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Commit 14f26344 authored by Josh Rosen's avatar Josh Rosen Committed by Reynold Xin
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[SPARK-9464][SQL] Property checks for UTF8String

This PR is based on the original work by JoshRosen in #7780, which adds ScalaCheck property-based tests for UTF8String.

Author: Josh Rosen <>
Author: Yijie Shen <>

Closes #7830 from yjshen/utf8-property-checks and squashes the following commits:

593da3a [Yijie Shen] resolve comments
c0800e6 [Yijie Shen] Finish all todos in suite
52f51a0 [Josh Rosen] Add some more failing tests
49ed0697 [Josh Rosen] Rename suite
9209c64 [Josh Rosen] UTF8String Property Checks.
parent 6996bd2e
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......@@ -70,6 +70,16 @@
......@@ -301,10 +301,9 @@ public final class UTF8String implements Comparable<UTF8String>, Serializable {
int s = 0;
int e = this.numBytes - 1;
// skip all of the space (0x20) in the left side
while (s < this.numBytes && getByte(s) == 0x20) s++;
while (s < this.numBytes && getByte(s) <= 0x20 && getByte(s) >= 0x00) s++;
// skip all of the space (0x20) in the right side
while (e >= 0 && getByte(e) == 0x20) e--;
while (e >= 0 && getByte(e) <= 0x20 && getByte(e) >= 0x00) e--;
if (s > e) {
// empty string
return UTF8String.fromBytes(new byte[0]);
......@@ -316,7 +315,7 @@ public final class UTF8String implements Comparable<UTF8String>, Serializable {
public UTF8String trimLeft() {
int s = 0;
// skip all of the space (0x20) in the left side
while (s < this.numBytes && getByte(s) == 0x20) s++;
while (s < this.numBytes && getByte(s) <= 0x20 && getByte(s) >= 0x00) s++;
if (s == this.numBytes) {
// empty string
return UTF8String.fromBytes(new byte[0]);
......@@ -328,7 +327,7 @@ public final class UTF8String implements Comparable<UTF8String>, Serializable {
public UTF8String trimRight() {
int e = numBytes - 1;
// skip all of the space (0x20) in the right side
while (e >= 0 && getByte(e) == 0x20) e--;
while (e >= 0 && getByte(e) <= 0x20 && getByte(e) >= 0x00) e--;
if (e < 0) {
// empty string
......@@ -354,7 +353,7 @@ public final class UTF8String implements Comparable<UTF8String>, Serializable {
public UTF8String repeat(int times) {
if (times <=0) {
if (times <= 0) {
return EMPTY_UTF8;
......@@ -492,7 +491,7 @@ public final class UTF8String implements Comparable<UTF8String>, Serializable {
public UTF8String rpad(int len, UTF8String pad) {
int spaces = len - this.numChars(); // number of char need to pad
if (spaces <= 0) {
if (spaces <= 0 || pad.numBytes() == 0) {
// no padding at all, return the substring of the current string
return substring(0, len);
} else {
......@@ -507,7 +506,7 @@ public final class UTF8String implements Comparable<UTF8String>, Serializable {
int idx = 0;
while (idx < count) {
copyMemory(pad.base, pad.offset, data, BYTE_ARRAY_OFFSET + offset, pad.numBytes);
++ idx;
offset += pad.numBytes;
copyMemory(remain.base, remain.offset, data, BYTE_ARRAY_OFFSET + offset, remain.numBytes);
......@@ -524,7 +523,7 @@ public final class UTF8String implements Comparable<UTF8String>, Serializable {
public UTF8String lpad(int len, UTF8String pad) {
int spaces = len - this.numChars(); // number of char need to pad
if (spaces <= 0) {
if (spaces <= 0 || pad.numBytes() == 0) {
// no padding at all, return the substring of the current string
return substring(0, len);
} else {
......@@ -539,7 +538,7 @@ public final class UTF8String implements Comparable<UTF8String>, Serializable {
int idx = 0;
while (idx < count) {
copyMemory(pad.base, pad.offset, data, BYTE_ARRAY_OFFSET + offset, pad.numBytes);
++ idx;
offset += pad.numBytes;
copyMemory(remain.base, remain.offset, data, BYTE_ARRAY_OFFSET + offset, remain.numBytes);
......@@ -309,7 +309,6 @@ public class UTF8StringSuite {
assertEquals(fromString("hello?????"), fromString("hello").rpad(10, fromString("?????")));
assertEquals(fromString("???????"), EMPTY_UTF8.rpad(7, fromString("?????")));
assertEquals(fromString("数据砖"), fromString("数据砖头").lpad(3, fromString("????")));
assertEquals(fromString("?数据砖头"), fromString("数据砖头").lpad(5, fromString("????")));
assertEquals(fromString("??数据砖头"), fromString("数据砖头").lpad(6, fromString("????")));
......@@ -327,6 +326,18 @@ public class UTF8StringSuite {
fromString("数据砖头").rpad(12, fromString("孙行者")));
assertEquals(EMPTY_UTF8, fromString("数据砖头").lpad(-10, fromString("孙行者")));
assertEquals(EMPTY_UTF8, fromString("数据砖头").lpad(-10, EMPTY_UTF8));
assertEquals(fromString("数据砖头"), fromString("数据砖头").lpad(5, EMPTY_UTF8));
assertEquals(fromString("数据砖"), fromString("数据砖头").lpad(3, EMPTY_UTF8));
assertEquals(EMPTY_UTF8, EMPTY_UTF8.lpad(3, EMPTY_UTF8));
assertEquals(EMPTY_UTF8, fromString("数据砖头").rpad(-10, fromString("孙行者")));
assertEquals(EMPTY_UTF8, fromString("数据砖头").rpad(-10, EMPTY_UTF8));
assertEquals(fromString("数据砖头"), fromString("数据砖头").rpad(5, EMPTY_UTF8));
assertEquals(fromString("数据砖"), fromString("数据砖头").rpad(3, EMPTY_UTF8));
assertEquals(EMPTY_UTF8, EMPTY_UTF8.rpad(3, EMPTY_UTF8));
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.spark.unsafe.types
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils
import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen}
import org.scalatest.prop.GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks
// scalastyle:off
import org.scalatest.{FunSuite, Matchers}
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String.{fromString => toUTF8}
* This TestSuite utilize ScalaCheck to generate randomized inputs for UTF8String testing.
class UTF8StringPropertyCheckSuite extends FunSuite with GeneratorDrivenPropertyChecks with Matchers {
// scalastyle:on
test("toString") {
forAll { (s: String) =>
assert(toUTF8(s).toString() === s)
test("numChars") {
forAll { (s: String) =>
assert(toUTF8(s).numChars() === s.length)
test("startsWith") {
forAll { (s: String) =>
val utf8 = toUTF8(s)
for (i <- 1 to s.length) {
test("endsWith") {
forAll { (s: String) =>
val utf8 = toUTF8(s)
for (i <- 1 to s.length) {
test("toUpperCase") {
forAll { (s: String) =>
assert(toUTF8(s).toUpperCase === toUTF8(s.toUpperCase))
test("toLowerCase") {
forAll { (s: String) =>
assert(toUTF8(s).toLowerCase === toUTF8(s.toLowerCase))
test("compare") {
forAll { (s1: String, s2: String) =>
assert(Math.signum(toUTF8(s1).compareTo(toUTF8(s2))) === Math.signum(s1.compareTo(s2)))
test("substring") {
forAll { (s: String) =>
for (start <- 0 to s.length; end <- 0 to s.length; if start <= end) {
assert(toUTF8(s).substring(start, end).toString === s.substring(start, end))
test("contains") {
forAll { (s: String) =>
for (start <- 0 to s.length; end <- 0 to s.length; if start <= end) {
val substring = s.substring(start, end)
assert(toUTF8(s).contains(toUTF8(substring)) === s.contains(substring))
val whitespaceChar: Gen[Char] = Gen.choose(0x00, 0x20).map(_.toChar)
val whitespaceString: Gen[String] = Gen.listOf(whitespaceChar).map(_.mkString)
val randomString: Gen[String] = Arbitrary.arbString.arbitrary
test("trim, trimLeft, trimRight") {
// lTrim and rTrim are both modified from java.lang.String.trim
def lTrim(s: String): String = {
var st = 0
val array: Array[Char] = s.toCharArray
while ((st < s.length) && (array(st) <= ' ')) {
st += 1
if (st > 0) s.substring(st, s.length) else s
def rTrim(s: String): String = {
var len = s.length
val array: Array[Char] = s.toCharArray
while ((len > 0) && (array(len - 1) <= ' ')) {
len -= 1
if (len < s.length) s.substring(0, len) else s
) { (start: String, middle: String, end: String) =>
val s = start + middle + end
assert(toUTF8(s).trim() === toUTF8(s.trim()))
assert(toUTF8(s).trimLeft() === toUTF8(lTrim(s)))
assert(toUTF8(s).trimRight() === toUTF8(rTrim(s)))
test("reverse") {
forAll { (s: String) =>
assert(toUTF8(s).reverse === toUTF8(s.reverse))
test("indexOf") {
forAll { (s: String) =>
for (start <- 0 to s.length; end <- 0 to s.length; if start <= end) {
val substring = s.substring(start, end)
assert(toUTF8(s).indexOf(toUTF8(substring), 0) === s.indexOf(substring))
val randomInt = Gen.choose(-100, 100)
test("repeat") {
def repeat(str: String, times: Int): String = {
if (times > 0) str * times else ""
// ScalaCheck always generating too large repeat times which might hang the test forever.
forAll(randomString, randomInt) { (s: String, times: Int) =>
assert(toUTF8(s).repeat(times) === toUTF8(repeat(s, times)))
test("lpad, rpad") {
def padding(origin: String, pad: String, length: Int, isLPad: Boolean): String = {
if (length <= 0) return ""
if (length <= origin.length) {
if (length <= 0) "" else origin.substring(0, length)
} else {
if (pad.length == 0) return origin
val toPad = length - origin.length
val partPad = if (toPad % pad.length == 0) "" else pad.substring(0, toPad % pad.length)
if (isLPad) {
pad * (toPad / pad.length) + partPad + origin
} else {
origin + pad * (toPad / pad.length) + partPad
forAll (
) { (s: String, pad: String, length: Int) =>
assert(toUTF8(s).lpad(length, toUTF8(pad)) ===
toUTF8(padding(s, pad, length, true)))
assert(toUTF8(s).rpad(length, toUTF8(pad)) ===
toUTF8(padding(s, pad, length, false)))
val nullalbeSeq = Gen.listOf(Gen.oneOf[String](null: String, randomString))
test("concat") {
def concat(orgin: Seq[String]): String =
if (orgin.exists(_ == null)) null else orgin.mkString
forAll { (inputs: Seq[String]) =>
assert(UTF8String.concat( _*) === toUTF8(inputs.mkString))
forAll (nullalbeSeq) { (inputs: Seq[String]) =>
assert(UTF8String.concat( _*) === toUTF8(concat(inputs)))
test("concatWs") {
def concatWs(sep: String, inputs: Seq[String]): String = {
if (sep == null) return null
inputs.filter(_ != null).mkString(sep)
forAll { (sep: String, inputs: Seq[String]) =>
assert(UTF8String.concatWs(toUTF8(sep), _*) ===
forAll(randomString, nullalbeSeq) {(sep: String, inputs: Seq[String]) =>
assert(UTF8String.concatWs(toUTF8(sep), _*) ===
toUTF8(concatWs(sep, inputs)))
// TODO: enable this when we find a proper way to generate valid patterns
ignore("split") {
forAll { (s: String, pattern: String, limit: Int) =>
assert(toUTF8(s).split(toUTF8(pattern), limit) ===
s.split(pattern, limit).map(toUTF8(_)))
test("levenshteinDistance") {
forAll { (one: String, another: String) =>
assert(toUTF8(one).levenshteinDistance(toUTF8(another)) ===
StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(one, another))
test("hashCode") {
forAll { (s: String) =>
assert(toUTF8(s).hashCode() === toUTF8(s).hashCode())
test("equals") {
forAll { (one: String, another: String) =>
assert(toUTF8(one).equals(toUTF8(another)) === one.equals(another))
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