OVERVIEW: Monad Autograder (c) Jack Toole Monad is a system for grading students' C/C++ code with point-weighted unit tests. USAGE: monad <assignment> [options] Runs the tests for <assignment> (mp1, lab01, ...) '../<assignment>/' must exist If '../<assignment>_tests/' or any necessary library directories do not exist, they will be downloaded from SVN GENERAL OPTIONS: Note: Any option may be negated with --no<option> or --<option>=false Options which default to true are shown negated below --noclean Do not re-copy test cases into sandbox. This improves performance at the cost of safety --provided Use <assignment>_provided/ instead of <assignment>_tests/ for test cases --noupdate Do not call 'svn update' on the tests and library directories --verbose Display detailed test output information for passing tests --parallel Compiles code in parallel if possible INFORMATION OPTIONS: --help Display this dialog --help config Help for writing config files --help tests Help for writing test cases --info, --version Display version information --license Display the license STAFF OPTIONS: --staff Use the staff SVN repository to download test cases. This allows monad to be run by staff without releasing the test cases to students --solution Grade <assignment>_solution/ instead of <assignment>/ --newtests Use <assignment>_newtests/ instead of <assignment>_tests/ for test cases. This allows new test cases to be developed without replacing the old ones for release tests
git-svn-id: https://subversion.cs.illinois.edu/svn/cs225@8155 6fbd10e7-183d-0410-a318-cb416676e4f2