#include <iostream>
#include "monad_shared.h"
#include "util.h"
using namespace monad_shared;
using namespace util;
using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
namespace monad_shared
const char * official_name = "Monad Autograder";
const char * version_name = "confession";
const char * unit_test_result::pass_string = "~~PASSED~~";
<< versioninfo::official_name << endl
<< "Version " << versioninfo::version_num << ": " << versioninfo::version_name << endl
<< "Released " << versioninfo::date << endl
<< "Developed by Jack Toole Spring/Fall 2011" << endl
<< "Copyright 2011 Jack Toole" << endl
<< "Run monad --license to see licensing information" << endl
<< endl;
namespace output
// Set EXIT_IF_ERROR message
void set_error_message()
SET_ERROR_MESSAGE("Oops! Something went wrong inside of me.\n"
"Please contact course staff with the following error details, and they'll figure it out:\n");
void header(const string & title)
cout << title << "..." << endl
void warning(const string & message)
cerr << endl
if (outof < 0)
output::header("Total score");
output::header("Total score (out of " + to_string(outof) + ")");
cout << "TOTAL SCORE: " << score << endl << endl;
void testname(const unit_test_input & curr_test, int32_t max_testname_len, int32_t max_points_len)
// Output test name
int32_t pos = 0; // keep track of cursor position
std::cout << << ' ';
pos += strlen( + 1;
cout << "(valgrind) ";
pos += 11;
if (pos % 2 == max_testname_len % 2)
cout << ' ';
while (pos < max_testname_len + 1)
cout << ". ";
pos += 2;
pos = 0; // reset column
std::cout << "[" << curr_test.points() << " pts] ";
pos += intlen(curr_test.points()) + 7;
while (pos < max_points_len + 7)
cout << ' ';
cout << "- ";
if (curr_test.is_valgrind()) std::cout << " (run under valgrind)";
std::cout << " [" << curr_test.points() << " points]" << endl;
const string & error = curr_test.errormsg();
const string & output = curr_test.output();
std::cout << "Result: " << failed_string() << ": " << error << endl;
cout << "Took " << curr_test.time() << "ms (";
cout << curr_test.timeout() << "ms timeout)" << endl;
// Tab the output over to distinguish it from the test case
if (output != "")
//std::cout << " ";
//replaceAllInternal(output,"\n","\n ");
std::cout << output;
if (output[output.length() - 1] != '\n') std::cout << endl;
cout << endl;
string passed_string()
return colorize::make_color(colorize::GREEN, "passed");
string failed_string()
return colorize::make_color(colorize::RED , "FAILED");
} // namespace output
} // namespace monad_shared