diff --git a/mrdna/readers/cadnano_segments.py b/mrdna/readers/cadnano_segments.py
index 47cf1483a69191f0cb69558a634c2acd1e5e7cc2..b39bd2ea029bf17c0af5693ea27a06314928b773 100644
--- a/mrdna/readers/cadnano_segments.py
+++ b/mrdna/readers/cadnano_segments.py
@@ -17,7 +17,166 @@ from ..model.dna_sequence import m13 as m13seq
 ##   - helices that should be stacked across an empty region (crossovers from and end in the helix to another end in the helix)
 ##   - circular constructs
+def combineRegionLists(loHi1,loHi2,intersect=False):
+    """Combines two lists of (lo,hi) pairs specifying integer
+    regions a single list of regions.  """
+    ## Validate input
+    for l in (loHi1,loHi2):
+        ## Assert each region in lists is sorted
+        for pair in l:
+            assert(len(pair) == 2)
+            assert(pair[0] <= pair[1])
+    if len(loHi1) == 0:
+        if intersect:
+            return []
+        else:
+            return loHi2
+    if len(loHi2) == 0:
+        if intersect:
+            return []
+        else:
+            return loHi1
+    ## Break input into lists of compact regions
+    compactRegions1,compactRegions2 = [[],[]]
+    for compactRegions,loHi in zip(
+            [compactRegions1,compactRegions2],
+            [loHi1,loHi2]):
+        tmp = []
+        lastHi = loHi[0][0]-1
+        for lo,hi in loHi:
+            if lo-1 != lastHi:
+                compactRegions.append(tmp)
+                tmp = []
+            tmp.append((lo,hi))
+            lastHi = hi
+        if len(tmp) > 0:
+            compactRegions.append(tmp)
+    ## Build result
+    result = []
+    region = []
+    i,j = [0,0]
+    compactRegions1.append([[1e10]])
+    compactRegions2.append([[1e10]])
+    while i < len(compactRegions1)-1 or j < len(compactRegions2)-1:
+        cr1 = compactRegions1[i]
+        cr2 = compactRegions2[j]
+        ## initialize region
+        if len(region) == 0:
+            if cr1[0][0] <= cr2[0][0]:
+                region = cr1
+                i += 1
+                continue
+            else:
+                region = cr2
+                j += 1
+                continue
+        if region[-1][-1] >= cr1[0][0]:
+            region = combineCompactRegionLists(region, cr1, intersect=False)
+            i+=1
+        elif region[-1][-1] >= cr2[0][0]:
+            region = combineCompactRegionLists(region, cr2, intersect=False)
+            j+=1
+        else:
+            result.extend(region)
+            region = []
+    assert( len(region) > 0 )
+    result.extend(region)
+    result = sorted(result)
+    # print("loHi1:",loHi1)
+    # print("loHi2:",loHi2)
+    # print(result,"\n")
+    if intersect:
+        lo = max( [loHi1[0][0], loHi2[0][0]] )
+        hi = min( [loHi1[-1][1], loHi2[-1][1]] )
+        result = [r for r in result if r[0] >= lo and r[1] <= hi]
+    return result
+def combineCompactRegionLists(loHi1,loHi2,intersect=False):
+    """Combines two lists of (lo,hi) pairs specifying regions within a
+    compact integer set into a single list of regions.
+    examples:
+    loHi1 = [[0,4],[5,7]]
+    loHi2 = [[2,4],[5,9]]
+    out = [(0, 1), (2, 4), (5, 7), (8, 9)]
+    loHi1 = [[0,3],[5,7]]
+    loHi2 = [[2,4],[5,9]]
+    out = [(0, 1), (2, 3), (4, 4), (5, 7), (8, 9)]
+    """
+    ## Validate input
+    for l in (loHi1,loHi2):
+        ## Assert each region in lists is sorted
+        for pair in l:
+            assert(len(pair) == 2)
+            assert(pair[0] <= pair[1])
+        ## Assert lists are compact
+        for pair1,pair2 in zip(l[::2],l[1::2]):
+            assert(pair1[1]+1 == pair2[0])
+    if len(loHi1) == 0:
+        if intersect:
+            return []
+        else:
+            return loHi2
+    if len(loHi2) == 0:
+        if intersect:
+            return []
+        else:
+            return loHi1
+    ## Find the ends of the region
+    lo = min( [loHi1[0][0], loHi2[0][0]] )
+    hi = max( [loHi1[-1][1], loHi2[-1][1]] )
+    ## Make a list of indices where each region will be split
+    splitAfter = []
+    for l,h in loHi2:
+        if l != lo:
+            splitAfter.append(l-1)
+        if h != hi:
+            splitAfter.append(h)
+    for l,h in loHi1:
+        if l != lo:
+            splitAfter.append(l-1)
+        if h != hi:
+            splitAfter.append(h)
+    splitAfter = sorted(list(set(splitAfter)))
+    # print("splitAfter:",splitAfter)
+    split=[]
+    last = -2
+    for s in splitAfter:
+        split.append(s)
+        last = s
+    # print("split:",split)
+    returnList = [(i+1,j) if i != j else (i,j) for i,j in zip([lo-1]+split,split+[hi])]
+    if intersect:
+        lo = max( [loHi1[0][0], loHi2[0][0]] )
+        hi = min( [loHi1[-1][1], loHi2[-1][1]] )
+        returnList = [r for r in returnList if r[0] >= lo and r[1] <= hi]
+    # print("loHi1:",loHi1)
+    # print("loHi2:",loHi2)
+    # print(returnList,"\n")
+    return returnList
 class cadnano_part(SegmentModel):
     def __init__(self, part, 
@@ -541,166 +700,6 @@ def read_model(json_data, sequence=None, fill_sequence='T', **kwargs):
 # pynvml.nvmlShutdown()
 # gpus = [0,1,2]
 # print(gpus)
-def combineRegionLists(loHi1,loHi2,intersect=False):
-    """Combines two lists of (lo,hi) pairs specifying integer
-    regions a single list of regions.  """
-    ## Validate input
-    for l in (loHi1,loHi2):
-        ## Assert each region in lists is sorted
-        for pair in l:
-            assert(len(pair) == 2)
-            assert(pair[0] <= pair[1])
-    if len(loHi1) == 0:
-        if intersect:
-            return []
-        else:
-            return loHi2
-    if len(loHi2) == 0:
-        if intersect:
-            return []
-        else:
-            return loHi1
-    ## Break input into lists of compact regions
-    compactRegions1,compactRegions2 = [[],[]]
-    for compactRegions,loHi in zip(
-            [compactRegions1,compactRegions2],
-            [loHi1,loHi2]):
-        tmp = []
-        lastHi = loHi[0][0]-1
-        for lo,hi in loHi:
-            if lo-1 != lastHi:
-                compactRegions.append(tmp)
-                tmp = []
-            tmp.append((lo,hi))
-            lastHi = hi
-        if len(tmp) > 0:
-            compactRegions.append(tmp)
-    ## Build result
-    result = []
-    region = []
-    i,j = [0,0]
-    compactRegions1.append([[1e10]])
-    compactRegions2.append([[1e10]])
-    while i < len(compactRegions1)-1 or j < len(compactRegions2)-1:
-        cr1 = compactRegions1[i]
-        cr2 = compactRegions2[j]
-        ## initialize region
-        if len(region) == 0:
-            if cr1[0][0] <= cr2[0][0]:
-                region = cr1
-                i += 1
-                continue
-            else:
-                region = cr2
-                j += 1
-                continue
-        if region[-1][-1] >= cr1[0][0]:
-            region = combineCompactRegionLists(region, cr1, intersect=False)
-            i+=1
-        elif region[-1][-1] >= cr2[0][0]:
-            region = combineCompactRegionLists(region, cr2, intersect=False)
-            j+=1
-        else:
-            result.extend(region)
-            region = []
-    assert( len(region) > 0 )
-    result.extend(region)
-    result = sorted(result)
-    # print("loHi1:",loHi1)
-    # print("loHi2:",loHi2)
-    # print(result,"\n")
-    if intersect:
-        lo = max( [loHi1[0][0], loHi2[0][0]] )
-        hi = min( [loHi1[-1][1], loHi2[-1][1]] )
-        result = [r for r in result if r[0] >= lo and r[1] <= hi]
-    return result
-def combineCompactRegionLists(loHi1,loHi2,intersect=False):
-    """Combines two lists of (lo,hi) pairs specifying regions within a
-    compact integer set into a single list of regions.
-    examples:
-    loHi1 = [[0,4],[5,7]]
-    loHi2 = [[2,4],[5,9]]
-    out = [(0, 1), (2, 4), (5, 7), (8, 9)]
-    loHi1 = [[0,3],[5,7]]
-    loHi2 = [[2,4],[5,9]]
-    out = [(0, 1), (2, 3), (4, 4), (5, 7), (8, 9)]
-    """
-    ## Validate input
-    for l in (loHi1,loHi2):
-        ## Assert each region in lists is sorted
-        for pair in l:
-            assert(len(pair) == 2)
-            assert(pair[0] <= pair[1])
-        ## Assert lists are compact
-        for pair1,pair2 in zip(l[::2],l[1::2]):
-            assert(pair1[1]+1 == pair2[0])
-    if len(loHi1) == 0:
-        if intersect:
-            return []
-        else:
-            return loHi2
-    if len(loHi2) == 0:
-        if intersect:
-            return []
-        else:
-            return loHi1
-    ## Find the ends of the region
-    lo = min( [loHi1[0][0], loHi2[0][0]] )
-    hi = max( [loHi1[-1][1], loHi2[-1][1]] )
-    ## Make a list of indices where each region will be split
-    splitAfter = []
-    for l,h in loHi2:
-        if l != lo:
-            splitAfter.append(l-1)
-        if h != hi:
-            splitAfter.append(h)
-    for l,h in loHi1:
-        if l != lo:
-            splitAfter.append(l-1)
-        if h != hi:
-            splitAfter.append(h)
-    splitAfter = sorted(list(set(splitAfter)))
-    # print("splitAfter:",splitAfter)
-    split=[]
-    last = -2
-    for s in splitAfter:
-        split.append(s)
-        last = s
-    # print("split:",split)
-    returnList = [(i+1,j) if i != j else (i,j) for i,j in zip([lo-1]+split,split+[hi])]
-    if intersect:
-        lo = max( [loHi1[0][0], loHi2[0][0]] )
-        hi = min( [loHi1[-1][1], loHi2[-1][1]] )
-        returnList = [r for r in returnList if r[0] >= lo and r[1] <= hi]
-    # print("loHi1:",loHi1)
-    # print("loHi2:",loHi2)
-    # print(returnList,"\n")
-    return returnList
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     loHi1 = [[0,4],[5,7]]