- Dec 03, 2020
- Dec 02, 2020
- Dec 01, 2020
- Nov 30, 2020
Moss authored
[dao backend] modified TransactionDAO.java to include SQL for roles; displayed all necessary transaction data to viewTransactionLogs.jsp; created necessary bean and loader to support roles
Moss authored
[testing] created ViewTransactionLogsTest.java and tested that admin and tester can both successfully get to new View Transactions Page
Moss authored
[security] allowed for admin and tester to access viewTransationLogs.jsp from their respective menu pages
Moss authored
- Nov 21, 2020
- Nov 20, 2020
- Nov 19, 2020
Moss authored
sbobo3 authored
ahmadaldhalaan authored
returning PatientBean.java to original form with no code smells and pushing code refactoring to a seperate branch
ahmadaldhalaan authored
Three code smells identified and fixed. 1- multiple occurrences of the same string literal "MM/dd/yyyy". 2- ageInMs calculation longer than 100 lines. 3- age conversion uses multiple magic numbers.