From 6784d3468065896fbf49b32a8e1a9437f4812de7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: pinyili2 <>
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2024 16:27:19 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] remove ipynb

 .../                | 4240 -----------------
 1 file changed, 4240 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 mrdna/.ipynb_checkpoints/

diff --git a/mrdna/.ipynb_checkpoints/ b/mrdna/.ipynb_checkpoints/
deleted file mode 100644
index dddaf8c..0000000
--- a/mrdna/.ipynb_checkpoints/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4240 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-import pdb
-import subprocess
-from pathlib import Path
-import numpy as np
-import random
-from .arbdmodel import PointParticle, ParticleType, Group, ArbdModel
-from .arbdmodel.coords import rotationAboutAxis, quaternion_from_matrix, quaternion_to_matrix
-from .arbdmodel.nonbonded import *
-from copy import copy, deepcopy
-from .model.nbPot import nbDnaScheme
-from . import get_resource_path
-from . import logger, devlogger
-import re
-from scipy.special import erf
-import scipy.optimize as opt
-from scipy import interpolate
-from .model.CanonicalNucleotideAtoms import canonicalNtFwd, canonicalNtRev, seqComplement
-from .model.CanonicalNucleotideAtoms import enmTemplateHC, enmTemplateSQ, enmCorrectionsHC
-from .model.spring_from_lp import k_angle as angle_spring_from_lp
-from .model.spring_from_lp import k_twist as twist_spring_from_lp
-import csv
-# import pdb
- + fix handling of crossovers for atomic representation
- + map to atomic representation
-    + add nicks
-    + transform ssDNA nucleotides 
-    - shrink ssDNA
-    + shrink dsDNA backbone
-    + make orientation continuous
-    + sequence
-    + handle circular dna
- + ensure crossover bead potentials aren't applied twice 
- + remove performance bottlenecks
- - test for large systems
- + assign sequence
- + ENM
- - rework Location class 
- - remove recursive calls
- - document
- - develop unit test suite
- - refactor parts of Segment into an abstract_polymer class
- - make each call generate_bead_model, generate_atomic_model, generate_oxdna_model return an object with only have a reference to original object
-class CircularDnaError(Exception):
-    pass
-class ParticleNotConnectedError(Exception):
-    pass
-class Location():
-    """ Site for connection within an object """
-    def __init__(self, container, address, type_, on_fwd_strand = True):
-        ## TODO: remove cyclic references(?)
-        self.container = container
-        self.address = address  # represents position along contour length in segment
-        # assert( type_ in ("end3","end5") ) # TODO remove or make conditional
-        self.on_fwd_strand = on_fwd_strand
-        self.type_ = type_
-        self.particle = None
-        self.connection = None
-        self.is_3prime_side_of_connection = None
-        self.combine = None     # some locations might be combined in bead model 
-    def get_connected_location(self):
-        if self.connection is None:
-            return None
-        else:
-            return self.connection.other(self)
-    def set_connection(self, connection, is_3prime_side_of_connection):
-        self.connection = connection # TODO weakref? 
-        self.is_3prime_side_of_connection = is_3prime_side_of_connection
-    def get_nt_pos(self):
-        try:
-            pos = self.container.contour_to_nt_pos(self.address, round_nt=True)
-        except:
-            if self.address == 0:
-                pos = 0
-            elif self.address == 1:
-                pos = self.container.num_nt-1
-            else:
-                raise
-        return pos
-    def delete(self):
-        if self.particle is not None:
-            self.particle.locations.remove(self)
-        if self.connection is not None:
-            self.connection.delete()
-            self.connection = None
-        if self.container is not None:
-            self.container.locations.remove(self)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        if self.on_fwd_strand:
-            on_fwd = "on_fwd_strand"
-        else:
-            on_fwd = "on_rev_strand"
-        def __get_parent_name(obj):
-            try:
-                name =
-            except:
-                name = ''
-            if obj is None:
-                return '_'
-            else:
-                return __get_parent_name(obj) + [name]
-        try:
-            container_name = '.'.join(__get_parent_name(self.container))
-        except:
-            container_name =
-        try:
-            return "<Location {}.{}[{:d},{}]>".format( container_name, self.type_, self.get_nt_pos(), on_fwd )
-        except:
-            return "<Location {}.{}[{:.2f},{:d}]>".format( container_name, self.type_, self.address, self.on_fwd_strand)
-class Connection():
-    """ Abstract base class for connection between two elements """
-    def __init__(self, A, B, type_ = None):
-        assert( isinstance(A,Location) )
-        assert( isinstance(B,Location) )
-        self.A = A
-        self.B = B
-        self.type_ = type_
-    def other(self, location):
-        if location is self.A:
-            return self.B
-        elif location is self.B:
-            return self.A
-        else:
-            raise Exception("OutOfBoundsError")
-    def delete(self):
-        self.A.container.connections.remove(self)
-        if self.B.container is not self.A.container:
-            self.B.container.connections.remove(self)
-        self.A.connection = None
-        self.B.connection = None
-        self.A.type_ = "3prime" # TODO move specialization to inherited class
-        self.B.type_ = "5prime"
-        self.A = self.B = None
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<Connection {}--{}--{}]>".format( self.A, self.type_, self.B )
-# class ConnectableElement(Transformable):
-class ConnectableElement():
-    """ Abstract base class """
-    def __init__(self, connection_locations=None, connections=None):
-        if connection_locations is None: connection_locations = []
-        if connections is None: connections = []
-        ## TODO decide on names
-        self.locations = self.connection_locations = connection_locations
-        self.connections = connections
-    def get_locations(self, type_=None, exclude=()):
-        locs = [l for l in self.connection_locations if (type_ is None or l.type_ == type_) and l.type_ not in exclude]
-        counter = dict()
-        for l in locs:
-            if l in counter:
-                counter[l] += 1
-            else:
-                counter[l] = 1
-        assert( np.all( [counter[l] == 1 for l in locs] ) )
-        return locs
-    def get_location_at(self, address, on_fwd_strand=True, new_type=None):
-        loc = None
-        if (self.num_nt == 1):
-            # import pdb
-            # pdb.set_trace()
-            ## Assumes that intrahelical connections have been made before crossovers
-            for l in self.locations:
-                if l.on_fwd_strand == on_fwd_strand and l.connection is None:
-                    assert(loc is None)
-                    loc = l
-            # assert( loc is not None )
-        else:
-            for l in self.locations:
-                if l.address == address and l.on_fwd_strand == on_fwd_strand:
-                    assert(loc is None)
-                    loc = l
-        if loc is None and new_type is not None:
-            loc = Location( self, address=address, type_=new_type, on_fwd_strand=on_fwd_strand )
-        return loc
-    def get_connections_and_locations(self, connection_type=None, exclude=()):
-        """ Returns a list with each entry of the form:
-            connection, location_in_self, location_in_other """
-        type_ = connection_type
-        ret = []
-        for c in self.connections:
-            if (type_ is None or c.type_ == type_) and c.type_ not in exclude:
-                if   c.A.container is self:
-                    ret.append( [c, c.A, c.B] )
-                elif c.B.container is self:
-                    ret.append( [c, c.B, c.A] )
-                else:
-                    import pdb
-                    pdb.set_trace()
-                    raise Exception("Object contains connection that fails to refer to object")
-        return ret
-    def _connect(self, other, connection, in_3prime_direction=None):
-        ## TODO fix circular references        
-        A,B = [connection.A, connection.B]
-        if in_3prime_direction is not None:
-            A.is_3prime_side_of_connection = not in_3prime_direction
-            B.is_3prime_side_of_connection = in_3prime_direction
-        A.connection = B.connection = connection
-        self.connections.append(connection)
-        if other is not self:
-            other.connections.append(connection)
-        l = A.container.locations
-        if A not in l: l.append(A)
-        l = B.container.locations
-        if B not in l: l.append(B)
-    # def _find_connections(self, loc):
-    #     return [c for c in self.connections if c.A == loc or c.B == loc]
-class SegmentParticle(PointParticle):
-    def __init__(self, type_, position, name="A", **kwargs):
- = name
-        self.contour_position = None
-        PointParticle.__init__(self, type_, position, name=name, **kwargs)
-        self.intrahelical_neighbors = []
-        self.other_neighbors = []
-        self.locations = []
-    def get_intrahelical_above(self, all_types=True):
-        """ Returns bead directly above self """
-        # assert( len(self.intrahelical_neighbors) <= 2 )
-        for b in self.intrahelical_neighbors:
-            if b.get_contour_position(self.parent, self.contour_position) > self.contour_position:
-                if all_types or isinstance(b,type(self)):
-                    return b
-    def get_intrahelical_below(self, all_types=True):
-        """ Returns bead directly below self """
-        # assert( len(self.intrahelical_neighbors) <= 2 )
-        for b in self.intrahelical_neighbors:
-            if b.get_contour_position(self.parent, self.contour_position) < self.contour_position:
-                if all_types or isinstance(b,type(self)):
-                    return b
-    def _neighbor_should_be_added(self,b):
-        if type(self.parent) != type(b.parent):
-            return True
-        c1 = self.contour_position
-        c2 = b.get_contour_position(self.parent,c1)
-        if c2 < c1:
-            b0 = self.get_intrahelical_below()
-        else:
-            b0 = self.get_intrahelical_above()
-        if b0 is not None:            
-            c0 = b0.get_contour_position(self.parent,c1)
-            if np.abs(c2-c1) < np.abs(c0-c1):
-                ## remove b0
-                self.intrahelical_neighbors.remove(b0)
-                b0.intrahelical_neighbors.remove(self)
-                return True
-            else:
-                return False
-        return True
-    def make_intrahelical_neighbor(self,b):
-        add1 = self._neighbor_should_be_added(b)
-        add2 = b._neighbor_should_be_added(self)
-        if add1 and add2:
-            # assert(len(b.intrahelical_neighbors) <= 1)
-            # assert(len(self.intrahelical_neighbors) <= 1)
-            self.intrahelical_neighbors.append(b)
-            b.intrahelical_neighbors.append(self)
-    def conceptual_get_position(self, context):
-        """ 
-        context: object
-Q: does this function do too much?
-Danger of mixing return values
-Q: does context describe the system or present an argument?
-        """
-        ## Validate Inputs
-        ...
-        ## Algorithm
-        """
-context specifies:
-  - kind of output: real space, nt within segment, fraction of segment
-  - absolute or relative
-  - constraints: e.g. if passing through
-        """
-        """
-given context, provide the position
-        input
-    def get_nt_position(self, seg, near_address=None):
-        """ Returns the "address" of the nucleotide relative to seg in
-        nucleotides, taking the shortest (intrahelical) contour length route to seg
-        """
-        if seg == self.parent:
-            pos = self.contour_position
-        else:
-            pos = self.get_contour_position(seg,near_address)
-        return seg.contour_to_nt_pos(pos)
-    def get_contour_position(self,seg, address = None):
-        """ TODO: fix paradigm where a bead maps to exactly one location in a polymer
-        - One way: modify get_contour_position to take an optional argument that indicates where in the polymer you are looking from
-        """
-        if seg == self.parent:
-            return self.contour_position
-        else:
-            cutoff = 30*3
-            target_seg = seg
-            ## depth-first search
-            ## TODO cache distances to nearby locations?
-            def descend_search_tree(seg, contour_in_seg, distance=0, visited_segs=None):
-                nonlocal cutoff
-                if visited_segs is None: visited_segs = []
-                if seg == target_seg:
-                    # pdb.set_trace()
-                    ## Found a segment in our target
-                    sign = 1 if contour_in_seg == 1 else -1
-                    if sign == -1: assert( contour_in_seg == 0 )
-                    if distance < cutoff: # TODO: check if this does anything
-                        cutoff = distance
-                    return [[distance, contour_in_seg+sign*seg.nt_pos_to_contour(distance)]], [(seg, contour_in_seg, distance)]
-                if distance > cutoff:
-                    return None,None
-                ret_list = []
-                hist_list = []
-                ## Find intrahelical locations in seg that we might pass through
-                conn_locs = seg.get_connections_and_locations("intrahelical")
-                if isinstance(target_seg, SingleStrandedSegment):
-                    tmp = seg.get_connections_and_locations("sscrossover")
-                    conn_locs = conn_locs + list(filter(lambda x: x[2].container == target_seg, tmp))
-                for c,A,B in conn_locs:
-                    if B.container in visited_segs: continue
-                    dx = seg.contour_to_nt_pos( A.address, round_nt=False ) - seg.contour_to_nt_pos( contour_in_seg, round_nt=False)
-                    dx = np.abs(dx)
-                    results,history = descend_search_tree( B.container, B.address,
-                                                   distance+dx, visited_segs + [seg] )
-                    if results is not None:
-                        ret_list.extend( results )
-                        hist_list.extend( history )
-                return ret_list,hist_list
-            results,history = descend_search_tree(self.parent, self.contour_position)
-            if results is None or len(results) == 0:
-                raise Exception("Could not find location in segment") # TODO better error
-            if address is not None:
-                return sorted(results,key=lambda x:(x[0],(x[1]-address)**2))[0][1]
-            else:
-                return sorted(results,key=lambda x:x[0])[0][1]
-            # nt_pos = self.get_nt_position(seg)
-            # return seg.nt_pos_to_contour(nt_pos)
-    def combine(self, other):
-        assert(other in self.intrahelical_neighbors)
-        assert(self in other.intrahelical_neighbors)
-        self.intrahelical_neighbors.remove(other)
-        other.intrahelical_neighbors.remove(self)
-        for b in other.intrahelical_neighbors:
-            b.intrahelical_neighbors.remove(other)
-            b.intrahelical_neighbors.append(self)
-            self.intrahelical_neighbors.append(b)
-        for l in other.locations:
-            self.locations.append(l)
-            l.particle = self
-        ## Remove bead
-        other.parent.children.remove(other)
-        if other in other.parent.beads:
-            other.parent.beads.remove(other)
-        if 'orientation_bead' in other.__dict__:
-            other.parent.children.remove(other.orientation_bead)
-        for b in list(other.parent.bonds):
-            if other in b[:2]: other.parent.bonds.remove(b)
-    def update_position(self, contour_position):
-        self.contour_position = contour_position
-        self.position = self.parent.contour_to_position(contour_position)
-        if 'orientation_bead' in self.__dict__:
-            o = self.orientation_bead
-            o.contour_position = contour_position
-            orientation = self.parent.contour_to_orientation(contour_position)
-            if orientation is None:
-                print("WARNING: local_twist is True, but orientation is None; using identity")
-                orientation = np.eye(3)
-            o.position = self.position + np.array((Segment.orientation_bond.r0,0,0)) )
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<SegmentParticle {} on {}[{:.2f}]>".format(, self.parent, self.contour_position)
-## TODO break this class into smaller, better encapsulated pieces
-class Segment(ConnectableElement, Group):
-    """ Base class that describes a segment of DNA. When built from
-    cadnano models, should not span helices """
-    """Define basic particle types"""
-    dsDNA_particle = ParticleType("D",
-                                  diffusivity = 43.5,
-                                  mass = 300,
-                                  radius = 3,                 
-                              )
-    orientation_particle = ParticleType("O",
-                                        diffusivity = 100,
-                                        mass = 300,
-                                        radius = 1,
-                                    )
-    # orientation_bond = HarmonicBond(10,2)
-    orientation_bond = HarmonicBond(30,1.5, rRange = (0,500) )
-    ssDNA_particle = ParticleType("S",
-                                  diffusivity = 43.5,
-                                  mass = 150,
-                                  radius = 3,                 
-                              )
-    def __init__(self, name, num_nt, 
-                 start_position = None,
-                 end_position = None, 
-                 segment_model = None,
-                 resolution = None,
-                 **kwargs):
-        if start_position is None: start_position = np.array((0,0,0))
-        Group.__init__(self, name, children=[], **kwargs)
-        ConnectableElement.__init__(self, connection_locations=[], connections=[])
-        if 'segname' not in kwargs:
-            self.segname = name
-        # self.resname = name
-        self.start_orientation = None
-        self.twist_per_nt = 0
-        self.beads = [c for c in self.children] # self.beads will not contain orientation beads
-        self._bead_model_generation = 0    # TODO: remove?
-        self.segment_model = segment_model # TODO: remove?
-        self.resolution = resolution
-        self.strand_pieces = dict()
-        for d in ('fwd','rev'):
-            self.strand_pieces[d] = []
-        self.num_nt = int(num_nt)
-        if end_position is None:
-            end_position = np.array((0,0,self.distance_per_nt*num_nt)) + start_position
-        self.start_position = start_position
-        self.end_position = end_position
-        ## Used to assign cadnano names to beads
-        self._generate_bead_callbacks = []
-        self._generate_nucleotide_callbacks = []
-        ## Set up interpolation for positions
-        self._set_splines_from_ends()
-        self.sequence = None
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<{} {}[{:d}]>".format( str(type(self)).split('.')[-1],, self.num_nt )
-    def set_splines(self, contours, coords):
-        tck, u = interpolate.splprep( coords.T, u=contours, s=0, k=1)
-        self.position_spline_params = (tck,u)
-    def set_orientation_splines(self, contours, quaternions):
-        tck, u = interpolate.splprep( quaternions.T, u=contours, s=0, k=1)
-        self.quaternion_spline_params = (tck,u)
-    def get_center(self):
-        tck, u = self.position_spline_params
-        return np.mean(self.contour_to_position(u), axis=0)
-    def get_bounding_box( self, num_points=3 ):
-        positions = np.zeros( (num_points, 3) )
-        i = 0
-        for c in np.linspace(0,1,num_points):
-            positions[i] = self.contour_to_position(c)
-            i += 1
-        min_ = np.array([np.min(positions[:,i]) for i in range(3)])
-        max_ = np.array([np.max(positions[:,i]) for i in range(3)])
-        return min_,max_
-    def get_location_at_nt(self, nt, on_fwd_strand=True, new_type=None):
-        a = self.nt_pos_to_contour(nt)
-        return self.get_location_at(a, on_fwd_strand, new_type)
-    def _get_location_positions(self):
-        return [self.contour_to_nt_pos(l.address) for l in self.locations]
-    def insert_dna(self, at_nt: int, num_nt: int, seq=tuple()):
-        assert(np.isclose(np.around(num_nt),num_nt))
-        if at_nt < 0:
-            raise ValueError("Attempted to insert DNA into {} at a negative location".format(self))
-        if at_nt > self.num_nt-1:
-            raise ValueError("Attempted to insert DNA into {} at beyond the end of the Segment".format(self))
-        if num_nt < 0:
-            raise ValueError("Attempted to insert DNA a negative amount of DNA into {}".format(self))
-        num_nt = np.around(num_nt)
-        nt_positions = self._get_location_positions()
-        new_nt_positions = [p if p <= at_nt else p+num_nt for p in nt_positions]
-        ## TODO: handle sequence
-        self.num_nt = self.num_nt+num_nt
-        for l,p in zip(self.locations, new_nt_positions):
-            l.address = self.nt_pos_to_contour(p)
-    def remove_dna(self, first_nt:int, last_nt:int, remove_locations:bool = False):
-        """ Removes nucleotides between first_nt and last_nt, inclusive """
-        assert(np.isclose(np.around(first_nt),first_nt))
-        assert(np.isclose(np.around(last_nt),last_nt))
-        tmp = min((first_nt,last_nt))
-        last_nt = max((first_nt,last_nt))
-        fist_nt = tmp
-        ## Sanity check
-        for l in self.locations:
-            nt = self.contour_to_nt_pos(l.address)
-            if not (np.isclose(nt,int(np.round(nt))) or l.address in (0,1)):
-                raise Exception
-            l.old_address = (l.address, self.num_nt)
-        if first_nt < 0 or first_nt > self.num_nt-2:
-            raise ValueError("Attempted to remove DNA from {} starting at an invalid location {}".format(self, first_nt))
-        if last_nt < 1 or last_nt > self.num_nt-1:
-            raise ValueError("Attempted to remove DNA from {} ending at an invalid location {}".format(self, last_nt))
-        if first_nt == last_nt:
-            return
-        def _transform_contour_positions(contours, locations = None):
-            nt = self.contour_to_nt_pos(contours)
-            first = first_nt if first_nt > 0 else -np.inf
-            last = last_nt if last_nt < self.num_nt-1 else np.inf
-            bad_ids = (nt >= first-0.5) * (nt <= last+0.5)
-            nt[nt>last] = nt[nt>last]-removed_nt
-            nt[bad_ids] = np.nan
-            # if locations is not None:
-            #     for i in np.where(nt == 0):
-            #         l = locations[i]
-            #         l.
-            return self.nt_pos_to_contour(nt)* self.num_nt/num_nt
-        first_nt = np.around(first_nt)
-        last_nt = np.around(last_nt)
-        removed_nt = last_nt-first_nt+1
-        num_nt = self.num_nt-removed_nt
-        c = np.array([l.address for l in self.locations])
-        new_c = _transform_contour_positions(c)
-        if np.any(np.isnan(new_c)) and not remove_locations:
-            raise Exception("Attempted to remove DNA containing locations from {} between {} and {}".format(self,first_nt,last_nt))
-        ## get locations at ends 
-        end_locs = [self.get_location_at( nt, is_fwd )
-                    for nt in (first_nt, last_nt) for is_fwd in (True,False)]
-        # print("Removing DNA:",first_nt,last_nt, self.num_nt, removed_nt)
-        # print(end_locs)
-        # print([l.connection for l in end_locs])
-        for l,v in zip(list(self.locations),new_c):
-            if np.isnan(v):
-                l.delete()
-            else:
-                if l.address not in (0,1):
-                    # print("  Updating loc:", l.address, v, self.contour_to_nt_pos(l.address), v*num_nt-0.5 )
-                    l.address = v
-                else:
-                    idx = int((l.address == 1)*2 + l.on_fwd_strand)
-                    if end_locs[idx] is not None and l is not end_locs[idx]:
-                        l.delete()
-        assert( len(self.locations) == np.logical_not(np.isnan(new_c)).sum() )
-        tmp_nt = np.array([l.address*num_nt+0.5 for l in self.locations])
-        assert(np.all( (tmp_nt < 1) + (tmp_nt > num_nt-1) + np.isclose((np.round(tmp_nt) - tmp_nt), 0) ))
-        if self.sequence is not None and len(self.sequence) == self.num_nt:
-            self.sequence = [s for s,i in zip(self.sequence,range(self.num_nt)) 
-                                if i < first_nt or i > last_nt]
-            assert( len(self.sequence) == num_nt )
-        ## Rescale splines
-        def _rescale_splines(u, get_coord_function, set_spline_function):
-            new_u = _transform_contour_positions(u)
-            ids = np.logical_not(np.isnan(new_u))
-            new_u = new_u[ids]
-            new_p = get_coord_function(u[ids])
-            set_spline_function( new_u, new_p )
-        # u = self.position_spline_params[1]
-        u = np.linspace(0,1,self.num_nt*2+2)
-        _rescale_splines(u,
-                         self.contour_to_position,
-                         self.set_splines)
-        if self.quaternion_spline_params is not None:
-            def _contour_to_quaternion(contours):
-                os = [self.contour_to_orientation(c) for c in contours]
-                qs = [quaternion_from_matrix( o ) for o in os]
-                return np.array(qs)
-            # u = self.quaternion_spline_params[1],
-            _rescale_splines(u,
-                             _contour_to_quaternion,
-                             self.set_orientation_splines)
-        if '_cadnano_bp_to_zidx' in self.__dict__:
-            assert( len(self._cadnano_bp_to_zidx) == self.num_nt )
-            self._cadnano_bp_to_zidx = self._cadnano_bp_to_zidx[:first_nt] + self._cadnano_bp_to_zidx[last_nt+1:]
-            assert( len(self._cadnano_bp_to_zidx) == num_nt )
-        self.num_nt = num_nt
-        ## Sanity check
-        for l in self.locations:
-            nt = self.contour_to_nt_pos(l.address)
-            if not (np.isclose(nt,int(np.round(nt))) or l.address in (0,1)):
-                raise Exception
-    def delete(self):
-        for c,loc,other in self.get_connections_and_locations():
-            c.delete()
-        self.parent.segments.remove(self)
-    def __filter_contours(contours, positions, position_filter, contour_filter):
-        u = contours
-        r = positions
-        ## Filter
-        ids = list(range(len(u)))
-        if contour_filter is not None:
-            ids = list(filter(lambda i: contour_filter(u[i]), ids))
-        if position_filter is not None:
-            ids = list(filter(lambda i: position_filter(r[i,:]), ids))
-        return ids
-    def translate(self, translation_vector, position_filter=None, contour_filter=None):
-        dr = np.array(translation_vector)
-        tck, u = self.position_spline_params
-        r = self.contour_to_position(u)
-        ids = Segment.__filter_contours(u, r, position_filter, contour_filter)
-        if len(ids) == 0: return
-        ## Translate
-        r[ids,:] = r[ids,:] + dr[np.newaxis,:]
-        self.set_splines(u,r)
-    def rotate(self, rotation_matrix, about=None, position_filter=None, contour_filter=None):
-        tck, u = self.position_spline_params
-        r = self.contour_to_position(u)
-        ids = Segment.__filter_contours(u, r, position_filter, contour_filter)
-        if len(ids) == 0: return
-        if about is None:
-            ## TODO: do this more efficiently
-            r[ids,:] = np.array([[i,:]) for i in ids])
-        else:
-            dr = np.array(about)
-            ## TODO: do this more efficiently
-            r[ids,:] = np.array([[i,:]-dr) + dr for i in ids])
-        self.set_splines(u,r)
-        if self.quaternion_spline_params is not None:
-            ## TODO: performance: don't shift between quaternion and matrix representations so much
-            tck, u = self.quaternion_spline_params
-            orientations = np.array([self.contour_to_orientation(v) for v in u])
-            for i in ids:
-                orientations[i,:] =[i])
-            quats = np.array([quaternion_from_matrix(o) for o in orientations])
-            self.set_orientation_splines(u, quats)
-    def _set_splines_from_ends(self, resolution=4):
-        self.quaternion_spline_params = None
-        r0 = np.array(self.start_position)[np.newaxis,:]
-        r1 = np.array(self.end_position)[np.newaxis,:]
-        u = np.linspace(0,1, max(3,self.num_nt//int(resolution)))
-        s = u[:,np.newaxis]
-        coords = (1-s)*r0 + s*r1
-        self.set_splines(u, coords)
-    def clear_all(self):
-        Group.clear_all(self)  # TODO: use super?
-        self.beads = []
-        # for c,loc,other in self.get_connections_and_locations():
-        #     loc.particle = None
-        #     other.particle = None
-        for l in self.locations:
-            l.particle = None
-    def contour_to_nt_pos(self, contour_pos, round_nt=False):
-        nt = contour_pos*(self.num_nt) - 0.5
-        if round_nt:
-            # assert( np.isclose(np.around(nt),nt) and contour_pos not in (0,1)  )
-            if contour_pos == 0:
-                nt = 0
-            elif contour_pos == 1:
-                nt = self.num_nt-1
-            else:
-                assert( np.isclose(np.around(nt),nt) )
-                nt = np.around(nt)
-        return nt
-    def nt_pos_to_contour(self,nt_pos):
-        return (nt_pos+0.5)/(self.num_nt)
-    def contour_to_position(self,s):
-        p = interpolate.splev( s, self.position_spline_params[0] )
-        if len(p) > 1: p = np.array(p).T
-        return p
-    def contour_to_tangent(self,s):
-        t = interpolate.splev( s, self.position_spline_params[0], der=1 )
-        t = (t / np.linalg.norm(t,axis=0))
-        return t.T
-    def contour_to_orientation(self,s):
-        assert( isinstance(s,float) or isinstance(s,int) or len(s) == 1 )   # TODO make vectorized version
-        if self.quaternion_spline_params is None:
-            axis = self.contour_to_tangent(s)
-            axis = axis / np.linalg.norm(axis)
-            rotAxis = np.cross(axis,np.array((0,0,1)))
-            rotAxisL = np.linalg.norm(rotAxis)
-            zAxis = np.array((0,0,1))
-            if rotAxisL > 0.001:
-                theta = np.arcsin(rotAxisL) * 180/np.pi
-                if < 0: theta = 180-theta
-                orientation0 = rotationAboutAxis( rotAxis/rotAxisL, theta, normalizeAxis=False ).T
-            else:
-                orientation0 = np.eye(3) if > 0 else \
-                               rotationAboutAxis( np.array((1,0,0)), 180, normalizeAxis=False )
-            if self.start_orientation is not None:
-                orientation0 =
-            orientation = rotationAboutAxis( axis, self.twist_per_nt*self.contour_to_nt_pos(s), normalizeAxis=False )
-            orientation =
-        else:
-            q = interpolate.splev( s, self.quaternion_spline_params[0] )
-            if len(q) > 1: q = np.array(q).T # TODO: is this needed?
-            orientation = quaternion_to_matrix(q)
-        return orientation
-    def _ntpos_to_seg_and_ntpos(self, nt_pos, is_fwd=True, visited_segs=tuple()):
-        """ Cross intrahelical to obtain a tuple of the segment nucleotide position """
-        """ TODO: This function could perhaps replace parts of SegmentParticle.get_contour_position """
-        if nt_pos >= 0 and nt_pos < self.num_nt:
-            return (self,nt_pos,is_fwd)
-        else:
-            try:
-                c,A,B = self.get_contour_sorted_connections_and_locations(type_='intrahelical')[0 if nt_pos < 0 else -1]
-            except:
-                return None
-            ## Special logic for circular segments
-            assert(A.container == self)
-            if A.container == B.container:
-                if (nt_pos < 0 and A.address > B.address) or (nt_pos >= self.num_nt and A.address < B.address):
-                    A,B = (B,A)
-            other_seg = B.container
-            if A.address == (0 if nt_pos < 0 else 1) and other_seg not in visited_segs:
-                ## Cross the crossover
-                other_pos = (nt_pos-self.num_nt) if nt_pos >= self.num_nt else -nt_pos-1
-                if B.address > 0.5:
-                    other_pos = (other_seg.num_nt-1) - other_pos
-                other_fwd = not is_fwd if A.address == B.address else is_fwd
-                return other_seg._ntpos_to_seg_and_ntpos(other_pos, other_fwd,
-                                                         list(visited_segs)+[self])
-            else:
-                ## Could not find a path to nt_pos
-                return None
-        assert(False)
-    def get_contour_sorted_connections_and_locations(self,type_):
-        sort_fn = lambda c: c[1].address
-        cl = self.get_connections_and_locations(type_)
-        return sorted(cl, key=sort_fn)
-    def randomize_unset_sequence(self):
-        bases = list(seqComplement.keys())
-        # bases = ['T']        ## FOR DEBUG
-        if self.sequence is None:
-            self.sequence = [random.choice(bases) for i in range(self.num_nt)]
-        else:
-            assert(len(self.sequence) == self.num_nt) # TODO move
-            for i in range(len(self.sequence)):
-                if self.sequence[i] is None:
-                    self.sequence[i] = random.choice(bases)
-    def assign_unset_sequence(self, fill_sequence='T'):
-        if fill_sequence == 'random':
-            self.randomize_unset_sequence()
-        elif fill_sequence in 'A T C G'.split():
-            if self.sequence is None:
-                self.sequence = [fill_sequence]*self.num_nt
-            else:
-                assert(len(self.sequence) == self.num_nt) # TODO move
-                for i in range(len(self.sequence)):
-                    if self.sequence[i] in (None,'?'):
-                        self.sequence[i] = 'T'
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("'fill_sequence' parameter must be one of 'random' 'A' 'T' 'C' or 'G'.")
-    def _get_num_beads(self, max_basepairs_per_bead, max_nucleotides_per_bead ):
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def _generate_one_bead(self, contour_position, nts):
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def _generate_atomic_nucleotide(self, contour_position, is_fwd, seq, scale, strand_segment):
-        """ Seq should include modifications like 5T, T3 Tsinglet; direction matters too """
-        # print("Generating nucleotide at {}".format(contour_position))
-        pos = self.contour_to_position(contour_position)
-        orientation = self.contour_to_orientation(contour_position)
-        """ deleteme
-        ## TODO: move this code (?)
-        if orientation is None:
-            import pdb
-            pdb.set_trace()
-            axis = self.contour_to_tangent(contour_position)
-            angleVec = np.array([1,0,0])
-            if > 0.9: angleVec = np.array([0,1,0])
-            angleVec = angleVec -*axis
-            angleVec = angleVec/np.linalg.norm(angleVec)
-            y = np.cross(axis,angleVec)
-            orientation = np.array([angleVec,y,axis]).T
-            ## TODO: improve placement of ssDNA
-            # rot = rotationAboutAxis( axis, contour_position*self.twist_per_nt*self.num_nt, normalizeAxis=True )
-            # orientation =
-        else:
-            orientation = orientation                            
-        """
-        key = seq
-        nt_dict = canonicalNtFwd if is_fwd else canonicalNtRev
-        atoms = nt_dict[ key ].generate() # TODO: clone?
-        atoms.orientation =
-        if isinstance(self, SingleStrandedSegment):
-            if scale is not None and scale != 1:
-                for a in atoms:
-                    a.position = scale*a.position
-            atoms.position = pos - atoms.atoms_by_name["C1'"].collapsedPosition()
-        else:
-            if scale is not None and scale != 1:
-                if atoms.sequence in ("A","G"):
-                    r0 = atoms.atoms_by_name["N9"].position
-                else:
-                    r0 = atoms.atoms_by_name["N1"].position
-                for a in atoms:
-                    if[-1] in ("'","P","T"):
-                        a.position = scale*(a.position-r0) + r0
-                    else:
-                        a.fixed = 1
-            atoms.position = pos
-        atoms.contour_position = contour_position
-        strand_segment.add(atoms)
-        for callback in self._generate_nucleotide_callbacks:
-            callback(atoms)
-        return atoms
-    def _generate_oxdna_nucleotide(self, contour_position, is_fwd, seq):
-        bp_center = self.contour_to_position(contour_position)
-        orientation = self.contour_to_orientation(contour_position)
-        DefaultOrientation = rotationAboutAxis([0,0,1], 90)
-        if is_fwd: 
-            DefaultOrientation = rotationAboutAxis([1,0,0], 180).dot(DefaultOrientation)
-        o =
-        if isinstance(self, SingleStrandedSegment):
-            pos = bp_center
-        else:
-            pos = bp_center - 5*,0,0)))
-        nt = PointParticle("oxdna_nt", position= pos,
-                             orientation = o)
-        nt.contour_position = contour_position
-        return nt
-    def add_location(self, nt, type_, on_fwd_strand=True):
-        ## Create location if needed, add to segment
-        c = self.nt_pos_to_contour(nt)
-        assert(c >= 0 and c <= 1)
-        # TODO? loc = self.Location( address=c, type_=type_, on_fwd_strand=is_fwd )
-        loc = Location( self, address=c, type_=type_, on_fwd_strand=on_fwd_strand )
-        self.locations.append(loc)
-    ## TODO? Replace with abstract strand-based model?
-    def add_nick(self, nt, on_fwd_strand=True):
-        if on_fwd_strand:
-            self.add_3prime(nt,on_fwd_strand)
-            self.add_5prime(nt+1,on_fwd_strand)
-        else:
-            self.add_5prime(nt,on_fwd_strand)
-            self.add_3prime(nt+1,on_fwd_strand)
-    def add_5prime(self, nt, on_fwd_strand=True):
-        if isinstance(self,SingleStrandedSegment):
-            on_fwd_strand = True
-        self.add_location(nt,"5prime",on_fwd_strand)
-    def add_3prime(self, nt, on_fwd_strand=True):
-        if isinstance(self,SingleStrandedSegment):
-            on_fwd_strand = True
-        self.add_location(nt,"3prime",on_fwd_strand)
-    ## Real work
-    def _connect_ends(self, end1, end2, type_, force_connection=False):
-        debug = False
-        ## TODO remove self?
-        ## validate the input
-        for end in (end1, end2):
-            assert( isinstance(end, Location) )
-            assert( end.type_ in ("end3","end5",'3prime','5prime') )
-        assert( end1.type_ != end2.type_ )
-        if ((isinstance(end1.container, SingleStrandedSegment) and
-             isinstance(end2.container, DoubleStrandedSegment)) or
-            (isinstance(end1.container, DoubleStrandedSegment) and
-             isinstance(end1.container, SingleStrandedSegment))):
-            type_ = 'sscrossover'
-        ## Remove other connections involving these points
-        if end1.connection is not None:
-            if debug: print("WARNING: reconnecting {}".format(end1))
-            end1.connection.delete()
-        if end2.connection is not None:
-            if debug: print("WARNING: reconnecting {}".format(end2))
-            end2.connection.delete()
-        ## Create and add connection
-        if end2.type_ == "end5":
-            end1.container._connect( end2.container, Connection( end1, end2, type_=type_ ), in_3prime_direction=True )
-        else:
-            end2.container._connect( end1.container, Connection( end2, end1, type_=type_ ), in_3prime_direction=True )
-    def get_3prime_locations(self):
-        return sorted(self.get_locations("3prime"),key=lambda x: x.address)
-    def get_5prime_locations(self):
-        ## TODO? ensure that data is consistent before _build_model calls
-        return sorted(self.get_locations("5prime"),key=lambda x: x.address)
-    def get_blunt_DNA_ends(self):
-        if isinstance(self, SingleStrandedSegment): return []
-        ret = []
-        cl = self.get_connections_and_locations("intrahelical")
-        if not any([c[1].address == 0 for c in cl]):
-            ret.append((self.start5,self.start3,-1))
-        if not any([c[1].address == 1 for c in cl]):
-            ret.append((self.end5,self.end3,1))
-        # return [c for c in cl if c[1].address == 0 or c[1].address == 1]
-        return ret
-    def iterate_connections_and_locations(self, reverse=False):
-        ## connections to other segments
-        cl = self.get_contour_sorted_connections_and_locations()
-        if reverse:
-            cl = cl[::-1]
-        for c in cl:
-            yield c
-    ## TODO rename
-    def _add_strand_piece(self, strand_piece):
-        """ Registers a strand segment within this object """
-        ## TODO use weakref
-        d = 'fwd' if strand_piece.is_fwd else 'rev'
-        ## Validate strand_piece (ensure no clashes)
-        for s in self.strand_pieces[d]:
-            l,h = sorted((s.start,s.end))
-            for value in (strand_piece.start,strand_piece.end):
-                if value >= l and value <= h:
-                    raise Exception("Strand piece already exists! DNA may be circular.")
-        ## Add strand_piece in correct order
-        self.strand_pieces[d].append(strand_piece)
-        self.strand_pieces[d] = sorted(self.strand_pieces[d],
-                                       key = lambda x: x.start)
-    ## TODO rename
-    def get_strand_segment(self, nt_pos, is_fwd, move_at_least=0.5):
-        """ Walks through locations, checking for crossovers """
-        # if in ("6-1","1-1"):
-        #     import pdb
-        #     pdb.set_trace()
-        move_at_least = 0
-        ## Iterate through locations
-        # locations = sorted(self.locations, key=lambda l:(l.address,not l.on_fwd_strand), reverse=(not is_fwd))
-        def loc_rank(l):
-            nt = l.get_nt_pos()
-            ## optionally add logic about type of connection
-            return (nt, not l.on_fwd_strand)
-        # locations = sorted(self.locations, key=lambda l:(l.address,not l.on_fwd_strand), reverse=(not is_fwd))
-        locations = sorted(self.locations, key=loc_rank, reverse=(not is_fwd))
-        # print(locations)
-        for l in locations:
-            # TODOTODO probably okay
-            if l.address == 0:
-                pos = 0.0
-            elif l.address == 1:
-                pos = self.num_nt-1
-            else:
-                pos = self.contour_to_nt_pos(l.address, round_nt=True)
-            ## DEBUG
-            ## Skip locations encountered before our strand
-            # tol = 0.1
-            # if is_fwd:
-            #     if pos-nt_pos <= tol: continue 
-            # elif   nt_pos-pos <= tol: continue
-            if (pos-nt_pos)*(2*is_fwd-1) < move_at_least: continue
-            ## TODO: remove move_at_least
-            if np.isclose(pos,nt_pos):
-                if l.is_3prime_side_of_connection: continue
-            ## Stop if we found the 3prime end
-            if l.on_fwd_strand == is_fwd and l.type_ == "3prime" and l.connection is None:
-                if _DEBUG_TRACE:
-                    print("  found end at",l)
-                return pos, None, None, None, None
-            ## Check location connections
-            c = l.connection
-            if c is None: continue
-            B = c.other(l)            
-            ## Found a location on the same strand?
-            if l.on_fwd_strand == is_fwd:
-                if _DEBUG_TRACE:
-                    print("  passing through",l)
-                    print("from {}, connection {} to {}".format(nt_pos,l,B))
-                Bpos = B.get_nt_pos()
-                return pos, B.container, Bpos, B.on_fwd_strand, 0.5
-            ## Stop at other strand crossovers so basepairs line up
-            elif c.type_ == "crossover":
-                if nt_pos == pos: continue
-                if _DEBUG_TRACE:
-                    print("  pausing at",l)
-                return pos, l.container, pos+(2*is_fwd-1), is_fwd, 0
-        raise Exception("Shouldn't be here")
-        # print("Shouldn't be here")
-        ## Made it to the end of the segment without finding a connection
-        return 1*is_fwd, None, None, None
-    def get_nearest_bead(self, contour_position):
-        if len(self.beads) < 1: return None
-        cs = np.array([b.contour_position for b in self.beads]) # TODO: cache
-        # TODO: include beads in connections?
-        i = np.argmin((cs - contour_position)**2)
-        return self.beads[i]
-    def _get_atomic_nucleotide(self, nucleotide_idx, is_fwd=True):
-        d = 'fwd' if is_fwd else 'rev'
-        for s in self.strand_pieces[d]:
-            try:
-                return s.get_nucleotide(nucleotide_idx)
-            except:
-                pass
-        raise Exception("Could not find nucleotide in {} at {}.{}".format( self, nucleotide_idx, d ))
-    def get_all_consecutive_beads(self, number):
-        assert(number >= 1)
-        ## Assume that consecutive beads in self.beads are bonded
-        ret = []
-        for i in range(len(self.beads)-number+1):
-            tmp = [self.beads[i+j] for j in range(0,number)]
-            ret.append( tmp )
-        return ret   
-    def _add_bead(self,b):
-        # assert(b.parent is None)
-        if b.parent is not None:
-            b.parent.children.remove(b)
-        self.add(b)
-        self.beads.append(b) # don't add orientation bead
-        if "orientation_bead" in b.__dict__: # TODO: think of a cleaner approach
-            o = b.orientation_bead
-            o.contour_position = b.contour_position
-            if o.parent is not None:
-                o.parent.children.remove(o)
-            self.add(o)
-            self.add_bond(b,o, Segment.orientation_bond, exclude=True)
-    def _rebuild_children(self, new_children):
-        # print("_rebuild_children on %s" %
-        old_children = self.children
-        old_beads = self.beads
-        self.children = []
-        self.beads = []
-        if True:
-            ## TODO: remove this if duplicates are never found 
-            # print("Searching for duplicate particles...")
-            ## Remove duplicates, preserving order
-            tmp = []
-            for c in new_children:
-                if c not in tmp:
-                    tmp.append(c)
-                else:
-                    print("  DUPLICATE PARTICLE FOUND!")
-            new_children = tmp
-        for b in new_children:
-            self.beads.append(b)
-            self.children.append(b)
-            if "orientation_bead" in b.__dict__: # TODO: think of a cleaner approach
-                self.children.append(b.orientation_bead)
-        # tmp = [c for c in self.children if c not in old_children]
-        # assert(len(tmp) == 0)
-        # tmp = [c for c in old_children if c not in self.children]
-        # assert(len(tmp) == 0)
-        assert(len(old_children) == len(self.children))
-        assert(len(old_beads) == len(self.beads))
-    def _generate_beads(self, bead_model, max_basepairs_per_bead, max_nucleotides_per_bead, one_bead_per_monomer=False):
-        """ Generate beads (positions, types, etc) and bonds, angles, dihedrals, exclusions """
-        ## TODO: decide whether to remove bead_model argument
-        ##       (currently unused)
-        if self.resolution is not None:
-            max_basepairs_per_bead = max_nucleotides_per_bead = self.resolution
-        tmp_children = []
-        if one_bead_per_monomer:
-            last = None
-            for i in range(self.num_nt):
-                s = self.nt_pos_to_contour(i)
-                b = self._generate_one_bead(s,1)
-                if last is not None:
-                    last.make_intrahelical_neighbor(b)
-                last = b
-                tmp_children.append(b)
-        else:
-            ## First find points between-which beads must be generated
-            # conn_locs = self.get_contour_sorted_connections_and_locations()
-            # locs = [A for c,A,B in conn_locs]
-            # existing_beads = [l.particle for l in locs if l.particle is not None]
-            # if == "S001":
-            #     pdb.set_trace()
-            # pdb.set_trace()
-            existing_beads0 = { (l.particle, l.particle.get_contour_position(self,l.address))
-                                for l in self.locations if l.particle is not None }
-            existing_beads = sorted( list(existing_beads0), key=lambda bc: bc[1] )
-            # if self.num_nt == 1 and all([l.particle is not None for l in self.locations]):
-            #     pdb.set_trace()
-            #     return
-            for b,c in existing_beads:
-                assert(b.parent is not None)
-            ## Add ends if they don't exist yet
-            ## TODOTODO: test 1 nt segments?
-            if len(existing_beads) == 0 or (existing_beads[0][0].get_nt_position(self,0) >= 0.5 and 'is_circular_bead' not in existing_beads[0][0].__dict__):
-                # if len(existing_beads) > 0:            
-                #     assert(existing_beads[0].get_nt_position(self) >= 0.5)
-                c = self.nt_pos_to_contour(0)
-                if self.num_nt == 1: c -= 0.4
-                b = self._generate_one_bead(c, 0)
-                existing_beads = [(b,0)] + existing_beads
-            if (existing_beads[-1][0].get_nt_position(self,1)-(self.num_nt-1) < -0.5 and 'is_circular_bead' not in existing_beads[0][0].__dict__) or len(existing_beads)==1:
-                c = self.nt_pos_to_contour(self.num_nt-1)
-                if self.num_nt == 1: c += 0.4
-                b = self._generate_one_bead(c, 0)
-                existing_beads.append( (b,1) )
-            assert(len(existing_beads) > 1)
-            ## Walk through existing_beads, add beads between
-            last = None
-            for I in range(len(existing_beads)-1):
-                eb1,eb2 = [existing_beads[i][0] for i in (I,I+1)]
-                ec1,ec2 = [existing_beads[i][1] for i in (I,I+1)]
-                assert( (eb1,ec1) is not (eb2,ec2) )
-                # if np.isclose(eb1.position[2], eb2.position[2]):
-                #     import pdb
-                #     pdb.set_trace()
-                # print(" %s working on %d to %d" % (, eb1.position[2], eb2.position[2]))
-                e_ds = ec2-ec1
-                num_beads = self._get_num_beads( e_ds, max_basepairs_per_bead, max_nucleotides_per_bead )
-                ## Ensure there is a ssDNA bead between dsDNA beads
-                if num_beads == 0 and isinstance(self,SingleStrandedSegment) and isinstance(eb1.parent,DoubleStrandedSegment) and isinstance(eb2.parent,DoubleStrandedSegment):
-                    num_beads = 1
-                ## TODO similarly ensure there is a dsDNA bead between ssDNA beads
-                ds = e_ds / (num_beads+1)
-                nts = ds*self.num_nt
-                eb1.num_nt += 0.5*nts
-                eb2.num_nt += 0.5*nts
-                ## Add beads
-                if eb1.parent == self:
-                    tmp_children.append(eb1)
-                s0 = ec1
-                if last is not None:
-                    last.make_intrahelical_neighbor(eb1)
-                last = eb1
-                for j in range(num_beads):
-                    s = ds*(j+1) + s0
-                    # if in ("51-2","51-3"):
-                    # if in ("31-2",):
-                    #     print(" adding bead at {}".format(s))
-                    b = self._generate_one_bead(s,nts)
-                    last.make_intrahelical_neighbor(b)
-                    last = b
-                    tmp_children.append(b)
-            last.make_intrahelical_neighbor(eb2)
-            if eb2.parent == self:
-                tmp_children.append(eb2)
-        # if in ("31-2",):
-        #     pdb.set_trace()
-        self._rebuild_children(tmp_children)
-        for callback in self._generate_bead_callbacks:
-            callback(self)
-    def _regenerate_beads(self, max_nts_per_bead=4, ):
-        ...
-class DoubleStrandedSegment(Segment):
-    """ Class that describes a segment of ssDNA. When built from
-    cadnano models, should not span helices """
-    def __init__(self, name, num_bp, start_position = np.array((0,0,0)),
-                 end_position = None, 
-                 segment_model = None,
-                 local_twist = False,
-                 num_turns = None,
-                 start_orientation = None,
-                 twist_persistence_length = 90,
-                 persistence_length = 50,
-                 **kwargs):
-        self.helical_rise = 10.44
-        self.distance_per_nt = 3.4
-        Segment.__init__(self, name, num_bp,
-                         start_position,
-                         end_position, 
-                         segment_model,
-                         **kwargs)
-        self.num_bp = self.num_nt
-        self.local_twist = local_twist
-        if num_turns is None:
-            num_turns = float(num_bp) / self.helical_rise
-        self.twist_per_nt = float(360 * num_turns) / num_bp
-        if start_orientation is None:
-            start_orientation = np.eye(3) # np.array(((1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1)))
-        self.start_orientation = start_orientation
-        self.twist_persistence_length = twist_persistence_length
-        self.persistence_length = persistence_length
-        self.nicks = []
-        self.start = self.start5 = Location( self, address=0, type_= "end5" )
-        self.start3 = Location( self, address=0, type_ = "end3", on_fwd_strand=False )
-        self.end = self.end3 = Location( self, address=1, type_ = "end3" )
-        self.end5 = Location( self, address=1, type_= "end5", on_fwd_strand=False )
-        # for l in (self.start5,self.start3,self.end3,self.end5):
-        #     self.locations.append(l)
-        ## TODO: initialize sensible spline for orientation
-    ## Convenience methods
-    ## TODO: add errors if unrealistic connections are made
-    ## TODO: make connections automatically between unconnected strands
-    def connect_start5(self, end3, type_="intrahelical", force_connection=False):
-        if isinstance(end3, SingleStrandedSegment):
-            end3 = end3.end3
-        self._connect_ends( self.start5, end3, type_, force_connection = force_connection )
-    def connect_start3(self, end5, type_="intrahelical", force_connection=False):
-        if isinstance(end5, SingleStrandedSegment):
-            end5 = end5.start5
-        self._connect_ends( self.start3, end5, type_, force_connection = force_connection )
-    def connect_end3(self, end5, type_="intrahelical", force_connection=False):
-        if isinstance(end5, SingleStrandedSegment):
-            end5 = end5.start5
-        self._connect_ends( self.end3, end5, type_, force_connection = force_connection )
-    def connect_end5(self, end3, type_="intrahelical", force_connection=False):
-        if isinstance(end3, SingleStrandedSegment):
-            end3 = end3.end3
-        self._connect_ends( self.end5, end3, type_, force_connection = force_connection )
-    def add_crossover(self, nt, other, other_nt, strands_fwd=(True,False), nt_on_5prime=True, type_="crossover"):
-        """ Add a crossover between two helices """
-        ## Validate other, nt, other_nt
-        ##   TODO
-        if isinstance(other,SingleStrandedSegment):
-            other.add_crossover(other_nt, self, nt, strands_fwd[::-1], not nt_on_5prime)
-        else:
-            ## Create locations, connections and add to segments
-            c = self.nt_pos_to_contour(nt)
-            assert(c >= 0 and c <= 1)
-            if nt == 0 and not strands_fwd[0]:
-                loc = self.start3
-            elif nt == self.num_nt-1 and strands_fwd[0]:
-                loc = self.end3
-            else:
-                loc = self.get_location_at(c, strands_fwd[0], new_type='crossover')
-            c = other.nt_pos_to_contour(other_nt)
-            # TODOTODO: may need to subtract or add a little depending on 3prime/5prime
-            assert(c >= 0 and c <= 1)
-            if other_nt == 0 and strands_fwd[1]:
-                other_loc = other.start5
-            elif other_nt == other.num_nt-1 and not strands_fwd[1]:
-                other_loc = other.end5
-            else:
-                other_loc = other.get_location_at(c, strands_fwd[1], new_type='crossover')
-            self._connect(other, Connection( loc, other_loc, type_=type_ ))
-            if nt_on_5prime:
-                loc.is_3prime_side_of_connection = False
-                other_loc.is_3prime_side_of_connection = True
-            else:            
-                loc.is_3prime_side_of_connection = True
-                other_loc.is_3prime_side_of_connection = False
-    def _get_num_beads(self, contour, max_basepairs_per_bead, max_nucleotides_per_bead):
-        # return int(contour*self.num_nt // max_basepairs_per_bead)
-        return int(contour*(self.num_nt**2/(self.num_nt+1)) // max_basepairs_per_bead)
-    def _generate_one_bead(self, contour_position, nts):
-        pos = self.contour_to_position(contour_position)
-        if self.local_twist:
-            orientation = self.contour_to_orientation(contour_position)
-            if orientation is None:
-                print("WARNING: local_twist is True, but orientation is None; using identity")
-                orientation = np.eye(3)
-            opos = pos + np.array((Segment.orientation_bond.r0,0,0)) )
-            # if np.linalg.norm(pos) > 1e3:
-            #     pdb.set_trace()
-            assert(np.linalg.norm(opos-pos) < 10 )
-            o = SegmentParticle( Segment.orientation_particle, opos, name="O",
-                                 contour_position = contour_position,
-                                 num_nt=nts, parent=self )
-            bead = SegmentParticle( Segment.dsDNA_particle, pos, name="DNA",
-                                    num_nt=nts, parent=self, 
-                                    orientation_bead=o,
-                                    contour_position=contour_position )
-        else:
-            bead = SegmentParticle( Segment.dsDNA_particle, pos, name="DNA",
-                                    num_nt=nts, parent=self,
-                                    contour_position=contour_position )
-        self._add_bead(bead)
-        return bead
-class SingleStrandedSegment(Segment):
-    """ Class that describes a segment of ssDNA. When built from
-    cadnano models, should not span helices """
-    def __init__(self, name, num_nt, start_position = None,
-                 end_position = None, 
-                 segment_model = None,
-                 **kwargs):
-        if start_position is None: start_position = np.array((0,0,0))
-        self.distance_per_nt = 5
-        Segment.__init__(self, name, num_nt, 
-                         start_position,
-                         end_position, 
-                         segment_model,
-                         **kwargs)
-        self.start = self.start5 = Location( self, address=0, type_= "end5" ) # TODO change type_?
-        self.end = self.end3 = Location( self, address=1, type_ = "end3" )
-        # for l in (self.start5,self.end3):
-        #     self.locations.append(l)
-    def connect_end3(self, end5, force_connection=False):
-        self._connect_end( end5,  _5_to_3 = True, force_connection = force_connection )
-    def connect_start5(self, end3, force_connection=False):
-        self._connect_end( end3,  _5_to_3 = False, force_connection = force_connection )
-    def _connect_end(self, other, _5_to_3, force_connection):
-        assert( isinstance(other, Location) )
-        if _5_to_3 == True:
-            seg1 = self
-            seg2 = other.container
-            end1 = self.end3
-            end2 = other
-            assert(other.type_ != "end3")
-            # if (other.type_ is not "end5"):
-            #     print("WARNING: code does not prevent connecting 3prime to 3prime, etc")
-        else:
-            seg1 = other.container
-            seg2 = self
-            end1 = other
-            end2 = self.start
-            assert(other.type_ != "end5")
-            # if (other.type_ is not "end3"):
-            #     print("WARNING: code does not prevent connecting 3prime to 3prime, etc")
-        ## Remove other connections involving these points
-        if end1.connection is not None:
-            print("WARNING: reconnecting {}".format(end1))
-            end1.connection.delete()
-        if end2.connection is not None:
-            print("WARNING: reconnecting {}".format(end2))
-            end2.connection.delete()
-        conn = Connection( end1, end2, type_="intrahelical" if isinstance(other,SingleStrandedSegment) else "sscrossover")
-        seg1._connect( seg2, conn, in_3prime_direction=True )
-    def add_crossover(self, nt, other, other_nt, strands_fwd=(True,False), nt_on_5prime=True, type_='sscrossover'):
-        """ Add a crossover between two helices """
-        ## TODO Validate other, nt, other_nt
-        assert(nt < self.num_nt)
-        assert(other_nt < other.num_nt)
-        if nt_on_5prime:
-            if nt == self.num_nt-1 and other_nt in (0,other.num_nt-1):
-                other_end = None
-                if strands_fwd[1] and other_nt == 0:
-                    other_end = other.start5
-                elif (not strands_fwd[1]) and other_nt == other.num_nt-1:
-                    other_end = other.end5
-                if other_end is not None:
-                    self.connect_end3( other_end )
-                    return
-        else:
-            if nt == 0 and other_nt in (0,other.num_nt-1):
-                other_end = None
-                if strands_fwd[1] and other_nt == other.num_nt-1:
-                    other_end = other.end3
-                elif (not strands_fwd[1]) and other_nt == 0:
-                    other_end = other.start3
-                if other_end is not None:
-                    self.connect_start5( other_end )
-                    return
-        # c1 = self.nt_pos_to_contour(nt)
-        # # TODOTODO
-        # ## Ensure connections occur at ends, otherwise the structure doesn't make sense
-        # # assert(np.isclose(c1,0) or np.isclose(c1,1))
-        # assert(np.isclose(nt,0) or np.isclose(nt,self.num_nt-1))
-        if nt == 0 and (self.num_nt > 1 or not nt_on_5prime):
-            c1 = 0
-        elif nt == self.num_nt-1:
-            c1 = 1
-        else:
-            raise Exception("Crossovers can only be at the ends of an ssDNA segment")
-        loc = self.get_location_at(c1, True, new_type='crossover')
-        if other_nt == 0:
-            c2 = 0
-        elif other_nt == other.num_nt-1:
-            c2 = 1
-        else:
-            c2 = other.nt_pos_to_contour(other_nt)
-        if isinstance(other,SingleStrandedSegment):
-            ## Ensure connections occur at opposing ends
-            assert(np.isclose(other_nt,0) or np.isclose(other_nt,self.num_nt-1))
-            other_loc = other.get_location_at( c2, True, new_type='crossover')
-            # if ("22-2" in (,
-            #     pdb.set_trace()
-            if nt_on_5prime:
-                self.connect_end3( other_loc )
-            else:
-                other.connect_end3( self )
-        else:
-            assert(c2 >= 0 and c2 <= 1)
-            other_loc = other.get_location_at( c2, strands_fwd[1], new_type='crossover')
-            if nt_on_5prime:
-                self._connect(other, Connection( loc, other_loc, type_="sscrossover" ), in_3prime_direction=True )
-            else:
-                other._connect(self, Connection( other_loc, loc, type_="sscrossover" ), in_3prime_direction=True )
-    def _get_num_beads(self, contour, max_basepairs_per_bead, max_nucleotides_per_bead):
-        return int(contour*(self.num_nt**2/(self.num_nt+1)) // max_basepairs_per_bead)
-        # return int(contour*self.num_nt // max_nucleotides_per_bead)
-    def _generate_one_bead(self, contour_position, nts):
-        pos = self.contour_to_position(contour_position)
-        b = SegmentParticle( Segment.ssDNA_particle, pos, 
-                             name="NAS",
-                             num_nt=nts, parent=self,
-                             contour_position=contour_position )
-        self._add_bead(b)
-        return b
-class StrandInSegment(Group):
-    """ Represents a piece of an ssDNA strand within a segment """
-    def __init__(self, segment, start, end, is_fwd):
-        """ start/end should be provided expressed in nt coordinates, is_fwd tuples """
-        Group.__init__(self)
-        self.num_nt = 0
-        # self.sequence = []
-        self.segment = segment
-        self.start = start
-        self.end = end
-        self.is_fwd = is_fwd
-        if is_fwd:
-            assert(end>=start)
-        else:
-            assert(start>=end)
-        nts = np.abs(end-start)+1
-        self.num_nt = int(round(nts))
-        assert( np.isclose(self.num_nt,nts) )
-        segment._add_strand_piece(self)
-    def _nucleotide_ids(self):
-        nt0 = self.start # seg.contour_to_nt_pos(self.start)
-        assert( np.abs(nt0 - round(nt0)) < 1e-5 )
-        nt0 = int(round(nt0))
-        assert( (self.end-self.start) >= 0 or not self.is_fwd )
-        direction = (2*self.is_fwd-1)
-        return range(nt0,nt0 + direction*self.num_nt, direction)
-    def get_sequence(self):
-        """ return 5-to-3 """
-        # TODOTODO test
-        seg = self.segment
-        if self.is_fwd:
-            return [seg.sequence[nt] for nt in self._nucleotide_ids()]
-        else:
-            return [seqComplement[seg.sequence[nt]] for nt in self._nucleotide_ids()]
-    def get_contour_points(self):
-        c0,c1 = [self.segment.nt_pos_to_contour(p) for p in (self.start,self.end)]
-        return np.linspace(c0,c1,self.num_nt)
-    def get_nucleotide(self, idx):
-        """ idx expressed as nt coordinate within segment """
-        lo,hi = sorted((self.start,self.end))
-        if self.is_fwd:
-            idx_in_strand = idx - lo
-        else:
-            idx_in_strand = hi - idx
-        assert( np.isclose( idx_in_strand , int(round(idx_in_strand)) ) )
-        assert(idx_in_strand >= 0)
-        return self.children[int(round(idx_in_strand))]
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<StrandInSegment {}{}[{:.2f}-{:.2f},{:d}]>".format( self.parent.segname,, self.start, self.end, self.is_fwd)
-class Strand(Group):
-    """ Represents an entire ssDNA strand from 5' to 3' as it routes through segments """
-    def __init__(self, segname = None, is_circular = False):
-        Group.__init__(self)
-        self.num_nt = 0
-        self.children = self.strand_segments = []
-        self.oxdna_nt = []
-        self.segname = segname
-        self.is_circular = is_circular
-        self.debug = False
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return "<Strand {}({})>".format( self.segname, self.num_nt )
-    ## TODO disambiguate names of functions
-    def add_dna(self, segment, start, end, is_fwd):
-        """ start/end are given as nt """
-        if np.abs(start-end) <= 0.9:
-            if self.debug:
-                print( "WARNING: segment constructed with a very small number of nts ({})".format(np.abs(start-end)) )
-            # import pdb
-            # pdb.set_trace()
-        for s in self.strand_segments:
-            if s.segment == segment and s.is_fwd == is_fwd:
-                # assert( s.start not in (start,end) )
-                # assert( s.end not in (start,end) )
-                if s.start in (start,end) or s.end in (start,end):
-                    raise CircularDnaError("Found circular DNA")
-        s = StrandInSegment( segment, start, end, is_fwd )
-        self.add( s )
-        self.num_nt += s.num_nt
-    def set_sequence(self,sequence): # , set_complement=True):
-        ## validate input
-        assert( len(sequence) >= self.num_nt )
-        assert( np.all( [i in ('A','T','C','G') for i in sequence] ) )
-        seq_idx = 0
-        ## set sequence on each segment
-        for s in self.children:
-            seg = s.segment
-            if seg.sequence is None:
-                seg.sequence = [None for i in range(seg.num_nt)]
-            if s.is_fwd:
-                for nt in s._nucleotide_ids():
-                    seg.sequence[nt] = sequence[seq_idx]
-                    seq_idx += 1
-            else:
-                for nt in s._nucleotide_ids():
-                    seg.sequence[nt] = seqComplement[sequence[seq_idx]]
-                    seq_idx += 1
-    # def get_sequence(self):
-    #     sequence = []
-    #     for ss in self.strand_segments:
-    #         sequence.extend( ss.get_sequence() )
-    #     assert( len(sequence) >= self.num_nt )
-    #     ret = ["5"+sequence[0]] +\
-    #           sequence[1:-1] +\
-    #           [sequence[-1]+"3"]
-    #     assert( len(ret) == self.num_nt )
-    #     return ret
-    def link_nucleotides(self, nt5, nt3):
-        parent = nt5.parent if nt5.parent is nt3.parent else self
-        o3,c3,c4,c2,h3 = [nt5.atoms_by_name[n]
-                          for n in ("O3'","C3'","C4'","C2'","H3'")]
-        p,o5,o1,o2,c5 = [nt3.atoms_by_name[n]
-                         for n in ("P","O5'","O1P","O2P","C5'")]
-        parent.add_bond( o3, p, None )
-        parent.add_angle( c3, o3, p, None )
-        for x in (o5,o1,o2):
-            parent.add_angle( o3, p, x, None )
-            parent.add_dihedral(c3, o3, p, x, None )
-        for x in (c4,c2,h3):
-            parent.add_dihedral(x, c3, o3, p, None )
-        parent.add_dihedral(o3, p, o5, c5, None)
-    def generate_atomic_model(self, scale, first_atomic_index):
-        last = None
-        resid = 1
-        ## TODO relabel "strand_segment"
-        strand_segment_count = 0
-        for s in self.strand_segments:
-            strand_segment_count += 1
-            seg = s.segment
-            contour = s.get_contour_points()
-            # if s.end == s.start:
-            #     pdb.set_trace()
-            # assert(s.end != s.start)
-            assert( s.num_nt == 1 or (np.linalg.norm( seg.contour_to_position(contour[-1]) - seg.contour_to_position(contour[0]) ) > 0.1) )
-            nucleotide_count = 0
-            for c,seq in zip(contour,s.get_sequence()):
-                nucleotide_count += 1
-                if last is None and not self.is_circular:
-                    seq = "5"+seq
-                if strand_segment_count == len(s.strand_segments) and nucleotide_count == s.num_nt and not self.is_circular:
-                    seq = seq+"3"
-                nt = seg._generate_atomic_nucleotide( c, s.is_fwd, seq, scale, s )
-                ## Join last basepairs
-                if last is not None:
-                    self.link_nucleotides(last,nt)
-                nt.__dict__['resid'] = resid
-                resid += 1
-                last = nt
-                nt._first_atomic_index = first_atomic_index
-                first_atomic_index += len(nt.children)
-        if self.is_circular:
-            self.link_nucleotides(last,self.strand_segments[0].children[0])
-        return first_atomic_index
-    def generate_oxdna_model(self):
-        for s in self.strand_segments:
-            seg = s.segment
-            contour = s.get_contour_points()
-            assert( s.num_nt == 1 or (np.linalg.norm( seg.contour_to_position(contour[-1]) - seg.contour_to_position(contour[0]) ) > 0.1) )
-            for c,seq in zip(contour,s.get_sequence()):
-                nt = seg._generate_oxdna_nucleotide( c, s.is_fwd, seq )
-                self.oxdna_nt.append(nt)
-    def get_sequence(self):
-        return ''.join([''.join(s.get_sequence()) for s in self.strand_segments])
-    def get_nt_positions_orientations(self, bp_offset = (5,0,0)):
-        ## TODO: remove duplicate code
-        rs = []
-        os = []
-        for s in self.strand_segments:
-            seg = s.segment
-            contour = s.get_contour_points()
-            assert( s.num_nt == 1 or (np.linalg.norm( seg.contour_to_position(contour[-1]) - seg.contour_to_position(contour[0]) ) > 0.1) )
-            DefaultOrientation = rotationAboutAxis([0,0,1], 90)
-            if s.is_fwd:
-                DefaultOrientation = rotationAboutAxis([1,0,0], 180).dot(DefaultOrientation)
-            for c,seq in zip(contour,s.get_sequence()):
-                r = seg.contour_to_position(c)
-                o = seg.contour_to_orientation(c)
-                o =
-                if isinstance(seg, SingleStrandedSegment):
-                    r = r
-                else:
-                   r = r -
-                rs.append(r)
-                os.append(quaternion_from_matrix(o))
-        return np.array(rs), np.array(os)
-class SegmentModel(ArbdModel):
-    def __init__(self, segments=[], local_twist=True, escapable_twist=True,
-                 max_basepairs_per_bead=7,
-                 max_nucleotides_per_bead=4,
-                 origin = None,
-                 dimensions=(5000,5000,5000), temperature=291,
-                 timestep=50e-6, cutoff=50, 
-                 decompPeriod=10000, pairlistDistance=None, 
-                 nonbondedResolution=0, DEBUG=0,
-                 integrator='Brown',
-                 debye_length = None,
-                 hj_equilibrium_angle = 0,
-                 extra_bd_file_lines = "",
-    ):
-        self.DEBUG = DEBUG
-        if DEBUG > 0: print("Building ARBD Model")
-        ArbdModel.__init__(self,segments,
-                           origin, dimensions,
-                           temperature, timestep, integrator, cutoff,
-                           decompPeriod, pairlist_distance=None,
-                           nonbonded_resolution = 0,
-                           extra_bd_file_lines = extra_bd_file_lines
-        )
-        # self.max_basepairs_per_bead = max_basepairs_per_bead     # dsDNA
-        # self.max_nucleotides_per_bead = max_nucleotides_per_bead # ssDNA
-        if isinstance(segments,Segment):
-            segments = [segments]
-        self.children = self.segments = segments
-        if (hj_equilibrium_angle > 180) or (hj_equilibrium_angle < -180):
-            raise ValueError("Holliday junction equilibrium dihedral angle must be in the range from -180 to 180 degrees!")
-        self.hj_equilibrium_angle = hj_equilibrium_angle
-        self._generate_bead_callbacks = []
-        self._bonded_potential = dict() # cache for bonded potentials
-        self._generate_strands()
-        self.grid_potentials = []
-        self._generate_bead_model( max_basepairs_per_bead, max_nucleotides_per_bead, local_twist, escapable_twist)
-        if debye_length is not None:
-            nbDnaScheme.debye_length = debye_length
-        self.debye_length = debye_length
-        self.useNonbondedScheme( nbDnaScheme )
-        self.useTclForces = False
-    def set_debye_length(self, value):
-        if value <= 0:
-            raise ValueError("The Debye length must be positive")
-        for s,tA,tB in self.nbSchemes:
-            try:
-                s.debye_length = value
-            except:
-                ...
-        self.debye_length = value
-    def get_connections(self,type_=None,exclude=()):
-        """ Find all connections in model, without double-counting """
-        added=set()
-        ret=[]
-        for s in self.segments:
-            items = [e for e in s.get_connections_and_locations(type_,exclude=exclude) if e[0] not in added]
-            added.update([e[0] for e in items])
-            ret.extend( list(sorted(items,key=lambda x: x[1].address)) )
-        return ret
-    def _recursively_get_beads_within_bonds(self,b1,bonds,done=()):
-        ret = []
-        done = list(done)
-        done.append(b1)
-        if bonds == 0:
-            return [[]]
-        for b2 in b1.intrahelical_neighbors:
-            if b2 in done: continue
-            for tmp in self._recursively_get_beads_within_bonds(b2, bonds-1, done):
-                ret.append( [b2]+tmp )
-        return ret
-    def _get_intrahelical_beads(self,num=2):
-        ## TODO: add check that this is not called before adding intrahelical_neighbors in _generate_bead_model
-        assert(num >= 2)
-        ret = []
-        for s in self.segments:
-            for b1 in s.beads:
-                for bead_list in self._recursively_get_beads_within_bonds(b1, num-1):
-                    assert(len(bead_list) == num-1)
-                    if b1.idx < bead_list[-1].idx: # avoid double-counting
-                        ret.append([b1]+bead_list)
-        return ret
-    def _get_intrahelical_angle_beads(self):
-        return self._get_intrahelical_beads(num=3)
-    def _get_potential(self, type_, kSpring, d, max_potential = None):
-        key = (type_, kSpring, d, max_potential)
-        if key not in self._bonded_potential:
-            assert( kSpring >= 0 )
-            if type_ == "bond":
-                self._bonded_potential[key] = HarmonicBond(kSpring,d, rRange=(0,1200), max_potential=max_potential)
-            elif type_ == "gbond":
-                self._bonded_potential[key] = HarmonicBond(kSpring,d, rRange=(0,1200), max_potential=max_potential, correct_geometry=True, temperature=self.temperature)
-            elif type_ == "angle":
-                self._bonded_potential[key] = HarmonicAngle(kSpring,d, max_potential=max_potential)
-                # , resolution = 1, maxForce=0.1)
-            elif type_ == "dihedral":
-                self._bonded_potential[key] = HarmonicDihedral(kSpring,d, max_potential=max_potential)
-            else:
-                raise Exception("Unhandled potential type '%s'" % type_)
-        return self._bonded_potential[key]
-    def get_bond_potential(self, kSpring, d, correct_geometry=False):
-        assert( d > 0.2 )
-        return self._get_potential("gbond" if correct_geometry else "bond",
-                                   kSpring, d)
-    def get_angle_potential(self, kSpring, d):
-        return self._get_potential("angle", kSpring, d)
-    def get_dihedral_potential(self, kSpring, d, max_potential=None):
-        while d > 180: d-=360
-        while d < -180: d+=360
-        return self._get_potential("dihedral", kSpring, d, max_potential)
-    def _get_wlc_sk_bond_potential(self, d):
-        ##
-        type_='wclsk-bond'
-        # lp = 2*5                # TODO place these parameters in a logical spot
-        lp = 15                 #
-        #
-        lp = 12                 # selected semi-empirically to make ssDNA force extension match
-        key = (type_, d, lp)
-        assert( d > 0.2 )
-        if key not in self._bonded_potential:
-            kT = self.temperature * 0.0019872065 # kcal/mol
-            self._bonded_potential[key] = WLCSKBond( d, lp, kT, rRange=(0,1200) )
-        return self._bonded_potential[key]
-    def _get_wlc_sk_angle_potential(self, d):
-        ##
-        type_='wclsk-angle'
-        ## TODO move
-        lp = 15                 #
-        #
-        lp = 12                 # selected semi-empirically to make ssDNA force extension match
-        key = (type_, d, lp)
-        assert( d > 0.2 )
-        if key not in self._bonded_potential:
-            kT = self.temperature * 0.0019872065 # kcal/mol
-            self._bonded_potential[key] = WLCSKAngle( d, lp, kT )
-        return self._bonded_potential[key]
-    def _getParent(self, *beads ):
-        if len(set([b.parent for b in beads])) == 1:
-            return beads[0].parent
-        else:
-            return self
-    def _get_twist_spring_constant(self, sep):
-        """ sep in nt """
-        twist_persistence_length = 90  # set semi-arbitrarily as there is a large spread in literature
-        ##   units "3e-19 erg cm/ 295 k K" "nm" =~ 73
-        Lp = twist_persistence_length/0.34 
-        return twist_spring_from_lp(sep, Lp, self.temperature)
-    def extend(self, other, copy=False, include_strands=True):
-        if copy == True:
-            logger.warning("Forcing SegmentModel.extend(...,copy=False,...)")
-            copy = False
-        assert( isinstance(other, SegmentModel) )
-        try:
-            max_occupancy = max([s.occupancy for s in self.segments if 'occupancy' in s.__dict__])
-            occupancy0 = 10**np.ceil(np.log10(max_occupancy+1))
-        except:
-            pass
-        if copy:
-            for s in other.segments:
-                newseg = deepcopy(s)
-                try:
-                    newseg.occupancy = occupancy0+s.occupancy
-                except:
-                    pass
-                self.segments.append(newseg)
-                newseg.parent = self
-            if include_strands:
-                for s in other.strands:
-                    newstrand = deepcopy(s)
-                    self.strands.append(newstrand)
-                    newstrand.parent = self
-        else:
-            for s in other.segments:
-                try:
-                    s.occupancy = occupancy0+s.occupancy
-                except:
-                    pass
-                self.segments.append(s)
-                s.parent = self
-            if include_strands:
-                for s in other.strands:
-                    self.strands.append(s)
-                    s.parent = self
-        self._clear_beads()
-    def update(self, segment , copy=False):
-        assert( isinstance(segment, Segment) )
-        if copy:
-            segment = deepcopy(segment)
-        segment.parent = self
-        self.segments.append(segment)
-        self._clear_beads()
-    """ Mapping between different resolution models """
-    def clear_atomic(self):
-        for strand in self.strands:
-            for s in strand.children:
-                s.clear_all()
-                s.oxdna_nt = []
-        for seg in self.segments:
-            for d in ('fwd','rev'):
-                seg.strand_pieces[d] = []
-        self._generate_strands()
-        ## Clear sequence if needed
-        for seg in self.segments:
-            if seg.sequence is not None and len(seg.sequence) != seg.num_nt:
-                seg.sequence = None
-    def clear_beads(self):
-        return self._clear_beads()
-    def _clear_beads(self):
-        ## TODO: deprecate
-        for s in self.segments:
-            try:
-                s.clear_all()
-            except:
-                ...
-        self.clear_all(keep_children=True)
-        try:
-            if len(self.strands[0].children[0].children) > 0:
-                self.clear_atomic()
-        except:
-            ...
-        ## Check that it worked
-        assert( len([b for b in self]) == 0 )
-        locParticles = []
-        for s in self.segments:
-            for c,A,B in s.get_connections_and_locations():
-                for l in (A,B):
-                    if l.particle is not None:
-                        locParticles.append(l.particle)
-        assert( len(locParticles) == 0 )
-        assert( len([b for s in self.segments for b in s.beads]) == 0 )
-    def _update_segment_positions(self, bead_coordinates):
-        print("WARNING: called deprecated command '_update_segment_positions; use 'update_splines' instead")
-        return self.update_splines(bead_coordinates)
-    ## Operations on spline coordinates
-    def translate(self, translation_vector, position_filter=None):
-        for s in self.segments:
-            s.translate(translation_vector, position_filter=position_filter)
-    def rotate(self, rotation_matrix, about=None, position_filter=None):
-        for s in self.segments:
-            s.rotate(rotation_matrix, about=about, position_filter=position_filter)
-    def get_center(self, include_ssdna=False):
-        if include_ssdna:
-            segments = self.segments
-        else:
-            segments = list(filter(lambda s: isinstance(s,DoubleStrandedSegment), 
-                                   self.segments))
-        centers = [s.get_center() for s in segments]
-        weights = [s.num_nt*2 if isinstance(s,DoubleStrandedSegment) else s.num_nt for s in segments]
-        # centers,weights = [np.array(a) for a in (centers,weights)]
-        return np.average( centers, axis=0, weights=weights)
-    def update_splines(self, bead_coordinates):
-        """ Set new function for each segments functions
-        contour_to_position and contour_to_orientation """
-        for s in self.segments:
-            # if == "61-1":
-            #     pdb.set_trace()
-            cabs = s.get_connections_and_locations("intrahelical")
-            if isinstance(s,SingleStrandedSegment):
-                cabs = cabs + [[c,A,B] for c,A,B in s.get_connections_and_locations("sscrossover") if A.address == 0 or A.address == 1]
-            if np.any( [B.particle is None for c,A,B in cabs] ):
-                print( "WARNING: none type found in connection, skipping" )
-                cabs = [e for e in cabs if e[2].particle is not None]
-            def get_beads_and_contour_positions(s):
-                ret_list = []
-                def zip_bead_contour(beads,address=None):
-                    if isinstance(address,list):
-                        assert(False)
-                        for b,a in zip(beads,address):
-                            if b is None: continue
-                            try:
-                                ret_list.append((b, b.get_contour_position(s,a)))
-                            except:
-                                ...                                
-                    else:
-                        for b in beads:
-                            if b is None: continue
-                            try:
-                                ret_list.append((b, b.get_contour_position(s,address)))
-                            except:
-                                ...
-                    return ret_list
-                ## Add beads from segment s
-                beads_contours = zip_bead_contour(s.beads)
-                beads_contours.extend( zip_bead_contour([A.particle for c,A,B in cabs]) )
-                beads = set([b for b,c in beads_contours])
-                ## Add nearby beads
-                for c,A,B in cabs:
-                    ## TODOTODO test?
-                    filter_fn = lambda x: x is not None and x not in beads
-                    bs = list( filter( filter_fn, B.particle.intrahelical_neighbors ) )
-                    beads_contours.extend( zip_bead_contour( bs, A.address ) )
-                    beads.update(bs)
-                    for i in range(3):
-                        bs = list( filter( filter_fn, [n for b in bs for n in b.intrahelical_neighbors] ) )
-                        beads_contours.extend( zip_bead_contour( bs, A.address ) )
-                        beads.update(bs)
-                beads_contours = list(set(beads_contours))
-                beads = list(beads)
-                ## Skip beads that are None (some locations were not assigned a particle to avoid double-counting) 
-                # beads = [b for b in beads if b is not None]
-                assert( np.any([b is None for b,c in beads_contours]) == False )
-                # beads = list(filter(lambda x: x[0] is not None, beads))
-                if isinstance(s, DoubleStrandedSegment):
-                    beads_contours = list(filter(lambda x: x[0][0] == "D", beads_contours))
-                return beads_contours
-            beads_contours = get_beads_and_contour_positions(s)
-            contours = [c for b,c in beads_contours]
-            contour_idx = np.array( np.array(contours)*s.num_nt * 10, dtype=int )
-            contour_idx,ids1 = np.unique(contour_idx, return_index=True)
-            beads_contours = [beads_contours[i] for i in ids1]
-            ## TODO: keep closest beads beyond +-1.5 if there are fewer than 2 beads
-            tmp = []
-            dist = 1
-            while len(tmp) < 5 and dist < 3:
-                tmp = list(filter(lambda bc: np.abs(bc[1]-0.5) < dist, beads_contours))
-                dist += 0.1
-            if len(tmp) <= 1:
-                raise Exception("Failed to fit spline into segment {}".format(s))
-            beads = [b for b,c in tmp]
-            contours = [c for b,c in tmp]
-            ids = [b.idx for b in beads]
-            if len(beads) <= 1:
-                pdb.set_trace()
-            """ Get positions """
-            positions = bead_coordinates[ids,:].T
-            # print("BEADS NOT IN {}:".format(s))
-            # for b,c in filter(lambda z: z[0] not in s.beads, zip(beads,contours)):
-            #     print("  {}[{:03f}]: {:0.3f}".format(, b.contour_position, c) )
-            tck, u = interpolate.splprep( positions, u=contours, s=0, k=1 )
-            # if len(beads) < 8:
-            #     ret = interpolate.splprep( positions, u=contours, s=0, k=1, full_output=1 )
-            #     tck = ret[0][0]
-            #     if ret[2] > 0:
-            #         pdb.set_trace()
-            # else:
-            #     try:
-            #         ret = interpolate.splprep( positions, u=contours, s=0, k=3, full_output=1 )
-            #         tck = ret[0][0]
-            #         if ret[2] > 0:
-            #             pdb.set_trace()
-            #     except:
-            #         ret = interpolate.splprep( positions, u=contours, s=0, k=1, full_output=1 )
-            #         tck = ret[0][0]
-            #         if ret[2] > 0:
-            #             pdb.set_trace()
-            s.position_spline_params = (tck,u)
-            """ Get orientation """
-            def get_orientation_vector(bead,tangent):
-                if 'orientation_bead' in bead.__dict__:
-                    o = bead.orientation_bead
-                    oVec = bead_coordinates[o.idx,:] - bead_coordinates[bead.idx,:]
-                    oVec = oVec -*tangent
-                    oVec = oVec/np.linalg.norm(oVec)
-                else:
-                    oVec = None
-                return oVec
-            def remove_tangential_projection(vector, tangent):
-                """ Assume tangent is normalized """
-                v = vector -*tangent
-                return v/np.linalg.norm(v)
-            def get_orientation_vector(bead,tangent):
-                if 'orientation_bead' in bead.__dict__:
-                    o = bead.orientation_bead
-                    oVec = bead_coordinates[o.idx,:] - bead_coordinates[bead.idx,:]
-                    oVec = remove_tangential_projection(oVec,tangent)
-                else:
-                    oVec = None
-                return oVec
-            def get_previous_idx_if_none(list_):
-                previous = None
-                result = []
-                i = 0
-                for e in list_:
-                    if e is None:
-                        result.append(previous)
-                    else:
-                        previous = i
-                    i+=1
-                return result
-            def get_next_idx_if_none(list_):
-                tmp = get_previous_idx_if_none(list_[::-1])[::-1]
-                return [ len(list_)-1-idx if idx is not None else idx for idx in tmp ]
-            def fill_in_orientation_vectors(contours,orientation_vectors,tangents):
-                result = []
-                last_idx = get_previous_idx_if_none( orientation_vectors )
-                next_idx = get_next_idx_if_none( orientation_vectors )
-                none_idx = 0
-                for c,ov,t in zip(contours,orientation_vectors,tangents):
-                    if ov is not None:
-                        result.append(ov)
-                    else:
-                        p = last_idx[none_idx]
-                        n = next_idx[none_idx]
-                        none_idx += 1
-                        if p is None:
-                            if n is None:
-                                ## Should be quite rare; give something random if it happens
-                                print("WARNING: unable to interpolate orientation")
-                                o = np.array((1,0,0))
-                                result.append( remove_tangential_projection(o,t) )
-                            else:
-                                o = orientation_vectors[n]
-                                result.append( remove_tangential_projection(o,t) )
-                        else:
-                            if n is None:
-                                o = orientation_vectors[p]
-                                result.append( remove_tangential_projection(o,t) )
-                            else:
-                                cp,cn = [contours[i] for i in (p,n)]
-                                op,on = [orientation_vectors[i] for i in (p,n)]
-                                if (cn-cp) > 1e-6:
-                                    o = ((cn-c)*op+(c-cp)*on)/(cn-cp)
-                                else:
-                                    o = op+on
-                                result.append( remove_tangential_projection(o,t) )
-                return result
-            tangents = s.contour_to_tangent(contours)
-            orientation_vectors = [get_orientation_vector(b,t) for b,t in zip(beads,tangents)]
-            if len(beads) > 3 and any([e is not None for e in orientation_vectors] ):
-                orientation_vectors = fill_in_orientation_vectors(contours, orientation_vectors, tangents)
-                quats = []
-                lastq = None
-                for b,t,oVec in zip(beads,tangents,orientation_vectors):
-                    y = np.cross(t,oVec)
-                    assert( np.abs(np.linalg.norm(y) - 1) < 1e-2 )
-                    q = quaternion_from_matrix( np.array([oVec,y,t]).T)
-                    if lastq is not None:
-                        if < 0:
-                            q = -q
-                    quats.append( q )
-                    lastq = q
-                # pdb.set_trace()
-                quats = np.array(quats)
-                # tck, u = interpolate.splprep( quats.T, u=contours, s=3, k=3 ) ;# cubic spline not as good
-                tck, u = interpolate.splprep( quats.T, u=contours, s=0, k=1 )
-                s.quaternion_spline_params = (tck,u)
-    def get_segments_matching(self, pattern):
-        """ Returns a list of all segments that match the regular expression 'pattern' """
-        re_pattern = re.compile(pattern)
-        return [s for s in self.segments if re_pattern.match( is not None]
-    def get_crossovers_at_ends(self):
-        """
-        Return a list of all "regular" crossovers where both sides of
-        the crossover exist at the start or end of a segment
-        """
-        ret_list = []
-        for s in self.segments:
-            for c in filter(lambda c: c.type_ == "crossover", s.connections):
-                seg1 = c.A.container
-                seg2 = c.B.container
-                nt1 = c.A.get_nt_pos()
-                nt2 = c.B.get_nt_pos()
-                if (nt1 < 1 and nt2 > seg2.num_nt-2) or (nt2 < 1 and nt1 > seg1.num_nt-2):
-                    if c not in ret_list:
-                        ret_list.append(c)
-        return ret_list
-    def convert_crossover_to_intrahelical(self, crossover):
-        c = crossover
-        A = c.A if c.B.is_3prime_side_of_connection else c.B
-        B = c.B if c.B.is_3prime_side_of_connection else c.A
-        assert( not A.is_3prime_side_of_connection )
-        assert(     B.is_3prime_side_of_connection )
-        seg1 = A.container
-        seg2 = B.container
-        nt1 = A.get_nt_pos()
-        nt2 = B.get_nt_pos()
-        # assert( c.A.on_fwd_strand == c.B.on_fwd_strand )
-        on_fwd_strand_A = A.on_fwd_strand
-        on_fwd_strand_B = B.on_fwd_strand
-        # print(nt1, nt2, on_fwd_strand_A, on_fwd_strand_B, c)
-        if on_fwd_strand_A:
-            assert( nt1 > seg1.num_nt-2 )
-            fn = seg1.connect_end3
-            if on_fwd_strand_B:
-                assert( nt2 < 1 )
-                arg = seg2.start5
-            else:
-                assert( nt2 > seg2.num_nt-2 )                
-                arg = seg2.end5
-        else:
-            assert( nt1 < 1 )
-            fn = seg1.connect_start3
-            if on_fwd_strand_B:
-                assert( nt2 < 1 )
-                arg = seg2.start5
-            else:
-                assert( nt2 > seg2.num_nt-2 )                
-                arg = seg2.end5
-        c.delete()
-        fn(arg)
-    def get_blunt_DNA_ends(self):
-        return sum([s.get_blunt_DNA_ends for s in self.segments],[])
-    def convert_crossovers_at_ends_beyond_cutoff_to_intrahelical(self,cutoff):
-        if cutoff < 0:
-            raise ValueError("Cutoff should be positive!")
-        return self.convert_crossovers_to_intrahelical(
-            position_filter = lambda r1,r2: np.linalg.norm(r2-r1) > cutoff,
-            terminal_only = True)
-    def convert_crossovers_to_intrahelical(self, position_filter=None, terminal_only=False):
-        conn = self.get_crossovers_at_ends() if terminal_only else [c for c,A,B in self.get_connections('crossover')]
-        for c in conn:
-            if position_filter is not None:
-                r1,r2 = [l.container.contour_to_position(l.address)
-                         for l in (c.A,c.B)]
-                if position_filter(r1,r2):
-                    self.convert_crossover_to_intrahelical(c)
-            else:
-                self.convert_crossover_to_intrahelical(c)
-    def convert_close_crossovers_to_intrahelical(self,cutoff):
-        if cutoff < 0:
-            raise ValueError("Cutoff should be positive!")
-        for c,A,B in self.get_connections('crossover'):
-            r1,r2 = [l.container.contour_to_position(l.address)
-                     for l in (c.A,c.B)]
-            if np.linalg.norm(r2-r1) < cutoff:
-                self.convert_crossover_to_intrahelical(c)
-    def _generate_bead_model(self,
-                             max_basepairs_per_bead = None,
-                             max_nucleotides_per_bead = None,
-                             local_twist=False,
-                             escapable_twist=True):
-        ## TODO: deprecate
-        self.generate_bead_model( max_basepairs_per_bead = max_basepairs_per_bead,
-                                  max_nucleotides_per_bead = max_nucleotides_per_bead,
-                                  local_twist=local_twist,
-                                  escapable_twist=escapable_twist)
-    def generate_bead_model(self,
-                            max_basepairs_per_bead = 7,
-                            max_nucleotides_per_bead = 4,
-                            local_twist=False,
-                            escapable_twist=True,
-                            sequence_dependent = False,
-                            one_bead_per_monomer = False
-                        ):
-        if sequence_dependent and not local_twist:
-            raise ValueError("Incompatible options: if sequence_dependent==True, then local_twist must be True")
-        if sequence_dependent and not one_bead_per_monomer:
-            raise ValueError("Incompatible options: if sequence_dependent==True, then one_bead_per_monomer must be True")
-        self.children = self.segments # is this okay?
-        self.clear_beads()
-        segments = self.segments
-        for s in segments:
-            s.local_twist = local_twist
-        """ Simplify connections """
-        # d_nt = dict()           # 
-        # for s in segments:
-        #     d_nt[s] = 1.5/(s.num_nt-1)
-        # for s in segments:
-        #     ## replace consecutive crossovers with
-        #     cl = sorted( s.get_connections_and_locations("crossover"), key=lambda x: x[1].address )
-        #     last = None
-        #     for entry in cl:
-        #         c,A,B = entry
-        #         if last is not None and \
-        #            (A.address - last[1].address) < d_nt[s]:
-        #             same_type = c.type_ == last[0].type_
-        #             same_dest_seg = B.container == last[2].container
-        #             if same_type and same_dest_seg:
-        #                 if np.abs(B.address - last[2].address) < d_nt[B.container]:
-        #                     ## combine
-        #                     A.combine = last[1]
-        #                     B.combine = last[2]
-        #                     ...
-        #         # if last is not None:
-        #         #     s.bead_locations.append(last)
-        #         ...
-        #         last = entry
-        # del d_nt
-        """ Generate beads at intrahelical junctions """
-        if self.DEBUG: print( "Adding intrahelical beads at junctions" )
-        if not one_bead_per_monomer:
-            ## Loop through all connections, generating beads at appropriate locations
-            for c,A,B in self.get_connections("intrahelical"):
-                s1,s2 = [l.container for l in (A,B)]
-                assert( A.particle is None )
-                assert( B.particle is None )
-                ## TODO: offload the work here to s1
-                # TODOTODO
-                a1,a2 = [l.address   for l in (A,B)]            
-                for a in (a1,a2):
-                    assert( np.isclose(a,0) or np.isclose(a,1) )
-                ## TODO improve this for combinations of ssDNA and dsDNA (maybe a1/a2 should be calculated differently)
-                def _get_nearest(seg,address):
-                    b = seg.get_nearest_bead(address)
-                    if b is not None:
-                        assert( b.parent is seg )
-                        """ if above assertion is true, no problem here """
-                        if np.abs(b.get_nt_position(seg) - seg.contour_to_nt_pos(address)) > 0.5:
-                            b = None
-                    return b
-                """ Search to see whether bead at location is already found """
-                b = None
-                if isinstance(s1,DoubleStrandedSegment):
-                    b = _get_nearest(s1,a1)
-                if b is None and isinstance(s2,DoubleStrandedSegment):
-                    b = _get_nearest(s2,a2)
-                if b is not None and b.parent not in (s1,s2):
-                    b = None
-                if b is None:
-                    ## need to generate a bead
-                    if isinstance(s2,DoubleStrandedSegment):
-                        b = s2._generate_one_bead(a2,0)
-                    else:
-                        b = s1._generate_one_bead(a1,0)
-                A.particle = B.particle = b
-                b.is_intrahelical = True
-                b.locations.extend([A,B])
-                if s1 is s2:
-                    b.is_circular_bead = True
-            # pdb.set_trace()
-            """ Generate beads at other junctions """
-            for c,A,B in self.get_connections(exclude="intrahelical"):
-                s1,s2 = [l.container for l in (A,B)]
-                if A.particle is not None and B.particle is not None:
-                    continue
-                # assert( A.particle is None )
-                # assert( B.particle is None )
-                ## TODO: offload the work here to s1/s2 (?)
-                a1,a2 = [l.address   for l in (A,B)]
-                def maybe_add_bead(location, seg, address, ):
-                    if location.particle is None:
-                        b = seg.get_nearest_bead(address)
-                        try:
-                            distance = seg.contour_to_nt_pos(np.abs(b.contour_position-address))
-                            if seg.resolution is not None:
-                                max_distance = seg.resolution
-                            else:
-                                max_distance = min(max_basepairs_per_bead, max_nucleotides_per_bead)*0.5
-                            if "is_intrahelical" in b.__dict__:
-                                max_distance = 0.5
-                            if distance >= max_distance:
-                                raise Exception("except")
-                            ## combine beads
-                            b.update_position( 0.5*(b.contour_position + address) ) # avg position
-                        except:
-                            b = seg._generate_one_bead(address,0)
-                        location.particle = b
-                        b.locations.append(location)
-                maybe_add_bead(A,s1,a1)
-                maybe_add_bead(B,s2,a2)
-            """ Some tests """
-            for c,A,B in self.get_connections("intrahelical"):
-                for l in (A,B):
-                    if l.particle is None: continue
-                    assert( l.particle.parent is not None )
-            """ Generate beads in between """
-            if self.DEBUG: print("Generating beads")
-            for s in segments:
-                s._generate_beads( self, max_basepairs_per_bead, max_nucleotides_per_bead )
-        else:
-            """ Generate beads in each segment """
-            if self.DEBUG: print("Generating beads")
-            for s in segments:
-                s._generate_beads( self, max_basepairs_per_bead, max_nucleotides_per_bead, one_bead_per_monomer )
-            """ Associate beads with junctions """
-            # for c,A,B in self.get_connections("intrahelical"):
-            for c,A,B in self.get_connections():
-                for l in (A,B):
-                    seg = l.container
-                    a = l.address
-                    b = seg.get_nearest_bead(a)
-                    l.particle = b
-                    b.locations.append(l)
-                """
-                b.is_intrahelical = True
-                b.locations.extend([A,B])
-                if s1 is s2:
-                    b.is_circular_bead = True
-                """
-        # """ Combine beads at junctions as needed """
-        # for c,A,B in self.get_connections():
-        #    ...
-        # ## Debug
-        # all_beads = [b for s in segments for b in s.beads]
-        # positions = np.array([b.position for b in all_beads])
-        # dists = positions[:,np.newaxis,:] - positions[np.newaxis,:,:] 
-        # ids = np.where( np.sum(dists**2,axis=-1) + 0.02**2*np.eye(len(dists)) < 0.02**2 )
-        # print( ids )
-        # pdb.set_trace()
-        """ Add intrahelical neighbors at connections """
-        special_seps = dict()
-        for c,A,B in self.get_connections("intrahelical"):
-            b1,b2 = [l.particle for l in (A,B)]
-            if b1 is b2:
-                ## already handled by Segment._generate_beads, unless A,B are on same segment
-                if A.container == B.container:
-                    sorted_sites = sorted([(abs(L.address-b1.contour_position),L)
-                                           for L in (A,B)], key=lambda x: x[0])
-                    close_site, far_site = [s[1] for s in sorted_sites]
-                    b3 = far_site.container.get_nearest_bead(far_site.address)
-                    b1.intrahelical_neighbors.append(b3)
-                    b3.intrahelical_neighbors.append(b1)
-                    if far_site.address > 0.5:
-                        sep = b1.contour_position + (1-b3.contour_position)
-                    else:
-                        sep = b3.contour_position + (1-b1.contour_position)
-                    sep = A.container.num_nt * sep
-                    special_seps[(b1,b3)] = special_seps[(b3,b1)] = sep
-            else:
-                for b in (b1,b2): assert( b is not None )
-                b1.make_intrahelical_neighbor(b2)
-        def _combine_zero_sep_beads():
-            skip_keys = []
-            for b1,b2 in [k for k,v in special_seps.items() if v == 0]:
-                if (b1,b2) in skip_keys: continue
-                del special_seps[(b1,b2)]
-                del special_seps[(b2,b1)]
-                skip_keys.append((b2,b1))
-                for b in b2.intrahelical_neighbors:
-                    if b is b1: continue
-                    if b is not b1 and b.parent is b2.parent:
-                        sep = np.abs(b2.contour_position - b.contour_position) * b.parent.num_nt
-                        special_seps[(b,b1)] = sep
-                        special_seps[(b1,b)] = sep
-                b1.combine(b2)
-                for k in list(special_seps.keys()):
-                    if b2 in k:
-                        if b2 == k[0]:
-                            newkey = (b1,k[1])
-                        else:
-                            newkey = (k[0],b2)
-                        special_seps[newkey] = special_seps[k]
-                        del special_seps[k]
-        _combine_zero_sep_beads()
-        """ Reassign bead types """
-        if self.DEBUG: print("Assigning bead types")
-        beadtype_s = dict()
-        beadtype_count = dict(D=0,O=0,S=0)
-        def _assign_bead_type(bead, num_nt, decimals):
-            num_nt0 = bead.num_nt
-            bead.num_nt = np.around( np.float32(num_nt), decimals=decimals )
-            char =[0].upper()
-            key = (char, bead.num_nt)
-            if key in beadtype_s:
-                bead.type_ = beadtype_s[key]
-            else:
-                t = deepcopy(bead.type_)
-                t.__dict__["nts"] = bead.num_nt*2 if char in ("D","O") else bead.num_nt
-                # = + "%03d" % (t.nts*10**decimals)
-       = char + "%03d" % (beadtype_count[char])
-                t.mass = t.nts * 150
-                t.diffusivity = 120 if t.nts == 0 else min( 50 / np.sqrt(t.nts/5), 120)
-                beadtype_count[char] += 1
-                if self.DEBUG: print( "{} --> {} ({})".format(num_nt0, bead.num_nt, )
-                beadtype_s[key] = bead.type_ = t
-        # (cluster_size[c-1])
-        import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as hcluster
-        beads = [b for s in segments for b in s if[0].upper() in ("D","O")]
-        data = np.array([b.num_nt for b in beads])[:,np.newaxis]
-        order = int(2-np.log10(2*max_basepairs_per_bead)//1)
-        try:
-            clusters = hcluster.fclusterdata(data, float(max_basepairs_per_bead)/500, criterion="distance")
-            cluster_size = [np.mean(data[clusters == i]) for i in np.unique(clusters)]
-        except:
-            clusters = np.arange(len(data))+1
-            cluster_size = data.flatten()
-        for b,c in zip(beads,clusters):
-            _assign_bead_type(b, cluster_size[c-1], decimals=order)
-        beads = [b for s in segments for b in s if[0].upper() in ("S")]
-        data = np.array([b.num_nt for b in beads])[:,np.newaxis]
-        order = int(2-np.log10(max_nucleotides_per_bead)//1)
-        try:
-            clusters = hcluster.fclusterdata(data, float(max_nucleotides_per_bead)/500, criterion="distance")
-            cluster_size = [np.mean(data[clusters == i]) for i in np.unique(clusters)]
-        except:
-            clusters = np.arange(len(data))+1
-            cluster_size = data.flatten()
-        for b,c in zip(beads,clusters):
-            _assign_bead_type(b, cluster_size[c-1], decimals=order)
-        self._beadtype_s = beadtype_s
-        self._apply_grid_potentials_to_beads(beadtype_s)
-        # for bead in [b for s in segments for b in s]:
-        #     num_nt0 = bead.num_nt
-        #     # bead.num_nt = np.around( np.float32(num_nt), decimals=decimals )
-        #     key = ([0].upper(), bead.num_nt)
-        #     if key in beadtype_s:
-        #         bead.type_ = beadtype_s[key]
-        #     else:
-        #         t = deepcopy(bead.type_)
-        #         t.__dict__["nts"] = bead.num_nt*2 if[0].upper() in ("D","O") else bead.num_nt
-        #         # = + "%03d" % (t.nts*10**decimals)
-        # = + "%.16f" % (t.nts)
-        #         print( "{} --> {} ({})".format(num_nt0, bead.num_nt, )
-        #         beadtype_s[key] = bead.type_ = t
-        """ Update bead indices """
-        self._countParticleTypes() # probably not needed here
-        self._updateParticleOrder()
-        def k_dsdna_bond(d):
-            conversion = 0.014393265 # units "pN/AA" kcal_mol/AA^2
-            elastic_modulus_times_area = 1000 # pN
-            return conversion*elastic_modulus_times_area/d
-        def k_ssdna_bond(d):
-            # conversion = 0.014393265 # units "pN/AA" kcal_mol/AA^2
-            # ## TODO: get better numbers our ssDNA model
-            # elastic_modulus_times_area = 800 # pN
-            return conversion*elastic_modulus_times_area/d
-        def k_dsdna_angle(sep, Lp=None):
-            Lp_eff = get_effective_dsDNA_Lp(sep, Lp)
-            Lp_eff = Lp_eff/0.34 # convert from nm to bp
-            return angle_spring_from_lp(sep,Lp_eff)
-        def k_xover_angle(sep, Lp=50):
-            Lp = Lp/0.34 # convert from nm to bp
-            return 0.25 * angle_spring_from_lp(sep,Lp)
-        """ Add intrahelical bond potentials """
-        if self.DEBUG: print("Adding intrahelical bond potentials")
-        dists = dict()          # intrahelical distances built for later use
-        intra_beads = self._get_intrahelical_beads() 
-        if self.DEBUG: print("  Adding %d bonds" % len(intra_beads))
-        for b1,b2 in intra_beads:
-            # assert( not np.isclose( np.linalg.norm(b1.collapsedPosition() - b2.collapsedPosition()), 0 ) )
-            if np.linalg.norm(b1.collapsedPosition() - b2.collapsedPosition()) < 1:
-                # print("WARNING: some beads are very close")
-                ...
-            parent = self._getParent(b1,b2)
-            if (b1,b2) in special_seps:
-                sep = special_seps[(b1,b2)]
-            else:
-                seg = b2.parent
-                c0 = b2.contour_position
-                sep = np.abs(b1.get_nt_position(seg,c0)-b2.get_nt_position(seg))
-            is_dsdna =[0] == "D" and[0] == "D"
-            if is_dsdna:
-                d = 3.4*sep
-            else:
-                # d = 6.5*sep     #
-                d = 6.4*sep     #
-                if[0] !=[0]:
-                    """ Add a small extra distance to junction """
-                    d += 3
-            if b1 not in dists:
-                dists[b1] = dict()
-            if b2 not in dists:
-                dists[b2] = dict()
-            # dists[b1].append([b2,sep])
-            # dists[b2].append([b1,sep])
-            dists[b1][b2] = sep
-            dists[b2][b1] = sep
-            if b1 is b2: continue
-            # dists[[b1,b2]] = dists[[b2,b1]] = sep
-            if is_dsdna:
-                k = k_dsdna_bond(d)
-                bond = self.get_bond_potential(k,d,correct_geometry=True)
-            else:
-                bond = self._get_wlc_sk_bond_potential(d)
-            parent.add_bond( b1, b2, bond, exclude=True )
-        # for s in self.segments:
-        #     sepsum = 0
-        #     beadsum = 0
-        #     for b1 in s.beads:
-        #         beadsum += b1.num_nt
-        #         for bead_list in self._recursively_get_beads_within_bonds(b1, 1):
-        #             assert(len(bead_list) == 1)
-        #             if b1.idx < bead_list[-1].idx: # avoid double-counting
-        #                 for b2 in bead_list:
-        #                     if b2.parent == b1.parent:
-        #                         sepsum += dists[b1][b2]
-        #     sepsum += sep
-        #     print("Helix {}: bps {}, beads {}, separation {}".format(, s.num_nt, beadsum, sepsum))
-        """ Add intrahelical angle potentials """
-        def get_effective_dsDNA_Lp(sep, Lp0=50):
-            """ The persistence length of our model was found to be a
-            little off (probably due to NB interactions). This
-            attempts to compensate """
-            ## For 1 bp, Lp=559, for 25 Lp = 524
-            beads_per_bp = sep/2
-            # return 0.93457944*Lp0 ;# factor1
-            return 0.97*Lp0 ;# factor2
-            # factor = bead_per_bp * (0.954-0.8944
-            # return Lp0 * bead_per_bp
-        if self.DEBUG: print("Adding intrahelical angle potentials")
-        for b1,b2,b3 in self._get_intrahelical_angle_beads():
-            parent = self._getParent(b1,b2,b3)
-            seg = b2.parent
-            c0 = b2.contour_position
-            sep = dists[b2][b1] + dists[b2][b3]
-            if[0] == "D" and[0] == "D" and[0] == "D":                
-                k = k_dsdna_angle(sep, seg.persistence_length)
-                if local_twist:
-                    k_dihed = 0.25*k
-                    k *= 0.75    # reduce because orientation beads impose similar springs
-                    dihed = self.get_dihedral_potential(k_dihed,180)
-                    parent.add_dihedral(b1,b2,b2.orientation_bead,b3, dihed)
-                angle = self.get_angle_potential(k,180)
-            elif[0] == "S" and[0] == "S" and[0] == "S":
-                # angle = self._get_wlc_sk_angle_potential(sep*6.5) # TODO move 6.5 somewhere sensible
-                angle = self._get_wlc_sk_angle_potential(sep*6.4) # TODO move 6.4 somewhere sensible
-            else:
-                ## Considered as a sscrossover below
-                continue
-            parent.add_angle( b1, b2, b3, angle )
-        """ Add intrahelical exclusions """
-        if self.DEBUG: print("Adding intrahelical exclusions")
-        beads = dists.keys()
-        def _recursively_get_beads_within(b1,d,done=()):
-            ret = []
-            self
-            intra_beads
-            if b1 not in dists:
-                print("Skipping exclusions for",b1)
-                return ret
-            for b2,sep in dists[b1].items():
-                if b2 in done: continue
-                if sep < d:
-                    ret.append( b2 )
-                    done.append( b2 )
-                    tmp = _recursively_get_beads_within(b2, d-sep, done)
-                    if len(tmp) > 0: ret.extend(tmp)
-            return ret
-        exclusions = set()
-        for b1 in beads:
-            """ In addition to bond exclusiosn, only add exclusions
-            within like-type segments (i.e. dsDNA or ssDNA, not
-            junctions between the two) """
-            t = type(b1.parent)
-            if t is DoubleStrandedSegment:
-                cutoff = 20
-            elif t is SingleStrandedSegment:
-                cutoff = 5
-            else:
-                raise ValueError("Unexpected polymer segment type")
-            for b in _recursively_get_beads_within(b1, cutoff, done=[b1]):
-                if isinstance(b.parent,t):
-                    exclusions.add((b1,b))
-                else:
-                    break
-            # exclusions.update( tmp )
-        ## Add exclusions very near crossovers
-        for c,A,B in sum([self.get_connections(term) for term in ("crossover","terminal_crossover")],[]):
-            b1,b2 = [loc.particle for loc in (A,B)]
-            near_b1 = _recursively_get_beads_within(b1, 3, done=[])
-            near_b2 = _recursively_get_beads_within(b2, 3, done=[])
-            for bi in near_b1:
-                for bj in near_b2:
-                    exclusions.add((bi,bj))
-        if self.DEBUG: print("Adding %d exclusions" % len(exclusions))
-        for b1,b2 in exclusions:
-            parent = self._getParent(b1,b2)
-            parent.add_exclusion( b1, b2 )
-        """ Twist potentials """
-        if local_twist:
-            if self.DEBUG: print("Adding twist potentials")
-            for b1 in beads:
-                if "orientation_bead" not in b1.__dict__: continue
-                for b2,sep in dists[b1].items():
-                    if "orientation_bead" not in b2.__dict__: continue
-                    if b2.idx < b1.idx: continue # Don't double-count
-                    p1,p2 = [b.parent for b in (b1,b2)]
-                    o1,o2 = [b.orientation_bead for b in (b1,b2)]
-                    parent = self._getParent( b1, b2 )
-                    _Lp = (p1.persistence_length + p2.persistence_length) * 0.5
-                    """ Add heuristic 90 degree potential to keep orientation bead orthogonal """
-                    k = 0.25*k_dsdna_angle(sep, _Lp)
-                    pot = self.get_angle_potential(k,90)
-                    parent.add_angle(o1,b1,b2, pot)
-                    parent.add_angle(b1,b2,o2, pot)
-                    ## TODO: improve this
-                    twist_per_nt = 0.5 * (p1.twist_per_nt + p2.twist_per_nt)
-                    angle = sep*twist_per_nt
-                    if angle > 360 or angle < -360:
-                        print("WARNING: twist angle out of normal range... proceeding anyway")
-                        # raise Exception("The twist between beads is too large")
-                    k = self._get_twist_spring_constant(sep)
-                    if escapable_twist:
-                        pot = self.get_dihedral_potential(k,angle,max_potential=1)
-                    else:
-                        pot = self.get_dihedral_potential(k,angle)
-                    parent.add_dihedral(o1,b1,b2,o2, pot)
-        def count_crossovers(beads):
-            count = 0
-            for b in beads:
-                for l in b.locations:
-                    if l.connection is not None:
-                        if l.connection.type_ in ("crossover","terminal_crossover"):
-                            count += 1
-            return count
-        def add_local_crossover_strand_orientation_potential(b1,b2, b1_on_fwd_strand):
-            """ Adds a dihedral angle potential so bead b2 at opposite
-            end of crossover stays on correct side of helix of b1 """
-            u1 = b1.get_intrahelical_above(all_types=False)
-            d1 = b1.get_intrahelical_below(all_types=False)
-            sign = 1 if b1_on_fwd_strand else -1
-            # if == "8-1" or == "8-1":
-            #     print()
-            #     print(,, b1_on_fwd_strand)
-            #     import pdb
-            #     pdb.set_trace()
-            a,b,c = b2,b1,d1
-            if c is None or c is a:
-                c = u1
-                sign *= -1
-            if c is None or c is a: return
-            try:
-                d = b1.orientation_bead
-            except:
-                return
-            k = k_xover_angle(sep=1) # TODO
-            pot = self.get_dihedral_potential(k, sign*120)
-            self.add_dihedral( a,b,c,d, pot )
-        def add_local_tee_orientation_potential(b1,b2, b1_on_fwd_strand, b2_on_fwd_strand):
-            """ b1 is the end of a helix, b2 is in the middle This
-            adds a dihedral angle potential so helix of b1 is oriented
-            properly relative to strand on b2 """
-            u1,u2 = [b.get_intrahelical_above(all_types=False) for b in (b1,b2)]
-            d1,d2 = [b.get_intrahelical_below(all_types=False) for b in (b1,b2)]
-            angle = 150
-            if not b2_on_fwd_strand: angle -= 180
-            a,b,c = u2,b2,b1
-            if a is None:
-                a = d2
-                angle -= 180
-            try:
-                d = b1.orientation_bead
-            except:
-                d = None
-            angle -= 120
-            while angle > 180:
-                angle -= 360
-            while angle < -180:
-                angle += 360
-            k = k_xover_angle(sep=1) # TODO
-            if a is not None and d is not None:
-                pot = self.get_dihedral_potential(k,angle)
-                self.add_dihedral( a,b,c,d, pot )
-            ## Add 180 degree angle potential
-            a,b,c = b2,b1,u1
-            if c is None: c = d1
-            if c is not None:
-                pot = self.get_angle_potential(0.5*k,180)
-                self.add_angle( a,b,c, pot )
-        def add_parallel_crossover_potential(b1,b2):
-            ## Get beads above and below
-            u1,u2 = [b.get_intrahelical_above(all_types=False) for b in (b1,b2)]
-            d1,d2 = [b.get_intrahelical_below(all_types=False) for b in (b1,b2)]
-            dotProduct = b1.parent.contour_to_tangent(b1.contour_position).dot(
-                b2.parent.contour_to_tangent(b2.contour_position) )
-            if dotProduct < 0:
-                tmp = d2
-                d2  = u2
-                u2  = tmp
-            a = None
-            if u1 is not None and u2 is not None:
-                t0 = self.hj_equilibrium_angle
-                a,b,c,d = (u1,b1,b2,u2)
-            elif d1 is not None and d2 is not None:
-                t0 = self.hj_equilibrium_angle
-                a,b,c,d = (d1,b1,b2,d2 )
-            elif d1 is not None and u2 is not None:
-                t0 = self.hj_equilibrium_angle-180
-                a,b,c,d = (d1,b1,b2,u2)
-            elif u1 is not None and d2 is not None:
-                t0 = self.hj_equilibrium_angle-180
-                a,b,c,d = (u1,b1,b2,d2)
-            if t0 > 180:
-                t0 = t0-360
-            elif t0 < -180:
-                t0 = t0+360
-            ## TODO?: Check length-dependence of this potential
-            if a is not None:
-                k_intrinsic = 0.00086
-                k = [1/k for k in (4*k_xover_angle( dists[b][a] ),
-                                  k_intrinsic,
-                                  4*k_xover_angle( dists[c][d] ))]
-                k = sum(k)**-1
-                k = k * count_crossovers((b1,b2))/4
-                pot = self.get_dihedral_potential(k,t0)
-                self.add_dihedral( a,b,c,d,  pot )
-            ...
-        """ Functions for adding crossover potentials  """
-        def add_ss_crossover_potentials(connection,A,B, add_bond=True):
-            b1,b2 = [loc.particle for loc in (A,B)]
-            if (b1,b2,A.on_fwd_strand,B.on_fwd_strand) in processed_crossovers:
-                return
-            processed_crossovers.add((b1,b2,A.on_fwd_strand,B.on_fwd_strand))
-            processed_crossovers.add((b2,b1,B.on_fwd_strand,A.on_fwd_strand))
-            if b1 is b2:
-                """ Catch attempts to add "crossover potentials" at
-                intrahelical junctions between ds and ssDNA """
-                if A.container is not b1.parent:
-                    b1 = A.container.get_nearest_bead(A.address)
-                if B.container is not b2.parent:
-                    b2 = B.container.get_nearest_bead(B.address)
-                if b1 is b2:
-                    return
-            if b1 is None or b2 is None:
-                return
-            ## TODO: improve parameters
-            if add_bond:
-                pot = self.get_bond_potential(4,12)
-                self.add_bond(b1,b2, pot)
-            ## Add potentials to provide a sensible orientation
-            ## TODO refine potentials against all-atom simulation data
-            if local_twist:
-                add_local_crossover_strand_orientation_potential(b1,b2, A.on_fwd_strand)
-                add_local_crossover_strand_orientation_potential(b2,b1, B.on_fwd_strand)
-        def add_crossover_potentials(connection,A,B):
-            ## TODO: use a better description here
-            b1,b2 = [loc.particle for loc in (A,B)]
-            if (b1,b2,A.on_fwd_strand,B.on_fwd_strand) in processed_crossovers:
-                return
-            processed_crossovers.add((b1,b2,A.on_fwd_strand,B.on_fwd_strand))
-            processed_crossovers.add((b2,b1,B.on_fwd_strand,A.on_fwd_strand))
-            if b1 is b2:
-                """ Catch attempts to add "crossover potentials" at
-                intrahelical junctions between ds and ssDNA """
-                return
-            """ Add parallel helices potential, possibly """
-            ## Add potential to provide a particular orinetation
-            nt1,nt2 = [l.get_nt_pos() for l in (A,B)]
-            is_end1, is_end2 = [nt in (0,l.container.num_nt-1) for nt,l in zip((nt1,nt2),(A,B))]
-            is_T_junction = (is_end1 and not is_end2) or (is_end2 and not is_end1)
-            if (not is_end1) and (not is_end2):
-                ## TODO?: Only apply this potential if not local_twist
-                add_parallel_crossover_potential(b1,b2)
-            # dotProduct = b1.parent.contour_to_tangent(b1.contour_position).dot(
-            #     b2.parent.contour_to_tangent(b2.contour_position) )
-            if local_twist:
-                if is_T_junction:
-                    """ Special case: one helix extends away from another in T-shaped junction """
-                    """ Add bond potential """
-                    k = 1.0 * count_crossovers((b1,b2))
-                    pot = self.get_bond_potential(k,12.5)
-                    self.add_bond(b1,b2, pot)
-                    if is_end1:
-                        b1_forward = A.on_fwd_strand if nt1 == 0 else not A.on_fwd_strand
-                        add_local_tee_orientation_potential(b1,b2, b1_forward, B.on_fwd_strand)
-                    else:
-                        add_local_crossover_strand_orientation_potential(b1,b2, A.on_fwd_strand)
-                    if is_end2:
-                        b2_forward = B.on_fwd_strand if nt2 == 0 else not B.on_fwd_strand
-                        add_local_tee_orientation_potential(b2,b1, b2_forward, A.on_fwd_strand)
-                    else:
-                        add_local_crossover_strand_orientation_potential(b2,b1, B.on_fwd_strand)
-                else:
-                    """ Add bond potential """
-                    k = 1.0 * count_crossovers((b1,b2))
-                    pot = self.get_bond_potential(k,18.5)
-                    self.add_bond(b1,b2, pot)
-                    """ Normal case: add orientation potential """
-                    add_local_crossover_strand_orientation_potential(b1,b2, A.on_fwd_strand)
-                    add_local_crossover_strand_orientation_potential(b2,b1, B.on_fwd_strand)
-            else:
-                """ Add bond potential """
-                k = 1.0 * count_crossovers((b1,b2))
-                pot = self.get_bond_potential(k,18.5)
-                self.add_bond(b1,b2, pot)
-        """ Add connection potentials """
-        processed_crossovers = set()
-        # pdb.set_trace()
-        for c,A,B in self.get_connections("sscrossover"):
-            p1,p2 = [loc.container for loc in (A,B)]
-            assert(any([isinstance(p,SingleStrandedSegment) for p in (p1,p2)]))
-            add_ss_crossover_potentials(c,A,B)
-        for c,A,B in self.get_connections("intrahelical"):
-            ps = [loc.container for loc in (A,B)]
-            if any([isinstance(p,SingleStrandedSegment) for p in ps]) and \
-               any([isinstance(p,DoubleStrandedSegment) for p in ps]):
-                add_ss_crossover_potentials(c,A,B, add_bond=False)
-        for c,A,B in sum([self.get_connections(term) for term in ("crossover","terminal_crossover")],[]):
-            p1,p2 = [loc.container for loc in (A,B)]
-            if any([isinstance(p,SingleStrandedSegment) for p in (p1,p2)]):
-                add_ss_crossover_potentials(c,A,B)
-            else:
-                add_crossover_potentials(c,A,B)
-        ## todotodo check that this works
-        for crossovers in self.get_consecutive_crossovers():
-            if local_twist: break
-            ## filter crossovers
-            for i in range(len(crossovers)-2):
-                c1,A1,B1,dir1 = crossovers[i]
-                c2,A2,B2,dir2 = crossovers[i+1]
-                s1,s2 = [l.container for l in (A1,A2)]
-                sep = A1.particle.get_nt_position(s1,near_address=A1.address) - A2.particle.get_nt_position(s2,near_address=A2.address)
-                sep = np.abs(sep)
-                assert(sep >= 0)
-                n1,n2,n3,n4 = (B1.particle, A1.particle, A2.particle, B2.particle)
-                """
-                <cos(q)> = exp(-s/Lp) = integrate( cos[x] exp(-A x^2), {x, 0, pi} ) / integrate( exp(-A x^2), {x, 0, pi} )
-                """
-                ## From
-                ##   units "3e-19 erg cm/ 295 k K" "nm" =~ 73
-                Lp = s1.twist_persistence_length/0.34  # set semi-arbitrarily as there is a large spread in literature
-                def get_spring(sep):
-                    kT = self.temperature * 0.0019872065 # kcal/mol
-                    fitFun = lambda x: np.real(erf( (4*np.pi*x + 1j)/(2*np.sqrt(x)) )) * np.exp(-1/(4*x)) / erf(2*np.sqrt(x)*np.pi) - np.exp(-sep/Lp)
-                    k = opt.leastsq( fitFun, x0=np.exp(-sep/Lp) )
-                    return k[0][0] * 2*kT*0.00030461742
-                k = get_spring( max(sep,1) )
-                k = (1/k + 2/k_xover_angle(sep=1))**-1
-                t0 = sep*s1.twist_per_nt # TODO weighted avg between s1 and s2
-                # pdb.set_trace()
-                if A1.on_fwd_strand: t0 -= 120
-                if dir1 != dir2:
-                    A2_on_fwd = not A2.on_fwd_strand
-                else:
-                    A2_on_fwd = A2.on_fwd_strand
-                if A2_on_fwd: t0 += 120
-                # t0 = (t0 % 360
-                # if n2.idx == 0:
-                #     print( n1.idx,n2.idx,n3.idx,n4.idx,k,t0,sep )
-                if sep == 0:
-                    # pot = self.get_angle_potential(k,t0)
-                    # self.add_angle( n1,n2,n4, pot )
-                    pass
-                elif len(set((n1,n2,n3,n4))) != 4:
-                    print("WARNING: skipping crossover dihedral angle potential because beads are too close")
-                else:
-                    pot = self.get_dihedral_potential(k,t0)
-                    self.add_dihedral( n1,n2,n3,n4, pot )
-        for seg in self.segments:
-            for callback in seg._generate_bead_callbacks:
-                callback(seg)
-        for callback in self._generate_bead_callbacks:
-            callback(self)
-        # ## remove duplicate potentials; ## TODO ensure that they aren't added twice in the first place? 
-        # self.remove_duplicate_terms()
-    def walk_through_helices(segment, direction=1, processed_segments=None):
-        """
-        First and last segment should be same for circular helices
-        """
-        assert( direction in (1,-1) )
-        if processed_segments == None:
-            processed_segments = set()
-        def segment_is_new_helix(s):
-            return isinstance(s,DoubleStrandedSegment) and s not in processed_segments
-        new_s = None
-        s = segment
-        ## iterate intrahelically connected dsDNA segments
-        while segment_is_new_helix(s):
-            conn_locs = s.get_contour_sorted_connections_and_locations("intrahelical")[::direction]
-            processed_segments.add(new_s)        
-            new_s = None
-            new_dir = None
-            for i in range(len(conn_locs)):
-                c,A,B = conn_locs[i]
-                ## TODO: handle change of direction
-                # TODOTODO
-                address = 1*(direction==-1)
-                if A.address == address and segment_is_new_helix(B.container):
-                    new_s = B.container
-                    assert(B.address in (0,1))
-                    new_dir = 2*(B.address == 0) - 1
-                    break
-            yield s,direction
-            s = new_s   # will break if None
-            direction = new_dir
-        #     if new_s is None:
-        #         break
-        #     else:
-        #         s = new_s
-        # yield s
-        ## return s
-    def get_consecutive_crossovers(self):
-        ## TODOTODO TEST
-        crossovers = []
-        processed_segments = set()
-        for s1 in self.segments:
-            if not isinstance(s1,DoubleStrandedSegment):
-                continue
-            if s1 in processed_segments: continue
-            s0,d0 = list(SegmentModel.walk_through_helices(s1,direction=-1))[-1]
-            # s,direction = get_start_of_helices()
-            tmp = []
-            for s,d in SegmentModel.walk_through_helices(s0,-d0):
-                if s == s0 and len(tmp) > 0:
-                    ## end of circular helix, only add first crossover
-                    cl_list = s.get_contour_sorted_connections_and_locations("crossover")
-                    if len(cl_list) > 0:
-                        tmp.append( cl_list[::d][0] + [d] )
-                else:
-                    tmp.extend( [cl + [d] for cl in s.get_contour_sorted_connections_and_locations("crossover")[::d]] )
-                processed_segments.add(s)
-            crossovers.append(tmp)
-        return crossovers
-    def set_sequence(self, sequence, force=True, fill_sequence='random'):
-        if force:
-            self.strands[0].set_sequence(sequence)
-        else:
-            try:
-                self.strands[0].set_sequence(sequence)
-            except:
-                ...
-        for s in self.segments:
-            s.assign_unset_sequence(fill_sequence)
-    def _set_cadnano2_sequence(self, cadnano_sequence_csv_file, sequence_fill='T'):
-        try:
-            self.segments[0]._cadnano_helix
-        except:
-            raise Exception("Cannot set sequence of a non-cadnano model using a cadnano sequence file")
-        starts = dict()
-        for strand in self.strands[1:]:
-            if strand.is_circular: continue
-            s = strand.strand_segments[0]
-            hid = s.segment._cadnano_helix
-            idx = s.segment._cadnano_bp_to_zidx[int(s.start)]
-            starts["{:d}[{:d}]".format(hid,idx)] = strand
-        base_set = tuple('ATCG')
-        with open(cadnano_sequence_csv_file) as fh:
-            reader = csv.reader(fh)
-            for values in reader:
-                if values[0] == "Start": continue
-                start,end,seq = values[:3]
-                strand = starts[start]
-                if sequence_fill in base_set:
-                    seq = [sequence_fill if s == '?' else s for s in seq]
-                else:
-                    seq = [random.choice(base_set) if s == '?' else s for s in seq]
-                if len([s for s in seq if s not in base_set]) > 0:
-                    print(seq)
-                strand.set_sequence(seq)
-    def _generate_strands(self):
-        ## clear strands
-        try:
-            for s in self.strands:
-                try:
-                    self.children.remove(s)
-                except:
-                    pass
-        except:
-            pass
-        try:
-            for seg in self.segments:
-                try:
-                    for d in ('fwd','rev'):
-                        seg.strand_pieces[d] = []
-                except:
-                    pass
-        except:
-            pass
-        self.strands = strands = []
-        """ Ensure unconnected ends have 5prime Location objects """
-        for seg in self.segments:
-            ## TODO move into Segment calls
-            five_prime_locs = sum([seg.get_locations(s) for s in ("5prime","crossover","terminal_crossover")],[])
-            three_prime_locs = sum([seg.get_locations(s) for s in ("3prime","crossover","terminal_crossover")],[])
-            def is_start_5prime(l):
-                is_end =  l.get_nt_pos() < 1 and l.on_fwd_strand
-                return is_end and (l.connection is None or l.is_3prime_side_of_connection is not False)
-            def is_end_5prime(l):
-                is_end = l.get_nt_pos() > seg.num_nt-2 and not l.on_fwd_strand
-                return is_end and (l.connection is None or l.is_3prime_side_of_connection is not False)
-            def is_start_3prime(l):
-                is_start = l.get_nt_pos() < 1 and not l.on_fwd_strand
-                return is_start and (l.connection is None or l.is_3prime_side_of_connection is not True)
-            def is_end_3prime(l):
-                is_start = l.get_nt_pos() > seg.num_nt-2 and l.on_fwd_strand
-                return is_start and (l.connection is None or l.is_3prime_side_of_connection is not True)
-            if seg.start5.connection is None:
-                if len(list(filter( is_start_5prime, five_prime_locs ))) == 0:
-                    seg.add_5prime(0) # TODO ensure this is the same place
-            if 'end5' in seg.__dict__ and seg.end5.connection is None:
-                if len(list(filter( is_end_5prime, five_prime_locs ))) == 0:
-                    seg.add_5prime(seg.num_nt-1,on_fwd_strand=False)
-            if 'start3' in seg.__dict__ and seg.start3.connection is None:
-                if len(list(filter( is_start_3prime, three_prime_locs ))) == 0:
-                    seg.add_3prime(0,on_fwd_strand=False)
-            if seg.end3.connection is None:
-                if len(list(filter( is_end_3prime, three_prime_locs ))) == 0:
-                    seg.add_3prime(seg.num_nt-1)
-            # print( [(l,l.get_connected_location()) for l in seg.locations] )
-            # addresses = np.array([l.address for l in seg.get_locations("5prime")])
-            # if not np.any( addresses == 0 ):
-            #     ## check if end is connected
-        # for c,l,B in self.get_connections_and_locations():
-        #     if c[0]
-        """ Build strands from connectivity of helices """
-        def _recursively_build_strand(strand, segment, pos, is_fwd, mycounter=0, move_at_least=0.5):
-            seg = segment
-            history = []
-            while True:
-                mycounter+=1
-                if mycounter > 10000:
-                    raise Exception("Too many iterations")
-                #if == "22-1" and pos > 140:
-                # if == "22-2":
-                #     import pdb
-                #     pdb.set_trace()
-                # if _DEBUG_TRACE and == "69-0" and is_fwd == False:
-                #     import pdb
-                #     pdb.set_trace()
-                end_pos, next_seg, next_pos, next_dir, move_at_least = seg.get_strand_segment(pos, is_fwd, move_at_least)
-                history.append((seg,pos,end_pos,is_fwd))
-                try:
-                    strand.add_dna(seg, pos, end_pos, is_fwd)
-                except CircularDnaError:
-                    ## Circular DNA was found
-                    break
-                except:
-                    print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])
-                    # import pdb
-                    # pdb.set_trace()
-                    # seg.get_strand_segment(pos, is_fwd, move_at_least)
-                    # strand.add_dna(seg, pos, end_pos, is_fwd)
-                    raise
-                if next_seg is None:
-                    break
-                else:
-                    seg,pos,is_fwd = (next_seg, next_pos, next_dir)
-            strand.history = list(history)
-            return history
-        strand_counter = 0
-        history = []
-        for seg in self.segments:
-            locs = filter(lambda l: l.connection is None, seg.get_5prime_locations())
-            if locs is None: continue
-            # for pos, is_fwd in locs:
-            for l in locs:
-                if _DEBUG_TRACE:
-                    print("Tracing 5prime",l)
-                if l.connection is not None:
-                    print(" Skipping connected 5prime",l)
-                    continue
-                    # TODOTODO
-                pos = seg.contour_to_nt_pos(l.address, round_nt=True)
-                is_fwd = l.on_fwd_strand
-                s = Strand(segname="S{:03d}".format(len(strands)))
-                strand_history = _recursively_build_strand(s, seg, pos, is_fwd)
-                history.append((l,strand_history))
-                # print("{} {}".format(,s.num_nt))
-                strands.append(s)
-        ## Trace circular DNA
-        def strands_cover_segment(segment, is_fwd=True):
-            direction = 'fwd' if is_fwd else 'rev'
-            nt = 0
-            for sp in segment.strand_pieces[direction]:
-                nt += sp.num_nt
-            return nt == segment.num_nt
-        def find_nt_not_in_strand(segment, is_fwd=True):
-            fwd_str = 'fwd' if is_fwd else 'rev'
-            def check(val):
-                assert(val >= 0 and val < segment.num_nt)
-                # print("find_nt_not_in_strand({},{}) returning {}".format(
-                #     segment, is_fwd, val))
-                return val
-            if is_fwd:
-                last = -1
-                for sp in segment.strand_pieces[fwd_str]:
-                    if sp.start-last > 1:
-                        return check(last+1)
-                    last = sp.end
-                return check(last+1)
-            else:
-                last = segment.num_nt
-                for sp in reversed(segment.strand_pieces[fwd_str]):
-                    if last-sp.start > 1:
-                        return check(last-1)
-                    last = sp.end
-                return check(last-1)
-        def add_strand_if_needed(seg,is_fwd):
-            history = []
-            while not strands_cover_segment(seg, is_fwd):
-                pos = nt = find_nt_not_in_strand(seg, is_fwd)
-                if _DEBUG_TRACE:
-                    print("Tracing circular strand", pos, is_fwd)
-                s = Strand(segname="S{:03d}".format(len(strands)),
-                           is_circular = True)
-                history = _recursively_build_strand(s, seg, pos, is_fwd)
-                strands.append(s)
-            return history
-        for seg in self.segments:
-            add_strand_if_needed(seg,True)
-            if isinstance(seg, DoubleStrandedSegment):
-                add_strand_if_needed(seg,False)
-        self.strands = sorted(strands, key=lambda s:s.num_nt)[::-1]
-        def check_strands():
-            dsdna = filter(lambda s: isinstance(s,DoubleStrandedSegment), self.segments)
-            for s in dsdna:
-                nt_fwd = nt_rev = 0
-                for sp in s.strand_pieces['fwd']:
-                    nt_fwd += sp.num_nt
-                for sp in s.strand_pieces['rev']:
-                    nt_rev += sp.num_nt
-                assert( nt_fwd == s.num_nt and nt_rev == s.num_nt )
-                # print("{}: {},{} (fwd,rev)".format(, nt_fwd/s.num_nt,nt_rev/s.num_nt))
-        check_strands()
-        ## relabel segname
-        counter = 0
-        for s in self.strands:
-            if s.segname is None:
-                s.segname = "D%03d" % counter
-            counter += 1
-    def _assign_basepairs(self):
-        ## Assign basepairs
-        for seg in self.segments:
-            if isinstance(seg, DoubleStrandedSegment):
-                strands1 = seg.strand_pieces['fwd'] # already sorted
-                strands2 = seg.strand_pieces['rev']
-                nts1 = [nt for s in strands1 for nt in s.children]
-                nts2 = [nt for s in strands2 for nt in s.children[::-1]]
-                assert(len(nts1) == len(nts2))
-                for nt1,nt2 in zip(nts1,nts2):
-                    ## TODO weakref
-                    nt1.basepair = nt2
-                    nt2.basepair = nt1
-    def write_atomic_bp_restraints(self, output_name, spring_constant=1.0):
-        ## TODO: ensure atomic model was generated already
-        ## TODO: allow ENM to be created without first building atomic model
-        with open("%s.exb" % output_name,'w') as fh:
-            for seg in self.segments:
-                ## Continue unless dsDNA
-                if not isinstance(seg,DoubleStrandedSegment): continue
-                for strand_piece in seg.strand_pieces['fwd']:
-                    assert( strand_piece.is_fwd )
-                    for nt1 in strand_piece.children:
-                        nt2 = nt1.basepair
-                        if nt1.resname == 'ADE':
-                            names = (('N1','N3'),('N6','O4'))
-                        elif nt1.resname == 'GUA':
-                            names = (('N2','O2'),('N1','N3'),('O6','N4'))
-                        elif nt1.resname == 'CYT':
-                            names = (('O2','N2'),('N3','N1'),('N4','O6'))
-                        elif nt1.resname == 'THY':
-                            names = (('N3','N1'),('O4','N6'))
-                        else:
-                            raise Exception("Unrecognized nucleotide!")
-                        for n1, n2 in names:
-                            i = nt1._get_atomic_index(name=n1)
-                            j = nt2._get_atomic_index(name=n2)
-                            fh.write("bond %d %d %f %.2f\n" % (i,j,spring_constant,2.8))
-    def write_atomic_ENM(self, output_name, lattice_type=None, interhelical_bonds=True):
-        ## TODO: ensure atomic model was generated already
-        if lattice_type is None:
-            try:
-                lattice_type = self.lattice_type
-            except:
-                lattice_type = "square"
-        else:
-            try:
-                if lattice_type != self.lattice_type:
-                    print("WARNING: printing ENM with a lattice type ({}) that differs from model's lattice type ({})".format(lattice_type,self.lattice_type))
-            except:
-                pass
-        if lattice_type == "square":
-            enmTemplate = enmTemplateSQ
-        elif lattice_type == "honeycomb":
-            enmTemplate = enmTemplateHC
-        else:
-            raise Exception("Lattice type '%s' not supported" % self.latticeType)
-        ## TODO: allow ENM to be created without first building atomic model
-        noStackPrime = 0
-        noBasepair = 0
-        with open("%s.exb" % output_name,'w') as fh:
-            # natoms=0
-            pairtypes = ('pair','stack','cross','paircross')
-            bonds = {k:[] for k in pairtypes}
-            for seg in self.segments:
-                ## Continue unless dsDNA
-                if not isinstance(seg,DoubleStrandedSegment): continue
-                for strand_piece in seg.strand_pieces['fwd'] + seg.strand_pieces['rev']:
-                    for nt1 in strand_piece.children:
-                        other = []
-                        nt2 = nt1.basepair
-                        if strand_piece.is_fwd:
-                            other.append((nt2,'pair'))
-                        nt2 = nt2.get_intrahelical_above()
-                        if nt2 is not None and strand_piece.is_fwd:
-                            ## TODO: check if this already exists
-                            other.append((nt2,'paircross'))
-                        nt2 = nt1.get_intrahelical_above()
-                        if nt2 is not None:
-                            other.append((nt2,'stack'))
-                            try:
-                                nt2 = nt2.basepair
-                            except:
-                                assert( isinstance(nt2.parent.segment, SingleStrandedSegment) )
-                                nt2 = None
-                            if nt2 is not None and strand_piece.is_fwd:
-                                other.append((nt2,'cross'))
-                        for nt2,pairtype in other:
-                            """
-                            if np.linalg.norm(nt2.position-nt1.position) > 7:
-                                import pdb
-                                pdb.set_trace()
-                            """
-                            key = ','.join((pairtype,nt1.sequence[0],nt2.sequence[0]))
-                            for n1, n2, d in enmTemplate[key]:
-                                d = float(d)
-                                k = 0.1
-                                if lattice_type == 'honeycomb':
-                                    correctionKey = ','.join((key,n1,n2))
-                                    assert(correctionKey in enmCorrectionsHC)
-                                    dk,dr = enmCorrectionsHC[correctionKey]
-                                    k  = float(dk)
-                                    d += float(dr)
-                                i = nt1._get_atomic_index(name=n1)
-                                j = nt2._get_atomic_index(name=n2)
-                                bonds[pairtype].append((i,j,k,d))
-            # print("NO STACKS found for:", noStackPrime)
-            # print("NO BASEPAIRS found for:", noBasepair)
-            for k,bondlist in bonds.items():
-                if len(bondlist) != len(set(bondlist)):
-                    devlogger.warning("Duplicate ENM bonds for pair type {}".format(k))
-                fh.write("# {}\n".format(k.upper()))
-                for b in set(bondlist):
-                    fh.write("bond %d %d %f %.2f\n" % b)
-        ## Loop dsDNA regions
-        push_bonds = []
-        processed_segs = set()
-        ## TODO possibly merge some of this code with SegmentModel.get_consecutive_crossovers()
-        for segI in self.segments: # TODOTODO: generalize through some abstract intrahelical interface that effectively joins "segments", for now interhelical bonds that cross intrahelically-connected segments are ignored
-            if not isinstance(segI,DoubleStrandedSegment): continue
-            ## Loop over dsDNA regions connected by crossovers
-            conn_locs = segI.get_contour_sorted_connections_and_locations("crossover")
-            other_segs = list(set([B.container for c,A,B in conn_locs]))
-            for segJ in other_segs:
-                if (segI,segJ) in processed_segs:
-                    continue
-                processed_segs.add((segI,segJ))
-                processed_segs.add((segJ,segI))
-                ## TODO perhaps handle ends that are not between crossovers
-                ## Loop over ordered pairs of crossovers between the two
-                cls = filter(lambda x: x[-1].container == segJ, conn_locs)
-                cls = sorted( cls, key=lambda x: x[1].get_nt_pos() )
-                for cl1,cl2 in zip(cls[:-1],cls[1:]):
-                    c1,A1,B1 = cl1
-                    c2,A2,B2 = cl2
-                    ntsI1,ntsI2 = [segI.contour_to_nt_pos(A.address) for A in (A1,A2)]
-                    ntsJ1,ntsJ2 = [segJ.contour_to_nt_pos(B.address) for B in (B1,B2)]
-                    ntsI = ntsI2-ntsI1+1
-                    ntsJ = ntsJ2-ntsJ1+1
-                    # assert( np.isclose( ntsI, int(round(ntsI)) ) )
-                    # assert( np.isclose( ntsJ, int(round(ntsJ)) ) )
-                    ntsI,ntsJ = [int(round(i)) for i in (ntsI,ntsJ)]
-                    ## Find if dsDNA "segments" are pointing in same direction
-                    ## could move this block out of the loop
-                    tangentA = segI.contour_to_tangent(A1.address)
-                    tangentB = segJ.contour_to_tangent(B1.address)
-                    dot1 =
-                    tangentA = segI.contour_to_tangent(A2.address)
-                    tangentB = segJ.contour_to_tangent(B2.address)
-                    dot2 =
-                    if dot1 > 0.5 and dot2 > 0.5:
-                        ...
-                    elif dot1 < -0.5 and dot2 < -0.5:
-                        ## TODO, reverse
-                        ...
-                        # print("Warning: {} and {} are on antiparallel helices (not yet implemented)... skipping".format(A1,B1))
-                        continue
-                    else:
-                        # print("Warning: {} and {} are on helices that do not point in similar direction... skipping".format(A1,B1))
-                        continue
-                    ## Go through each nucleotide between the two
-                    for ijmin in range(min(ntsI,ntsJ)):
-                        i=j=ijmin
-                        if ntsI < ntsJ:
-                            j = int(round(float(ntsJ*i)/ntsI))
-                        elif ntsJ < ntsI:
-                            i = int(round(float(ntsI*j)/ntsJ))
-                        ntI_idx = int(round(ntsI1+i))
-                        ntJ_idx = int(round(ntsJ1+j))
-                        ## Skip nucleotides that are too close to crossovers
-                        if i < 11 or j < 11: continue
-                        if ntsI2-ntI_idx < 11 or ntsJ2-ntJ_idx < 11: continue
-                        ## Find phosphates at ntI/ntJ
-                        for direction in [True,False]:
-                            try:
-                                i = segI._get_atomic_nucleotide(ntI_idx, direction)._get_atomic_index(name="P")
-                                j = segJ._get_atomic_nucleotide(ntJ_idx, direction)._get_atomic_index(name="P")
-                                push_bonds.append((i,j))
-                            except:
-                                # print("WARNING: could not find 'P' atom in {}:{} or {}:{}".format( segI, ntI_idx, segJ, ntJ_idx ))
-                                ...
-        if len(push_bonds) != len(set(push_bonds)):
-            devlogger.warning("Duplicate enrgmd push bonds")
-        push_bonds = list(set( push_bonds ))
-        # print("PUSH BONDS:", len(push_bonds))
-        if interhelical_bonds:
-            if not self.useTclForces:
-                with open("%s.exb" % output_name, 'a') as fh:
-                    fh.write("# PUSHBONDS\n")
-                    for i,j in push_bonds:
-                        fh.write("bond %d %d %f %.2f\n" % (i,j,1.0,31))
-            else:
-                flat_push_bonds = list(sum(push_bonds))
-                atomList = list(set( flat_push_bonds ))
-                with open("%s.forces.tcl" % output_name,'w') as fh:
-                    fh.write("set atomList {%s}\n\n" %
-                             " ".join([str(x-1) for x in  atomList]) )
-                    fh.write("set bonds {%s}\n" %
-                             " ".join([str(x-1) for x in flat_push_bonds]) )
-                    fh.write("""
-foreach atom $atomList {
-    addatom $atom
-proc calcforces {} {
-    global atomList bonds
-    loadcoords rv
-    foreach i $atomList {
-        set force($i) {0 0 0}
-    }
-    foreach {i j} $bonds {
-        set rvec [vecsub $rv($j) $rv($i)]
-        # lassign $rvec x y z
-        # set r [expr {sqrt($x*$x+$y*$y+$z*$z)}]
-        set r [getbond $rv($j) $rv($i)]
-        set f [expr {2*($r-31.0)/$r}]
-        vecadd $force($i) [vecscale $f $rvec]
-        vecadd $force($j) [vecscale [expr {-1.0*$f}] $rvec]
-    }
-    foreach i $atomList {
-        addforce $i $force($i)
-    }
-    def get_bounding_box( self, num_points=3 ):
-        positions = np.zeros( (len(self.segments)*num_points, 3) )
-        i = 0
-        for s in self.segments:
-            for c in np.linspace(0,1,num_points):
-                positions[i] = (s.contour_to_position(c))
-                i += 1
-        min_ = np.array([np.min(positions[:,i]) for i in range(3)])
-        max_ = np.array([np.max(positions[:,i]) for i in range(3)])
-        return min_,max_
-    def get_bounding_box_center( self, num_points=3 ):
-        min_,max_ = self.get_bounding_box(num_points)
-        return 0.5*(max_+min_)
-    def dimensions_from_structure( self, padding_factor=1.5, isotropic=False ):
-        min_,max_ = self.get_bounding_box()
-        dx,dy,dz = (max_-min_+30)*padding_factor
-        if isotropic:
-            dx = dy = dz = max((dx,dy,dz))
-        return np.array([dx,dy,dz])
-    def add_grid_potential(self, grid_file, scale=1, per_nucleotide=True, filter_fn=None):
-        grid_file = Path(grid_file)
-        if not grid_file.is_file():
-            raise ValueError("Grid file {} does not exist".format(grid_file))
-        if not grid_file.is_absolute():
-            grid_file = Path.cwd() / grid_file
-        self.grid_potentials.append((grid_file,scale,per_nucleotide, filter_fn))
-        try:
-            self._apply_grid_potentials_to_beads(self._beadtype_s)
-        except:
-            pass
-    def _apply_grid_potentials_to_beads(self, bead_type_dict ):
-        for grid_file, scale, per_nucleotide, filter_fn in self.grid_potentials:
-            def add_grid_to_type(particle_type):                
-                if[0] == "O": return
-                s = scale*particle_type.nts if per_nucleotide else scale
-                try:
-                    particle_type.grid = list(particle_type.grid) + [(grid_file, s)]
-                except:
-                    particle_type.grid = [(grid_file, s)]
-                particle_type.grid = tuple(particle_type.grid)
-            if filter_fn is None:
-                for key,particle_type in bead_type_dict.items():
-                    add_grid_to_type(particle_type)
-            else:
-                grid_types = dict()
-                for b in filter(filter_fn, sum([seg.beads for seg in self.segments],[])):
-                    t = b.type_
-                    if[0] == "O": continue
-                    if t not in grid_types:
-                        new_type = ParticleType('G',charge=t.charge, parent=t)
-                        add_grid_to_type(new_type)
-                        grid_types[t] = new_type
-                    b.type_ = grid_types[t]
-    def _generate_atomic_model(self, scale=1):
-        ## TODO: deprecate
-        self.generate_atomic_model(scale=scale)
-    def generate_atomic_model(self, scale=1):
-        self.clear_beads()
-        self.children = self.strands # TODO: is this going to be okay? probably
-        first_atomic_index = 0
-        for s in self.strands:
-            first_atomic_index = s.generate_atomic_model(scale,first_atomic_index)
-        self._assign_basepairs()
-    """ OxDNA """
-    ##
-    def generate_oxdna_model(self, scale=1):
-        self.clear_beads()
-        self.children = self.strands
-        for s in self.strands:
-            s.generate_oxdna_model()
-    def _write_oxdna_configuration(self, filename, gpu=0):
-        _angstroms_to_oxdna = 0.11739845 ##  units "AA" "8.518e-10 m"
-        with open(filename,'w') as fh:
-            fh.write("""t = {temperature}
-b = {dimX} {dimY} {dimZ}
-E = 0 0 0
-                        dimX = self.dimensions[0]*_angstroms_to_oxdna,
-                        dimY = self.dimensions[1]*_angstroms_to_oxdna,
-                        dimZ = self.dimensions[2]*_angstroms_to_oxdna))
-            base_vec = np.array((1,0,0)) # TODO
-            norm_vec = np.array((0,0,1)) # TODO
-            ## Traverse 3'-to-5'
-            for nt in [nt for s in self.strands for nt in s.oxdna_nt[::-1]]:
-                data = dict()
-                # o = nt.collapsedOrientation()
-                o = nt.orientation
-                for k,v in zip('x y z'.split(),nt.collapsedPosition()):
-                    data[k] = v * _angstroms_to_oxdna
-                for k,v in zip('x y z'.split(),
-                    data['b'+k] = v
-                for k,v in zip('x y z'.split(),
-                    data['n'+k] = v
-                fh.write("{x} {y} {z} {bx} {by} {bz} {nx} {ny} {nz}   0 0 0   0 0 0\n".format(**data)
-    )
-    def _write_oxdna_topology(self,filename):
-        strands = [s for s in self.strands if s.num_nt > 0]
-        with open(filename,'w') as fh:
-            fh.write("{num_nts} {num_strands}\n".format(
-                num_nts = sum([s.num_nt for s in strands]),
-                num_strands = len(self.strands)))
-            idx = 0
-            sidx = 1
-            for strand in strands:
-                prev = idx+strand.num_nt-1 if strand.is_circular else -1
-                last = idx if strand.is_circular else -1
-                ## Traverse 3'-to-5'
-                sequence = [seq for s in strand.strand_segments
-                            for seq in s.get_sequence()][::-1]
-                for seq in sequence[:-1]:
-                    ## strand seq 3' 5'
-                    fh.write("{} {} {} {}\n".format(sidx, seq, prev, idx+1))
-                    prev = idx
-                    idx += 1
-                seq = sequence[-1]
-                fh.write("{} {} {} {}\n".format(sidx, seq, prev, last))
-                idx += 1
-                sidx += 1
-    def _write_oxdna_input(self, filename,
-                           topology,
-                           conf_file,
-                           trajectory_file,
-                           last_conf_file,
-                           log_file,
-                           num_steps = 1e6,
-                           interaction_type = 'DNA2',
-                           salt_concentration = None,
-                           print_conf_interval = None,
-                           print_energy_every = None,
-                           timestep = 0.003,
-                           sim_type = "MD",
-                           backend = None,
-                           backend_precision = None,
-                           seed = None,
-                           newtonian_steps = 103,
-                           diff_coeff = 2.50,
-                           thermostat = "john",
-                           list_type = "cells",
-                           ensemble = "nvt",
-                           delta_translation = 0.22,
-                           delta_rotation = 0.22,
-                           verlet_skin = 0.5,
-                           max_backbone_force = 100,
-                           external_forces_file = None,
-                           seq_dep_file = None,
-                           gpu = 0
-                       ):
-        if seed is None:
-            import random
-            seed = random.randint(1,99999)
-        temperature = self.temperature
-        num_steps = int(num_steps)
-        newtonian_steps = int(newtonian_steps)
-        if print_conf_interval is None:
-            # print_conf_interval = min(num_steps//100)
-            print_conf_interval = 10000
-        print_conf_interval = int(print_conf_interval)
-        if print_energy_every is None:
-            print_energy_every = print_conf_interval
-        print_energy_every = int(print_energy_every)
-        if max_backbone_force is not None:
-            max_backbone_force = 'max_backbone_force = {}'.format(max_backbone_force)
-        if interaction_type in ('DNA2',):
-            if salt_concentration is None:
-                try:
-                    ## units "80 epsilon0 295 k K / (2 (AA)**2 e**2/particle)" mM
-                    salt_concentration = 9331.3126/self.debye_length**2
-                except:
-                    salt_concentration = 0.5
-            salt_concentration = 'salt_concentration = {}'.format(salt_concentration)
-        else:
-            salt_concentration = ''
-        if backend is None:
-            backend = 'CUDA' if sim_type == 'MD' else 'CPU'
-        if backend_precision is None:
-            backend_precision = 'mixed' if backend == 'CUDA' else 'double'
-        if sim_type == 'VMMC':
-            ensemble = 'ensemble = {}'.format(ensemble)
-            delta_translation = 'delta_translation = {}'.format(delta_translation)
-            delta_rotation = 'delta_rotation = {}'.format(delta_rotation)
-        else:
-            ensemble = ''
-            delta_translation = ''
-            delta_rotation = ''
-        if external_forces_file is None:
-            external_forces = "external_forces = 0"
-        else:
-            external_forces = "external_forces = 1\nexternal_forces_file = {}".format(external_forces_file)
-        if seq_dep_file is None:
-            sequence_dependence = ""
-        else:
-            if seq_dep_file == "oxDNA2":
-                seq_dep_file = get_resource_path("oxDNA2_sequence_dependent_parameters.txt")
-            elif seq_dep_file == "oxDNA1":
-                seq_dep_file = get_resource_path("oxDNA1_sequence_dependent_parameters.txt")
-            sequence_dependence = "use_average_seq = 1\nseq_dep_file = {}".format(seq_dep_file)
-        with open(filename,'w') as fh:
-            fh.write("""##############################
-interaction_type = {interaction_type}
-sim_type = {sim_type}
-backend = {backend}
-CUDA_device = {gpu}
-backend_precision = {backend_precision}
-#debug = 1
-seed = {seed}
-####    SIM PARAMETERS    ####
-steps = {num_steps:d}
-newtonian_steps = {newtonian_steps:d}
-diff_coeff = {diff_coeff}
-thermostat = {thermostat}
-list_type = {list_type}
-T = {temperature:f} K
-dt = {timestep}
-verlet_skin = {verlet_skin}
-####    INPUT / OUTPUT    ####
-box_type = orthogonal
-topology = {topology}
-conf_file = {conf_file}
-lastconf_file = {last_conf_file}
-trajectory_file = {trajectory_file}
-refresh_vel = 1
-log_file = {log_file}
-no_stdout_energy = 1
-restart_step_counter = 1
-energy_file = {log_file}.energy.dat
-print_conf_interval = {print_conf_interval}
-print_energy_every = {print_energy_every}
-time_scale = linear
-""".format( **locals() ))
-    def simulate_oxdna(self, output_name, directory='.', output_directory='output', topology=None, configuration=None, oxDNA=None, gpu=0, **oxdna_args):
-        if output_directory == '': output_directory='.'
-        d_orig = os.getcwd()
-        if not os.path.exists(directory):
-            os.makedirs(directory)
-        os.chdir(directory)
-        try:
-            if oxDNA is None:
-                for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
-                    path = path.strip('"')
-                    fname = os.path.join(path, "oxDNA")
-                    if os.path.isfile(fname) and os.access(fname, os.X_OK):
-                        oxDNA = fname
-                        break
-            if oxDNA is None: raise Exception("oxDNA was not found")
-            if not os.path.exists(oxDNA):
-                raise Exception("oxDNA was not found")
-            if not os.path.isfile(oxDNA):
-                raise Exception("oxDNA was not found")
-            if not os.access(oxDNA, os.X_OK):
-                raise Exception("oxDNA is not executable")
-            if not os.path.exists(output_directory):
-                os.makedirs(output_directory)
-            elif not os.path.isdir(output_directory):
-                raise Exception("output_directory '%s' is not a directory!" % output_directory)
-            if configuration is None:
-                configuration = "{}.conf".format(output_name)
-                self._write_oxdna_configuration(configuration)
-            # elif not Path(configuration).exists():
-            #     raise Exception("Unable to find oxDNA configuration file '{}'.".format(configuration))
-            if topology is None:
-                topology = "{}-topology.dat".format(output_name)
-                self._write_oxdna_topology(topology)
-            elif not Path(topology).exists():
-                raise Exception("Unable to find oxDNA topology file '{}'.".format(topology))
-            last_conf_file = "{}/{}.last.conf".format(output_directory,output_name)
-            input_file = "{}-input".format(output_name)
-            self._write_oxdna_input(input_file,
-                                    topology = topology,
-                                    conf_file = configuration,
-                                    trajectory_file = "{}/{}.dat".format(output_directory,output_name),
-                                    last_conf_file = last_conf_file,
-                                    log_file="{}/{}.log".format(output_directory,output_name),
-                                    gpu = gpu,
-                                    **oxdna_args)
-            # os.sync()
-            ## TODO: call oxdna
-            cmd = [oxDNA, input_file]
-            cmd = tuple(str(x) for x in cmd)
-            print("Running oxDNA with: %s" % " ".join(cmd))
-            process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
-            for line in process.stdout:
-                sys.stdout.write(line)
-                sys.stdout.flush()
-            return topology,last_conf_file
-        finally:
-            os.chdir(d_orig)
-    """ Visualization """
-    def vmd_tube_tcl(self, file_name="drawTubes.tcl"):
-        with open(file_name, 'w') as tclFile:
-            tclFile.write("## beginning TCL script \n")
-            def draw_tube(segment,radius_value=10, color="cyan", resolution=5):
-                tclFile.write("## Tube being drawn... \n")
-                contours = np.linspace(0,1, max(2,1+segment.num_nt//resolution) )
-                rs = [segment.contour_to_position(c) for c in contours]
-                radius_value = str(radius_value)
-                tclFile.write("graphics top color {} \n".format(str(color)))
-                for i in range(len(rs)-2):
-                    r0 = rs[i]
-                    r1 = rs[i+1]
-                    filled = "yes" if i in (0,len(rs)-2) else "no"
-                    tclFile.write("graphics top cylinder {{ {} {} {} }} {{ {} {} {} }} radius {} resolution 30 filled {} \n".format(r0[0], r0[1], r0[2], r1[0], r1[1], r1[2], str(radius_value), filled))
-                    tclFile.write("graphics top sphere {{ {} {} {} }} radius {} resolution 30\n".format(r1[0], r1[1], r1[2], str(radius_value)))
-                r0 = rs[-2]
-                r0 = rs[-1]
-                tclFile.write("graphics top cylinder {{ {} {} {} }} {{ {} {} {} }} radius {} resolution 30 filled yes \n".format(r0[0], r0[1], r0[2], r1[0], r1[1], r1[2], str(radius_value)))
-            ## material
-            tclFile.write("graphics top materials on \n")
-            tclFile.write("graphics top material AOEdgy \n")
-            ## iterate through the model segments
-            for s in self.segments:
-                if isinstance(s,DoubleStrandedSegment):
-                    tclFile.write("## dsDNA! \n")
-                    draw_tube(s,10,"cyan")
-                elif isinstance(s,SingleStrandedSegment):
-                    tclFile.write("## ssDNA! \n")
-                    draw_tube(s,3,"orange",resolution=1.5)
-                else:
-                    raise Exception ("your model includes beads that are neither ssDNA nor dsDNA")
-            ## tclFile complete
-            tclFile.close()
-    def vmd_cylinder_tcl(self, file_name="drawCylinders.tcl"):
-        #raise NotImplementedError
-        with open(file_name, 'w') as tclFile:
-            tclFile.write("## beginning TCL script \n")
-            def draw_cylinder(segment,radius_value=10,color="cyan"):
-                tclFile.write("## cylinder being drawn... \n")
-                r0 = segment.contour_to_position(0)
-                r1 = segment.contour_to_position(1)
-                radius_value = str(radius_value)
-                color = str(color)
-                tclFile.write("graphics top color {} \n".format(color))
-                tclFile.write("graphics top cylinder {{ {} {} {} }} {{ {} {} {} }} radius {} resolution 30 filled yes \n".format(r0[0], r0[1], r0[2], r1[0], r1[1], r1[2], radius_value))
-            ## material
-            tclFile.write("graphics top materials on \n")
-            tclFile.write("graphics top material AOEdgy \n")
-            ## iterate through the model segments
-            for s in self.segments:
-                if isinstance(s,DoubleStrandedSegment):
-                    tclFile.write("## dsDNA! \n")
-                    draw_cylinder(s,10,"cyan")
-                elif isinstance(s,SingleStrandedSegment):
-                    tclFile.write("## ssDNA! \n")
-                    draw_cylinder(s,3,"orange")
-                else:
-                    raise Exception ("your model includes beads that are neither ssDNA nor dsDNA")
-            ## tclFile complete
-            tclFile.close()