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  • llvm/hercules
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......@@ -294,6 +294,9 @@ pub enum Value {
Record {
fields: HashMap<String, Value>,
Tuple {
values: Vec<Value>,
Everything {},
Selection {
selection: Vec<Value>,
......@@ -371,6 +374,11 @@ impl Value {
"Expected code selection, found record".to_string(),
Value::Tuple { .. } => {
return Err(SchedulerError::SemanticError(
"Expected code selection, found tuple".to_string(),
Value::Integer { .. } => {
return Err(SchedulerError::SemanticError(
"Expected code selection, found integer".to_string(),
......@@ -1294,6 +1302,7 @@ fn interp_expr(
| Value::Integer { .. }
| Value::Boolean { .. }
| Value::String { .. }
| Value::Tuple { .. }
| Value::SetOp { .. } => Err(SchedulerError::UndefinedField(field.clone())),
Value::JunoFunction { func } => {
match pm.labels.borrow().iter().position(|s| s == field) {
......@@ -1467,6 +1476,28 @@ fn interp_expr(
Ok((Value::Selection { selection: values }, changed))
ScheduleExp::Tuple { exprs } => {
let mut vals = vec![];
let mut changed = false;
for exp in exprs {
let (val, change) = interp_expr(pm, exp, stringtab, env, functions)?;
changed = changed || change;
Ok((Value::Tuple { values: vals }, changed))
ScheduleExp::TupleField { lhs, field } => {
let (val, changed) = interp_expr(pm, lhs, stringtab, env, functions)?;
match val {
Value::Tuple { values } if *field < values.len() => {
Ok((vec_take(values, *field), changed))
_ => Err(SchedulerError::SemanticError(format!(
"No field at index {}",
......@@ -1524,6 +1555,14 @@ fn update_value(
Some(Value::Record { fields: new_fields })
// For tuples, if we deleted values like we do for records this would mess up the indices
// which would behave very strangely. Instead if any field cannot be updated then we
// eliminate the entire value
Value::Tuple { values } => values
.map(|v| update_value(v, func_idx, juno_func_idx))
.map(|values| Value::Tuple { values }),
Value::JunoFunction { func } => {
......@@ -2897,6 +2936,247 @@ fn run_pass(
Pass::ForkReshape => {
let mut shape = vec![];
let mut loops = BTreeSet::new();
let mut fork_count = 0;
for arg in args {
let Value::Tuple { values } = arg else {
return Err(SchedulerError::PassError {
pass: "fork-reshape".to_string(),
error: "expected each argument to be a list of integers".to_string(),
let mut indices = vec![];
for val in values {
let Value::Integer { val: idx } = val else {
return Err(SchedulerError::PassError {
pass: "fork-reshape".to_string(),
error: "expected each argument to be a list of integers".to_string(),
fork_count += 1;
if loops != (0..fork_count).collect() {
return Err(SchedulerError::PassError {
pass: "fork-reshape".to_string(),
"expected forks to be numbered sequentially from 0 and used exactly once"
let Some((nodes, func_id)) = selection_as_set(pm, selection) else {
return Err(SchedulerError::PassError {
pass: "fork-reshape".to_string(),
error: "must be applied to nodes in a single function".to_string(),
let func = func_id.idx();
let def_uses = pm.def_uses.take().unwrap();
let mut fork_join_maps = pm.fork_join_maps.take().unwrap();
let loops = pm.loops.take().unwrap();
let reduce_cycles = pm.reduce_cycles.take().unwrap();
let def_use = &def_uses[func];
let fork_join_map = &mut fork_join_maps[func];
let loops = &loops[func];
let reduce_cycles = &reduce_cycles[func];
let mut editor = FunctionEditor::new(
&mut pm.functions[func],
// There should be exactly one fork nest in the selection and it should contain
// exactly fork_count forks (counting each dimension of each fork)
// We determine the loops (ordered top-down) that are contained in the selection
// (in particular the header is in the selection) and its a fork-join (the header
// is a fork)
let mut loops = loops
.filter(|(header, _)| nodes.contains(header) && editor.node(header).is_fork());
let Some((top_fork_head, top_fork_body)) = else {
return Err(SchedulerError::PassError {
pass: "fork-reshape".to_string(),
error: format!(
"expected {} forks found 0 in {}",
// All the remaining forks need to be contained in the top fork body
let mut forks = vec![top_fork_head];
let mut num_dims = editor.node(top_fork_head).try_fork().unwrap().1.len();
for (head, _) in loops {
if !top_fork_body[head.idx()] {
return Err(SchedulerError::PassError {
pass: "fork-reshape".to_string(),
error: "selection includes multiple non-nested forks".to_string(),
} else {
num_dims += editor.node(head).try_fork().unwrap().1.len();
if num_dims != fork_count {
return Err(SchedulerError::PassError {
pass: "fork-reshape".to_string(),
error: format!(
"expected {} forks, found {} in {}",
fork_count, num_dims, pm.functions[func].name
// Now, we coalesce all of these forks into one so that we can interchange them
let mut forks = forks.into_iter();
let top_fork =;
let mut cur_fork = top_fork;
for next_fork in forks {
let Some((new_fork, new_join)) =
fork_coalesce_helper(&mut editor, cur_fork, next_fork, &fork_join_map)
else {
return Err(SchedulerError::PassError {
pass: "fork-reshape".to_string(),
error: "failed to coalesce forks".to_string(),
cur_fork = new_fork;
fork_join_map.insert(new_fork, new_join);
let join = *fork_join_map.get(&cur_fork).unwrap();
// Now we have just one fork and we can perform the interchanges we need
// To do this, we track two maps: from original index to current index and from
// current index to original index
let mut orig_to_cur = (0..fork_count).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let mut cur_to_orig = (0..fork_count).collect::<Vec<_>>();
// Now, starting from the first (outermost) index we move the desired fork bound
// into place
for (idx, original_idx) in shape.iter().flat_map(|idx| idx.iter()).enumerate() {
let cur_idx = orig_to_cur[*original_idx];
let swapping = cur_to_orig[idx];
// If the desired factor is already in the correct place, do nothing
if cur_idx == idx {
assert!(idx < cur_idx);
let Some(fork_res) = fork_interchange(&mut editor, cur_fork, join, idx, cur_idx)
else {
return Err(SchedulerError::PassError {
pass: "fork-reshape".to_string(),
error: "failed to interchange forks".to_string(),
cur_fork = fork_res;
// Update our maps
orig_to_cur[*original_idx] = idx;
orig_to_cur[swapping] = cur_idx;
cur_to_orig[idx] = *original_idx;
cur_to_orig[cur_idx] = swapping;
// Finally we split the fork into the desired pieces. We do this by first splitting
// the fork into individual forks and then coalesce the chunks together
// Not sure how split_fork could fail, so if it does panic is fine
let (forks, joins) = split_fork(&mut editor, cur_fork, join, &reduce_cycles).unwrap();
for (fork, join) in forks.iter().zip(joins.iter()) {
fork_join_map.insert(*fork, *join);
// Finally coalesce the chunks together
let mut fork_idx = 0;
let mut final_forks = vec![];
for chunk in shape.iter() {
let chunk_len = chunk.len();
let mut cur_fork = forks[fork_idx];
for i in 1..chunk_len {
let next_fork = forks[fork_idx + i];
// Again, not sure at this point how coalesce could fail, so panic if it
// does
let (new_fork, new_join) =
fork_coalesce_helper(&mut editor, cur_fork, next_fork, &fork_join_map)
cur_fork = new_fork;
fork_join_map.insert(new_fork, new_join);
fork_idx += chunk_len;
// Label each fork and return the labels
// We've trashed our analyses at this point, so rerun them so that we can determine the
// nodes in each of the result fork-joins
let def_uses = pm.def_uses.take().unwrap();
let nodes_in_fork_joins = pm.nodes_in_fork_joins.take().unwrap();
let def_use = &def_uses[func];
let nodes_in_fork_joins = &nodes_in_fork_joins[func];
let mut editor = FunctionEditor::new(
&mut pm.functions[func],
let labels = create_labels_for_node_sets(
&mut editor,
.map(|fork| nodes_in_fork_joins[&fork].iter().copied()),
.map(|(_, label)| Value::Label {
labels: vec![LabelInfo {
func: func_id,
result = Value::Tuple { values: labels };
changed = true;
Pass::WritePredication => {
for func in build_selection(pm, selection, false) {
......@@ -3047,3 +3327,7 @@ where
fn vec_take<T>(mut v: Vec<T>, index: usize) -> T {