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Created with Raphaël 2.2.02May23Apr22212019151073227Mar26252018FebSome final comments and added some sources that can be found in my notebook as wellmainmainCleaned up and added some commentspush new path findAdded difficulty, magnet test 10Assume no castling (only 2 largest contours in diff). Also pushing test imagesRevert "stockfish died for no reason"stockfish died for no reasonIT WORKED and then camera diedAdded some examples and hopefully fixed itfixed another issue. always checks twice nowFINALLY IT CORRECTLY GIVES OCR A SECOND CHANCE AND CORRECTS FOR DIAGONAL LETTERSNow waits for magnet arm to be done. Also pushing a robot test errorCheating test (3rd vid recorded) and small fix to cheat detectionChanged how cheating works. Need to test if Jose's new arduino code worksFixed special case in chess_ai, added orange and blue letter functionalityTesting with raspi. Everything is put in place, just needs to be tested. Also pushing orange and blue lettersadding planningchanges to dev portGAME AND BOARD_DETECTOR WORK. Time for thorough tests on raspiFixed diff issue by only doing hough lines once and saving that (assuming board will not be moved). Also for loops are much more efficient nowPiece tests. Board_detector not working for some reason. CHANGE DIFFSTOCKFISH WORKING ON RASPILESS THAN 10 SECOND OCR PER MOVEFast on raspi (diff has been fixed mostly, just don't move chess board)Path executionUploading path planning Absolutely garbage code for difference checking between images that is actually working and faster than before cuz it skips some ocrCommented easyocr section of board_detector.pyI'm dumb. gunnar en passant example works nowPhotoshopped gunnar images to fix problem. Changed ocr parameter from 0.3 to 0.1. Made printing results nicer. Don't know why gunnar example doesn't recognize checkmateI believe I fixed the issues with my fen string and Josh's code. It just worked on alt_game1 like 5 times in a row. Test more.Played through ocr_alt_game1 correctlyAdding castling and en passant examplesboard_detector code from Tuesday and updated game loop. Also pushing Josh's code and saved_FENocr with text instead of painted lettersSmall changes. Next steps are 1. testing the printed text and 2. incorporating Josh's codeA LOT of changes. Conditional based on whether PC is running code or raspi is, faster color detection, implemented OCR, and implemented color_array to FEN notation.all letters rotated test imagesall letters upside down test imagesAll letters upright test images