# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import abc
import numpy as np
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from inspect import ismethod

# from datetime import datetime
# from math import pi,sqrt,exp,floor
# from scipy.special import erf
# import scipy.optimize as opt
import os, sys, subprocess

## Abstract classes
class Transformable():
    def __init__(self, position, orientation=None):
        self.position = np.array(position)
        if orientation is not None:
            orientation = np.array(orientation)
        self.orientation = orientation

    def transform(self, R = ((1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1)),
                  center = (0,0,0), offset = (0,0,0)):

        R,center,offset = [np.array(x) for x in (R,center,offset)]

        self.position = R.dot(self.position-center)+center+offset
        if self.orientation is not None:
            ## TODO: what if self.orientation is taken from parent?!
            self.orientation = self.orientation.dot(R)

    def collapsedPosition(self):
        # print("collapsedPosition called", type(self), self.name)
        if isinstance(self, Child):
            # print(self.parent, isinstance(self.parent,Transformable))
            if isinstance(self.parent, Transformable):
                return self.applyOrientation(self.position) + self.parent.collapsedPosition()
                # if self.parent.orientation is not None:
                #     return self.parent.collapsedOrientation().dot(self.position) + self.parent.collapsedPosition()
        return np.array(self.position) # return a copy
    def applyOrientation(self,obj):
        # print("applyOrientation called", self.name, obj)
        if isinstance(self, Child):
            # print( self.orientation, self.orientation is not None, None is not None )
            # if self.orientation is not None:
            #     # print("applyOrientation applying", self, self.name, self.orientation)
            #     obj = self.orientation.dot(obj)
            if isinstance(self.parent, Transformable):
                if self.parent.orientation is not None:
                    obj = self.parent.orientation.dot(obj)
                obj = self.parent.applyOrientation(obj)
        # print("applyOrientation returning", self.name, obj)
        return obj

class Parent():
    def __init__(self, children=[]):
        self.children = []
        for x in children:
        # self.children = children

        self.bonds = []
        self.angles = []
        self.dihedrals = []
        self.exclusions = []

        ## TODO: self.cacheInvalid = True # What will be in the cache?

    def add(self,x):
        ## TODO: check the parent-child tree to make sure there are no cycles
        if not isinstance(x,Child):
            raise Exception('Attempted to add an object to a group that does not inherit from the "Child" type')

        if x.parent is not None and x.parent is not self:
            raise Exception("Child {} already belongs to some group".format(x))
        x.parent = self

    def remove(self,x):
        if x in self.children:
            x.parent = None

    def add_bond(self, i,j, bond, exclude=False):
        ## TODO: how to handle duplicating and cloning bonds
        beads = [b for b in self]
        for b in (i,j): assert(b in beads)
        self.bonds.append( (i,j, bond, exclude) )

    def add_angle(self, i,j,k, angle):
        beads = [b for b in self]
        for b in (i,j,k): assert(b in beads)
        self.angles.append( (i,j,k, angle) )

    def add_dihedral(self, i,j,k,l, dihedral):
        beads = [b for b in self]
        for b in (i,j,k,l): assert(b in beads)
        self.dihedrals.append( (i,j,k,l, dihedral) )

    def add_exclusion(self, i,j):
        ## TODO: how to handle duplicating and cloning bonds
        beads = [b for b in self]
        for b in (i,j): assert(b in beads)
        self.exclusions.append( (i,j) )

    def get_bonds(self):
        ret = self.bonds
        for c in self.children:
            if isinstance(c,Parent): ret.extend( c.get_bonds() )
        return ret

    def get_angles(self):
        ret = self.angles
        for c in self.children:
            if isinstance(c,Parent): ret.extend( c.get_angles() )
        return ret

    def get_dihedrals(self):
        ret = self.dihedrals
        for c in self.children:
            if isinstance(c,Parent): ret.extend( c.get_dihedrals() )
        return ret

    def get_exclusions(self):
        ret = self.exclusions
        for c in self.children:
            if isinstance(c,Parent): ret.extend( c.get_exclusions() )
        return ret

    def __iter__(self):
        ## TODO: decide if this is the nicest way to do it!
        """Depth-first iteration through tree"""
        for x in self.children:
            if isinstance(x,Parent):
                if isinstance(x,Clone) and not isinstance(x.get_original_recursively(),Parent):
                    yield x
                    for y in x:
                        yield y
                yield x    

    def __len__(self):
        l = 0
        for x in self.children:
            if isinstance(x,Parent):
                l += len(x)
                l += 1
        return l
    def __getitem__(self, i):
        return self.children[i]
    def __setitem__(self, i, val):
        x = self.children[i]
        x.parent = None
        val.parent = self
        self.children[i] = val
class Child():
    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        self.parent = parent

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        Try to get attribute from the parent
        # if self.parent is not None:
        if "parent" not in self.__dict__ or self.__dict__["parent"] is None:
            raise AttributeError("'{}' object has no attribute '{}'".format(type(self).__name__, name))
        # if ismethod(ret):
        #     raise AttributeError("Is Method!")
        return getattr(self.parent,name)
    # def __getstate__(self):
    #     print("Child getstate called", self)
    #     print(self.__dict__)
    #     return (self.__dict__,)

    # def __setstate__(self, state):
    #     self.__dict__, = state

class Clone(Transformable, Parent, Child):
    def __init__(self, original, parent=None,
                 position = None,
                 orientation = None):
        if position is None and original.position is not None:
            position = np.array( original.position )
        if orientation is None and original.orientation is not None:
            orientation = np.array( original.orientation )
        if parent is None:
            parent = original.parent
        self.original = original
        Child.__init__(self, parent)        
        Transformable.__init__(self, position, orientation)        

        ## TODO: keep own bond_list, etc, update when needed original changes

        if "children" in original.__dict__ and len(original.children) > 0:
            self.children = [Clone(c, parent = self) for c in original.children]
            self.children = []

    def get_original_recursively(self):
        if isinstance(self.original, Clone):
            return self.original.get_original_recursively()
            return self.original

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        Try to get attribute from the original without descending the tree heirarchy, then look up parent

        TODO: handle PointParticle lookups into ParticleType
        # print("Clone getattr",name)
        if name in self.original.__dict__:
            return self.original.__dict__[name]
            if "parent" not in self.__dict__ or self.__dict__["parent"] is None:
                raise AttributeError("'{}' object has no attribute '{}'".format(type(self).__name__, name))
            return getattr(self.parent, name)

## Particle classes
class ParticleType():
    """Class that hold common attributes that particles can point to"""

    excludedAttributes = ("idx","type_",
                          "parent", "excludedAttributes",

    def __init__(self, name, charge=0, **kargs):
        # parent = None
        # if "parent" in kargs: parent = kargs["parent"]
        # Child.__init__(self, parent)

        self.name        = name
        self.charge = charge
        for key in ParticleType.excludedAttributes:
            assert( key not in kargs )

        for key,val in kargs.items():
            self.__dict__[key] = val

    def __hash_key(self):
        l = [self.name,self.charge]
        for keyval in sorted(self.__dict__.items()):
        return tuple(l)

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self.__hash_key())
    def _equal_check(a,b):
        if a.name == b.name:
            if a.__hash_key() != b.__hash_key():
                raise Exception("Badly formed ParticleTypes have 'name' collision")

    def __eq__(a,b):
        return a.name == b.name
    def __lt__(a,b):
        return a.name < b.name
    def __le__(a,b):
        return a.name <= b.name
    def __gt__(a,b):
        return a.name > b.name
    def __ge__(a,b):
        return a.name >= b.name

class PointParticle(Transformable, Child):
    def __init__(self, type_, position, name="A", segname="A", **kwargs):
        Child.__init__(self, parent=None)

        self.type_    = type_                
        self.idx     = None
        self.segname = segname
        self.name = name
        self.counter = 0

        for key,val in kwargs.items():
            self.__dict__[key] = val

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        First try to get attribute from the parent, then type_
        Note that this data structure seems to be fragile, can result in stack overflow
        # return Child.__getattr__(self,name)
            return Child.__getattr__(self,name)
        except Exception as e:
            if 'type_' in self.__dict__:
                return getattr(self.type_, name)
                raise AttributeError("'{}' object has no attribute '{}'".format(type(self).__name__, name))

class Group(Transformable, Parent, Child):
    def __init__(self, name=None, children = [], parent=None, 
                 position = np.array((0,0,0)),
                 orientation = np.array(((1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1))),
        Transformable.__init__(self, position, orientation)
        Child.__init__(self, parent) # Initialize Child first
        Parent.__init__(self, children)
        self.name = name
        self.isClone = False

    def clone(self):
        return Clone(self)
        g = copy(self)
        g.isClone = True        # TODO: use?
        g.children = [copy(c) for c in g.children]
        for c in g.children:
            c.parent = g
        return g
        g = Group(position = self.position,
                  orientation = self.orientation)
        g.children = self.children # lists point to the same object

    def duplicate(self):
        return deepcopy(self)
        # Group(position = self.position,
        #       orientation = self.orientation)
        # g.children = deepcopy self.children.deepcopy() # lists are the same object

    # def __getstate__(self):
    #     return (self.children, self.parent, self.position, self.orientation)

    # def __setstate__(self, state):
    #     self.children, self.parent, self.position, self.orientation = state

class PdbModel(Transformable, Parent):

    def __init__(self, children=[], dimensions=None):
        Parent.__init__(self, children)
        self.dimensions = dimensions
        self.particles = [p for p in self]
        self.cacheInvalid = True

    def _updateParticleOrder(self):

    def writePdb(self, filename):
        if self.cacheInvalid:
        with open(filename,'w') as fh:
            ## Write header
            fh.write("CRYST1    {:>5f}    {:>5f}    {:>5f}  90.00  90.00  90.00 P 1           1\n".format( *self.dimensions ))

            ## Write coordinates
            formatString = "ATOM  {:>5d} {:^4s}{:1s}{:3s} {:1s}{:>5s}   {:8.3f}{:8.3f}{:8.3f}{:6.2f}{:6.2f}{:2s}{:2f}\n"
            for p in self.particles:
                ## http://www.wwpdb.org/documentation/file-format-content/format33/sect9.html#ATOM
                idx = p.idx+1
                name = p.type_.name
                resname = name[:3]
                chain = "A"
                charge = 0
                occ = 0
                beta = 0
                x,y,z = [x for x in p.collapsedPosition()]
                assert(idx < 1e5)
                resid = "{:<4d}".format(idx)

                fh.write( formatString.format(
                    idx, name[:1], "", resname, chain, resid, x, y, z, occ, beta, "", charge ))
    def writePsf(self, filename):
        if self.cacheUpToDate == False:
        with open(filename,'w') as fh:
            ## Write header
            fh.write("PSF NAMD\n\n") # create NAMD formatted psf
            ## ATOMS section
            fh.write("{:>8d} !NATOM\n".format(len(self.particles)))

            ## From vmd/plugins/molfile_plugin/src/psfplugin.c
            ## "%d %7s %10s %7s %7s %7s %f %f"
            formatString = "{idx:>8d} {segname:7s} {resid:<10s} {resname:7s}" + \
                           " {name:7s} {type:7s} {charge:f} {mass:f}\n"
            for p in self.particles:
                idx = p.idx + 1
                data = dict(
                    idx     = idx,
                    segname = "A",
                    resid   = "%d%c%c" % (idx," "," "), # TODO: work with large indeces
                    name    = p.type_.name[:1],
                    resname = p.type_.name[:3],
                    type    = p.type_.name[:1],
                    charge  = p.charge,
                    mass    = p.mass
                fh.write(formatString.format( **data ))

            ## Write out bonds
            bonds = self.get_bonds()
            fh.write("{:>8d} !NBOND\n".format(len(bonds)))
            counter = 0
            for p1,p2,b,ex in bonds:
                fh.write( "{:d} {:d} ".format(p1.idx+1,p2.idx+1) )
                counter += 1
                if counter == 3:
                    counter = 0

            ## TODO: Write out angles


class ArbdModel(PdbModel):
    def __init__(self, children, dimensions=(1000,1000,1000), temperature=291, timestep=50e-6, cutoff=50, decompPeriod=10000, pairlistDistance=None, nonbondedResolution=0.1):
        PdbModel.__init__(self, children, dimensions)
        self.temperature = temperature

        self.timestep = timestep
        self.cutoff  =  cutoff

        if pairlistDistance == None:
            pairlistDistance = cutoff+2
        self.decompPeriod = decompPeriod
        self.pairlistDistance = pairlistDistance

        self.numParticles = 0
        self.particles = []
        self.type_counts = None

        self.nbSchemes = []
        self._nbParamFiles = [] # This could be made more robust
        self.nbResolution = 0.1

        self._written_bond_files = dict()        

        self.cacheUpToDate = False

    def _getNbScheme(self, typeA, typeB):
        scheme = None
        for s,A,B in self.nbSchemes:
            if A is None or B is None:
                if A is None and B is None:
                    return s
                elif A is None and typeB == B:
                    return s
                elif B is None and typeA == A:
                    return s
            elif typeA == A and typeB == B:
                return s
        raise Exception("No nonbonded scheme found for %s and %s" % (typeA.name, typeB.name))

    def _countParticleTypes(self):
        ## TODO: check for modifications to particle that require
        ## automatic generation of new particle type
        type_counts = dict()
        for p in self:
            t = p.type_
            if t in type_counts:
                type_counts[t] += 1
                type_counts[t] = 1
        self.type_counts = type_counts

    def _updateParticleOrder(self):
        ## Create ordered list
        particles = [p for p in self]
        self.particles = sorted(particles, key=lambda p: (p.type_, p.idx))
        ## Update particle indices
        for p,i in zip(self.particles,range(len(self.particles))):
            p.idx = i
        # self.initialCoords = np.array([p.initialPosition for p in self.particles])

    def useNonbondedScheme(self, nbScheme, typeA=None, typeB=None):
        self.nbSchemes.append( (nbScheme, typeA, typeB) )
        if typeA != typeB:
            self.nbSchemes.append( (nbScheme, typeB, typeA) )

    def simulate(self, outputPrefix, outputDirectory='output', numSteps=100000000, timestep=100e-6, gpu=0, outputPeriod=1e4, arbd=None):
        assert(type(gpu) is int)
        numSteps = int(numSteps)

        if self.cacheUpToDate == False:

        if outputDirectory == '': outputDirectory='.'
        if arbd is None:
            for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
                path = path.strip('"')
                fname = os.path.join(path, "arbd")
                if os.path.isfile(fname) and os.access(fname, os.X_OK):
                    arbd = fname

        if arbd is None: raise Exception("ARBD was not found")

        if not os.path.exists(arbd):
            raise Exception("ARBD was not found")
        if not os.path.isfile(arbd):
            raise Exception("ARBD was not found")
        if not os.access(arbd, os.X_OK):
            raise Exception("ARBD is not executable")

        if not os.path.exists(outputDirectory):
        elif not os.path.isdir(outputDirectory):
            raise Exception("outputDirectory '%s' is not a directory!" % outputDirectory)

        self.writePdb( outputPrefix + ".pdb" )
        self.writePsf( outputPrefix + ".psf" )
        self.writeArbdFiles( outputPrefix, numSteps=numSteps, outputPeriod=outputPeriod )

        ## http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18421757/live-output-from-subprocess-command
        cmd = (arbd, '-g', "%d" % gpu, "%s.bd" % outputPrefix, "%s/%s" % (outputDirectory, outputPrefix))
        cmd = tuple(str(x) for x in cmd)

        print("Running ARBD with: %s" % " ".join(cmd))
        process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
        for line in process.stdout:

    # -------------------------- #
    # Methods for printing model #
    # -------------------------- #

    def writeArbdFiles(self, prefix, numSteps=100000000, outputPeriod=10000):
        ## TODO: save and reference directories and prefixes using member data
        d = "potentials"
        self._bond_filename = "%s/%s.bonds.txt" % (d, prefix)
        self._angle_filename = "%s/%s.angles.txt" % (d, prefix)
        self._dihedral_filename = "%s/%s.dihedrals.txt" % (d, prefix)
        self._exclusion_filename = "%s/%s.exculsions.txt" % (d, prefix)
        self._writeArbdCoordFile( prefix + ".coord.txt" )
        self._writeArbdPotentialFiles( prefix, directory = d )
        self._writeArbdConf( prefix, numSteps=numSteps, outputPeriod=outputPeriod )
    def _writeArbdCoordFile(self, filename):
        with open(filename,'w') as fh:
            for p in self.particles:
                fh.write("%f %f %f\n" % tuple(x for x in p.collapsedPosition()))
    def _writeArbdConf(self, prefix, randomSeed=None, numSteps=100000000, outputPeriod=10000, restartCoordinateFile=None):
        ## TODO: raise exception if _writeArbdPotentialFiles has not been called
        filename = "%s.bd" % prefix

        ## Prepare a dictionary to fill in placeholders in the configuration file
        params = self.__dict__.copy() # get parameters from System object

        if randomSeed is None:
            params['randomSeed']     = ""
            params['randomSeed'] = "seed %s" % randomSeed
        params['numSteps']       = int(numSteps)

        params['coordinateFile'] = "%s.coord.txt" % prefix
        if restartCoordinateFile is None:
            params['restartCoordinates'] = ""
            params['restartCoordinates'] = "restartCoordinates %s" % restartCoordinateFile
        params['outputPeriod'] = outputPeriod

        for k,v in zip('XYZ', self.dimensions):
            params['origin'+k] = -v*0.5
            params['dim'+k] = v

        ## Actually write the file
        with open(filename,'w') as fh:
timestep {timestep}
steps {numSteps}
numberFluct 0                   # deprecated

interparticleForce 1            # other values deprecated
fullLongRange 0                 # deprecated
temperature {temperature}

outputPeriod {outputPeriod}
## Energy doesn't actually get printed!
outputEnergyPeriod {outputPeriod}
outputFormat dcd

## Infrequent domain decomposition because this kernel is still very slow
decompPeriod {decompPeriod}
cutoff {cutoff}
pairlistDistance {pairlistDistance}

origin {originX} {originY} {originZ}
systemSize {dimX} {dimY} {dimZ}
            ## Write entries for each type of particle
            for pt,num in self.getParticleTypesAndCounts():
                particleParams = pt.__dict__.copy()
                particleParams['num'] = num
particle {name}
num {num}
diffusion {diffusivity}
                if 'grid' in particleParams:
                    for g in pt['grid']:
                        fh.write("gridFile {}\n".format(g))
                    fh.write("gridFile null.dx\n")

            ## Write coordinates and interactions
## Input coordinates
inputCoordinates {coordinateFile}

## Interaction potentials
tabulatedPotential  1
## The i@j@file syntax means particle type i will have NB interactions with particle type j using the potential in file
            for pair,f in zip(self._particleTypePairIter(), self._nbParamFiles):
                i,j,t1,t2 = pair
                fh.write("tabulatedFile %d@%d@%s\n" % (i,j,f))

            ## Bonded interactions
            bonds = self.get_bonds()
            angles = self.get_angles()
            dihedrals = self.get_dihedrals()
            exclusions = self.get_exclusions()

            if len(bonds) > 0:
                for b in list(set([b for i,j,b,ex in bonds])):
                    fh.write("tabulatedBondFile %s\n" % b)

            if len(angles) > 0:
                for b in list(set([b for i,j,k,b in angles])):
                    fh.write("tabulatedAngleFile %s\n" % b)

            if len(dihedrals) > 0:
                for b in list(set([b for i,j,k,l,b in dihedrals])):
                    fh.write("tabulatedDihedralFile %s\n" % b)

            fh.write("inputBonds %s\n" % self._bond_filename)
            fh.write("inputAngles %s\n" % self._angle_filename)
            fh.write("inputDihedrals %s\n" % self._dihedral_filename)
            fh.write("inputExcludes %s\n" % self._exclusion_filename)
        write_null_dx = False
        for pt,num in self.getParticleTypesAndCounts():
            if "grid" not in pt.__dict__: 
                with open("null.dx",'w') as fh:
                    fh.write("""object 1 class gridpositions counts  2 2 2
origin {originX} {originY} {originZ}
delta  {dimX} 0.000000 0.000000
delta  0.000000 {dimY} 0.000000
delta  0.000000 0.000000 {dimZ}
object 2 class gridconnections counts  2 2 2
object 3 class array type float rank 0 items 8 data follows
0.0	0.0	0.0	
0.0	0.0	0.0	
0.0	0.0	
attribute "dep" string "positions"
object "density" class field 
component "positions" value 1
component "connections" value 2
component "data" value 3

    def getParticleTypesAndCounts(self):
        ## TODO: remove(?)
        return sorted( self.type_counts.items(), key=lambda x: x[0] )

    def _particleTypePairIter(self):
        typesAndCounts = self.getParticleTypesAndCounts()
        for i in range(len(typesAndCounts)):
            t1 = typesAndCounts[i][0]
            for j in range(i,len(typesAndCounts)):
                t2 = typesAndCounts[j][0]
                yield( (i,j,t1,t2) )
    def _writeArbdPotentialFiles(self, prefix, directory = "potentials"):
        except OSError:
            if not os.path.isdir(directory):

        pathPrefix = "%s/%s" % (directory,prefix)
        self._writeNonbondedParameterFiles( pathPrefix + "-nb" )
        # self._writeBondParameterFiles( pathPrefix )
        # self._writeAngleParameterFiles( pathPrefix )
        # self._writeDihedralParameterFiles( pathPrefix )
    def _writeNonbondedParameterFiles(self, prefix):
        x = np.arange(0, self.cutoff, self.nbResolution)
        for i,j,t1,t2 in self._particleTypePairIter():
            f = "%s.%s-%s.dat" % (prefix, t1.name, t2.name)
            scheme = self._getNbScheme(t1,t2)
            scheme.write_file(f, t1, t2, rMax = self.cutoff)

    def _getNonbondedPotential(self,x,a,b):
        return a*(np.exp(-x/b))    

    def _writeArbdBondFile( self ):
        for b in list( set( [b for i,j,b,ex in self.get_bonds()] ) ):
            if type(b) is not str:

        with open(self._bond_filename,'w') as fh:
            for i,j,b,ex in self.get_bonds():
                item = (i.idx, j.idx, str(b))
                if ex:
                    fh.write("BOND REPLACE %d %d %s\n" % item)
                    fh.write("BOND ADD %d %d %s\n" % item)

    def _writeArbdAngleFile( self ):
        for b in list( set( [b for i,j,k,b in self.get_angles()] ) ):
            if type(b) is not str:

        with open(self._angle_filename,'w') as fh:
            for b in self.get_angles():
                item = tuple([p.idx for p in b[:-1]] + [str(b[-1])])
                fh.write("ANGLE %d %d %d %s\n" % item)

    def _writeArbdDihedralFile( self ):
        for b in list( set( [b for i,j,k,l,b in self.get_dihedrals()] ) ):
            if type(b) is not str:

        with open(self._dihedral_filename,'w') as fh:
            for b in self.get_dihedrals():
                item = tuple([p.idx for p in b[:-1]] + [str(b[-1])])
                fh.write("DIHEDRAL %d %d %d %d %s\n" % item)

    def _writeArbdExclusionFile( self ):
        with open(self._exclusion_filename,'w') as fh:
            for ex in self.get_exclusions():
                item = tuple(int(p.idx) for p in ex)
                fh.write("EXCLUDE %d %d\n" % item)