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0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..130070a1c3f65a0eb7fc48b8fb8aed5ce92e7d11 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Test/cardDealTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; + +import java.util.ArrayList; + +import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*; + + +/** + * These testcases test behavior of many functions, includes + * 1. All functions in CardManager + * 2. Interaction between Game and CardManager + * 3. Player.{drawCards, playOneRound} + */ +class cardDealTest { + + @Test + /** + * Test card manager can initialize 108 cards correctly + */ + void testInitialization() throws Exception { + CardManager cardManager = new CardManager(); + assert(cardManager.getCardPile().size() == 108); + for (int i = 1; i <= 108; i++) { + assert (cardManager.getCardPile().contains(i)); + } + } + + @Test + /** + * Given n players, test behavior of initial deal, as well as behavior of draw pile + * dependencies: Player.drawCards, CardManager.* + */ + void testInitialDeal() throws Exception { + + Game game1 = new Game(1); + for (Player p : game1.players) { + assert(p.getCards().size() == 7); + } + assert(game1.gameCardManager.numCardLeft() == 101); // 108 - 7 + + Game game2 = new Game(5); + for (Player p : game2.players) { + assert(p.getCards().size() == 7); + } + assert(game2.gameCardManager.numCardLeft() == 73); // 108 - 35 + + Game game3 = new Game(10); + for (Player p : game3.players) { + assert(p.getCards().size() == 7); + } + assert(game3.gameCardManager.numCardLeft() == 38); // 108 - 70 + } + + + @Test + /** + * Test the behavior of Player.drawCards + * under the condition where draw pile is not enough to draw, should draw from discard pile instead + * case 1: completely draw from discard pile + */ + void testDrawFromDiscardWhenDrawNotEnough_Case1() throws Exception { + Game game = new Game(1); + Player player = game.players.get(0); + ArrayList<Integer> cards = player.getCards(); // direct reference to player's card + player.drawCards(game.gameCardManager.numCardLeft()); // get all cards in draw pile + assert(game.gameCardManager.numCardLeft() == 0); + + // move 30 cards from players' to discard + for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { + int cardID = cards.get(0); + cards.remove(0); + game.gameCardManager.insertOneCardToDiscardPile(cardID); + } + assert(game.gameCardManager.numLeftDiscardPile() == 30); + + // then drawCards + player.drawCards(4); + assert(game.gameCardManager.numLeftDiscardPile() == 26); + } + + @Test + /** + * Test the behavior of Player.drawCards + * under the condition where draw pile is not enough to draw, should draw from discard pile instead + * case 2: partially from draw pile, partially from discard pile + */ + void testDrawFromDiscardWhenDrawNotEnough_Case2() throws Exception{ + Game game = new Game(1); + Player player = game.players.get(0); + ArrayList<Integer> cards = player.getCards(); // direct reference to player's card + player.drawCards(game.gameCardManager.numCardLeft() - 2); // get 99 cards from draw pile + assert(game.gameCardManager.numCardLeft() == 2); + + // move 30 cards from players' to discard + for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { + int cardID = cards.get(0); + cards.remove(0); + game.gameCardManager.insertOneCardToDiscardPile(cardID); + } + assert(game.gameCardManager.numLeftDiscardPile() == 30); + + // 2 from discard, 2 from draw + player.drawCards(4); + assert(game.gameCardManager.numCardLeft() == 0); + assert(game.gameCardManager.numLeftDiscardPile() == 28); + } + + + +} \ No newline at end of file