EditPatientInstructionsAction.java 3.35 KiB
package edu.ncsu.csc.itrust.action;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import edu.ncsu.csc.itrust.action.base.EditOfficeVisitBaseAction;
import edu.ncsu.csc.itrust.beans.PatientInstructionsBean;
import edu.ncsu.csc.itrust.dao.DAOFactory;
import edu.ncsu.csc.itrust.dao.mysql.PatientInstructionsDAO;
import edu.ncsu.csc.itrust.exception.DBException;
import edu.ncsu.csc.itrust.exception.FormValidationException;
import edu.ncsu.csc.itrust.exception.ITrustException;
import edu.ncsu.csc.itrust.validate.PatientInstructionsBeanValidator;
* Allows an HCP to add/edit/delete patient instructions for an office visit.
public class EditPatientInstructionsAction extends EditOfficeVisitBaseAction {
private PatientInstructionsDAO instructionsDAO;
* Creates an EditPatientInstructionsAction for an existing office visit.
* @param factory The DAO Factory.
* @param hcpid The HCP id.
* @param pidString The patient id as a string.
* @param ovIDString The office visit as a string.
* @throws ITrustException
public EditPatientInstructionsAction(DAOFactory factory, long hcpid, String pidString, String ovIDString)
throws ITrustException {
super(factory, hcpid, pidString, ovIDString);
instructionsDAO = factory.getPatientInstructionsDAO();
* Creates an EditPatientInstructionsAction for an non-existent office
* visit. Most methods will throw exceptions if built with this
* constructor.
* @param factory
* @param hcpid The HCP id.
* @param pidString The patient ID as a string.
* @throws ITrustException
public EditPatientInstructionsAction(DAOFactory factory, long hcpid, String pidString)
throws ITrustException {
super(factory, hcpid, pidString);
instructionsDAO = factory.getPatientInstructionsDAO();
* Get the list of patient instructions associated with the office visit.
* @return A list of patient instructions.
* @throws DBException
public List<PatientInstructionsBean> getPatientInstructions() throws DBException {
if (isUnsaved()) {
return new ArrayList<PatientInstructionsBean>();
} else {
return instructionsDAO.getList(getOvID());
* Add patient instructions to the office visit.
* @param bean The instructions to add.
* @throws ITrustException
public void addPatientInstructions(PatientInstructionsBean bean) throws ITrustException {
* Modify patient instruction in this office visit.
* @param bean The instructions to modify
* @throws ITrustException
public void editPatientInstructions(PatientInstructionsBean bean) throws ITrustException {
* Delete patient instructions from this office visit.
* @param bean The instructions to delete.
* @throws ITrustException
public void deletePatientInstructions(PatientInstructionsBean bean) throws ITrustException {
* Verify the contents of the given instruction bean.
* @param bean The instructions to check.
* @throws ITrustException
* @throws FormValidationException
public void validate(PatientInstructionsBean bean) throws ITrustException, FormValidationException {
PatientInstructionsBeanValidator validator = new PatientInstructionsBeanValidator();