EditPersonnelAction.java 2.24 KiB
package edu.ncsu.csc.itrust.action;
import edu.ncsu.csc.itrust.action.base.PersonnelBaseAction;
import edu.ncsu.csc.itrust.beans.PersonnelBean;
import edu.ncsu.csc.itrust.dao.DAOFactory;
import edu.ncsu.csc.itrust.dao.mysql.AuthDAO;
import edu.ncsu.csc.itrust.dao.mysql.PersonnelDAO;
import edu.ncsu.csc.itrust.enums.Role;
import edu.ncsu.csc.itrust.exception.FormValidationException;
import edu.ncsu.csc.itrust.exception.ITrustException;
import edu.ncsu.csc.itrust.validate.PersonnelValidator;
* Edits the designated personnel Used by admin/editPersonnel.jsp, staff/editMyDemographics.jsp,
* editPersonnel.jsp
public class EditPersonnelAction extends PersonnelBaseAction {
private PersonnelDAO personnelDAO;
private AuthDAO authDAO;
private PersonnelValidator validator = new PersonnelValidator();;
* Super class validates the patient id
* @param factory The DAOFactory used to create the DAOs for this action.
* @param loggedInMID The MID of the user editing this personnel.
* @param pidString The ID of the user being edited.
* @throws ITrustException
public EditPersonnelAction(DAOFactory factory, long loggedInMID, String pidString) throws ITrustException {
super(factory, pidString);
this.authDAO = factory.getAuthDAO();
long pidlong = Long.parseLong(pidString);
Role editor = authDAO.getUserRole(loggedInMID);
Role editing = authDAO.getUserRole(pidlong);
if (editor == editing && pidlong != loggedInMID){
throw new ITrustException("You can only edit your own demographics!");
}else if (editor == Role.HCP && editing == Role.ADMIN || editor == Role.UAP && editing == Role.HCP
|| editor == Role.ADMIN && editing == Role.UAP){
throw new ITrustException("You are not authorized to edit this record!");
this.personnelDAO = factory.getPersonnelDAO();
* Takes information from the personnelForm param and updates the patient
* @param personnelForm
* PersonnelBean with new information
* @throws ITrustException
* @throws FormValidationException
public void updateInformation(PersonnelBean personnelForm) throws ITrustException,
FormValidationException {