from enum import Enum, auto
import copy
from import LaneMap
class VehicleMode(Enum):
Normal = auto()
SwitchLeft = auto()
SwitchRight = auto()
Brake = auto()
class LaneMode(Enum):
Lane0 = auto()
Lane1 = auto()
Lane2 = auto()
class LaneObjectMode(Enum):
Vehicle = auto()
Ped = auto() # Pedestrians
Sign = auto() # Signs, stop signs, merge, yield etc.
Signal = auto() # Traffic lights
Obstacle = auto() # Static (to road/lane) obstacles
class State:
x = 0.0
y = 0.0
theta = 0.0
v = 0.0
vehicle_mode: VehicleMode = VehicleMode.Normal
lane_mode: LaneMode = LaneMode.Lane0
def __init__(self, x, y, theta, v, vehicle_mode: VehicleMode, lane_mode: LaneMode, type: LaneObjectMode): = []
def controller(ego:State, other:State, sign:State, lane_map:LaneMap):
output = copy.deepcopy(ego)
if ego.vehicle_mode == VehicleMode.Normal:
if sign.x - ego.x < 3 and sign.x - ego.x > 0 and ego.lane_mode == sign.lane_mode:
output.vehicle_mode = VehicleMode.Brake
return output
if lane_map.get_longitudinal_position(other.lane_mode, [other.x,other.y]) - lane_map.get_longitudinal_position(ego.lane_mode, [ego.x,ego.y]) > 0 \
and lane_map.get_longitudinal_position(other.lane_mode, [other.x,other.y]) - lane_map.get_longitudinal_position(ego.lane_mode, [ego.x,ego.y]) < 3 \
and ego.lane_mode == other.lane_mode:
output.vehicle_mode = VehicleMode.Brake
elif ego.vehicle_mode == VehicleMode.Brake:
if lane_map.get_longitudinal_position(other.lane_mode, [other.x,other.y]) - lane_map.get_longitudinal_position(ego.lane_mode, [ego.x,ego.y]) > 10 \
or ego.lane_mode != other.lane_mode:
output.vehicle_mode = VehicleMode.Normal
return output