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Verify dominance relations in IR graph

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@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use crate::*;
* Trait for a type that is a semilattice. Semilattice types must also be Eq,
* so that the dataflow analysis can determine when to terminate.
pub trait Semilattice: Eq {
pub trait Semilattice: Eq + Clone {
fn meet(a: &Self, b: &Self) -> Self;
fn bottom() -> Self;
fn top() -> Self;
@@ -37,10 +37,18 @@ where
let uses: Vec<NodeUses> = function.nodes.iter().map(|n| get_uses(n)).collect();
// Step 2: create initial set of "out" points.
let start_node_output = flow_function(&[&L::bottom()], NodeID::new(0));
let mut outs: Vec<L> = (0..function.nodes.len())
.map(|id| {
&vec![&(if id == 0 { L::bottom() } else { L::top() }); uses[id].as_ref().len()],
&(if id == 0 {
} else {
@@ -124,3 +132,142 @@ fn reverse_postorder_helper(
(order, visited)
* A bit vector set is a very general kind of semilattice. This variant is for
* "intersecting" flow functions.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum IntersectNodeSet {
Bits(BitVec<u8, Lsb0>),
impl IntersectNodeSet {
pub fn is_set(&self, id: NodeID) -> bool {
match self {
IntersectNodeSet::Empty => false,
IntersectNodeSet::Bits(bits) => bits[id.idx()],
IntersectNodeSet::Full => true,
impl Semilattice for IntersectNodeSet {
fn meet(a: &Self, b: &Self) -> Self {
match (a, b) {
(IntersectNodeSet::Full, b) => b.clone(),
(a, IntersectNodeSet::Full) => a.clone(),
(IntersectNodeSet::Bits(a), IntersectNodeSet::Bits(b)) => {
a.len() == b.len(),
"IntersectNodeSets must have same length to meet."
IntersectNodeSet::Bits(a.clone() & b)
(IntersectNodeSet::Empty, _) => IntersectNodeSet::Empty,
(_, IntersectNodeSet::Empty) => IntersectNodeSet::Empty,
fn bottom() -> Self {
// For intersecting flow functions, the bottom state is empty.
fn top() -> Self {
// For intersecting flow functions, the top state is full.
* A bit vector set is a very general kind of semilattice. This variant is for
* "unioning" flow functions.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum UnionNodeSet {
Bits(BitVec<u8, Lsb0>),
impl UnionNodeSet {
pub fn is_set(&self, id: NodeID) -> bool {
match self {
UnionNodeSet::Empty => false,
UnionNodeSet::Bits(bits) => bits[id.idx()],
UnionNodeSet::Full => true,
impl Semilattice for UnionNodeSet {
fn meet(a: &Self, b: &Self) -> Self {
match (a, b) {
(UnionNodeSet::Empty, b) => b.clone(),
(a, UnionNodeSet::Empty) => a.clone(),
(UnionNodeSet::Bits(a), UnionNodeSet::Bits(b)) => {
a.len() == b.len(),
"UnionNodeSets must have same length to meet."
UnionNodeSet::Bits(a.clone() | b)
(UnionNodeSet::Full, _) => UnionNodeSet::Full,
(_, UnionNodeSet::Full) => UnionNodeSet::Full,
fn bottom() -> Self {
// For unioning flow functions, the bottom state is full.
fn top() -> Self {
// For unioning flow functions, the top state is empty.
* Below are some common flow functions. They all take a slice of semilattice
* references as their first argument, and a node ID as their second. However,
* they may in addition take more arguments (meaning that these functions
* should be used inside closures at a callsite of a top level dataflow
* function).
* Flow function for collecting all of a node's uses of "control outputs". What
* this flow function does is collect all immediate phi, thread ID, and collect
* nodes that every other node depends on through data nodes. Flow is ended at
* a control node, or at a phi, thread ID, or collect node.
pub fn control_output_flow(
inputs: &[&UnionNodeSet],
node_id: NodeID,
function: &Function,
) -> UnionNodeSet {
// Step 1: union inputs.
let mut out = UnionNodeSet::top();
for input in inputs {
out = UnionNodeSet::meet(&out, input);
let node = &function.nodes[node_id.idx()];
// Step 2: clear all bits, if applicable.
if node.is_strictly_control() || node.is_thread_id() || node.is_collect() || node.is_phi() {
out = UnionNodeSet::Empty;
// Step 3: set bit for current node, if applicable.
if node.is_thread_id() || node.is_collect() || node.is_phi() {
let mut singular = bitvec![u8, Lsb0; 0; function.nodes.len()];
singular.set(node_id.idx(), true);
out = UnionNodeSet::meet(&out, &UnionNodeSet::Bits(singular));