# sp21-cs242-assignment1.0 (UNO)

Table of Contents

* [Introduction](#Introduction)
* [Requirements](#requirements)
* [Test](#Test)

## Introdution

This is the first part of the UNO MP (CS242@illinois).

It provides the implementation of basic game logics for a **single round** of UNO (deck managing, validating play of all 108 cards in various context).

For specification of functioning, please refer to [the requirement webpage](https://wiki.illinois.edu/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=528356500).


Java JDK

JUnit - IntelliJ

## Test 

Comprehensive unit tests cases (totally 22) are provided in the src/Test directory (for IntelliJ) to gurantee the functioning.

Please refer to **ForGrading.doc** for correspondance of functional requirements and unit tests. 

![22 Test Cases](./testcases.png)