@@ -105,25 +106,25 @@ Intrinsics for Describing Graphs
The intrinsics for describing graphs can only be used by internal nodes. Also, internal nodes are only allowed to have these intrinsics as part of their node function, with the exception of a return statement of the appropriate type, in order to return the result of the outgoing dataflow edges.
Create a static dataflow node replicated in one dimension, namely ``x``, with ``n1`` dynamic instances executing node function ``F``. Return a handle to the created node.
Create a static dataflow node replicated in two dimensions, namely ``x`` and ``y``, with ``n1`` and ``n2`` dynamic instances in each dimension respectively, executing node function ``F``. Return a handle to the created node.
Create a static dataflow node replicated in three dimensions, namely ``x``, ``y`` and ``z``, with ``n1``, ``n2`` and ``n3`` dynamic instances in each dimension respectively, executing node function ``F``. Return a handle to the created node.
Create edge from output ``sp`` of node ``Src`` to input ``dp`` of node ``Dst``. Argument ``dp`` of ``Dst``'s node function and field ``sp`` of the return struct in ``Src``'s node function must have matching types. ``ReplType`` chooses between a one-to-one (0) or all-to-all (1) edge. ``isStream`` chooses a streaming (1) or non streaming (0) edge. Return a handle to the created edge.
``void llvm.hpvm.bind.input(i8* N, i32 ip, i32 ic, i1 isStream)``:raw-html-m2r:`<br>`
``void llvm.hpvm.bind.input(i8* N, i32 ip, i32 ic, i1 isStream)`` |br|
Bind input ``ip`` of current node to input ``ic`` of child node ``N``. Argument ``ic`` of ``N``'s node function and argument ``ip`` of the current node function must have matching types. ``isStream`` chooses a streaming (1) or non streaming (0) bind.
``void llvm.hpvm.bind.output(i8* N, i32 oc, i32 op, i1 isStream)``:raw-html-m2r:`<br>`
``void llvm.hpvm.bind.output(i8* N, i32 oc, i32 op, i1 isStream)`` |br|
Bind output ``oc`` of child node ``N`` to output ``op`` of current node. Field ``oc`` of the return struct in ``N``'s node function and field ``op`` of the return struct in the current node function must have matching types. ``isStream`` chooses a streaming (1) or non streaming (0) bind.
Intrinsics for Querying Graphs
@@ -131,19 +132,19 @@ Intrinsics for Querying Graphs
The following intrinsics are used to query the structure of the DFG. They can only be used by leaf nodes.
Get index of current dynamic node instance of node ``N`` in dimension x, y or z respectively. The dimension must be one of the dimensions in which the node is replicated.
Get number of dynamic instances of node ``N`` in dimension x, y or z respectively. The dimension must be one of the dimensions in which the node is replicated.
Intrinsics for Memory Allocation and Synchronization
@@ -151,35 +152,35 @@ Intrinsics for Memory Allocation and Synchronization
The following intrinsics are used for memory allocation and synchronization. They can only be used by leaf nodes.
Allocate a block of memory of size ``nBytes`` and return pointer to it. The allocated object can be shared by all nodes.:raw-html-m2r:`<br>`
``i8* llvm.hpvm.malloc(i64 nBytes)`` |br|
Allocate a block of memory of size ``nBytes`` and return pointer to it. The allocated object can be shared by all nodes. |br|
*Note that the returned pointer must somehow be communicated explicitly for use by other nodes.*
``i32 llvm.hpvm.atomic.add(i8* m, i32 v)``:raw-html-m2r:`<br>`
``i32 llvm.hpvm.atomic.add(i8* m, i32 v)`` |br|
Atomically computes the bitwise ADD of ``v`` and the value stored at memory location ``[m]`` w.r.t. the dynamic instances of the current leaf node and stores the result back into ``[m]``. Returns the value previously stored at ``[m]``.
``i32 llvm.hpvm.atomic.sub(i8* m, i32 v)``:raw-html-m2r:`<br>`
``i32 llvm.hpvm.atomic.sub(i8* m, i32 v)`` |br|
Atomically computes the bitwise SUB of ``v`` and the value stored at memory location ``[m]`` w.r.t. the dynamic instances of the current leaf node and stores the result back into ``[m]``. Returns the value previously stored at ``[m]``.
``i32 llvm.hpvm.atomic.min(i8* m, i32 v)``:raw-html-m2r:`<br>`
``i32 llvm.hpvm.atomic.min(i8* m, i32 v)`` |br|
Atomically computes the bitwise MIN of ``v`` and the value stored at memory location ``[m]`` w.r.t. the dynamic instances of the current leaf node and stores the result back into ``[m]``. Returns the value previously stored at ``[m]``.
``i32 llvm.hpvm.atomic.max(i8* m, i32 v)``:raw-html-m2r:`<br>`
``i32 llvm.hpvm.atomic.max(i8* m, i32 v)`` |br|
Atomically computes the bitwise MAX of ``v`` and the value stored at memory location ``[m]`` w.r.t. the dynamic instances of the current leaf node and stores the result back into ``[m]``. Returns the value previously stored at ``[m]``.
``i32 llvm.hpvm.atomic.xchg(i8* m, i32 v)``:raw-html-m2r:`<br>`
``i32 llvm.hpvm.atomic.xchg(i8* m, i32 v)`` |br|
Atomically computes the bitwise XCHG of ``v`` and the value stored at memory location ``[m]`` w.r.t. the dynamic instances of the current leaf node and stores the result back into ``[m]``. Returns the value previously stored at ``[m]``.
``i32 llvm.hpvm.atomic.and(i8* m, i32 v)``:raw-html-m2r:`<br>`
``i32 llvm.hpvm.atomic.and(i8* m, i32 v)`` |br|
Atomically computes the bitwise AND of ``v`` and the value stored at memory location ``[m]`` w.r.t. the dynamic instances of the current leaf node and stores the result back into ``[m]``. Returns the value previously stored at ``[m]``.
``i32 llvm.hpvm.atomic.or(i8* m, i32 v)``:raw-html-m2r:`<br>`
``i32 llvm.hpvm.atomic.or(i8* m, i32 v)`` |br|
Atomically computes the bitwise OR of ``v`` and the value stored at memory location ``[m]`` w.r.t. the dynamic instances of the current leaf node and stores the result back into ``[m]``. Returns the value previously stored at ``[m]``.
``i32 llvm.hpvm.atomic.xor(i8* m, i32 v)``:raw-html-m2r:`<br>`
``i32 llvm.hpvm.atomic.xor(i8* m, i32 v)`` |br|
Atomically computes the bitwise XOR of ``v`` and the value stored at memory location ``[m]`` w.r.t. the dynamic instances of the current leaf node and stores the result back into ``[m]``. Returns the value previously stored at ``[m]``.
``void llvm.hpvm.barrier()``:raw-html-m2r:`<br>`
``void llvm.hpvm.barrier()`` |br|
Local synchronization barrier across dynamic instances of current leaf node.
Intrinsics for Graph Interaction
@@ -187,31 +188,31 @@ Intrinsics for Graph Interaction
The following intrinsics are for graph initialization/termination and interaction with the host code, and can be used only by the host code.
Insert memory starting at ``ptr`` of size ``sz`` in the memory tracker. ``ptr`` becomes the key for identifying this memory object. As soon as a memory object is inserted in the memory tracker it starts being tracked, and can be passed as a data item to a DFG.
Launch the execution of a top-level DFG with root node function ``RootGraph``. ``Args`` is a pointer to a packed struct, containing one field per argument of the ``RootGraph`` function, consecutively. For non-streaming DFGs with a non empty result type, ``Args`` must contain an additional field of the type ``RootGraph.returnTy``, where the result of the graph will be returned. ``isStream`` chooses between a non streaming (0) or streaming (1) graph execution. Return a handle to the invoked DFG.