Lev Zlotnik authored
* Bias handling: * Add 'bits_bias' parameter to explicitly specify # of bits for bias, similar to weights and activations. * BREAKING: Remove the now redundant 'quantize_bias' boolean parameter * Custom overrides: * Expand the semantics of the overrides dict to allow overriding of other parameters in addition to bit-widths * Functions registered in the quantizer's 'replacement_factory' can define keyword arguments. Non bit-width entries in the overrides dict will be checked against the function signature and passed * BREAKING: * Changed the name of 'bits_overrides' to simply 'overrides' * Bit-width overrides must now be defined using the full parameter names - 'bits_activations/weights/bias' instead of the short-hands 'acts' and 'wts' which were used so far. * Added/updated relevant tests * Modified all quantization YAMLs under 'examples' to reflect these changes * Updated docs
Lev Zlotnik authored* Bias handling: * Add 'bits_bias' parameter to explicitly specify # of bits for bias, similar to weights and activations. * BREAKING: Remove the now redundant 'quantize_bias' boolean parameter * Custom overrides: * Expand the semantics of the overrides dict to allow overriding of other parameters in addition to bit-widths * Functions registered in the quantizer's 'replacement_factory' can define keyword arguments. Non bit-width entries in the overrides dict will be checked against the function signature and passed * BREAKING: * Changed the name of 'bits_overrides' to simply 'overrides' * Bit-width overrides must now be defined using the full parameter names - 'bits_activations/weights/bias' instead of the short-hands 'acts' and 'wts' which were used so far. * Added/updated relevant tests * Modified all quantization YAMLs under 'examples' to reflect these changes * Updated docs