diff --git a/mrdna/readers/segmentmodel_from_lists.py b/mrdna/readers/segmentmodel_from_lists.py
index 475988982f5368eca84b9b03e63ca34e5ef8a2c3..51b28772ed47a104207e91f9cdf8a89cbf041a78 100644
--- a/mrdna/readers/segmentmodel_from_lists.py
+++ b/mrdna/readers/segmentmodel_from_lists.py
@@ -117,45 +117,49 @@ def basepairs_and_stacks_to_helixmap(basepairs,stacks_above):
         hid += 1
     ## Create "helix" for each circular segment
+    intrahelical = []
     processed = set()
     unclaimed_bases = np.where( (basepairs >= 0)*(helixmap == -1) )[0]
     for nt0 in unclaimed_bases:
         if nt0 in processed: continue
         nt = nt0
         all_nts = [nt]
+        rank = 0
+        nt = nt0
+        bp = basepairs[nt]
+        assert(helixmap[nt] == -1)
+        assert(helixmap[bp] == -1)
+        helixmap[nt] = helixmap[bp] = hid
+        helixrank[nt] = helixrank[bp] = rank
+        is_fwd[bp] = 0
+        rank +=1
+        processed.add(nt)
+        processed.add(bp)
         counter = 0
         while stacks_above[nt] >= 0:
+            lastnt = nt
             nt = stacks_above[nt]
             bp = basepairs[nt]
+            if nt == nt0 or nt == basepairs[nt0]:
+                intrahelical.append((lastnt,nt0))
+                break
             assert( bp >= 0 )
             assert(helixmap[nt] == -1)
             assert(helixmap[bp] == -1)
-            if nt == nt0:
-                break
-            all_nts.append(nt)
-            if counter > 1e6:
-                raise Exception("DNA is apparently too long; probably there is something wrong with the structure")
-            counter += 1
-        ## Split circular helix into two groups (TODO: fix segmentmodel so that circular helices work and this is not needed)
-        for group in (all_nts[:len(all_nts)//2], all_nts[len(all_nts)//2:]):
-            rank = 0
-            for nt in group:
-                bp = basepairs[nt]
-                is_fwd[bp] = 0
-                helixmap[nt] = helixmap[bp] = hid
-                helixrank[nt] = helixrank[bp] = rank
-                processed.add(nt)
-                processed.add(bp)
-                rank +=1
-            hid += 1
+            helixmap[nt] = helixmap[bp] = hid
+            helixrank[nt] = helixrank[bp] = rank
+            is_fwd[bp] = 0
+            processed.add(nt)
+            processed.add(bp)
+            rank +=1
+        hid += 1
-    return helixmap, helixrank, is_fwd
+    return helixmap, helixrank, is_fwd, intrahelical
 def set_splines(seg, coordinate, hid, hmap, hrank, fwd, orientation=None):
@@ -282,7 +286,7 @@ def model_from_basepair_stack_3prime(coordinate, basepair, stack, three_prime,
     five_prime = _three_prime_list_to_five_prime(three_prime)
     """ Build map of dsDNA helices and strands """
-    hmap,hrank,fwd = basepairs_and_stacks_to_helixmap(bps,stack)
+    hmap,hrank,fwd,intrahelical = basepairs_and_stacks_to_helixmap(bps,stack)
     double_stranded_helices = np.unique(hmap[hmap >= 0])    
     strands, strand_is_circular = _primes_list_to_strands(three_prime, five_prime)
@@ -356,6 +360,7 @@ def model_from_basepair_stack_3prime(coordinate, basepair, stack, three_prime,
         ## Handle connections at the ends
         is_terminal1 = (nt1,f1) in ((0,0),(seg1.num_nt-1,1))
         is_terminal2 = (nt2,f2) in ((0,1),(seg2.num_nt-1,0))
         if is_terminal1 or is_terminal2:
             """ Re-evaluate condition for being terminal so that both
             strands must be connected at end to have an 'intrahelical'
@@ -383,6 +388,19 @@ def model_from_basepair_stack_3prime(coordinate, basepair, stack, three_prime,
         seg = allSegments[hmap[r]]
+    ## Add intrahelical connections to circular helical sections
+    for nt0,nt1 in intrahelical:
+        seg = allSegments[hmap[nt0]]
+        assert( seg is allSegments[hmap[nt1]] )
+        if three_prime[nt0] >= 0:
+            if hmap[nt0] == hmap[three_prime[nt0]]:
+                seg.connect_end3(seg.start5)
+        bp0,bp1 = [bps[nt] for nt in (nt0,nt1)]
+        if three_prime[bp1] >= 0:
+            if hmap[bp1] == hmap[three_prime[bp1]]:
+                seg.connect_start3(seg.end5)
     ## Assign sequence
     if sequence is not None:
         for hid in range(len(allSegments)):
diff --git a/mrdna/segmentmodel.py b/mrdna/segmentmodel.py
index 10a5fe977655e25a439085bf3439f7abb69aa700..03984be4528af0c32645deb9bc0a0900047cf59f 100644
--- a/mrdna/segmentmodel.py
+++ b/mrdna/segmentmodel.py
@@ -98,7 +98,10 @@ class Location():
             on_fwd = "on_fwd_strand"
             on_fwd = "on_rev_strand"
-        return "<Location {}.{}[{:.2f},{:d}]>".format( self.container.name, self.type_, self.address, self.on_fwd_strand)
+        try:
+            return "<Location {}.{}[{:d},{}]>".format( self.container.name, self.type_, self.get_nt_pos(), on_fwd )
+        except:
+            return "<Location {}.{}[{:.2f},{:d}]>".format( self.container.name, self.type_, self.address, self.on_fwd_strand)
 class Connection():
     """ Abstract base class for connection between two elements """
@@ -1155,12 +1158,25 @@ class DoubleStrandedSegment(Segment):
             c = self.nt_pos_to_contour(nt)
             assert(c >= 0 and c <= 1)
-            loc = self.get_location_at(c, strands_fwd[0])
+            if nt == 0 and not strands_fwd[0]:
+                loc = self.start3
+            elif nt == self.num_nt-1 and strands_fwd[0]:
+                loc = self.end3
+            else:
+                loc = self.get_location_at(c, strands_fwd[0])
             c = other.nt_pos_to_contour(other_nt)
             # TODOTODO: may need to subtract or add a little depending on 3prime/5prime
             assert(c >= 0 and c <= 1)
-            other_loc = other.get_location_at(c, strands_fwd[1])
+            if other_nt == 0 and strands_fwd[1]:
+                other_loc = other.start5
+            elif other_nt == other.num_nt-1 and not strands_fwd[1]:
+                other_loc = other.end5
+            else:
+                other_loc = other.get_location_at(c, strands_fwd[1])
             self._connect(other, Connection( loc, other_loc, type_=type_ ))
             if nt_on_5prime:
                 loc.is_3prime_side_of_connection = False