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Optimization for miranda

Merged rarbore2 requested to merge miranda_opt into main
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@@ -1601,6 +1601,128 @@ pub fn clean_monoid_reduces(editor: &mut FunctionEditor, typing: &Vec<TypeID>) {
* Looks for reads in fork-joins that are linear in the thread IDs for the fork-
* join.
* Extends the dimensions of a fork-join to be a multiple of a number and gates
* the execution of the body.
pub fn extend_all_forks(
editor: &mut FunctionEditor,
fork_join_map: &HashMap<NodeID, NodeID>,
multiple: usize,
) {
for (fork, join) in fork_join_map {
if editor.is_mutable(*fork) {
extend_fork(editor, *fork, *join, multiple);
fn extend_fork(editor: &mut FunctionEditor, fork: NodeID, join: NodeID, multiple: usize) {
let nodes = &editor.func().nodes;
let (fork_pred, factors) = nodes[fork.idx()].try_fork().unwrap();
let factors = factors.to_vec();
let fork_succ = editor
.filter(|id| nodes[id.idx()].is_control())
let join_pred = nodes[join.idx()].try_join().unwrap();
let ctrl_between = fork != join_pred;
let reduces: Vec<_> = editor
.filter_map(|id| nodes[id.idx()].try_reduce().map(|x| (id, x)))
editor.edit(|mut edit| {
// We can round up a dynamic constant A to a multiple of another dynamic
// constant B via the following math:
// ((A + B - 1) / B) * B
let new_factors: Vec<_> = factors
.map(|factor| {
let b = edit.add_dynamic_constant(DynamicConstant::Constant(multiple));
let apb = edit.add_dynamic_constant(DynamicConstant::add(*factor, b));
let o = edit.add_dynamic_constant(DynamicConstant::Constant(1));
let apbmo = edit.add_dynamic_constant(DynamicConstant::sub(apb, o));
let apbmodb = edit.add_dynamic_constant(DynamicConstant::div(apbmo, b));
edit.add_dynamic_constant(DynamicConstant::mul(apbmodb, b))
// Create the new control structure.
let new_fork = edit.add_node(Node::Fork {
control: fork_pred,
factors: new_factors.into_boxed_slice(),
edit = edit.replace_all_uses_where(fork, new_fork, |id| *id != fork_succ)?;
edit.sub_edit(fork, new_fork);
let conds: Vec<_> = factors
.map(|(idx, old_factor)| {
let tid = edit.add_node(Node::ThreadID {
control: new_fork,
dimension: idx,
let old_bound = edit.add_node(Node::DynamicConstant { id: *old_factor });
edit.add_node(Node::Binary {
op: BinaryOperator::LT,
left: tid,
right: old_bound,
let cond = conds
.reduce(|left, right| {
edit.add_node(Node::Binary {
op: BinaryOperator::And,
let branch = edit.add_node(Node::If {
control: new_fork,
let false_proj = edit.add_node(Node::ControlProjection {
control: branch,
selection: 0,
let true_proj = edit.add_node(Node::ControlProjection {
control: branch,
selection: 1,
if ctrl_between {
edit = edit.replace_all_uses_where(fork, true_proj, |id| *id == fork_succ)?;
let bottom_region = edit.add_node(Node::Region {
preds: Box::new([false_proj, if ctrl_between { join_pred } else { true_proj }]),
let new_join = edit.add_node(Node::Join {
control: bottom_region,
edit = edit.replace_all_uses(join, new_join)?;
edit.sub_edit(join, new_join);
edit = edit.delete_node(fork)?;
edit = edit.delete_node(join)?;
// Update the reduces to use phis on the region node to gate their execution.
for (reduce, (_, init, reduct)) in reduces {
let phi = edit.add_node(Node::Phi {
control: bottom_region,
data: Box::new([reduce, reduct]),
let new_reduce = edit.add_node(Node::Reduce {
control: new_join,
reduct: phi,
edit = edit.replace_all_uses(reduce, new_reduce)?;
edit.sub_edit(reduce, new_reduce);
edit = edit.delete_node(reduce)?;