9.96 KiB
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import org.openqa.selenium.*;
import org.openqa.selenium.htmlunit.HtmlUnitDriver;
public class ActivityFeedTest extends iTrustSeleniumTest {
private WebDriver driver = null;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
* Tests the limit for activities on the home page and then for all the activities.
* @throws Exception
public void testOlderActivities() throws Exception {
driver = login("2", "pw");
assertEquals("iTrust - Patient Home", driver.getTitle());
//Get the panels and select the activity panel
List<WebElement> panels = driver.findElements(By.className("panel-group"));
WebElement activityPanel = panels.get(panels.size() - 1);
//Get the list items and count how many items there are, should be 20
List<WebElement> listItems = activityPanel.findElements(By.tagName("li"));
assertEquals(20, listItems.size());
//Now we check the all the activities
driver.findElement(By.linkText("Older Activities")).click();
//Get the panels and select the activity panel
panels = driver.findElements(By.className("panel-group"));
activityPanel = panels.get(panels.size() - 1);
//Get the list items and count how many items there are, should be 40
listItems = activityPanel.findElements(By.tagName("li"));
//Plus three because of the two refresh links and then the one padding <li>
assertEquals(40 + 3, listItems.size());
* Tests the refresh functionality of the activity panel, which refreshes and activity
* log on the homepage and limits it to 20.
* @throws Exception
public void testUpdateActivityFeed() throws Exception {
driver = login("2", "pw");
assertEquals("iTrust - Patient Home", driver.getTitle());
//Click on Older Activities to show all activity
driver.findElement(By.linkText("Older Activities")).click();
//Then refresh to show only newest 20
//Get the panels and select toe activity panel
List<WebElement> panels = driver.findElements(By.className("panel-group"));
WebElement activityPanel = panels.get(panels.size() - 1);
//Get the list items and count how many items there are, should be 20
List<WebElement> listItems = activityPanel.findElements(By.tagName("li"));
assertEquals(20, listItems.size());
* Tests for valid information in Activity Feed
* @throws Exception
public void testViewActivityFeed() throws Exception {
driver = login("1", "pw");
assertEquals("iTrust - Patient Home", driver.getTitle());
Date d = new Date();
d.setTime(d.getTime() - 3*24*60*60*1000);
new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
//Get the panels and select toe activity panel
List<WebElement> panels = driver.findElements(By.className("panel-group"));
WebElement activityPanel = panels.get(panels.size() - 1);
//Get the list items and count how many items there are, should be 20
List<WebElement> listItems = activityPanel.findElements(By.tagName("li"));
assertEquals(8, listItems.size());
assertTrue(listItems.get(0).getText().contains("You successfully authenticated today at "));
assertEquals("Kelly Doctor viewed your risk factors yesterday at 1:15PM.", listItems.get(1).getText());
assertEquals("FirstUAP LastUAP viewed your risk factors yesterday at 1:02PM.", listItems.get(2).getText());
assertEquals("FirstUAP LastUAP viewed your lab procedure results yesterday at 12:02PM.", listItems.get(3).getText());
assertEquals("Justin Time created an emergency report for you yesterday at 10:04AM.", listItems.get(4).getText());
assertEquals("Andy Programmer viewed your prescription report yesterday at 9:43AM.", listItems.get(5).getText());
assertEquals("Kelly Doctor viewed your prescription report yesterday at 8:15AM.", listItems.get(6).getText());
assertTrue(listItems.get(7).getText().contains("Kelly Doctor edited your office visit on "));
* Tests to see if hidden activities show up on activity page
* @throws Exception
public void testDLHCPActivityHiddenInFeed1() throws Exception {
driver = login("9000000008", "pw");
assertEquals("iTrust - HCP Home", driver.getTitle());
//Go to Patient Information page
driver.findElement(By.linkText("Patient Information")).click();
assertEquals("iTrust - Please Select a Patient", driver.getTitle());
WebElement element = driver.findElement("UID_PATIENTID"));
assertEquals("iTrust - Edit Patient", driver.getTitle());
driver.findElement(By.linkText("Basic Health History")).click();;
assertEquals("iTrust - Edit Basic Health Record", driver.getTitle());
assertEquals("iTrust - Login", driver.getTitle());
driver = login("9000000000", "pw");
assertEquals("iTrust - HCP Home", driver.getTitle());
//Go to Patient Information page
driver.findElement(By.linkText("Document Office Visit")).click();
assertEquals("iTrust - Please Select a Patient", driver.getTitle());
element = driver.findElement("UID_PATIENTID"));
assertEquals("iTrust - Document Office Visit", driver.getTitle());
assertEquals("iTrust - Document Office Visit", driver.getTitle());
element = driver.findElement("mainForm"));
assertTrue(driver.getPageSource().contains("Information Successfully Updated"));
//Let's manually logout
assertEquals("iTrust - Login", driver.getTitle());
driver = login("21", "pw");
assertEquals("iTrust - Patient Home", driver.getTitle());
//Find the activity log
//Without doing this, the whole getPageSource will format with random \n
element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[@id='act-accord']//div[2]"));
assertTrue(element.getText().contains("Kelly Doctor created an office visit"));
assertTrue(element.getText().contains("Curious George viewed your health records history today at"));
assertTrue(element.getText().contains("Curious George viewed your demographics"));
//Enable javascript
((HtmlUnitDriver) driver).setJavascriptEnabled(true);
driver.findElement(By.linkText("My Providers")).click();
assertEquals("iTrust - My Providers", driver.getTitle());
//Find Gandalf Stormcrow checkbox
element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//form[@id='mainForm']//input[@value='Gandalf Stormcrow']"));
//Deselect it
if(element.isSelected()) {;
//Find Kelly Doctor checkbox
element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//form[@id='mainForm']//input[@value='Kelly Doctor']"));
//Select it
if(!element.isSelected()) {;
//Disable javascript or else some links will not appear
((HtmlUnitDriver) driver).setJavascriptEnabled(false);
//Go to homepage
driver = login("21", "pw");
assertEquals("iTrust - Patient Home", driver.getTitle());
//Get the activity log as an element so that the text is not formatted
element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[@id='act-accord']//div[2]"));
assertFalse(element.getText().contains("Kelly Doctor created an office visit"));
assertTrue(element.getText().contains("Curious George viewed your health records history today at"));
assertTrue(element.getText().contains("Curious George viewed your demographics"));
public void testDLHCPActivityHiddenInFeed2() throws Exception {
driver = login("23", "pw");
assertEquals("iTrust - Patient Home", driver.getTitle());
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[@id='act-accord']//div[2]"));
assertFalse(element.getText().contains("Beaker Beaker viewed your demographics"));
assertFalse(element.getText().contains("Beaker Beaker edited your demographics"));
assertFalse(element.getText().contains("Beaker Beaker added you to the telemedicine monitoring list"));
* Tests to see that certain activities from the patients DLHCP are showing up in the activity field
* as well as verifying that other certain activities from the patients DLHCP are hidden.
* This tests Black Box Test Case ViewActivityFeed_ShowRequiredDLHCPActivity
* The scenario is that Patient Devil's Advocate logs into iTrust and then checks his Activity Feed.
* The Activity Feed should not be displaying certain actions that his DLHCP performed, such as looking
* at his demographics etc. It should be displaying events from other LHCP's as stated fully in the requirements doc.
public void testShowRequiredDLHCPActivity() throws Exception {
driver = login("24", "pw");
assertEquals("iTrust - Patient Home", driver.getTitle());
//Get the activity log as an element
//Verify that certain activities from the patient's DLHCP are present, and that others are hidden
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[@id='act-accord']//div[2]"));
assertFalse("DLHCP activity that is supposed to be hidden is shown in Activity Feed.",element.getText().contains("Kelly Doctor viewed patient's immunization report"));
assertFalse("DLHCP activity that is supposed to be hidden is shown in Activity Feed.",element.getText().contains("Kelly Doctor viewed your health records history today"));
assertFalse("DLHCP activity that is supposed to be hidden is shown in Activity Feed.",element.getText().contains("Kelly Doctor edited your demographics"));
assertTrue("DLHCP activity that is supposed to shown is not present in Activity Feed.",element.getText().contains("Kelly Doctor added you to the telemedicine monitoring list"));