Xavier Routh authoredXavier Routh authored
loop_bound_canon.rs 11.66 KiB
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::iter::zip;
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use itertools::Itertools;
use nestify::nest;
use hercules_ir::*;
use crate::*;
pub fn loop_bound_canon_toplevel(
editor: &mut FunctionEditor,
fork_join_map: &HashMap<NodeID, NodeID>,
control_subgraph: &Subgraph,
loops: &LoopTree,
) -> bool {
let natural_loops = loops
.filter(|(k, _)| editor.func().nodes[k.idx()].is_region());
let natural_loops: Vec<_> = natural_loops.collect();
for l in natural_loops {
if editor.is_mutable(l.0)
&& canonicalize_single_loop_bounds(
&Loop {
header: l.0,
control: l.1.clone(),
return true;
return false;
pub fn canonicalize_single_loop_bounds(
editor: &mut FunctionEditor,
control_subgraph: &Subgraph,
l: &Loop,
) -> bool {
let function = editor.func();
let Some(loop_condition) = get_loop_exit_conditions(function, l, control_subgraph) else {
return false;
let LoopExit::Conditional {
if_node: loop_if,
} = loop_condition.clone()
else {
return false;
let loop_variance = compute_loop_variance(editor, l);
let ivs = compute_induction_vars(editor.func(), l, &loop_variance);
let ivs = compute_iv_ranges(editor, l, ivs, &loop_condition);
if has_canonical_iv(editor, l, &ivs).is_some() {
return false;
let loop_bound_iv_phis = get_loop_condition_ivs(editor, l, &ivs, &loop_condition);
let (loop_bound_ivs, _): (Vec<InductionVariable>, Vec<InductionVariable>) = ivs
.partition(|f| loop_bound_iv_phis.contains(&f.phi()));
// println!("{:?}", loop_bound_ivs);
// Assume there is only one loop bound iv.
if loop_bound_ivs.len() != 1 {
return false;
let Some(iv) = loop_bound_ivs.first() else {
return false;
let InductionVariable::Basic {
node: iv_phi,
} = iv
else {
return false;
let Some(loop_pred) = editor
.filter(|node| !l.control[node.idx()])
else {
return false;
// If there is a guard, we need to edit it.
// (init_id, bound_id, binop node, if node).
// FIXME: This is not always correct, depends on lots of things about the loop IV.
let loop_bound_dc = match *editor.node(condition_node) {
Node::Binary { left, right, op } => match op {
BinaryOperator::LT => right,
BinaryOperator::LTE => right,
BinaryOperator::GT => {return false}
BinaryOperator::GTE => {return false}
BinaryOperator::EQ => {return false}
BinaryOperator::NE => {return false}
_ => {return false}
_ => {return false}
// FIXME: This is quite fragile.
let mut guard_info: Option<(NodeID, NodeID, NodeID, NodeID)> = (|| {
let Node::ControlProjection {
selection: _,
} = editor.node(loop_pred)
else {
return None;
let Node::If { cond, ..} = editor.node(control) else {
return None;
let Node::Binary { left, right, op } = editor.node(cond) else {
return None;
let Node::Binary {
left: _,
right: r,
op: loop_op,
} = editor.node(condition_node)
else {
return None;
if op != loop_op {
return None;
if left != initializer {
return None;
if right != r {
return None;
return Some((*left, *right, *cond, *control));
// // If guard is none, if some, make sure it is a good guard! move on
// if let Some((init_id, bound_id, binop_node, if_node))= potential_guard_info {
// };
// let fork_guard_condition =
// Lift dc math should make all constant into DCs, so these should all be DCs.
let Node::DynamicConstant { id: init_dc_id } = *editor.node(initializer) else {
return false;
let Node::DynamicConstant { id: update_dc_id } = *editor.node(update_value) else {
return false;
// We are assuming this is a simple loop bound (i.e only one induction variable involved), so that .
let Node::DynamicConstant {
id: loop_bound_dc_id,
} = *editor.node(loop_bound_dc)
else {
return false;
// We need to do 4 (5) things, which are mostly separate.
// 0) Make the update into addition.
// 1) Adjust update to be 1 (and bounds).
// 2) Make the update a positive value. / Transform the condition into a `<`
// - Are these separate?
// 4) Change init to start from 0.
// 5) Find some way to get fork-guard-elim to work with the new fork.
// ideally, this goes in fork-guard-elim, but for now we hack it to change the guard condition bounds
// here when we edit the loop bounds.
// Right now we are just going to do (4), because I am lazy!
// Collect info about the loop condition transformation.
let mut dc_bound_node = match *editor.node(condition_node) {
Node::Binary { left, right, op } => match op {
BinaryOperator::LT => {
if left == *update_expression && editor.node(right).is_dynamic_constant() {
} else {
return false;
BinaryOperator::LTE => {
if left == *update_expression && editor.node(right).is_dynamic_constant() {
} else {
return false;
BinaryOperator::GT => todo!(),
BinaryOperator::GTE => todo!(),
BinaryOperator::EQ => todo!(),
BinaryOperator::NE => todo!(),
BinaryOperator::Or => todo!(),
BinaryOperator::And => todo!(),
BinaryOperator::Xor => todo!(),
_ => panic!(),
_ => return false,
let condition_node_data = editor.node(condition_node).clone();
let Node::DynamicConstant {
id: mut bound_node_dc_id,
} = *editor.node(dc_bound_node)
else {
return false;
// If increment is negative (how in the world do we know that...)
// Increment can be DefinetlyPostiive, Unknown, DefinetlyNegative.
let misc_guard_thing: Option<Node> = if let Some((init_id, bound_id, binop_node, if_node)) = guard_info {
} else {
// println!("condition node: {:?}", condition_node);
let users = editor.get_users(condition_node).collect_vec();
// println!("{:?}", users);
let mut condition_node = condition_node;
let result = editor.edit(|mut edit| {
// 2) Transform the condition into a < (from <=)
if let Node::Binary { left, right, op } = condition_node_data {
if BinaryOperator::LTE == op && left == *update_expression {
// Change the condition into <
let new_bop = edit.add_node(Node::Binary { left, right, op: BinaryOperator::LT });
// Change the bound dc to be bound_dc + 1
let one = DynamicConstant::Constant(1);
let one = edit.add_dynamic_constant(one);
let tmp = DynamicConstant::add(bound_node_dc_id, one);
let new_condition_dc = edit.add_dynamic_constant(tmp);
let new_dc_bound_node = edit.add_node(Node::DynamicConstant { id: new_condition_dc });
// // 5) Change loop guard:
guard_info = if let Some((init_id, bound_id, binop_node, if_node)) = guard_info {
// Change binop node
let Some(Node::Binary { left, right, op }) = misc_guard_thing else {unreachable!()};
let blah = edit.add_node(Node::DynamicConstant { id: new_condition_dc});
// FIXME: Don't assume that right is the loop bound in the guard.
let new_binop_node = edit.add_node(Node::Binary { left, right: blah, op: BinaryOperator::LT });
edit = edit.replace_all_uses_where(binop_node, new_binop_node, |usee| *usee == if_node)?;
Some((init_id, blah, new_binop_node, if_node))
} else {guard_info};
edit = edit.replace_all_uses_where(dc_bound_node, new_dc_bound_node, |usee| *usee == new_bop)?;
edit = edit.replace_all_uses(condition_node, new_bop)?;
// Change loop condition
dc_bound_node = new_dc_bound_node;
bound_node_dc_id = new_condition_dc;
condition_node = new_bop;
let update_expr_users: Vec<_> = editor
.filter(|node| *node != iv.phi() && *node != condition_node)
let iv_phi_users: Vec<_> = editor
.filter(|node| *node != iv.phi() && *node != *update_expression)
let result = editor.edit(|mut edit| {
// 4) Second, change loop IV to go from 0..N.
// we subtract off init from init and dc_bound_node,
// and then we add it back to uses of the IV.
let new_init_dc = DynamicConstant::Constant(0);
let new_init = Node::DynamicConstant {
id: edit.add_dynamic_constant(new_init_dc),
let new_init = edit.add_node(new_init);
edit = edit.replace_all_uses_where(*initializer, new_init, |usee| *usee == iv.phi())?;
let new_condition_dc = DynamicConstant::sub(bound_node_dc_id, init_dc_id);
let new_condition_dc_id = Node::DynamicConstant {
id: edit.add_dynamic_constant(new_condition_dc),
let new_condition_dc = edit.add_node(new_condition_dc_id);
edit = edit
.replace_all_uses_where(dc_bound_node, new_condition_dc, |usee| *usee == condition_node)?;
// 5) Change loop guard:
if let Some((init_id, bound_id, binop_node, if_node)) = guard_info {
edit = edit.replace_all_uses_where(init_id, new_init, |usee| *usee == binop_node)?;
edit =
edit.replace_all_uses_where(bound_id, new_condition_dc, |usee| *usee == binop_node)?;
// 4) Add the offset back to users of the IV update expression
let new_user = Node::Binary {
left: *update_expression,
right: *initializer,
op: BinaryOperator::Add,
let new_user = edit.add_node(new_user);
edit = edit.replace_all_uses_where(*update_expression, new_user, |usee| {
*usee != iv.phi()
&& *usee != *update_expression
&& *usee != new_user
&& *usee != condition_node
// Add the offset back to users of the IV directly
let new_user = Node::Binary {
left: *iv_phi,
right: *initializer,
op: BinaryOperator::Add,
let new_user = edit.add_node(new_user);
edit = edit.replace_all_uses_where(*iv_phi, new_user, |usee| {
*usee != iv.phi() && *usee != *update_expression && *usee != new_user
return result;