import DataBase.mongoDB as DataBase import RegularExpressionParser.Parser as Parser import re import Crawler.Scrape as Scrape from flask import Flask from flask import request from flask import abort from flask import jsonify from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs app = Flask(__name__) # app.config["DEBUG"] = True @app.route("/", methods=['GET']) def home(): """ homepage of server """ return "200: successfully connected to home page\n" @app.route("/api/<collection>/", methods=["GET", "PUT", "POST", "DELETE"]) def data_base(collection): """ data base page of server """ print("\n===============================\n") print(collection) print("\n===============================\n") if request.method == "GET": if collection == "book": url_parsed = urlparse(request.url) qs_parsed = parse_qs(url_parsed.query) if qs_parsed == {}: return jsonify(DataBase.get_documents_json(0, {})) return jsonify(search_document(["" + qs_parsed["id"][0]])) elif collection == "author": url_parsed = urlparse(request.url) qs_parsed = parse_qs(url_parsed.query) if qs_parsed == {}: return jsonify(DataBase.get_documents_json(1, {})) return jsonify(search_document(["" + qs_parsed["id"][0]])) elif collection == "search": url_parsed = urlparse(request.url) qs_parsed = parse_qs(url_parsed.query) result = jsonify(search_document(qs_parsed["q"][0].split("&"))) return jsonify(result) else: abort(404) elif request.method == "PUT": if request.headers["Content-Type"] != "application/json": abort(415) json_update_info = request.json if collection == "book": opt = 0 elif collection == "author": opt = 1 else: abort(404) DataBase.update_dicts(opt, request.args.to_dict(), json_update_info) return "200: PUT succeeded" elif request.method == "POST": if request.headers["Content-Type"] != "application/json": abort(415, "content should be JSON file") json_file = request.json if collection == "books": DataBase.insert_dicts(json_file, 0) elif collection == "authors": DataBase.insert_dicts(json_file, 1) elif collection == "book": DataBase.insert_document(json_file, 0) elif collection == "author": DataBase.insert_document(json_file, 1) elif collection == "scrape": param = request.args.to_dict() url = param["url"] max_book = param["max_book"] max_author = param["max_author"] Scrape.scrape_api(url, max_book, max_author) return "200: new data has been added to database" else: abort(404) return "200: POST succeeded" elif request.method == "DELETE": identifier = request.args.to_dict() print(identifier) if collection == "book": opt = 0 elif collection == "author": opt = 1 else: abort(404, "Unknown Collection to DELETE") DataBase.clean(opt, identifier) return "200: DELETE succeeded" def search_document(identifiers): """ function used to find one or several document in database """ if len(identifiers) == 1: json_idt = Parser.parse_query_to_json(identifiers[0]) print(json_idt) if"^book.*", identifiers[0]): return DataBase.get_documents_json(0, json_idt) else: return DataBase.get_documents_json(1, json_idt) elif len(identifiers) == 3: if"^book.*", identifiers[0]): if"^author.*", identifiers[2]): print("Failed to find documentation: two statements are not pointing to the same collection") return {} else: opt = 0 else: if"^book.*", identifiers[2]): print("Failed to find documentation: two statements are not pointing to the same collection") return {} else: opt = 1 json_idt1 = Parser.parse_query_to_json(identifiers[0]) json_idt2 = Parser.parse_query_to_json(identifiers[2]) if identifiers[1] == "AND": exp = {"$and": [json_idt1, json_idt2]} elif identifiers[1] == "OR": exp = {"$or": [json_idt1, json_idt2]} else: print("Failed to parse query: unknown operator for identifiers[1]") return {} print("exp:") print(exp) return DataBase.get_documents_json(opt, exp) else: return "Error, unknown identifiers" if __name__ == "__main__":