The `hpvm/test` directory holds all tests and benchmarks in HPVM and is organized as follows:
The ``hpvm/test`` directory holds all tests and benchmarks in HPVM and is organized as follows:
``hpvm_pass/``: unit and regression tests for HPVM Passes, written in LLVM-bitcode.
* ``hpvm_pass/``: unit and regression tests for HPVM Passes, written in LLVM-bitcode.
``benchmarks/``: includes a few applications written in HPVM-C, a template, and directions for compiling and running these benchmarks.
* ``benchmarks/``: includes a few applications written in HPVM-C, a template, and directions for compiling and running these benchmarks.
* ``benchmarks/parboil``: Selected benchmarks from the `Parboil <>`_ benchmark suite.
* ``benchmarks/pipeline``: An edge detection pipeline benchmark.
* ``benchmarks/hpvm-cava``: A Camera ISP pipeline, adapted from C code provided from our collaborators at `Harvard <>`_.
``dnn_benchmarks/``: ten (10) DNN benchmarks in HPVM-C, Keras and PyTorch, supported by ApproxHPVM.
* ``dnn_benchmarks/``: ten (10) DNN benchmarks in HPVM-C, Keras and PyTorch, supported by ApproxHPVM.
This tests HPVM as well as the Keras and PyTorch frontends.
@@ -25,18 +22,27 @@ The `hpvm/test` directory holds all tests and benchmarks in HPVM and is organize
Their organization and usage are similar to the benchmarks under ``benchmarks/``.
Each subfolder contains a DNN with 2 versions (2 ``.cpp`` files):
the ``tensor``-targeted version which compiles to ``tensor_runtime``,
the ``tensor``-targeted version which compiles to `tensor_runtime`,
and the ``cudnn``-targeted version which compiles to operators in ``cuDNN``
(has ``_cudnn`` in name).
``dnn_benchmarks/keras`` contains these DNNs implemented in Keras,
* ``dnn_benchmarks/keras`` contains these DNNs implemented in Keras,
and code for generating them down to HPVM-C (testing Keras frontend).
* ``dnn_benchmarks/pytorch`` contains these DNNs in PyTorch
and code for generating them down to HPVM-C (testing PyTorch/ONNX frontend).
The code generated from Keras and PyTorch frontend should be largely similar and functionally equivalent.
* ``./dnn`` is a local package with these 10 DNNs implemented in PyTorch as examples.
This package is not installed with HPVM.
* ``./test_frontend`` contains tests on inference accuracy of code generated by the PyTorch frontend.
* ``./test_{profiling|tuning}`` contains tests on performing profiling/tuning
on frontend-generated binary.
* ``dnn_benchmarks/tensor-rt-src`` contains these DNNs directly implemented in `tensor_runtime`
functions. These are for reference purpose only and not actively used in the HPVM system or testing.
Running Test Cases and Benchmarks
@@ -45,29 +51,29 @@ The easiest way to run tests is to use ``make`` targets,
which will also take care of all compilation of test cases and test fixtures.
The following targets runs these tests respectively:
* ``make -j check-hpvm-pass`` runs tests in ``hpvm_pass``: ``hpvm_pass/**/*.ll``.
These are regression and unit tests for HPVM passes.
``make -j check-hpvm-dnn`` runs all 20 DNN benchmarks under ``dnn_benchmarks/hpvm-c``
* ``make -j check-hpvm-dnn`` runs all 20 DNN benchmarks under ``dnn_benchmarks/hpvm-c``
(10 DNNs x 2 versions) and validates their accuracy.
*Note* that this can take quite long due to the size of DNNs and datasets.
Depending on your hardware capability, this test can take 5-30 minutes.
Also, this is set to run sequentially out of GPU memory concerns.
``make -j check-hpvm-profiler`` runs ``hpvm-profiler`` on some smaller networks
(as it is extremely time-consuming) and presents the tradeoff curve with profiled speedup.
* ``make -j check-hpvm-torch-acc`` generates all 10 DNNs with torch frontend,
runs them and checks their accuracy. This tests the torch frontend in isolation.
*Note* that if you're on an NVIDIA Jetson TX2, you may want to run