diff --git a/DataBase/mongoDB.py b/DataBase/mongoDB.py
index 1c794be960f8066261232216803a596ad07f0c79..ef437fce2c84554924a3b4a118cacd9010c77783 100644
--- a/DataBase/mongoDB.py
+++ b/DataBase/mongoDB.py
@@ -98,9 +98,6 @@ def get_documents_json(opt, identifier):
     for item in data:
-    print("===============================================")
-    print(file)
-    print("===============================================")
     return json.dumps(file)
diff --git a/RegularExpressionParser/Parser.py b/RegularExpressionParser/Parser.py
index 8df3f22052aad5a29c6e2a70b00e058d37cbe8bc..abb8e0299e6d4df202b168f895786afb818146d0 100644
--- a/RegularExpressionParser/Parser.py
+++ b/RegularExpressionParser/Parser.py
@@ -77,6 +77,8 @@ def parse_query_to_json(pair):
                     return {elements[0].split(".")[1]: {"$regex": elements[1], "$options": "i"}}
+            if len(elements[0].split(".")) != 2:
+                return {"wrong": "True"}
             if re.search(">", pair):
                 return {elements[0].split(".")[1]: {"$gt": float(elements[1])}}
             elif re.search("<", pair):
diff --git a/Server/SimpleServer.py b/Server/SimpleServer.py
index fa1ed3b88b48e38e7471cdf704d0b2630e70189d..bdc8d5c4311128f608e822c19dab99d3071b5908 100644
--- a/Server/SimpleServer.py
+++ b/Server/SimpleServer.py
@@ -7,8 +7,10 @@ from flask import request
 from flask import abort
 from flask import jsonify
 from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs
+from flask_cors import CORS
 app = Flask(__name__)
+cors = CORS(app)
 # app.config["DEBUG"] = True
@@ -26,22 +28,33 @@ def data_base(collection):
             url_parsed = urlparse(request.url)
             qs_parsed = parse_qs(url_parsed.query)
             if qs_parsed == {}:
-                return jsonify(DataBase.get_documents_json(0, {}))
-            return jsonify(search_document(["book.id:" + qs_parsed["id"][0]]))
+                return DataBase.get_documents_json(0, {})
+            result = search_document(["book.id:" + qs_parsed["id"][0]])
+            if result == {"wrong": "True"}:
+                abort(400, "Bad Request")
+            else:
+                return result
         elif collection == "author":
             url_parsed = urlparse(request.url)
             qs_parsed = parse_qs(url_parsed.query)
             if qs_parsed == {}:
-                return jsonify(DataBase.get_documents_json(1, {}))
-            return jsonify(search_document(["author.id:" + qs_parsed["id"][0]]))
+                return DataBase.get_documents_json(1, {})
+            result = search_document(["author.id:" + qs_parsed["id"][0]])
+            if result == {"wrong": "True"}:
+                abort(400, "Bad Request")
+            else:
+                return result
         elif collection == "search":
             url_parsed = urlparse(request.url)
             query = Parser.parse_url_to_query(url_parsed.query)
             qs_parsed = query.replace("q=", "")
             result = search_document(qs_parsed.split("&"))
-            return result
+            if result == {"wrong": "True"}:
+                abort(400, "Bad Request")
+            else:
+                return result
-            abort(404)
+            abort(400, "Bad Request")
     elif request.method == "PUT":
         if request.headers["Content-Type"] != "application/json":
@@ -51,7 +64,7 @@ def data_base(collection):
         elif collection == "author":
             opt = 1
-            abort(400)
+            abort(400, "Bad Request")
         DataBase.update_dicts(opt, request.args.to_dict(), json_update_info)
         return "200: PUT succeeded"
     elif request.method == "POST":
@@ -74,7 +87,7 @@ def data_base(collection):
             Scrape.scrape_api(url, max_book, max_author)
             return "200: new data has been added to database"
-            abort(400)
+            abort(400, "Bad Request")
         return "200: POST succeeded"
     elif request.method == "DELETE":
         identifier = request.args.to_dict()
@@ -93,6 +106,8 @@ def search_document(identifiers):
     """ function used to find one or several document in database """
     if len(identifiers) == 1:
         json_idt = Parser.parse_query_to_json(identifiers[0])
+        if json_idt == {"wrong": "True"}:
+            return {"wrong": "True"}
         if re.search("^book.*", identifiers[0]):
             return DataBase.get_documents_json(0, json_idt)
@@ -113,6 +128,8 @@ def search_document(identifiers):
                 opt = 1
         json_idt1 = Parser.parse_query_to_json(identifiers[0])
         json_idt2 = Parser.parse_query_to_json(identifiers[2])
+        if json_idt1 == {"wrong": "True"} or json_idt2 == {"wrong": "True"}:
+            return {"wrong": "True"}
         if identifiers[1] == "AND":
             exp = {"$and": [json_idt1, json_idt2]}
         elif identifiers[1] == "OR":
@@ -124,7 +141,8 @@ def search_document(identifiers):
         return DataBase.get_documents_json(opt, exp)
-        return "Error, unknown identifiers"
+        print("Error, unknown identifiers")
+        return {}
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/Tests/ServerTests.py b/Tests/ServerTests.py
index f069b7c25f803a449c404f689d11d5e8726a5e8e..e0aff9964a5d8311bb3fb839a8da837c2c4aa6d7 100644
--- a/Tests/ServerTests.py
+++ b/Tests/ServerTests.py
@@ -38,13 +38,13 @@ class DataBaseTests(unittest.TestCase):
         url = ""
         res = requests.get(url)
         self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 200)
-        self.assertEqual(res.json(), "{'books': []}")
+        self.assertEqual(res.json(), {'books': []})
     def test_invalid_get_wrong_collection_name(self):
         db.insert_document(self.test_data1, 0)
         url = ""
         res = requests.get(url)
-        self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 404)
+        self.assertEqual(res.status_code, 400)
     def test_valid_put(self):
         db.insert_document(self.test_data1, 0)
diff --git a/web/app/src/App.js b/web/app/src/App.js
index de608ebc19b0643398dc3d0326d3709bc3053b1b..a219b6e09f23642beefb048c0ad1a46f6c31bcc9 100644
--- a/web/app/src/App.js
+++ b/web/app/src/App.js
@@ -25,59 +25,139 @@
 //export default App;
 import React, { useState } from 'react';
-import FourButtons from './Components/FourButtons'
+import FourButtons from './Components/FourButtons';
+import { Dialog } from 'react-overlay-pack';
+import CorrectSign from './material/sign_correct.png';
+import ErrorSign from './material/sign_error.png';
 function App() {
     const { useState } = React;
     const [queryStr, setQueryStr] = useState('')
-    const [jsonValue, setJsonValue] = useState('')
+    const [sign, setSign] = useState(CorrectSign)
     const [text, setText] = useState('This area shows the result of requests..')
+    const [formState, setFormState] = useState('hide')
+    const [dialogState, setDialogState] = useState(false)
     const axios = require('axios').default;
+    var center = {display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}
+    function get() {
+        axios.get('' + queryStr)
+        .then(function (response) {
+            // handle success
+            setSign(CorrectSign)
+            showDialog()
+            document.getElementById('dialog').value = response.status + ":\n" + response.statusText
+            document.getElementById('board').value = JSON.stringify(response.data)
+        })
+        .catch(function (error) {
+            // handle error
+            setSign(ErrorSign)
+            showDialog()
+            document.getElementById('dialog').value = error
+        })
+    }
+    function put() {
+        changeFormState()
+    }
     function mesg() {
-        alert('Hey!')
+        document.getElementById('board').value = 'Hello there!'
+    }
+    function changeFormState() {
+        if (formState === 'hide') {
+            setFormState('show')
+        } else {
+            setFormState('hide')
+        }
+    }
+    function showDialog() {
+        setDialogState(true)
     return (
+            {dialogState === true &&
+            <Dialog
+                show={dialogState}
+                onOutsideClick={() => setDialogState(false)}>
+                    <div style={{marginTop:'20%'}}>
+                        <div style={{
+                                    marginLeft: '35%'
+                                }}>
+                            <img src={sign}/>
+                        </div>
+                        <div>
+                            <textarea id='dialog' 
+                                readOnly={true}
+                                rows="3" 
+                                cols="38"
+                                style={{
+                                    border:'2px solid silver', 
+                                    backgroundColor: 'white', 
+                                    fontSize: '200%',
+                                    margin: '50px'
+                                }}>
+                                {text}
+                            </textarea>
+                        </div>
+                    </div>
+            </Dialog>}
             <form name='mainform'>
-                <h1> Welcome to the home page of GoodReads Crawler! </h1>
-                <h3> Please input your query string:</h3>
-                <input 
-                    id='queryString' 
-                    type='text' 
-                    placeholder='example: book?id=12345678' 
-                    size='40' 
-                    value={queryStr}
-                    onChange={(e) => setQueryStr(e.target.value)}
-                />
-                <h3> Please input your json parameters (only effective for POST and PUT):</h3>
-                <input 
-                    id='jsonValue' 
-                    type='text' 
-                    placeholder='example: {"rating_counr": 1000000}' 
-                    size='40' 
-                    value={jsonValue}
-                    onChange={(e) => setJsonValue(e.target.value)}
-                />
+                <h1 style={center}> 
+                    Welcome to the home page of GoodReads Crawler! </h1>
+                <h3 style={center}> Please input your query string:</h3>
+                <div style={center}>
+                    <input 
+                        id='queryString' 
+                        type='text' 
+                        placeholder='example: book?id=12345678' 
+                        size='40' 
+                        value={queryStr}
+                        onChange={(e) => setQueryStr(e.target.value)}
+                    />
+                </div>
+                <h3 style={center}> Please input your data for uploading (only effective for POST and PUT):</h3>
+                {formState === 'hide' && 
+                    <div style={center}>
+                        <button style={{width:60}} onClick={changeFormState}>
+                            book
+                        </button>
+                        <button style={{marginLeft:10, width:60}} onClick={changeFormState}>
+                            author
+                        </button>
+                    </div>}
+                {formState === 'show' &&
+                    <form style={center}>
+                        <table border="1" style="width:100%;">
+                            <tr>
+                                <td>Cell 1</td>
+                                <input/>
+                            </tr>
+                            <tr>
+                                <td>Cell 3</td>
+                                <input/>
+                            </tr>
+                        </table>
+                    </form>}
-            <div style={{marginTop:20}}>
+            <div style={{marginTop:20, display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}>
-                    func={mesg} />
+                    func={get} />
-                    func={mesg} />
+                    func={put} />
-                    func={mesg} />
+                    func={showDialog} />
@@ -85,7 +165,7 @@ function App() {
                     func={mesg} />
-            <div style={{marginTop:20}}>
+            <div style={{marginTop:20, display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}>
                 <textarea id="board" name="returnData" rows="6" cols="50" value={text} readOnly={true}>
diff --git a/web/app/src/material/sign_correct.png b/web/app/src/material/sign_correct.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f4c62915fc0b2c590da99790c4369a3e73f75cfe
Binary files /dev/null and b/web/app/src/material/sign_correct.png differ
diff --git a/web/app/src/material/sign_error.png b/web/app/src/material/sign_error.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..52c8cb30694f970a86ed6baf14741e1a03183ca1
Binary files /dev/null and b/web/app/src/material/sign_error.png differ