From f46a711224bf2fd3279929be8a61e58fb257b7b2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chris Maffeo <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:38:13 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Small changes to pybind code

 CMakeLists.txt                |   6 +-
 src/pyarbd.cpp                |  70 -----------------
 src/pybindings/CMakeLists.txt |   7 ++
 src/pybindings/pyarbd.cpp     |  11 +++
 src/pybindings/pypatch.cpp    |   1 +
 src/pybindings/pytypes.cpp    | 142 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 6 files changed, 163 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/pyarbd.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/pybindings/CMakeLists.txt
 create mode 100644 src/pybindings/pyarbd.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/pybindings/pypatch.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/pybindings/pytypes.cpp

diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 16e6d81..b5dca38 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ message(STATUS "DEBUG: ${DEBUG}")
 message(STATUS "USE_NCCL: ${USE_NCCL}")
 message(STATUS "USE_NVTX: ${USE_NVTX}")
 ## Set flags before adding executable 
@@ -166,11 +167,8 @@ src/
-  ##
-  find_package(Python 3.6 COMPONENTS Interpreter Development REQUIRED)
-  pybind11_add_module("py${PROJECT_NAME}" MODULE src/pyarbd.cpp)
-  target_link_libraries("py${PROJECT_NAME}" PUBLIC "lib${PROJECT_NAME}")
+  add_subdirectory(src/pybindings)
 target_link_libraries("${PROJECT_NAME}" PUBLIC "lib${PROJECT_NAME}")
diff --git a/src/pyarbd.cpp b/src/pyarbd.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e49f05..0000000
--- a/src/pyarbd.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-#include "Types.h"
-#include "ParticlePatch.h"
-#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
-#include <pybind11/numpy.h>
-#include <pybind11/operators.h>
-namespace py = pybind11;
-template<typename T>
-Vector3_t<T> array_to_vector(py::array_t<T> a) {
-    py::buffer_info buf1 = a.request();
-    if (buf1.ndim != 1)
-        throw std::runtime_error("Number of dimensions must be one");
-    if (buf1.size < 3 || buf1.size > 4)
-        throw std::runtime_error("Size of array must be 3 or 4");
-    T *ptr = static_cast<T *>(buf1.ptr);
-    if (buf1.size == 3)
-	return Vector3_t<T>(ptr[0],ptr[1],ptr[2]);
-    else
-	return Vector3_t<T>(ptr[0],ptr[1],ptr[2],ptr[3]);
-// basic types
-template<typename T>
-void declare_vector(py::module &m, const std::string &typestr) {
-    using Class = Vector3_t<T>;
-    std::string pyclass_name = std::string("Vector3_t_") + typestr;
-    py::class_<Class>(m, pyclass_name.c_str(), py::buffer_protocol(), py::dynamic_attr())
-	.def(py::init<>())
-	.def(py::init<T>())
-	.def(py::init<T, T, T>())
-	.def(py::init([](py::array_t<T> a) { return array_to_vector<T>(a); }))
-	// .def(py::init<T, T, T, T>(),[] lambda )
-	// .def(py::init<T*>())
-	.def(py::self + py::self)
-	.def(py::self * py::self)
-        // .def(py::self += py::self)
-        .def(py::self *= float())
-        .def(float() * py::self)
-        .def(py::self * float())
-        .def(-py::self)
-        .def("__repr__", &Class::to_string);
-PYBIND11_MODULE(pyarbd, m) {
-    declare_vector<int>(m, "int");
-    declare_vector<float>(m, "float");
-    declare_vector<double>(m, "double");
-    m.attr("Vector3") = m.attr("Vector3_t_float");
-    py::class_<Vector_t<T>>(m, "Vector3")
-        .def(py::init<float, float, float>())
-        .def(py::init<float, float, float>())
-        py::class_<Patch>(m, "Patch")
-        .def(py::init<float, float, float>())
-	.def(py::self + py::self)
-	.def(py::self * py::self)
-        // .def(py::self += py::self)
-        .def(py::self *= float())
-        .def(float() * py::self)
-        .def(py::self * float())
-        .def(-py::self)
-        .def("__repr__", &Vector3::to_string);
diff --git a/src/pybindings/CMakeLists.txt b/src/pybindings/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..136afe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pybindings/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+find_package(Python 3.6 COMPONENTS Interpreter Development REQUIRED)  
+pybind11_add_module("py${PROJECT_NAME}" MODULE pyarbd.cpp pytypes.cpp)
+target_link_libraries("py${PROJECT_NAME}" PUBLIC "lib${PROJECT_NAME}")
diff --git a/src/pybindings/pyarbd.cpp b/src/pybindings/pyarbd.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..49ff41d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pybindings/pyarbd.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
+#include <pybind11/numpy.h>
+#include <pybind11/operators.h>
+namespace py = pybind11;
+extern void init_pytypes(py::module_ &m);
+PYBIND11_MODULE(pyarbd, m) {
+    init_pytypes(m);
diff --git a/src/pybindings/pypatch.cpp b/src/pybindings/pypatch.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87d4493
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pybindings/pypatch.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+#include "ParticlePatch.h"
diff --git a/src/pybindings/pytypes.cpp b/src/pybindings/pytypes.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01ddd89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pybindings/pytypes.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+#include "../Types.h"
+#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
+#include <pybind11/numpy.h>
+#include <pybind11/operators.h>
+namespace py = pybind11;
+/// Convert a NumPy array to a Vector3_t object.
+/// This function converts a 1D NumPy array of size 3 or 4 into a Vector3_t object.
+/// \tparam T - The data type of the elements in the NumPy array.
+/// \param a - The NumPy array to convert.
+/// \return A Vector3_t object created from the array.
+template<typename T>
+Vector3_t<T> array_to_vector(py::array_t<T> a) {
+    py::buffer_info info = a.request();
+    if (info.ndim != 1)
+        throw std::runtime_error("Number of dimensions must be one");
+    if (info.size < 3 || info.size > 4)
+        throw std::runtime_error("Size of array must be 3 or 4");
+    T *ptr = static_cast<T *>(info.ptr);
+    if (info.size == 3)
+	return Vector3_t<T>(ptr[0],ptr[1],ptr[2]);
+    else
+	return Vector3_t<T>(ptr[0],ptr[1],ptr[2],ptr[3]);
+/// Convert a NumPy array to a Vector3_t object.
+/// This function converts a 1D NumPy array of size 3 or 4 into a Vector3_t object.
+/// \tparam T - The data type of the elements in the NumPy array.
+/// \param a - The NumPy array to convert.
+/// \return A Array<Vector3_t<T>> object created from the array.
+template<typename T>
+Array<Vector3_t<T>> array_to_vector_arr(py::array_t<T> a) {
+    py::buffer_info info = a.request();
+    if (info.ndim != 2)
+        throw std::runtime_error("Number of dimensions must be two");
+    if (info.shape[1] < 3 || info.shape[1] > 4)
+        throw std::runtime_error("Second dimension of numpy array must contain 3 or 4 elements");
+    T *ptr = static_cast<T *>(info.ptr);
+    Array<Vector3_t<T>> arr(static_cast<size_t>(info.shape[0]));
+    assert( info.strides[0] == info.shape[1] );
+    if (info.shape[1] == 3) {
+	for (size_t i = 0; i < info.shape[0]; ++i) {
+	    size_t j = i*info.strides[0];
+	    arr[i] = (Vector3_t<T>( ptr[j], ptr[j+1], ptr[j+2] ));
+	}
+    } else {
+	for (size_t i = 0; i < info.shape[0]; ++i) {
+	    size_t j = i*info.shape[1];
+	    arr[i] = (Vector3_t<T>( ptr[j], ptr[j+1], ptr[j+2], ptr[j+3] ));
+	}
+    }
+    return arr;
+/// Declare Python bindings for Vector3_t<some_type>
+/// This function defines Python bindings for Vector3_t class with the specified data type.
+/// \tparam T - The data type of the Vector3_t elements, typically float.
+/// \param m - The Python module in which to declare the bindings.
+/// \param typestr - The string representation of the data type for naming the Python class.
+template<typename T>
+void declare_vector(py::module &m, const std::string &typestr) {
+    using Class = Vector3_t<T>;
+    std::string pyclass_name = std::string("Vector3_t_") + typestr;
+    py::class_<Class>(m, pyclass_name.c_str(), py::buffer_protocol(), py::dynamic_attr())
+	// Constructors
+	.def(py::init<>())
+	.def(py::init<T>())
+	.def(py::init<T, T, T>())
+	.def(py::init([](py::array_t<T> a) { return array_to_vector<T>(a); }))
+	// .def(py::init<T, T, T, T>(),[] lambda )
+	// .def(py::init<T*>())
+	// Operators
+	.def(py::self + py::self)
+	.def(py::self * py::self)
+        // .def(py::self += py::self)
+        .def(py::self *= float())
+        .def(float() * py::self)
+        .def(py::self * float())
+        .def(-py::self)
+	// Conversions
+        .def("__repr__", &Class::to_string);
+/// Declare Python bindings for Vector3_t<some_type>
+/// This function defines Python bindings for Vector3_t class with the specified data type.
+/// \tparam T - The data type of the Vector3_t elements, typically float.
+/// \param m - The Python module in which to declare the bindings.
+/// \param typestr - The string representation of the data type for naming the Python class.
+template<typename T>
+void declare_vector_array(py::module &m, const std::string &typestr) {
+    using Class = Array<Vector3_t<T>>;
+    std::string pyclass_name = std::string("Vector3_Array_t_") + typestr;
+    py::class_<Class>(m, pyclass_name.c_str(), py::buffer_protocol(), py::dynamic_attr())
+	// Constructors
+	.def(py::init<>())
+	.def(py::init([](py::array_t<T> a) { return array_to_vector_arr<T>(a); }))
+	// // Operators
+	// .def(py::self + py::self)
+	// .def(py::self * py::self)
+        // // .def(py::self += py::self)
+        // .def(py::self *= float())
+        // .def(float() * py::self)
+        // .def(py::self * float())
+        // .def(-py::self)
+	// Conversions
+        // .def("__repr__", &Class::to_string)
+	;
+/// Initialize Python bindings for basic types.
+/// \param m - The Python module in which to declare the bindings.
+void init_pytypes(py::module_ &m) {
+    declare_vector<int>(m, "int");
+    declare_vector<float>(m, "float");
+    declare_vector<double>(m, "double");
+    m.attr("Vector3") = m.attr("Vector3_t_float"); // alias Vector3 to Vector3_t_float 
+    declare_vector_array<int>(m, "int");
+    declare_vector_array<float>(m, "float");
+    declare_vector_array<double>(m, "double");
+    m.attr("VectorArr") = m.attr("Vector3_Array_t_float"); // alias Vector3 to Vector3_t_float 