = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(n_output_vocab, output_embedding_dimension); // numpy.zeros((n_vocab, output_embedding_dimension));
this.output_biases = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(n_output_vocab, 1); // numpy.zeros((n_vocab, 1));
public void initialize(int r) {
uniform(this.input_embeddings, r);
uniform(this.hidden1_weights, r);
uniform(this.hidden2_weights, r);
uniform(this.output_weights, r);
uniform(this.output_biases, r);
* inputs is a list of one-hot vectors, size of each should be input_embedding_dimension.
* length of inputs is ngram-1. The first element of inputs is a matrix containing one-hot
* vectors of the first word in each ngram. The second element is a matrix containing one-hot vectors
* of the second word in each ngram. etc.
* output is a matrix containing one-hot vectors, where each vector is the last in each ngram.
* output is also a one-hot vector, size of output_embedding_dimension.
* @return
public double ngram_prob(List<String> ngramlist) throws Exception {
// the input here is a single ngram. Length of ngram
if(ngramlist.size() != ngram_size){
throw new Exception("ngmram-list must have the same size as ngram_size");
int unkInd = this.word_to_index.get("<unk>");
// this is the word to be predicted. ngramlist now has size ngram-1
String targetword = ngramlist.remove(ngramlist.size()-1);
int targetind;
if(this.word_to_index.containsKey(targetword)) {
targetind = this.word_to_index.get(targetword);
targetind = unkInd;
// this is a concatenated vector of one-hot values.
RealVector concatenated = new ArrayRealVector();
for(String word : ngramlist){
int ind;
if(this.word_to_index.containsKey(word)) {
ind = this.word_to_index.get(word);
ind = unkInd;
RealVector r = new ArrayRealVector(this.n_input_vocab);
r.setEntry(ind, 1);
RealVector r_embed = this.input_embeddings.transpose().operate(r);
concatenated = concatenated.append(r_embed);
// elementwise maximum
RealVector h1 = this.maximum(0., this.hidden1_weights.operate(concatenated));
RealVector h2 = this.maximum(0., this.hidden2_weights.operate(h1));
// this is a copout: output_biases is in practice a vector, but in type a matrix.
RealVector vocabdist = this.output_weights.operate(h2).add(this.output_biases.getColumnVector(0));
//o = diag_dot(output.transpose().multiply(this.output_weights), h2).add(output.transpose().multiply(this.output_biases));
return vocabdist.getEntry(targetind);
* Not implemented in the python code.
public void backward_prop(Object g_output) {
// not sure what is meant to go here.
// def write_matrix(RealMatrix m, String outfile) {
// for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// outfile.write("\t".join(map(str, m[i])));
// outfile.write("\n");
// }
// outfile.write("\n");
// }
// public void write_vector(m, outfile) {
// for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// outfile.write(str(m[i]));
// outfile.write("\n")
// }
// outfile.write("\n");
// }
// public void to_file(outfile) {
// outfile.write("\\config\n");
// outfile.write("version 1\n");
// outfile.write("ngram_size %d\n" % this.ngram_size);
// outfile.write("n_vocab %d\n" % this.n_vocab);
// outfile.write("input_embedding_dimension %d\n" % this.input_embedding_dimension);
// outfile.write("output_embedding_dimension %d\n" % this.output_embedding_dimension);
// outfile.write("n_hidden %d\n" % this.n_hidden);
// outfile.write("\n");
// outfile.write("\\vocab\n");
// for
// word in
// this.index_to_word:
// outfile.write(word + "\n")
// outfile.write("\n")
// outfile.write("\\input_embeddings\n")
// write_matrix(this.input_embeddings)
// outfile.write("\\hidden_weights 1\n")
// write_matrix(this.hidden1_weights)
// outfile.write("\\hidden_weights 2\n")
// write_matrix(this.hidden2_weights)
// outfile.write("\\output_weights\n")
// write_matrix(this.output_weights)
// outfile.write("\\output_biases\n")
// write_matrix(this.output_biases)
// outfile.write("\\end\n")
// }
* This reads until the next section.
* @param iter
* @return
private static String read_sections(Iterator<String> iter){
String line =;
else if(line.startsWith("\\")){
return line;
return "\\end";
private static List<String> read_section(Iterator<String> iter) {
List<String> ret = new ArrayList<>();
while(true) {
String line =;
if(line.isEmpty()) {
else {
return ret;
public static RealMatrix read_matrix(List<String> lines, int m, int n) throws Exception {
RealMatrix out = MatrixUtils.createRealMatrix(m, n);
int i = 0;
for(String line : lines) {
String[] sline = line.split("\t");
double[] row = new double[sline.length];
for(int j = 0; j < sline.length; j++){
row[j] = Double.parseDouble(sline[j]);
if(row.length != n) {
throw new Exception(String.format("wrong number of columns (expected %d, found %d)", n, row.length));
if(i >= m) {
throw new Exception(String.format("wrong number of rows (expected %d, found more)", m));
//out[i,:] = row;
out.setRow(i, row);
i += 1;
if(i < m){
throw new Exception(String.format("wrong number of rows (expected %d, found %d)", m, i));
return out;
* Create a NeuralLM from a text file.
public static NeuralLM from_file(String infile) throws Exception {
List<String> lines =;
Iterator<String> iter = lines.iterator();
NeuralLM m = null;
String section = read_sections(iter);
List<String> sectionlines = read_section(iter);
if(section.equals("\\config")) {
HashMap<String, String> config = new HashMap<>();
for(String line : sectionlines) {
String[] sline = line.split(" ");
String key = sline[0];
String value = sline[1];
config.put(key, value);
m = new NeuralLM(Integer.parseInt(config.get("ngram_size")),
} else if(section.equals("\\input_vocab")) {
int i = 0;
for (String line : sectionlines) {
m.word_to_index.put(line, i++);
}else if(section.equals("\\output_vocab")){
// FIXME: not sure there is anything I need to do???
} else if(section.equals("\\input_embeddings")) {
logger.debug("got here");
m.input_embeddings = read_matrix(sectionlines, m.n_input_vocab, m.input_embedding_dimension);
}else if(section.equals("\\hidden_weights 1")) {
m.hidden1_weights = read_matrix(sectionlines, m.n_hidden, (m.ngram_size - 1) * m.input_embedding_dimension);
}else if(section.equals("\\hidden_weights 2")) {
m.hidden2_weights = read_matrix(sectionlines, m.output_embedding_dimension, m.n_hidden);
} else if(section.equals("\\output_weights")) {
m.output_weights = read_matrix(sectionlines, m.n_output_vocab, m.output_embedding_dimension);
} else if(section.equals("\\output_biases")) {
m.output_biases = read_matrix(sectionlines, m.n_output_vocab, 1);
return m;
// /**
// * Takes a list of n-grams of words (as ints),
// * and converts into a list of n sparse arrays.
// */
// public static void make_data(List<List<String>> ngrams) {
// rows =[[]for
// j in
// xrange(this.ngram_size)
// ]
// cols =[[]for
// j in
// xrange(this.ngram_size)
// ]
// values =[[]for
// j in
// xrange(this.ngram_size)
// ]
// for i,
// ngram in
// enumerate(ngrams)
// :
// for j,
// w in
// enumerate(ngram)
// :
// rows[j].
// append(w)
// cols[j].
// append(i)
// values[j].
// append(1)
// data =[scipy.sparse.csc_matrix((values[j], (rows[j], cols[j])),shape = (this.n_vocab,
// len(ngrams)
// ))for
// j in
// xrange(this.ngram_size)
// ]
// return data;
// }
\ No newline at end of file
package edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp;
* Created by mayhew2 on 11/18/15.
public class NplmJni {
static {
private native void sayHello();
public static void main(String[] args){
new NplmJni().sayHello();
package edu.illinois.cs.cogcomp;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Created by mayhew2 on 11/19/15.
public class Tester {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
NeuralLM m = NeuralLM.from_file("/shared/experiments/mayhew2/transliteration/NEURAL_LANGUAGE_MODEL/example/inferno.nnlm");
List<String> ngrams = new ArrayList<>();
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" for whole file
# Root logger option
log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, stdout
# Direct log messages to stdout
log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=%d{HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c{1}:%L - %m%n
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