diff --git a/mrdna/readers/.DS_Store b/mrdna/readers/.DS_Store
deleted file mode 100644
index ca5d0e6e71945129431efcf086d0e96e397046d8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/mrdna/readers/.DS_Store and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/mrdna/readers/oxdna_w_virt2nuc.py b/mrdna/readers/oxdna_w_virt2nuc.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d40c1b57fa60c672aede573d8b2d7efe38223758..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/mrdna/readers/oxdna_w_virt2nuc.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,727 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import pdb
-import numpy as np
-import os,sys
-from glob import glob
-import re
-from ..arbdmodel.coords import readArbdCoords, readAvgArbdCoords, rotationAboutAxis
-from ..segmentmodel import SegmentModel, SingleStrandedSegment, DoubleStrandedSegment
-from ..model.dna_sequence import m13 as m13seq
-## TODO: separate SegmentModel from ArbdModel so multiple parts can be combined
-## TODO: catch circular strands in "get_5prime" cadnano calls
-## TODO: handle special motifs
-##   - doubly-nicked helices
-##   - helices that should be stacked across an empty region (crossovers from and end in the helix to another end in the helix)
-##   - circular constructs
-class cadnano_part(SegmentModel):
-    def __init__(self, part, 
-                 **kwargs
-    ):
-        self.part = part
-        self.lattice_type = _get_lattice(part)
-        self._cadnano_part_to_segments(part)
-        # SegmentModel.__init__(self,...)
-        # self.segments = [seg for hid,segs in self.helices.items() for seg in segs]
-        self.segments = [seg for hid,segs in sorted(self.helices.items()) for seg in segs]
-        self._add_intrahelical_connections()
-        self._add_crossovers()
-        self._add_prime_ends()
-        SegmentModel.__init__(self, self.segments,
-                              **kwargs)
-    def _get_helix_angle(self, helix_id, indices):
-        """ Get "start_orientation" for helix """
-        # import ipdb
-        # ipdb.set_trace()
-        """ FROM CADNANO2.5
-        + angle is CCW
-        - angle is CW
-        Right handed DNA rotates clockwise from 5' to 3'
-        we use the convention the 5' end starts at 0 degrees
-        and it's pair is minor_groove_angle degrees away
-        direction, hence the minus signs.  eulerZ
-        """
-        hp, bpr, tpr, eulerZ, mgroove = self.part.vh_properties.loc[helix_id,
-                                                                    ['helical_pitch',
-                                                                     'bases_per_repeat',
-                                                                     'turns_per_repeat',
-                                                                     'eulerZ',
-                                                                     'minor_groove_angle']]
-        twist_per_base = tpr*360./bpr
-        # angle = eulerZ - twist_per_base*indices + 0.5*mgroove + 180
-        angle = eulerZ + twist_per_base*indices - 0.5*mgroove
-        return angle
-    def _cadnano_part_to_segments(self,part):
-        try:
-            from cadnano.cnenum import PointType
-        except:
-            try:
-                from cadnano.proxies.cnenum import PointType
-            except:
-                from cadnano.proxies.cnenum import PointEnum as PointType
-        segments = dict()
-        self.helices = helices = dict()
-        self.helix_ranges = helix_ranges = dict()
-        props = part.getModelProperties().copy()
-        if props.get('point_type') == PointType.ARBITRARY:
-            # TODO add code to encode Parts with ARBITRARY point configurations
-            raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented")
-        else:
-            try:
-                vh_props, origins = part.helixPropertiesAndOrigins()
-            except:
-                origins = {hid:part.getVirtualHelixOrigin(hid)[:2] for hid in part.getidNums()}
-        self.origins = origins
-        vh_list = []
-        strand_list = []
-        xover_list = []
-        self.xovers_from = dict()
-        self.xovers_to = dict()
-        try:
-            numHID = part.getMaxIdNum() + 1
-        except:
-            numHID = part.getIdNumMax() + 1
-        for id_num in range(numHID):
-            try:
-                offset_and_size = part.getOffsetAndSize(id_num)
-            except:
-                offset_and_size = None
-            if offset_and_size is None:
-                ## Add a placeholder for empty helix
-                vh_list.append((id_num, 0))
-                strand_list.append(None)
-            else:
-                offset, size = offset_and_size
-                vh_list.append((id_num, size))
-                fwd_ss, rev_ss = part.getStrandSets(id_num)
-                fwd_idxs, fwd_colors  = fwd_ss.dump(xover_list)
-                rev_idxs, rev_colors  = rev_ss.dump(xover_list)
-                strand_list.append((fwd_idxs, rev_idxs))
-            self.xovers_from[id_num] = []
-            self.xovers_to[id_num] = []
-        for xo in xover_list:
-            h1,f1,z1,h2,f2,z2 = xo
-            self.xovers_from[h1].append(xo)
-            self.xovers_to[h2].append(xo)
-        ## Get lists of 5/3prime ends
-        strands5 = [o.strand5p() for o in part.oligos()]
-        strands3 = [o.strand3p() for o in part.oligos()]
-        self._5prime_list = [(s.idNum(),s.isForward(),s.idx5Prime()) for s in strands5]
-        self._3prime_list = [(s.idNum(),s.isForward(),s.idx3Prime()) for s in strands3]
-        ## Get dictionary of insertions 
-        self.insertions = allInsertions = part.insertions()
-        self.strand_occupancies = dict()
-        ## Build helices 
-        for hid in range(numHID):
-            # print("Working on helix",hid)
-            helices[hid] = []
-            helix_ranges[hid] = []
-            self.strand_occupancies[hid] = []
-            helixStrands = strand_list[hid]
-            if helixStrands is None: continue
-            ## Build list of tuples containing (idx,length) of insertions/skips
-            insertions = sorted( [(i[0],i[1].length()) for i in allInsertions[hid].items()],
-                                 key=lambda x: x[0] )
-            ## TODO: make the following code (until "regions = ...") more readable
-            ## Build list of strand ends and list of mandatory node locations
-            ends1,ends2 = self._helixStrandsToEnds(helixStrands)
-            ## Find crossovers for this helix
-            reqNodeZids = sorted(list(set( ends1 + ends2 ) ) )
-            ## Build lists of which nt sites are occupied in the helix
-            strandOccupancies = [ [x for i in range(0,len(e),2) 
-                                   for x in range(e[i],e[i+1]+1)] 
-                                  for e in (ends1,ends2) ]
-            self.strand_occupancies[hid] = strandOccupancies
-            ends1,ends2 = [ [(e[i],e[i+1]) for i in range(0,len(e),2)] for e in (ends1,ends2) ]
-            regions = combineRegionLists(ends1,ends2)
-            ## Split regions in event of ssDNA crossover
-            split_regions = []
-            for zid1,zid2 in regions:
-                zMid = int(0.5*(zid1+zid2))
-                if zMid in strandOccupancies[0] and zMid in strandOccupancies[1]:
-                    split_regions.append( (zid1,zid2) )
-                else:
-                    is_fwd = zMid in strandOccupancies[0]
-                    ends = [z for h,f,z in self._get_crossover_locations( hid, range(zid1+1,zid2), is_fwd )]
-                    z1 = zid1
-                    for z in sorted(ends):
-                        z2 = z
-                        if z2 > z1:
-                            split_regions.append( (z1,z2) )
-                            z1 = z2+1
-                    z2 = zid2
-                    split_regions.append( (z1,z2) )
-            # if hid == 43:
-            #     import pdb
-            for zid1,zid2 in split_regions:
-                zMid = int(0.5*(zid1+zid2))
-                assert( zMid in strandOccupancies[0] or zMid in strandOccupancies[1] )
-                bp_to_zidx = []
-                insertion_dict = {idx:length for idx,length in insertions}
-                for i in range(zid1,zid2+1):
-                    if i in insertion_dict:
-                        l = insertion_dict[i]
-                    else:
-                        l = 0
-                    for j in range(i,i+1+l):
-                        bp_to_zidx.append(i)
-                numBps = len(bp_to_zidx)
-                # print("Adding helix with length",numBps,zid1,zid2)
-                name = "%d-%d" % (hid,len(helices[hid]))
-                # "H%03d" % hid
-                kwargs = dict(name=name, segname=name, occupancy=hid)
-                posargs1 = dict( start_position = self._get_cadnano_position(hid,zid1-0.25),
-                                 end_position   = self._get_cadnano_position(hid,zid2+0.25) )
-                posargs2 = dict( start_position = posargs1['end_position'],
-                                 end_position = posargs1['start_position'])
-                ## TODO get sequence from cadnano api
-                if zMid in strandOccupancies[0] and zMid in strandOccupancies[1]:
-                    kwargs['num_bp'] = numBps
-                    _angle = self._get_helix_angle(hid, zid1)
-                    start_orientation = rotationAboutAxis(np.array((0,0,1)), _angle)
-                    seg = DoubleStrandedSegment(**kwargs,**posargs1, start_orientation = start_orientation)
-                elif zMid in strandOccupancies[0]:
-                    kwargs['num_nt'] = numBps
-                    seg = SingleStrandedSegment(**kwargs,**posargs1)
-                elif zMid in strandOccupancies[1]:
-                    kwargs['num_nt'] = numBps
-                    seg = SingleStrandedSegment(**kwargs,**posargs2)
-                else:
-                    raise Exception("Segment could not be found")
-                seg._cadnano_helix = hid
-                seg._cadnano_start = zid1
-                seg._cadnano_end   = zid2
-                seg._cadnano_bp_to_zidx = bp_to_zidx
-                def callback(segment):
-                    for b in segment.beads:
-                        bp = int(round(b.get_nt_position(segment)))
-                        if bp < 0: bp = 0
-                        if bp >= segment.num_nt: bp = segment.num_nt-1
-                        try:
-                            b.beta = segment._cadnano_bp_to_zidx[bp]
-                            if 'orientation_bead' in b.__dict__:
-                                b.orientation_bead.beta = segment._cadnano_bp_to_zidx[bp]
-                        except:
-                            pass
-                seg._generate_bead_callbacks.append(callback)
-                def atomic_callback(nucleotide, bp_to_zidx=bp_to_zidx):
-                    nt = nucleotide
-                    segment = nucleotide.parent.segment
-                    bp = int(round(segment.contour_to_nt_pos( nt.contour_position )))
-                    if bp < 0: bp = 0
-                    if bp >= segment.num_nt: bp = segment.num_nt-1
-                    try:
-                        nt.beta = bp_to_zidx[bp]
-                        nt.parent.occupancy = segment.occupancy
-                    except:
-                        pass
-                seg._generate_nucleotide_callbacks.append(atomic_callback)
-                helices[hid].append( seg )
-                helix_ranges[hid].append( (zid1,zid2) )
-    def _get_cadnano_position(self, hid, zid):
-        return [10*a for a in self.origins[hid]] + [-3.4*zid]
-    def _helixStrandsToEnds(self, helixStrands):
-        """Utility method to convert cadnano strand lists into list of
-        indices of terminal points"""
-        endLists = [[],[]]
-        for endList, strandList in zip(endLists,helixStrands):
-            lastStrand = None
-            for s in strandList:
-                if lastStrand is None:
-                    ## first strand
-                    endList.append(s[0])
-                elif lastStrand[1] != s[0]-1: 
-                    assert( s[0] > lastStrand[1] )
-                    endList.extend( [lastStrand[1], s[0]] )
-                lastStrand = s
-            if lastStrand is not None:
-                endList.append(lastStrand[1])
-        return endLists
-    def _helix_strands_to_segment_ranges(self, helix_strands):
-        """Utility method to convert cadnano strand lists into list of
-        indices of terminal points"""
-        def _join(strands):
-            ends = []
-            lastEnd = None
-            for start,end in strands:
-                if lastEnd is None:
-                    ends.append([start])
-                elif lastEnd != start-1:
-                    ends[-1].append(lastEnd)
-                    ends.append([start])
-                lastEnd = end
-            if lastEnd is not None:
-                ends[-1].append(lastEnd)
-            return ends
-        s1,s2 = [_join(s) for s in helix_strands]
-        i = j = 0
-        ## iterate through strands
-        while i < len(s1) and j < len(s2):
-            min(s1[i][0],s2[j][0])
-    def _get_segment(self, hid, zid):
-        ## TODO: rename these variables to segments
-        segs = self.helices[hid]
-        ranges = self.helix_ranges[hid]
-        for i in range(len(ranges)):
-            zmin,zmax = ranges[i]
-            if zmin <= zid and zid <= zmax:
-                return segs[i]
-        raise Exception("Could not find segment in helix %d at position %d" % (hid,zid))
-    def _get_nucleotide(self, hid, zid):
-        raise Exception("Deprecated")
-        seg = self._get_segment(hid,zid)
-        sid = self.helices[hid].index(seg)
-        zmin,zmax = self.helix_ranges[hid][sid]
-        nt = zid-zmin
-        ## Find insertions
-        # TODO: for i in range(zmin,zid+1): ?
-        for i in range(zmin,zid):
-            if i in self.insertions[hid]:
-                nt += self.insertions[hid][i].length()
-        return nt
-    def _get_segment_nucleotide(self, hid, zid, get_forward_location=False):
-        """ returns segments and zero-based nucleotide index """
-        seg = self._get_segment(hid,zid)
-        sid = self.helices[hid].index(seg)
-        zmin,zmax = self.helix_ranges[hid][sid]
-        zMid = int(0.5*(zmin+zmax))
-        occ = self.strand_occupancies[hid]
-        ins = self.insertions[hid]
-        ## TODO combine if/else when nested TODO is resolved
-        # if zid in self.insertions[hid]:
-        #     import pdb
-        #     pdb.set_trace()
-        if (zMid not in occ[0]) and (zMid in occ[1]):
-            ## reversed ssDNA strand
-            nt = zmax-zid
-            # TODO: for i in range(zmin,zid+1): ?
-            for i in range(zid,zmax+1):
-                if i in self.insertions[hid]:
-                    nt += self.insertions[hid][i].length()
-        else:
-            ## normal condition
-            if get_forward_location:
-                while zid in ins and ins[zid].length() < 0 and zid <= zmax:
-                    zid+=1
-            # else:
-            #     while zid in ins and ins[zid].length() > 0 and zid >= zmax:
-            #         zid-=1
-            nt = zid-zmin
-            for i in range(zmin,zid):
-                if i in ins:
-                    nt += ins[i].length()
-            if not get_forward_location and zid in ins:
-                nt += ins[zid].length()
-        ## Find insertions
-        return seg, nt
-    """ Routines to add connnections between helices """
-    def _add_intrahelical_connections(self):
-        for hid,segs in self.helices.items():
-            occ = self.strand_occupancies[hid]
-            for i in range(len(segs)-1):
-                seg1,seg2 = [segs[j] for j in (i,i+1)]
-                if isinstance(seg1,SingleStrandedSegment) and isinstance(seg2,SingleStrandedSegment):
-                    continue
-                r1,r2 = [self.helix_ranges[hid][j] for j in (i,i+1)]
-                if r1[1]+1 == r2[0]:
-                    ## TODO: handle nicks that are at intrahelical connections(?)
-                    zmid1 = int(0.5*(r1[0]+r1[1]))
-                    zmid2 = int(0.5*(r2[0]+r2[1]))
-                    ## TODO: validate
-                    if zmid1 in occ[0] and zmid2 in occ[0]:
-                        seg1.connect_end3(seg2.start5)
-                    if zmid1 in occ[1] and zmid2 in occ[1]:
-                        if zmid1 in occ[0]:
-                            end = seg1.end5
-                        else:
-                            end = seg1.start5
-                        if zmid2 in occ[0]:
-                            seg2.connect_start3(end)
-                        else:
-                            seg2.connect_end3(end)
-    def _get_crossover_locations(self, helix_idx, nt_idx_range, fwd_strand=None):
-        xos = []
-        def append_if_in_range(h,f,z):
-            if fwd_strand in (None,f) and z in nt_idx_range:
-                xos.append((h,f,z))
-        for xo in self.xovers_from[helix_idx]:
-            ## h1,f1,z1,h2,f2,z2 = xo[3:]
-            append_if_in_range(*xo[:3])
-        for xo in self.xovers_to[helix_idx]:
-            append_if_in_range(*xo[3:])
-        return xos
-    def _add_crossovers(self):
-        for hid,xos in self.xovers_from.items():
-            for h1,f1,z1,h2,f2,z2 in xos:
-                seg1, nt1 = self._get_segment_nucleotide(h1,z1,not f1)
-                seg2, nt2 = self._get_segment_nucleotide(h2,z2,f2)
-                ## TODO: use different types of crossovers
-                ## fwd?
-                ## 5'-to-3' direction
-                if isinstance(seg1, SingleStrandedSegment): f1 = True
-                if isinstance(seg2, SingleStrandedSegment): f2 = True
-                seg1.add_crossover(nt1,seg2,nt2,[f1,f2])
-    def _add_prime_ends(self):
-        for h,fwd,z in self._5prime_list:
-            seg, nt = self._get_segment_nucleotide(h,z, fwd)
-            if isinstance(seg, SingleStrandedSegment): fwd = True
-            # print("adding 5prime",seg.name,nt,fwd)
-            seg.add_5prime(nt,fwd)
-        for h,fwd,z in self._3prime_list:
-            seg, nt = self._get_segment_nucleotide(h,z, not fwd)
-            if isinstance(seg, SingleStrandedSegment): fwd = True
-            # print("adding 3prime",seg.name,nt,fwd)
-            seg.add_3prime(nt,fwd) 
-    def get_bead(self, hid, zid):
-        # get segment, get nucleotide,
-        seg, nt = self._get_segment_nucleotide(h,z)
-        # return seg.get_nearest_bead(seg,nt / seg.num_nt)
-        return seg.get_nearest_bead(seg,nt / (seg.num_nt-1))
-def read_json_file(filename):
-    import json
-    import re
-    try:
-        with open(filename) as ch:
-            data = json.load(ch)
-    except:
-        with open(filename) as ch:
-            content = ""
-            for l in ch:
-                l = re.sub(r"'", r'"', l)
-                # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4033633/handling-lazy-json-in-python-expecting-property-name
-                # l = re.sub(r"{\s*(\w)", r'{"\1', l)
-                # l = re.sub(r",\s*(\w)", r',"\1', l)
-                # l = re.sub(r"(\w):", r'\1":', l)
-                content += l+"\n"
-            data = json.loads(content)
-    return data
-def decode_cadnano_part(json_data):
-    import cadnano
-    from cadnano.document import Document
-    try:
-        doc = Document()
-        cadnano.fileio.v3decode.decode(doc, json_data)
-        decoder = 3
-    except:
-        doc = Document()
-        cadnano.fileio.v2decode.decode(doc, json_data)
-        decoder = 2
-    parts = [p for p in doc.getParts()]
-    if len(parts) != 1:
-        raise Exception("Only documents containing a single cadnano part are implemented at this time.")
-    part = parts[0]
-    if decoder == 2:
-        """ It seems cadnano2.5 (as of ce6ff019) does not set the EulerZ for square lattice structures correctly, doing so here """
-        l = _get_lattice(part)
-        if l == 'square':
-            for id_num in part.getIdNums():
-                if part.vh_properties.loc[id_num,'eulerZ'] == 0:
-                    part.vh_properties.loc[id_num,'eulerZ'] = 360*(6/10.5)
-    return part
-def _get_lattice(part):
-    lattice_type = None
-    _gt = part.getGridType()
-    try:
-        lattice_type = _gt.name.lower()
-    except:
-        if _gt == 1:
-            lattice_type = 'square'
-        elif _gt == 2:
-            lattice_type = 'honeycomb'
-        else:
-            print("WARNING: unable to determine cadnano part lattice type")
-    return lattice_type
-def package_archive( name, directory ):
-    ...
-def read_model(json_data, sequence=None, fill_sequence='T', **kwargs):
-    """ Read in data """
-    part = decode_cadnano_part(json_data)
-    model = cadnano_part(part,
-                         **kwargs)
-    # TODO
-    # try:
-    #     model.set_cadnano_sequence()
-    # finally:
-    #     ...
-    #     if sequence is not None and len() :
-    #         model.strands[0].set_sequence(seq)
-    if sequence is None or len(sequence) == 0:
-        ## default m13mp18
-        model.set_sequence(m13seq,force=False, fill_sequence=fill_sequence)
-    else:
-        model.set_sequence(sequence, fill_sequence=fill_sequence)
-    return model
-# pynvml.nvmlInit()
-# gpus = range(pynvml.nvmlDeviceGetCount())
-# pynvml.nvmlShutdown()
-# gpus = [0,1,2]
-# print(gpus)
-def combineRegionLists(loHi1,loHi2,intersect=False):
-    """Combines two lists of (lo,hi) pairs specifying integer
-    regions a single list of regions.  """
-    ## Validate input
-    for l in (loHi1,loHi2):
-        ## Assert each region in lists is sorted
-        for pair in l:
-            assert(len(pair) == 2)
-            assert(pair[0] <= pair[1])
-    if len(loHi1) == 0:
-        if intersect:
-            return []
-        else:
-            return loHi2
-    if len(loHi2) == 0:
-        if intersect:
-            return []
-        else:
-            return loHi1
-    ## Break input into lists of compact regions
-    compactRegions1,compactRegions2 = [[],[]]
-    for compactRegions,loHi in zip(
-            [compactRegions1,compactRegions2],
-            [loHi1,loHi2]):
-        tmp = []
-        lastHi = loHi[0][0]-1
-        for lo,hi in loHi:
-            if lo-1 != lastHi:
-                compactRegions.append(tmp)
-                tmp = []
-            tmp.append((lo,hi))
-            lastHi = hi
-        if len(tmp) > 0:
-            compactRegions.append(tmp)
-    ## Build result
-    result = []
-    region = []
-    i,j = [0,0]
-    compactRegions1.append([[1e10]])
-    compactRegions2.append([[1e10]])
-    while i < len(compactRegions1)-1 or j < len(compactRegions2)-1:
-        cr1 = compactRegions1[i]
-        cr2 = compactRegions2[j]
-        ## initialize region
-        if len(region) == 0:
-            if cr1[0][0] <= cr2[0][0]:
-                region = cr1
-                i += 1
-                continue
-            else:
-                region = cr2
-                j += 1
-                continue
-        if region[-1][-1] >= cr1[0][0]:
-            region = combineCompactRegionLists(region, cr1, intersect=False)
-            i+=1
-        elif region[-1][-1] >= cr2[0][0]:
-            region = combineCompactRegionLists(region, cr2, intersect=False)
-            j+=1
-        else:
-            result.extend(region)
-            region = []
-    assert( len(region) > 0 )
-    result.extend(region)
-    result = sorted(result)
-    # print("loHi1:",loHi1)
-    # print("loHi2:",loHi2)
-    # print(result,"\n")
-    if intersect:
-        lo = max( [loHi1[0][0], loHi2[0][0]] )
-        hi = min( [loHi1[-1][1], loHi2[-1][1]] )
-        result = [r for r in result if r[0] >= lo and r[1] <= hi]
-    return result
-def combineCompactRegionLists(loHi1,loHi2,intersect=False):
-    """Combines two lists of (lo,hi) pairs specifying regions within a
-    compact integer set into a single list of regions.
-    examples:
-    loHi1 = [[0,4],[5,7]]
-    loHi2 = [[2,4],[5,9]]
-    out = [(0, 1), (2, 4), (5, 7), (8, 9)]
-    loHi1 = [[0,3],[5,7]]
-    loHi2 = [[2,4],[5,9]]
-    out = [(0, 1), (2, 3), (4, 4), (5, 7), (8, 9)]
-    """
-    ## Validate input
-    for l in (loHi1,loHi2):
-        ## Assert each region in lists is sorted
-        for pair in l:
-            assert(len(pair) == 2)
-            assert(pair[0] <= pair[1])
-        ## Assert lists are compact
-        for pair1,pair2 in zip(l[::2],l[1::2]):
-            assert(pair1[1]+1 == pair2[0])
-    if len(loHi1) == 0:
-        if intersect:
-            return []
-        else:
-            return loHi2
-    if len(loHi2) == 0:
-        if intersect:
-            return []
-        else:
-            return loHi1
-    ## Find the ends of the region
-    lo = min( [loHi1[0][0], loHi2[0][0]] )
-    hi = max( [loHi1[-1][1], loHi2[-1][1]] )
-    ## Make a list of indices where each region will be split
-    splitAfter = []
-    for l,h in loHi2:
-        if l != lo:
-            splitAfter.append(l-1)
-        if h != hi:
-            splitAfter.append(h)
-    for l,h in loHi1:
-        if l != lo:
-            splitAfter.append(l-1)
-        if h != hi:
-            splitAfter.append(h)
-    splitAfter = sorted(list(set(splitAfter)))
-    # print("splitAfter:",splitAfter)
-    split=[]
-    last = -2
-    for s in splitAfter:
-        split.append(s)
-        last = s
-    # print("split:",split)
-    returnList = [(i+1,j) if i != j else (i,j) for i,j in zip([lo-1]+split,split+[hi])]
-    if intersect:
-        lo = max( [loHi1[0][0], loHi2[0][0]] )
-        hi = min( [loHi1[-1][1], loHi2[-1][1]] )
-        returnList = [r for r in returnList if r[0] >= lo and r[1] <= hi]
-    # print("loHi1:",loHi1)
-    # print("loHi2:",loHi2)
-    # print(returnList,"\n")
-    return returnList
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    loHi1 = [[0,4],[5,7]]
-    loHi2 = [[2,4],[5,9]]
-    out = [(0, 1), (2, 4), (5, 7), (8, 9)]
-    print(loHi1)
-    print(loHi2)
-    print(combineRegionLists(loHi1,loHi2))
-    print(combineCompactRegionLists(loHi1,loHi2))
-    loHi1 = [[0,3],[5,7]]
-    loHi2 = [[2,4],[5,9]]
-    out = [(0, 1), (2, 3), (4, 4), (5, 7), (8, 9)]
-    print(loHi1)
-    print(loHi2)
-    print(combineRegionLists(loHi1,loHi2))
-    print(combineCompactRegionLists(loHi1,loHi2))
-    combineRegionLists
-    # for f in glob('json/*'):
-    #     print("Working on {}".format(f))
-    #     out = re.match('json/(.*).json',f).group(1)
-    #     data = read_json_file(f)
-    #     run_simulation_protocol( out, "job-id", data, gpu=0 )
diff --git a/mrdna/readers/segmentmodel_from_cadnano.py b/mrdna/readers/segmentmodel_from_cadnano.py
index 4b950b044cae0bae797bf7bb94ba3a02d55ff65c..23b78e9dbbf1c46a3d9f93985d80b4bb528d96f1 100644
--- a/mrdna/readers/segmentmodel_from_cadnano.py
+++ b/mrdna/readers/segmentmodel_from_cadnano.py
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ def gen_prop_table(part):
-    ind_tuple=[(nt_prop["vh"][i],nt_prop["zid"][i],nt_prop["fwd"][i]) for i in nt_prop.index]
+    ind_tuple=list(zip(nt_prop["vh"],nt_prop["zid"],nt_prop["fwd"]))
     for i in list(nt_prop["stack_tuple"]):
         if i ==-1:
@@ -189,19 +189,22 @@ def gen_prop_table(part):
-    nt_prop["bp"]=-1
     nt_prop["orientation"]=[get_helix_angle(part, helix_id, int(float(indices))) for helix_id,indices in vhzid]
-    for i in range(int(len(nt_prop.index)/2)):
+    counter=-1
+    bp=-np.ones(len(nt_prop.index),dtype=int)
+    bp_map=dict(zip(ind_tuple,nt_prop.index))
+    for i,j,k in ind_tuple:
+        counter+=1
-            bp1,bp2=(i,1+i+vhzid[i+1:].index(vhzid[i]))
-            nt_prop["bp"][bp1]=bp2
-            nt_prop["bp"][bp2]=bp1
+            bp[counter]=bp_map[(i,j,not(k))]
+    nt_prop["bp"]=bp
     return nt_prop
-def mrdna_model_from_cadnano(json_file,seq=None,**model_parameters):
+def mrdna_model_from_cadnano(json_file,seq=None,return_nt=True,**model_parameters):
@@ -219,4 +222,7 @@ def mrdna_model_from_cadnano(json_file,seq=None,**model_parameters):
     model = model_from_basepair_stack_3prime( r, bp, stack, three_prime, seq, orientation, **model_parameters )
-    return model
+    if return_nt==True:
+        return model,nt_prop
+    else:
+        return model
diff --git a/mrdna/readers/segmentmodel_from_lists.py b/mrdna/readers/segmentmodel_from_lists.py
index 9e5190a781cf9cb30411e3a06833b45ef605f337..2d7e12097b5333dbf7b749ee42a1f396731701fb 100644
--- a/mrdna/readers/segmentmodel_from_lists.py
+++ b/mrdna/readers/segmentmodel_from_lists.py
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import pdb
 import numpy as np
 import os,sys
 import scipy
+import pandas as pd
 from mrdna import logger, devlogger
 from mrdna.segmentmodel import SegmentModel, SingleStrandedSegment, DoubleStrandedSegment
@@ -233,7 +234,7 @@ def model_from_basepair_stack_3prime(coordinate, basepair, stack, three_prime,
                                      max_basepairs_per_bead = 5,
                                      max_nucleotides_per_bead = 5,
                                      local_twist = False,
-                                     dimensions=(5000,5000,5000),
+                                     dimensions=(5000,5000,5000),return_prop=False
     Creates a SegmentModel object from lists of each nucleotide's
@@ -474,8 +475,11 @@ def model_from_basepair_stack_3prime(coordinate, basepair, stack, three_prime,
     if sequence is None:
         for s in model.segments:
-    return model
+    if return_prop is True:
+        nt_prop=pd.DataFrame({"r":coordinate,"bp":basepair,"stack":stack,"fwd":fwd,"threeprime":three_prime,"seq":sequence,"orientation":orientation})
+        return model,nt_prop
+    else:
+        return model
 def UNIT_circular():
     """ Make a circular DNA strand, with dsDNA in the middle """
diff --git a/mrdna/readers/segmentmodel_from_oxdna_pinyi.py b/mrdna/readers/segmentmodel_from_oxdna_pinyi.py
index d2fd60e324ab4ac2017abd196a650c81fbb8726e..ebf52f2e2e8fb5831f3dfa271fd4a32fcc7568de 100644
--- a/mrdna/readers/segmentmodel_from_oxdna_pinyi.py
+++ b/mrdna/readers/segmentmodel_from_oxdna_pinyi.py
@@ -1,36 +1,26 @@
 from mrdna import logger, devlogger
 from .segmentmodel_from_lists import model_from_basepair_stack_3prime
 from ..arbdmodel.coords import rotationAboutAxis
+import pickle
+import pandas as pd
 from oxlibs import *
 import numpy as np
 from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix
+pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None  # default='warn'
 _seq_to_int_dict = dict(A=0,T=1,C=2,G=3)
 _seq_to_int_dict = {k:str(v) for k,v in _seq_to_int_dict.items()}
 _yrot = rotationAboutAxis(axis=(0,1,0), angle=180).dot(rotationAboutAxis(axis=(0,0,1),angle=-40))
-def mrdna_model_from_oxdna(coordinate_file, topology_file, ,idealized_coordinate_file=None,virt2nuc=None, **model_parameters):
+def mrdna_model_from_oxdna(coordinate_file, topology_file,virt2nuc=None,get_nt_prop=False, **model_parameters):
     """ Construct an mrdna model from oxDNA coordinate and topology files """
     top_data = np.loadtxt(topology_file, skiprows=1,
-    conf_data = np.loadtxt(idealized_coordinate_file, skiprows=3)
-    ## Reverse direction so indices run 5'-to-3'
-    top_data = [a[::-1] for a in top_data]
-    conf_data = conf_data[::-1,:]
-    r = conf_data[:,:3] * 8.518
-    base_dir = conf_data[:,3:6]
-    # basepair_pos = r + base_dir*6.0
-    basepair_pos = r + base_dir*10.0
-    normal_dir = -conf_data[:,6:9]
-    perp_dir = np.cross(base_dir, normal_dir)
-    orientation = np.array([np.array(o).T.dot(_yrot) for o in zip(perp_dir,-base_dir,-normal_dir)])
+    conf_data = np.loadtxt(coordinate_file, skiprows=3)
     def _get_bp(sequence=None):
         dists = distance_matrix(r,basepair_pos) + np.eye(len(r))*1000
         dists = 0.5*(dists + dists.T)
@@ -82,15 +72,84 @@ def mrdna_model_from_oxdna(coordinate_file, topology_file, ,idealized_coordinate
                 dr = r[j] - r[i]
                 # devlogger.info([normal_dir[i].dot(dr), perp_dir[i].dot(dr), base_dir[i].dot(dr)])
         return np.array(stack)
-    seq = top_data[1]
-    bp = _get_bp(seq)
-    stack = _get_stack()
+    def _find_vh_vb_table(s,is_scaf):
+        L=[]
+        for i in list(s.keys()):
+            vh,zid=i
+            strand,indices=s[i]
+            if len(indices)==0:
+                continue
+            else:
+                if len(indices)==1:
+                    zids=[str(zid)]
+                else:
+                    zids=[str(zid)+"."+str(j) for j in range(len(indices))]
+                for index,z in zip(indices,zids):
+                    L.append(pd.Series({"index":index,"vh":vh,"zid":z,"strand":strand,"is_scaf":bool(is_scaf)}))
+        return L
+    def get_virt2nuc(virt2nuc,top_data):
+        vh_vb,pattern=pd.read_pickle(virt2nuc)
+        L1=_find_vh_vb_table(vh_vb._scaf,1)
+        L2=_find_vh_vb_table(vh_vb._stap,0)
+        nt_prop=pd.DataFrame(L1+L2)
+        nt_prop.set_index("index",inplace=True)
+        nt_prop.sort_index(inplace=True)
+        nt_prop["threeprime"]=top_data[2]
+        nt_prop["seq"]=top_data[1]
+        nt_prop["stack"]=top_data[2]
+        for i in nt_prop.index:
+            if nt_prop.loc[i]["threeprime"] in nt_prop.index:
+                if nt_prop.loc[nt_prop.loc[i]["threeprime"]]["vh"]!=nt_prop.loc[i]["vh"]:
+                    nt_prop["stack"][i]=-1
+        bp_map=dict(zip(zip(nt_prop["vh"],nt_prop["zid"],nt_prop["is_scaf"]),nt_prop.index))
+        bp=-np.ones(len(nt_prop.index),dtype=int)
+        counter=0
+        for i,j,k in zip(nt_prop["vh"],nt_prop["zid"],nt_prop["is_scaf"]):
+            try:
+                bp[counter]=bp_map[(i,j,not(k))]
+            except:
+                pass
+            counter+=1
+        nt_prop["bp"]=bp
+        return nt_prop
+    try:
+        nt_prop=get_virt2nuc(virt2nuc,top_data)
+        r=conf_data[:,:3] * 8.518
+        base_dir = conf_data[:,3:6]
+        # basepair_pos = r + base_dir*6.0
+        basepair_pos = r + base_dir*10.0
+        normal_dir = -conf_data[:,6:9]
+        perp_dir = np.cross(base_dir, normal_dir)
+        orientation = np.array([np.array(o).T.dot(_yrot) for o in zip(perp_dir,-base_dir,-normal_dir)])
+        seq=nt_prop["seq"]
+        bp=nt_prop["bp"]
+        stack=nt_prop["stack"]
+        three_prime=nt_prop["threeprime"]
+        nt_prop["r"]=r
+        nt_prop["orientation"]=orientation
+    except:
+        ## Reverse direction so indices run 5'-to-3'
+        top_data = [a[::-1] for a in top_data]
+        conf_data = conf_data[::-1,:]
+        r = conf_data[:,:3] * 8.518
+        base_dir = conf_data[:,3:6]
+        # basepair_pos = r + base_dir*6.0
+        basepair_pos = r + base_dir*10.0
+        normal_dir = -conf_data[:,6:9]
+        perp_dir = np.cross(base_dir, normal_dir)
+        orientation = np.array([np.array(o).T.dot(_yrot) for o in zip(perp_dir,-base_dir,-normal_dir)])
+        seq = top_data[1]
+        bp = _get_bp(seq)
+        stack = _get_stack()
-    three_prime = len(r) - top_data[2] -1
-    five_prime = len(r) - top_data[3] -1
-    three_prime[three_prime >= len(r)] = -1
-    five_prime[five_prime >= len(r)] = -1
+        three_prime = len(r) - top_data[2] -1
+        five_prime = len(r) - top_data[3] -1
+        three_prime[three_prime >= len(r)] = -1
+        five_prime[five_prime >= len(r)] = -1
+        nt_prop=pd.DataFrame({"r":r,"bp":bp,"stack":stack,"threeprime":three_prime, "seq":seq,"orientation":orientation})
     def _debug_write_bonds():
         from ..arbdmodel import ParticleType, PointParticle, ArbdModel, Group
@@ -127,28 +186,9 @@ def mrdna_model_from_oxdna(coordinate_file, topology_file, ,idealized_coordinate
     logger.info(f'mrdna_model_from_oxdna: num_bp, num_ss_nt, num_stacked: {np.sum(bp>=0)//2} {np.sum(bp<0)} {np.sum(stack >= 0)}')
-    if coordinate_file != idealized_coordinate_file:
-        conf_data = conf_data[::-1,:]
-        r = conf_data[:,:3] * 8.518
-        base_dir = conf_data[:,3:6]
-        basepair_pos = r + base_dir*10.0
-        normal_dir = -conf_data[:,6:9]
-        perp_dir = np.cross(base_dir, normal_dir)
-        orientation = np.array([np.array(o).T.dot(_yrot) for o in zip(perp_dir,-base_dir,-normal_dir)])
     model = model_from_basepair_stack_3prime( r, bp, stack, three_prime, seq, orientation, **model_parameters )
-    def find_cadnano_strands(virt2nuc):
-        import pickle
-        if virt2nuc is not None:
-            df = pickle.load(virt2nuc)
-            vh_vb2nuc_rev, vhelix_pattern=df #vhelix_pattern is the position on yzplane
-        else:
-            print("virt2nuc not found")
     model.DEBUG = True
@@ -158,7 +198,10 @@ def mrdna_model_from_oxdna(coordinate_file, topology_file, ,idealized_coordinate
     simulate( model, output_name='test', directory='test4' )
-    return model
+    if get_nt_prop is True:
+        return nt_prop,model
+    else:
+        return model
 if __name__ == "__main__":