diff --git a/mrdna/model/arbdmodel.py b/mrdna/model/arbdmodel.py
index 197bddbce8755f8e09fe87ec8beecd9988a8d1c6..de24a3a5675f60073a0cb629410740f0211d6083 100644
--- a/mrdna/model/arbdmodel.py
+++ b/mrdna/model/arbdmodel.py
@@ -1191,259 +1191,3 @@ run {num_steps:d}
         self.write_namd_configuration( output_name, output_directory = output_directory )
-    """ oxDNA """
-    ## https://dna.physics.ox.ac.uk/index.php/Documentation#Input_file
-    def _write_oxdna_configuration(self, filename):
-        _angstroms_to_oxdna = 0.11739845 ##  units "AA" "8.518e-10 m"
-        with open(filename,'w') as fh:
-            fh.write("""t = {temperature}
-b = {dimX} {dimY} {dimZ}
-E = 0 0 0
-                        dimX = self.dimensions[0]*_angstroms_to_oxdna,
-                        dimY = self.dimensions[1]*_angstroms_to_oxdna,
-                        dimZ = self.dimensions[2]*_angstroms_to_oxdna))
-            base_vec = np.array((1,0,0)) # TODO
-            norm_vec = np.array((0,0,1)) # TODO
-            ## Traverse 3'-to-5'
-            for nt in [nt for s in self.strands for nt in s.oxdna_nt[::-1]]:
-                data = dict()
-                # o = nt.collapsedOrientation()
-                o = nt.orientation
-                for k,v in zip('x y z'.split(),nt.collapsedPosition()):
-                    data[k] = v * _angstroms_to_oxdna
-                for k,v in zip('x y z'.split(),o.dot(base_vec)):
-                    data['b'+k] = v
-                for k,v in zip('x y z'.split(),o.dot(norm_vec)):
-                    data['n'+k] = v
-                fh.write("{x} {y} {z} {bx} {by} {bz} {nx} {ny} {nz}   0 0 0   0 0 0\n".format(**data)
-    )
-    def _write_oxdna_topology(self,filename):
-        strands = [s for s in self.strands if s.num_nt > 0]
-        with open(filename,'w') as fh:
-            fh.write("{num_nts} {num_strands}\n".format(
-                num_nts = sum([s.num_nt for s in strands]),
-                num_strands = len(self.strands)))
-            idx = 0
-            sidx = 1
-            for strand in strands:
-                prev = idx+len(strand.num_nt) if strand.is_circular else -1
-                last = idx if strand.is_circular else -1
-                ## Traverse 3'-to-5'
-                sequence = [seq for s in strand.strand_segments 
-                            for seq in s.get_sequence()][::-1]
-                for seq in sequence[:-1]:
-                    ## strand seq 3' 5'
-                    fh.write("{} {} {} {}\n".format(sidx, seq, prev, idx+1))
-                    prev = idx
-                    idx += 1
-                seq = sequence[-1]
-                fh.write("{} {} {} {}\n".format(sidx, seq, prev, last))
-                idx += 1
-                sidx += 1
-    def _write_oxdna_input(self, filename,
-                           topology,
-                           conf_file,
-                           trajectory_file,
-                           last_conf_file,
-                           log_file,
-                           num_steps = 1e6,
-                           interaction_type = 'DNA2',
-                           salt_concentration = None,
-                           print_conf_interval = None,
-                           print_energy_every = None,
-                           timestep = 0.003,
-                           sim_type = "MD",
-                           backend = None,
-                           backend_precision = None,
-                           seed = None,
-                           newtonian_steps = 103,
-                           diff_coeff = 2.50,
-                           thermostat = "john",
-                           list_type = "cells",
-                           ensemble = "nvt",
-                           delta_translation = 0.22,
-                           delta_rotation = 0.22,
-                           verlet_skin = 0.5,
-                           max_backbone_force = 5,
-                       ):
-        if seed is None:
-            import random
-            seed = random.randint(1,99999)
-        temperature = self.temperature
-        num_steps = int(num_steps)
-        newtonian_steps = int(newtonian_steps)
-        if print_conf_interval is None:
-            # print_conf_interval = min(num_steps//100)
-            print_conf_interval = 10000
-        print_conf_interval = int(print_conf_interval)
-        if print_energy_every is None:
-            print_energy_every = print_conf_interval
-        print_energy_every = int(print_energy_every)
-        if max_backbone_force is not None:
-            max_backbone_force = 'max_backbone_force = {}'.format(max_backbone_force)
-        if interaction_type in ('DNA2',):
-            if salt_concentration is None:
-                try:
-                    ## units "80 epsilon0 295 k K / (2 (AA)**2 e**2/particle)" mM
-                    salt_concentration = 9331.3126/self.debye_length**2
-                except:
-                    salt_concentration = 0.5
-            salt_concentration = 'salt_concentration = {}'.format(salt_concentration)
-        else:
-            salt_concentration = ''
-        if backend is None:
-            backend = 'CUDA' if sim_type == 'MD' else 'CPU'
-        if backend_precision is None:
-            backend_precision = 'mixed' if backend == 'CUDA' else 'double'
-        if sim_type == 'VMMC':
-            ensemble = 'ensemble = {}'.format(ensemble)
-            delta_translation = 'delta_translation = {}'.format(delta_translation)
-            delta_rotation = 'delta_rotation = {}'.format(delta_rotation)
-        else:
-            ensemble = ''
-            delta_translation = ''
-            delta_rotation = ''
-        with open(filename,'w') as fh:
-            fh.write("""##############################
-interaction_type = {interaction_type}
-sim_type = {sim_type}
-backend = {backend}
-backend_precision = {backend_precision}
-#debug = 1
-seed = {seed}
-####    SIM PARAMETERS    ####
-steps = {num_steps:d}
-newtonian_steps = {newtonian_steps:d}
-diff_coeff = {diff_coeff}
-thermostat = {thermostat}
-list_type = {list_type}
-T = {temperature:f} K
-dt = {timestep}
-verlet_skin = {verlet_skin}
-####    INPUT / OUTPUT    ####
-topology = {topology}
-conf_file = {conf_file}
-lastconf_file = {last_conf_file}
-trajectory_file = {trajectory_file}
-refresh_vel = 1
-log_file = {log_file}
-no_stdout_energy = 1
-restart_step_counter = 1
-energy_file = {log_file}.energy.dat
-print_conf_interval = {print_conf_interval}
-print_energy_every = {print_energy_every}
-time_scale = linear
-external_forces = 0
-""".format( **locals() ))
-    def simulate_oxdna(self, output_name, directory='.', output_directory='output', topology=None, configuration=None, oxDNA=None, **oxdna_args):
-        if output_directory == '': output_directory='.' 
-        d_orig = os.getcwd()
-        if not os.path.exists(directory):
-            os.makedirs(directory)
-        os.chdir(directory)
-        try:
-            if oxDNA is None:
-                for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
-                    path = path.strip('"')
-                    fname = os.path.join(path, "oxDNA")
-                    if os.path.isfile(fname) and os.access(fname, os.X_OK):
-                        oxDNA = fname
-                        break 
-            if oxDNA is None: raise Exception("oxDNA was not found")
-            if not os.path.exists(oxDNA):
-                raise Exception("oxDNA was not found")
-            if not os.path.isfile(oxDNA):
-                raise Exception("oxDNA was not found")
-            if not os.access(oxDNA, os.X_OK):
-                raise Exception("oxDNA is not executable")
-            if not os.path.exists(output_directory):
-                os.makedirs(output_directory)
-            elif not os.path.isdir(output_directory):
-                raise Exception("output_directory '%s' is not a directory!" % output_directory)
-            if configuration is None:
-                configuration = "{}.conf".format(output_name)
-                self._write_oxdna_configuration(configuration)
-            # elif not Path(configuration).exists():
-            #     raise Exception("Unable to find oxDNA configuration file '{}'.".format(configuration))
-            if topology is None:
-                topology = "{}-topology.dat".format(output_name)
-                self._write_oxdna_topology(topology)
-            elif not Path(topology).exists():
-                raise Exception("Unable to find oxDNA topology file '{}'.".format(topology))
-            last_conf_file = "{}/{}.last.conf".format(output_directory,output_name)
-            input_file = "{}-input".format(output_name)
-            self._write_oxdna_input(input_file,
-                                    topology = topology,
-                                    conf_file = configuration,
-                                    trajectory_file = "{}/{}.dat".format(output_directory,output_name),
-                                    last_conf_file = last_conf_file,
-                                    log_file="{}/{}.log".format(output_directory,output_name),
-                                    **oxdna_args)
-            os.sync()
-            ## TODO: call oxdna
-            cmd = [oxDNA, input_file]
-            cmd = tuple(str(x) for x in cmd)
-            print("Running oxDNA with: %s" % " ".join(cmd))
-            process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
-            for line in process.stdout:
-                sys.stdout.write(line)
-                sys.stdout.flush()
-            return topology,last_conf_file
-        finally:
-            os.chdir(d_orig)
diff --git a/mrdna/segmentmodel.py b/mrdna/segmentmodel.py
index 0273c5dbe183390f5b80110569f6b8cd97c54834..6f5efa809c6b7b118f87eb0ffbbe8732823200d0 100644
--- a/mrdna/segmentmodel.py
+++ b/mrdna/segmentmodel.py
@@ -3248,12 +3248,265 @@ proc calcforces {} {
             first_atomic_index = s.generate_atomic_model(scale,first_atomic_index)
+    """ OxDNA """
+    ## https://dna.physics.ox.ac.uk/index.php/Documentation#Input_file
     def generate_oxdna_model(self, scale=1):
         self.children = self.strands
         for s in self.strands:
+    def _write_oxdna_configuration(self, filename):
+        _angstroms_to_oxdna = 0.11739845 ##  units "AA" "8.518e-10 m"
+        with open(filename,'w') as fh:
+            fh.write("""t = {temperature}
+b = {dimX} {dimY} {dimZ}
+E = 0 0 0
+                        dimX = self.dimensions[0]*_angstroms_to_oxdna,
+                        dimY = self.dimensions[1]*_angstroms_to_oxdna,
+                        dimZ = self.dimensions[2]*_angstroms_to_oxdna))
+            base_vec = np.array((1,0,0)) # TODO
+            norm_vec = np.array((0,0,1)) # TODO
+            ## Traverse 3'-to-5'
+            for nt in [nt for s in self.strands for nt in s.oxdna_nt[::-1]]:
+                data = dict()
+                # o = nt.collapsedOrientation()
+                o = nt.orientation
+                for k,v in zip('x y z'.split(),nt.collapsedPosition()):
+                    data[k] = v * _angstroms_to_oxdna
+                for k,v in zip('x y z'.split(),o.dot(base_vec)):
+                    data['b'+k] = v
+                for k,v in zip('x y z'.split(),o.dot(norm_vec)):
+                    data['n'+k] = v
+                fh.write("{x} {y} {z} {bx} {by} {bz} {nx} {ny} {nz}   0 0 0   0 0 0\n".format(**data)
+    )
+    def _write_oxdna_topology(self,filename):
+        strands = [s for s in self.strands if s.num_nt > 0]
+        with open(filename,'w') as fh:
+            fh.write("{num_nts} {num_strands}\n".format(
+                num_nts = sum([s.num_nt for s in strands]),
+                num_strands = len(self.strands)))
+            idx = 0
+            sidx = 1
+            for strand in strands:
+                prev = idx+len(strand.num_nt) if strand.is_circular else -1
+                last = idx if strand.is_circular else -1
+                ## Traverse 3'-to-5'
+                sequence = [seq for s in strand.strand_segments
+                            for seq in s.get_sequence()][::-1]
+                for seq in sequence[:-1]:
+                    ## strand seq 3' 5'
+                    fh.write("{} {} {} {}\n".format(sidx, seq, prev, idx+1))
+                    prev = idx
+                    idx += 1
+                seq = sequence[-1]
+                fh.write("{} {} {} {}\n".format(sidx, seq, prev, last))
+                idx += 1
+                sidx += 1
+    def _write_oxdna_input(self, filename,
+                           topology,
+                           conf_file,
+                           trajectory_file,
+                           last_conf_file,
+                           log_file,
+                           num_steps = 1e6,
+                           interaction_type = 'DNA2',
+                           salt_concentration = None,
+                           print_conf_interval = None,
+                           print_energy_every = None,
+                           timestep = 0.003,
+                           sim_type = "MD",
+                           backend = None,
+                           backend_precision = None,
+                           seed = None,
+                           newtonian_steps = 103,
+                           diff_coeff = 2.50,
+                           thermostat = "john",
+                           list_type = "cells",
+                           ensemble = "nvt",
+                           delta_translation = 0.22,
+                           delta_rotation = 0.22,
+                           verlet_skin = 0.5,
+                           max_backbone_force = 5,
+                       ):
+        if seed is None:
+            import random
+            seed = random.randint(1,99999)
+        temperature = self.temperature
+        num_steps = int(num_steps)
+        newtonian_steps = int(newtonian_steps)
+        if print_conf_interval is None:
+            # print_conf_interval = min(num_steps//100)
+            print_conf_interval = 10000
+        print_conf_interval = int(print_conf_interval)
+        if print_energy_every is None:
+            print_energy_every = print_conf_interval
+        print_energy_every = int(print_energy_every)
+        if max_backbone_force is not None:
+            max_backbone_force = 'max_backbone_force = {}'.format(max_backbone_force)
+        if interaction_type in ('DNA2',):
+            if salt_concentration is None:
+                try:
+                    ## units "80 epsilon0 295 k K / (2 (AA)**2 e**2/particle)" mM
+                    salt_concentration = 9331.3126/self.debye_length**2
+                except:
+                    salt_concentration = 0.5
+            salt_concentration = 'salt_concentration = {}'.format(salt_concentration)
+        else:
+            salt_concentration = ''
+        if backend is None:
+            backend = 'CUDA' if sim_type == 'MD' else 'CPU'
+        if backend_precision is None:
+            backend_precision = 'mixed' if backend == 'CUDA' else 'double'
+        if sim_type == 'VMMC':
+            ensemble = 'ensemble = {}'.format(ensemble)
+            delta_translation = 'delta_translation = {}'.format(delta_translation)
+            delta_rotation = 'delta_rotation = {}'.format(delta_rotation)
+        else:
+            ensemble = ''
+            delta_translation = ''
+            delta_rotation = ''
+        with open(filename,'w') as fh:
+            fh.write("""##############################
+interaction_type = {interaction_type}
+sim_type = {sim_type}
+backend = {backend}
+backend_precision = {backend_precision}
+#debug = 1
+seed = {seed}
+####    SIM PARAMETERS    ####
+steps = {num_steps:d}
+newtonian_steps = {newtonian_steps:d}
+diff_coeff = {diff_coeff}
+thermostat = {thermostat}
+list_type = {list_type}
+T = {temperature:f} K
+dt = {timestep}
+verlet_skin = {verlet_skin}
+####    INPUT / OUTPUT    ####
+topology = {topology}
+conf_file = {conf_file}
+lastconf_file = {last_conf_file}
+trajectory_file = {trajectory_file}
+refresh_vel = 1
+log_file = {log_file}
+no_stdout_energy = 1
+restart_step_counter = 1
+energy_file = {log_file}.energy.dat
+print_conf_interval = {print_conf_interval}
+print_energy_every = {print_energy_every}
+time_scale = linear
+external_forces = 0
+""".format( **locals() ))
+    def simulate_oxdna(self, output_name, directory='.', output_directory='output', topology=None, configuration=None, oxDNA=None, **oxdna_args):
+        if output_directory == '': output_directory='.'
+        d_orig = os.getcwd()
+        if not os.path.exists(directory):
+            os.makedirs(directory)
+        os.chdir(directory)
+        try:
+            if oxDNA is None:
+                for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
+                    path = path.strip('"')
+                    fname = os.path.join(path, "oxDNA")
+                    if os.path.isfile(fname) and os.access(fname, os.X_OK):
+                        oxDNA = fname
+                        break
+            if oxDNA is None: raise Exception("oxDNA was not found")
+            if not os.path.exists(oxDNA):
+                raise Exception("oxDNA was not found")
+            if not os.path.isfile(oxDNA):
+                raise Exception("oxDNA was not found")
+            if not os.access(oxDNA, os.X_OK):
+                raise Exception("oxDNA is not executable")
+            if not os.path.exists(output_directory):
+                os.makedirs(output_directory)
+            elif not os.path.isdir(output_directory):
+                raise Exception("output_directory '%s' is not a directory!" % output_directory)
+            if configuration is None:
+                configuration = "{}.conf".format(output_name)
+                self._write_oxdna_configuration(configuration)
+            # elif not Path(configuration).exists():
+            #     raise Exception("Unable to find oxDNA configuration file '{}'.".format(configuration))
+            if topology is None:
+                topology = "{}-topology.dat".format(output_name)
+                self._write_oxdna_topology(topology)
+            elif not Path(topology).exists():
+                raise Exception("Unable to find oxDNA topology file '{}'.".format(topology))
+            last_conf_file = "{}/{}.last.conf".format(output_directory,output_name)
+            input_file = "{}-input".format(output_name)
+            self._write_oxdna_input(input_file,
+                                    topology = topology,
+                                    conf_file = configuration,
+                                    trajectory_file = "{}/{}.dat".format(output_directory,output_name),
+                                    last_conf_file = last_conf_file,
+                                    log_file="{}/{}.log".format(output_directory,output_name),
+                                    **oxdna_args)
+            os.sync()
+            ## TODO: call oxdna
+            cmd = [oxDNA, input_file]
+            cmd = tuple(str(x) for x in cmd)
+            print("Running oxDNA with: %s" % " ".join(cmd))
+            process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
+            for line in process.stdout:
+                sys.stdout.write(line)
+                sys.stdout.flush()
+            return topology,last_conf_file
+        finally:
+            os.chdir(d_orig)
+    """ Visualization """
     def vmd_tube_tcl(self, file_name="drawTubes.tcl"):
         with open(file_name, 'w') as tclFile:
             tclFile.write("## beginning TCL script \n")