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Fixed indentation issues on 2 jsp files

htmoss2 requested to merge UC100 into master

This is a small correction in addition to the previous MR: We edited indentation spacing on editApptPatient.jsp and cancelApptPatient.jsp, all other files are the same.

Previous MR:

This PR contains UC New or UC100, which allows a patient to cancel or edit a new appointment (aka requesting a similar one based off of the past details).


  • The ability for the patient to cancel an existing appointment
  • The ability for a patient to reschedule an existing appointment (form is pre-populated with current information)
  • Additional unit tests for canceling and editing appointments
  • Selenium tests

To test in iTrust:

  1. Log in as a patient
  2. Click on Appointments menu tab, and click on View/Edit Appointments
  3. Try testing with the new Edit and Cancel Appointment buttons.
  • Please note that it would not make sense for the patient to have the ability to edit their appointment details without approval from a HCP

To run the tests, do the following:

  1. First, run mvn install -DskipTests to build and deploy the website (this will ensure that the selenium tests work as expected)
  2. Run mvn test -Dtest=EditApptPatientActionTest and mvn test -Dtest=CancelApptPatientActionTest to run the unit tests
  3. Run mvn test -Dtest=EditApptPatientTest to run the selenium tests

Merge request reports
