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CCP, DCE, GVN, IR Builder API, improve verification, rewrite dot visualization

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+ 521
use std::collections::HashMap;
use crate::*;
* The builder provides a clean API for programatically creating IR modules.
* The main function of the builder is to intern various parts of the IR.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct Builder<'a> {
// Intern function names.
function_ids: HashMap<&'a str, FunctionID>,
// Intern types, constants, and dynamic constants on a per-module basis.
interned_types: HashMap<Type, TypeID>,
interned_constants: HashMap<Constant, ConstantID>,
interned_dynamic_constants: HashMap<DynamicConstant, DynamicConstantID>,
// For product, summation, and array constant creation, it's useful to know
// the type of each constant.
constant_types: Vec<TypeID>,
// The module being built.
module: Module,
* Since the builder doesn't provide string names for nodes, we need a different
* mechanism for allowing one to allocate node IDs before actually creating the
* node. This is required since there may be loops in the flow graph. We achieve
* this using NodeBuilders. Allocating a NodeBuilder allocates a Node ID, and
* the NodeBuilder can be later used to actually build an IR node.
pub struct NodeBuilder {
id: NodeID,
function_id: FunctionID,
node: Node,
* The IR builder may return errors when used incorrectly.
type BuilderResult<T> = Result<T, String>;
impl<'a> Builder<'a> {
fn intern_type(&mut self, ty: Type) -> TypeID {
if let Some(id) = self.interned_types.get(&ty) {
} else {
let id = TypeID::new(self.interned_types.len());
self.interned_types.insert(ty.clone(), id);
fn intern_constant(&mut self, cons: Constant, ty: TypeID) -> ConstantID {
if let Some(id) = self.interned_constants.get(&cons) {
} else {
let id = ConstantID::new(self.interned_constants.len());
self.interned_constants.insert(cons.clone(), id);
fn intern_dynamic_constant(&mut self, dyn_cons: DynamicConstant) -> DynamicConstantID {
if let Some(id) = self.interned_dynamic_constants.get(&dyn_cons) {
} else {
let id = DynamicConstantID::new(self.interned_dynamic_constants.len());
self.interned_dynamic_constants.insert(dyn_cons.clone(), id);
pub fn create() -> Self {
pub fn finish(self) -> Module {
pub fn create_type_bool(&mut self) -> TypeID {
pub fn create_type_i8(&mut self) -> TypeID {
pub fn create_type_i16(&mut self) -> TypeID {
pub fn create_type_i32(&mut self) -> TypeID {
pub fn create_type_i64(&mut self) -> TypeID {
pub fn create_type_u8(&mut self) -> TypeID {
pub fn create_type_u16(&mut self) -> TypeID {
pub fn create_type_u32(&mut self) -> TypeID {
pub fn create_type_u64(&mut self) -> TypeID {
pub fn create_type_f32(&mut self) -> TypeID {
pub fn create_type_f64(&mut self) -> TypeID {
pub fn create_type_prod(&mut self, tys: Box<[TypeID]>) -> TypeID {
pub fn create_type_prod2(&mut self, a: TypeID, b: TypeID) -> TypeID {
self.create_type_prod(Box::new([a, b]))
pub fn create_type_prod3(&mut self, a: TypeID, b: TypeID, c: TypeID) -> TypeID {
self.create_type_prod(Box::new([a, b, c]))
pub fn create_type_prod4(&mut self, a: TypeID, b: TypeID, c: TypeID, d: TypeID) -> TypeID {
self.create_type_prod(Box::new([a, b, c, d]))
pub fn create_type_prod5(
&mut self,
a: TypeID,
b: TypeID,
c: TypeID,
d: TypeID,
e: TypeID,
) -> TypeID {
self.create_type_prod(Box::new([a, b, c, d, e]))
pub fn create_type_prod6(
&mut self,
a: TypeID,
b: TypeID,
c: TypeID,
d: TypeID,
e: TypeID,
f: TypeID,
) -> TypeID {
self.create_type_prod(Box::new([a, b, c, d, e, f]))
pub fn create_type_prod7(
&mut self,
a: TypeID,
b: TypeID,
c: TypeID,
d: TypeID,
e: TypeID,
f: TypeID,
g: TypeID,
) -> TypeID {
self.create_type_prod(Box::new([a, b, c, d, e, f, g]))
pub fn create_type_prod8(
&mut self,
a: TypeID,
b: TypeID,
c: TypeID,
d: TypeID,
e: TypeID,
f: TypeID,
g: TypeID,
h: TypeID,
) -> TypeID {
self.create_type_prod(Box::new([a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h]))
pub fn create_type_sum(&mut self, tys: Box<[TypeID]>) -> TypeID {
pub fn create_type_sum2(&mut self, a: TypeID, b: TypeID) -> TypeID {
self.create_type_sum(Box::new([a, b]))
pub fn create_type_sum3(&mut self, a: TypeID, b: TypeID, c: TypeID) -> TypeID {
self.create_type_sum(Box::new([a, b, c]))
pub fn create_type_sum4(&mut self, a: TypeID, b: TypeID, c: TypeID, d: TypeID) -> TypeID {
self.create_type_sum(Box::new([a, b, c, d]))
pub fn create_type_sum5(
&mut self,
a: TypeID,
b: TypeID,
c: TypeID,
d: TypeID,
e: TypeID,
) -> TypeID {
self.create_type_sum(Box::new([a, b, c, d, e]))
pub fn create_type_sum6(
&mut self,
a: TypeID,
b: TypeID,
c: TypeID,
d: TypeID,
e: TypeID,
f: TypeID,
) -> TypeID {
self.create_type_sum(Box::new([a, b, c, d, e, f]))
pub fn create_type_sum7(
&mut self,
a: TypeID,
b: TypeID,
c: TypeID,
d: TypeID,
e: TypeID,
f: TypeID,
g: TypeID,
) -> TypeID {
self.create_type_sum(Box::new([a, b, c, d, e, f, g]))
pub fn create_type_sum8(
&mut self,
a: TypeID,
b: TypeID,
c: TypeID,
d: TypeID,
e: TypeID,
f: TypeID,
g: TypeID,
h: TypeID,
) -> TypeID {
self.create_type_sum(Box::new([a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h]))
pub fn create_type_array(&mut self, elem: TypeID, dc: DynamicConstantID) -> TypeID {
self.intern_type(Type::Array(elem, dc))
pub fn create_constant_bool(&mut self, val: bool) -> ConstantID {
let ty = self.intern_type(Type::Boolean);
self.intern_constant(Constant::Boolean(val), ty)
pub fn create_constant_i8(&mut self, val: i8) -> ConstantID {
let ty = self.intern_type(Type::Integer8);
self.intern_constant(Constant::Integer8(val), ty)
pub fn create_constant_i16(&mut self, val: i16) -> ConstantID {
let ty = self.intern_type(Type::Integer16);
self.intern_constant(Constant::Integer16(val), ty)
pub fn create_constant_i32(&mut self, val: i32) -> ConstantID {
let ty = self.intern_type(Type::Integer32);
self.intern_constant(Constant::Integer32(val), ty)
pub fn create_constant_i64(&mut self, val: i64) -> ConstantID {
let ty = self.intern_type(Type::Integer64);
self.intern_constant(Constant::Integer64(val), ty)
pub fn create_constant_u8(&mut self, val: u8) -> ConstantID {
let ty = self.intern_type(Type::UnsignedInteger8);
self.intern_constant(Constant::UnsignedInteger8(val), ty)
pub fn create_constant_u16(&mut self, val: u16) -> ConstantID {
let ty = self.intern_type(Type::UnsignedInteger16);
self.intern_constant(Constant::UnsignedInteger16(val), ty)
pub fn create_constant_u32(&mut self, val: u32) -> ConstantID {
let ty = self.intern_type(Type::UnsignedInteger32);
self.intern_constant(Constant::UnsignedInteger32(val), ty)
pub fn create_constant_u64(&mut self, val: u64) -> ConstantID {
let ty = self.intern_type(Type::UnsignedInteger64);
self.intern_constant(Constant::UnsignedInteger64(val), ty)
pub fn create_constant_f32(&mut self, val: f32) -> ConstantID {
let ty = self.intern_type(Type::Float32);
pub fn create_constant_f64(&mut self, val: f64) -> ConstantID {
let ty = self.intern_type(Type::Float64);
pub fn create_constant_prod(&mut self, cons: Box<[ConstantID]>) -> ConstantID {
let ty = self.create_type_prod(cons.iter().map(|x| self.constant_types[x.idx()]).collect());
self.intern_constant(Constant::Product(ty, cons), ty)
pub fn create_constant_sum(
&mut self,
ty: TypeID,
variant: u32,
cons: ConstantID,
) -> BuilderResult<ConstantID> {
if let Type::Summation(variant_tys) = &self.module.types[ty.idx()] {
if variant as usize >= variant_tys.len() {
Err("Variant provided to create_constant_sum is too large for provided summation type.")?
if variant_tys[variant as usize] != self.constant_types[cons.idx()] {
Err("Constant provided to create_constant_sum doesn't match the summation type provided.")?
Ok(self.intern_constant(Constant::Summation(ty, variant, cons), ty))
} else {
Err("Type provided to create_constant_sum is not a summation type.".to_owned())
pub fn create_constant_array(
&mut self,
elem_ty: TypeID,
cons: Box<[ConstantID]>,
) -> BuilderResult<ConstantID> {
for con in cons.iter() {
if self.constant_types[con.idx()] != elem_ty {
Err("Constant provided to create_constant_array has a different type than the provided element type.")?
let dc = self.create_dynamic_constant_constant(cons.len());
let ty = self.create_type_array(elem_ty, dc);
Ok(self.intern_constant(Constant::Array(ty, cons), ty))
pub fn create_dynamic_constant_constant(&mut self, val: usize) -> DynamicConstantID {
pub fn create_dynamic_constant_parameter(&mut self, val: usize) -> DynamicConstantID {
pub fn create_function(
&mut self,
name: &'a str,
param_types: Vec<TypeID>,
return_type: TypeID,
num_dynamic_constants: u32,
) -> BuilderResult<(FunctionID, NodeID)> {
if let Some(_) = self.function_ids.get(name) {
Err(format!("Can't create a function with name \"{}\", because a function with the same name has already been created.", name))?
let id = FunctionID::new(self.module.functions.len());
self.module.functions.push(Function {
name: name.to_owned(),
nodes: vec![Node::Start],
Ok((id, NodeID::new(0)))
pub fn allocate_node(&mut self, function: FunctionID) -> NodeBuilder {
let id = NodeID::new(self.module.functions[function.idx()].nodes.len());
NodeBuilder {
function_id: function,
node: Node::Start,
pub fn add_node(&mut self, builder: NodeBuilder) -> BuilderResult<()> {
if let Node::Start = builder.node {
Err("Can't add node from a NodeBuilder before NodeBuilder has built a node.")?
self.module.functions[builder.function_id.idx()].nodes[] = builder.node;
impl NodeBuilder {
pub fn id(&self) -> NodeID {
pub fn build_region(&mut self, preds: Box<[NodeID]>) {
self.node = Node::Region { preds };
pub fn build_if(&mut self, control: NodeID, cond: NodeID) {
self.node = Node::If { control, cond };
pub fn build_fork(&mut self, control: NodeID, factor: DynamicConstantID) {
self.node = Node::Fork { control, factor };
pub fn build_join(&mut self, control: NodeID) {
self.node = Node::Join { control };
pub fn build_phi(&mut self, control: NodeID, data: Box<[NodeID]>) {
self.node = Node::Phi { control, data };
pub fn build_threadid(&mut self, control: NodeID) {
self.node = Node::ThreadID { control };
pub fn build_collect(&mut self, control: NodeID, data: NodeID) {
self.node = Node::Collect { control, data };
pub fn build_return(&mut self, control: NodeID, data: NodeID) {
self.node = Node::Return { control, data };
pub fn build_parameter(&mut self, index: usize) {
self.node = Node::Parameter { index };
pub fn build_constant(&mut self, id: ConstantID) {
self.node = Node::Constant { id };
pub fn build_dynamicconstant(&mut self, id: DynamicConstantID) {
self.node = Node::DynamicConstant { id };
pub fn build_unary(&mut self, input: NodeID, op: UnaryOperator) {
self.node = Node::Unary { input, op };
pub fn build_binary(&mut self, left: NodeID, right: NodeID, op: BinaryOperator) {
self.node = Node::Binary { left, right, op };
pub fn build_call(
&mut self,
function: FunctionID,
dynamic_constants: Box<[DynamicConstantID]>,
args: Box<[NodeID]>,
) {
self.node = Node::Call {
pub fn build_readprod(&mut self, prod: NodeID, index: usize) {
self.node = Node::ReadProd { prod, index };
pub fn build_writeprod(&mut self, prod: NodeID, data: NodeID, index: usize) {
self.node = Node::WriteProd { prod, data, index };
pub fn build_readarray(&mut self, array: NodeID, index: NodeID) {
self.node = Node::ReadArray { array, index };
pub fn build_writearray(&mut self, array: NodeID, data: NodeID, index: NodeID) {
self.node = Node::WriteArray { array, data, index };
pub fn build_match(&mut self, control: NodeID, sum: NodeID) {
self.node = Node::Match { control, sum };
pub fn build_buildsum(&mut self, data: NodeID, sum_ty: TypeID, variant: usize) {
self.node = Node::BuildSum {
pub fn build_extractsum(&mut self, data: NodeID, variant: usize) {
self.node = Node::ExtractSum { data, variant };