diff --git a/src/ComputeForce.cu b/src/ComputeForce.cu
index 74710b86fd0fd131f53c22e372c85e341c809450..727ee61829921996219f25b4b3a539f266da237a 100644
--- a/src/ComputeForce.cu
+++ b/src/ComputeForce.cu
@@ -515,45 +515,18 @@ void ComputeForce::decompose() {
 	// initializePairlistArrays
 	int nCells = decomp.nCells.x * decomp.nCells.y * decomp.nCells.z;
-	// int blocksPerCell = 10;
 	/* cuMemGetInfo(&free,&total); */
 	/* printf("Free memory: %zu / %zu\n", free, total); */
-	// const int NUMTHREADS = 128;
-	//const size_t nBlocks = (num * numReplicas) / NUM_THREADS + 1;
-	// const size_t nBlocks = nCells*blocksPerCell;
-	/* clearPairlists<<< 1, 32 >>>(pos, num, numReplicas, sys_d[0], decomp_d); */
-	/* gpuErrchk(cudaDeviceSynchronize()); */
-	/* pairlistTest<<< nBlocks, NUMTHREADS >>>(pos, num, numReplicas, */
-	/* 																					 sys_d[0], decomp_d, nCells, blocksPerCell, */
-	/* 																					 numPairs_d[0], pairListListI_d, pairListListJ_d); */
-	/* gpuErrchk(cudaDeviceSynchronize());	 */
 	int tmp = 0;
 	gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpyAsync(numPairs_d[0], &tmp,	sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
-	// printf("Pairlistdist: %f\n",sqrt(pairlistdist2));
 	gpuErrchk(cudaDeviceSynchronize()); /* RBTODO: sync needed here? */
-    //Han-Yi Chou bind texture
-    //printf("%d\n", sizeof(Vector3));
-    //gpuErrchk(cudaBindTexture(0,  PosTex, pos_d[0],sizeof(Vector3)*num*numReplicas));
-    //gpuErrchk(cudaBindTexture(0,CellsTex, decomp_d->getCells_d(),sizeof(CellDecomposition::cell_t)*num*numReplicas));
-//#if __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 300
-	//createPairlists_debug<<< 2048, 64 >>>(pos_d[0], num, numReplicas, sys_d[0], decomp_d, nCells, numPairs_d[0], pairLists_d[0], numParts, type_d, pairTabPotType_d[0], excludes_d, excludeMap_d, numExcludes, pairlistdist2);
-    //#ifdef NEW
-   //for sm52
-    //createPairlists<32,64,1><<< dim3(256,128,numReplicas),dim3(32,1,1)>>>(pos_d[0], num, numReplicas, sys_d[0], decomp_d, nCells, numPairs_d[0], 
-      //GTX 980
-      //Han-Yi Chou 2017 my code
       #if __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 520
       createPairlists<64,64,8><<<dim3(128,128,numReplicas),dim3(64,1,1)>>>(pos_d[0], num+num_rb_attached_particles, numReplicas, sys_d[0], decomp_d, nCells, numPairs_d[0],
@@ -577,77 +550,6 @@ void ComputeForce::decompose() {
-    //createPairlists<64,64><<< dim3(256,128,numReplicas),dim3(64,1,1)>>>(pos_d[0], num, numReplicas, sys_d[0], decomp_d, nCells, numPairs_d[0],
-    //                                                                  pairLists_d[0], numParts, type_d, pairTabPotType_d[0], excludes_d,
-    //                                                                  excludeMap_d, numExcludes, pairlistdist2);
-    //#else
-    //createPairlists_debug<<< 2048, 64 >>>(pos_d[0], num, numReplicas, sys_d[0], decomp_d, nCells, numPairs_d[0], pairLists_d[0], numParts, type_d, 
-      //                            pairTabPotType_d[0], excludes_d, excludeMap_d, numExcludes, pairlistdist2);
-    //#endif
-	// Use shared memory for warp_bcast function
-	//createPairlists<<< 2048, 64, 2048/WARPSIZE >>>(pos_d[0], num, numReplicas, sys_d[0], decomp_d, nCells, numPairs_d[0], pairLists_d[0], numParts, type_d, pairTabPotType_d[0], excludes_d, excludeMap_d, numExcludes, pairlistdist2);
-    //#ifdef NEW
-    //for sm52
-    //createPairlists<32,64,1><<<dim3(256,128,numReplicas),dim3(32,1,1)>>>(pos_d[0], num, numReplicas, sys_d[0], decomp_d, nCells, numPairs_d[0], 
-      //GTX 980
-      //createPairlists<64,64,8><<<dim3(128,128,numReplicas),dim3(64,1,1)>>>(pos_d[0], num, numReplicas, sys_d[0], decomp_d, nCells, numPairs_d[0],
-        //GTX 680
-        //createPairlists<64,64,8><<<dim3(256,256,numReplicas),dim3(64,1,1)>>>(pos_d[0], num, numReplicas, sys_d[0], decomp_d, nCells, numPairs_d[0],
-        //                                                              pairLists_d[0], numParts, type_d, pairTabPotType_d[0], excludes_d, 
-        //                                                              excludeMap_d, numExcludes, pairlistdist2);
-    //createPairlists<64,64><<<dim3(256,128,numReplicas),dim3(64,1,1)>>>(pos_d[0], num, numReplicas, sys_d[0], decomp_d, nCells, numPairs_d[0],
-    //                                                                  pairLists_d[0], numParts, type_d, pairTabPotType_d[0], excludes_d,
-    //                                                                  excludeMap_d, numExcludes, pairlistdist2);
-    //#else
-    //createPairlists<<< 2048, 64, 2048/WARPSIZE >>>(pos_d[0], num, numReplicas, sys_d[0], decomp_d, nCells, numPairs_d[0], pairLists_d[0], numParts, type_d,
-      //                                             pairTabPotType_d[0], excludes_d, excludeMap_d, numExcludes, pairlistdist2, CellNeighborsList);
-    //#endif
-#if 0
-//////debug section			
-	gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(&tmp, numPairs_d[0],	sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
-	//printf("CreatePairlist found %d pairs\n",tmp);
-        gpuErrchk(cudaDeviceSynchronize());
-        gpuErrchk( cudaProfilerStart() );
-        // Reset the cell decomposition.
-        if (decomp_d)
-            cudaFree(decomp_d);
-        decomp.decompose_d(pos_d[0], num);
-        decomp_d = decomp.copyToCUDA();
-	gpuErrchk(cudaDeviceSynchronize()); /* RBTODO: sync needed here? */
-        int tmp1 = 0;
-        gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpyAsync(numPairs_d[0], &tmp1,     sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
-        gpuErrchk(cudaDeviceSynchronize());
-        // printf("Pairlistdist: %f\n",sqrt(pairlistdist2));
-        initExSum();
-        gpuErrchk(cudaDeviceSynchronize()); /* RBTODO: sync needed here? */
-        #if __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 300
-        createPairlists_debug<<< 2048, 64 >>>(pos_d[0], num, numReplicas, sys_d[0], decomp_d, nCells, numPairs_d[0], pairLists_d[0], numParts, type_d, pairTabPotType_d[0], excludes_d, excludeMap_d, numExcludes, pairlistdist2);
-        // Use shared memory for warp_bcast function
-        createPairlists_debug<<< 2048, 64, 2048/WARPSIZE >>>(pos_d[0], num, numReplicas, sys_d[0], decomp_d, nCells, numPairs_d[0], pairLists_d[0], numParts, type_d, pairTabPotType_d[0], excludes_d, excludeMap_d, numExcludes, pairlistdist2);
-    gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(&tmp1, numPairs_d[0],  sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
-    printf("Difference CreatePairlist found %d pairs\n",tmp-tmp1);
-    gpuErrchk(cudaDeviceSynchronize());
-	printf("Counted %d exclusions\n", getExSum());
 IndexList ComputeForce::decompDim() const {
diff --git a/src/ComputeForce.cuh b/src/ComputeForce.cuh
index 8735799be098867866ddc865fa39579e3ff77bc5..2d6dac72262eb436802303010731b03040de542e 100644
--- a/src/ComputeForce.cuh
+++ b/src/ComputeForce.cuh
@@ -296,7 +296,6 @@ void createNeighborsList(const int3 *Cells,int* __restrict__ CellNeighborsList)
-//#ifdef NEW
 template<const int BlockSize,const int Size,const int N>
 __global__ void createPairlists(Vector3* __restrict__ pos, const int num, const int numReplicas,
                                 const BaseGrid* __restrict__ sys, const CellDecomposition* __restrict__ decomp,
@@ -424,101 +423,6 @@ __global__ void createPairlists(Vector3* __restrict__ pos, const int num, const
-#if 0
-template<const int BlockSize,const int Size> 
-__global__ void createPairlists(Vector3* __restrict__ pos, const int num, const int numReplicas, 
-                                const BaseGrid* __restrict__ sys, const CellDecomposition* __restrict__ decomp, 
-                                const int nCells,int* g_numPairs, int2* g_pair, int numParts, const int* __restrict__ type, 
-                                int* __restrict__ g_pairTabPotType, const Exclude* __restrict__ excludes, 
-                                const int2* __restrict__ excludeMap, const int numExcludes, float pairlistdist2) 
-    const int TotalBlocks = gridDim.x * gridDim.y;
-    const int cells       = TotalBlocks / Size;
-    const int cell_start  = (blockIdx.x + gridDim.x  *  blockIdx.y) / Size;
-    const int pid_start   = (blockIdx.x + gridDim.x  *  blockIdx.y) % Size;
-    const int tid         = threadIdx.x + blockDim.x * threadIdx.y 
-                                        + blockDim.x *  blockDim.y * threadIdx.z;
-    const int warpLane    =  tid % WARPSIZE;
-    const int repID       =  blockIdx.z;
-    const CellDecomposition::cell_t* __restrict__ cellInfo = decomp->getCells_d();
-    for(int cellid_i = cell_start; cellid_i < nCells; cellid_i += cells)
-    {
-        CellDecomposition::range_t rangeI = decomp->getRange(cellid_i,repID);
-        int Ni = rangeI.last-rangeI.first;
-        for(int pid_i = pid_start; pid_i < Ni; pid_i += Size)
-        {
-            int ai      = cellInfo[rangeI.first+pid_i].particle;
-            float4 a = tex1Dfetch<float4>(PosTex,ai);
-            Vector3 A(a.x,a.y,a.z);
-            int2 ex_pair = make_int2(-1,-1); 
-            if(numExcludes > 0 && excludeMap != NULL)
-            {
-                ex_pair = excludeMap[ai];
-            }
-            int currEx = ex_pair.x;
-            int nextEx = (ex_pair.x >= 0) ? excludes[currEx].ind2 : -1;
-            //loop over neighbor directions
-            for(int idx = 0; idx < 27; ++idx)
-            {
-                int neighbor_cell = tex1Dfetch(NeighborsTex,idx+27*cellid_i);
-                if(neighbor_cell < 0)
-                {
-                    continue;       
-                }
-                CellDecomposition::range_t rangeJ = decomp->getRange(neighbor_cell,repID);
-                int Nj = rangeJ.last-rangeJ.first;
-                // In each neighbor cell, loop over particles
-                for(int pid_j = tid; pid_j < Nj; pid_j += BlockSize)
-                {
-                    int aj = cellInfo[pid_j+rangeJ.first].particle;
-                    if(aj <= ai)
-                    {
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                    while (nextEx >= 0 && nextEx < ( aj - repID * num))
-                    {
-                        nextEx = (currEx < ex_pair.y - 1) ? excludes[++currEx].ind2 : -1;
-                    }
-                    if (nextEx == (aj - repID * num))
-                    {
-                        #ifdef DEBUGEXCLUSIONS
-                        atomicAggInc( exSum, warpLane );
-                        #endif
-                        nextEx = (currEx < ex_pair.y - 1) ? excludes[++currEx].ind2 : -1;
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                    float4 b = tex1Dfetch(PosTex,aj);
-                    Vector3 B(b.x,b.y,b.z);
-                    float dr = (sys->wrapDiff(A-B)).length2();
-                    if(dr < pairlistdist2)
-                    {
-                        int gid = atomicAggInc( g_numPairs, warpLane );
-                        int pairType = type[ai] + type[aj] * numParts;
-                        g_pair[gid] = make_int2(ai,aj);
-                        g_pairTabPotType[gid] = pairType;
-                    }
-                }    
-            }
-        }
-    }
 void createPairlists_debug(Vector3* __restrict__ pos, const int num, const int numReplicas,
                                 const BaseGrid* __restrict__ sys, const CellDecomposition* __restrict__ decomp,
@@ -597,104 +501,6 @@ void createPairlists_debug(Vector3* __restrict__ pos, const int num, const int n
-#if 0
-void createPairlists(Vector3* __restrict__ pos, const int num, const int numReplicas,
-				const BaseGrid* __restrict__ sys, const CellDecomposition* __restrict__ decomp,
-				const int nCells,
-				int* g_numPairs, int2* g_pair,
-				int numParts, const int* __restrict__ type, int* __restrict__ g_pairTabPotType,
-				const Exclude* __restrict__ excludes, const int2* __restrict__ excludeMap, const int numExcludes,
-				float pairlistdist2, const int* __restrict__ CellNeighborsList) {
-	// TODO: loop over all cells with edges within pairlistdist2
-	// Loop over threads searching for atom pairs
-	//   Each thread has designated values in shared memory as a buffer
-	//   A sync operation periodically moves data from shared to global
-	const int tid = threadIdx.x;
-	const int warpLane = tid % WARPSIZE; /* RBTODO: optimize */
-	const int split = 32;					/* numblocks should be divisible by split */
-	/* const int blocksPerCell = gridDim.x/split;  */
-	const CellDecomposition::cell_t* __restrict__ cellInfo = decomp->getCells();
-	for (int cID = 0 + (blockIdx.x % split); cID < nCells; cID += split) {
-	// for (int cID = blockIdx.x/blocksPerCell; cID < nCells; cID += split ) {
-		for (int repID = 0; repID < numReplicas; repID++) {
-			const CellDecomposition::range_t rangeI = decomp->getRange(cID, repID);
-			for (int ci = rangeI.first + blockIdx.x/split; ci < rangeI.last; ci += gridDim.x/split) {
-			// ai - index of the particle in the original, unsorted array
-				const int ai = cellInfo[ci].particle;
-				// const CellDecomposition::cell_t celli = decomp->getCellForParticle(ai);
-				const CellDecomposition::cell_t celli = cellInfo[ci];
-				// Vector3 posi = pos[ai];
-				// Same as for bonds, but for exclusions now
-                                const int ex_start = (numExcludes > 0 && excludeMap != NULL) ? excludeMap[ai -repID*num].x : -1;
-                                const int ex_end   = (numExcludes > 0 && excludeMap != NULL) ? excludeMap[ai -repID*num].y : -1;
-				/*
-				for (int x = -1; x <= 1; ++x) {
-					for (int y = -1; y <= 1; ++y) {
-                                                #pragma unroll(3)
-						for (int z = -1; z <= 1; ++z) {					
-				*/
-		                for(int x = 0; x < 27; ++x) {	
-							//const int nID = decomp->getNeighborID(celli, x, y, z);
-							const int nID = CellNeighborsList[x+27*cID];//elli.id]; 
-							if (nID < 0) continue; 
-							// Initialize exclusions
-							// TODO: optimize exclusion code (and entire kernel)
-							int currEx = ex_start;
-							int nextEx = (ex_start >= 0) ? excludes[currEx].ind2 : -1;
-							int ajLast = -1; // TODO: remove this sanity check
-							const CellDecomposition::range_t range = decomp->getRange(nID, repID);
-							for (int n = range.first + tid; n < range.last; n+=blockDim.x) {
-							    const int aj = cellInfo[n].particle;
-							    if (aj <= ai) continue;
-								// Skip excludes
-								//   Implementation requires that aj increases monotonically
-								assert( ajLast < aj ); ajLast = aj; // TODO: remove this sanity check
-								while (nextEx >= 0 && nextEx < (aj - repID * num)) // TODO get rid of this
-								    nextEx = (currEx < ex_end - 1) ? excludes[++currEx].ind2 : -1;
-								if (nextEx == (aj - repID * num)) {
-								    atomicAggInc( exSum, warpLane );	
-								    nextEx = (currEx < ex_end - 1) ? excludes[++currEx].ind2 : -1;
-								    continue;
-								} 
-								// TODO: Skip non-interacting types for efficiency
-								// Skip ones that are too far away
-								const float dr = (sys->wrapDiff(pos[aj] - pos[ai])).length2();
-								// const float dr = (sys->wrapDiff(pos[aj] - posi)).length2();
-								if (dr > pairlistdist2) continue;
-								// Add to pairlist
-								int gid = atomicAggInc( g_numPairs, warpLane );
-								int pairType = type[ai] + type[aj] * numParts;
-								/* assert( ai >= 0 ); */
-								/* assert( aj >= 0 ); */
-								g_pair[gid] = make_int2(ai,aj);
-								g_pairTabPotType[gid] = pairType;
-								// g_pairDists[gid] = dr; 
-							} 	// atoms J
-						//} 		// z				
-					//} 			// y
-				} 				// x
-			} // atoms I					
-		} // replicas
-		/* if (tid == 0) printf("Cell%d: found %d pairs\n",cID,g_numPairs[cID]); */
-	}
 // TODO: deprecate?
 void computeKernel(Vector3 force[], Vector3 pos[], int type[],
@@ -774,42 +580,6 @@ __global__ void printPairForceCounter() {
 		printf("Computed the force for %d pairs\n", pairForceCounter);
-// ============================================================================
-// Kernel computes forces between Brownian particles (ions)
-// using cell decomposition
-#if 0
-__global__ void computeTabulatedKernel(
-	Vector3* force, const Vector3* __restrict__ pos,
-	const BaseGrid* __restrict__ sys, float cutoff2,
-	const int* __restrict__ g_numPairs,	const int2* __restrict__ g_pair, const int* __restrict__ g_pairTabPotType, 	TabulatedPotential** __restrict__ tablePot) {
-//remove int* type. remove bond references	
-	const int numPairs = *g_numPairs;
-	for (int i = threadIdx.x+blockIdx.x*blockDim.x; i < numPairs; i+=blockDim.x*gridDim.x) {
-		const int2 pair = g_pair[i];
-		const int ai = pair.x;
-		const int aj = pair.y;
-		// Particle's type and position
-		const int ind = g_pairTabPotType[i];
-	 	/* printf("tid,bid,pos[ai(%d)]: %d %d %f %f %f\n", ai, threadIdx.x, blockIdx.x, pos[ai].x, pos[ai].y, pos[ai].z); //*/
-		Vector3 dr = pos[aj] - pos[ai];
-		dr = sys->wrapDiff(dr);
-    // Calculate the force based on the tabulatedPotential file
-		float d2 = dr.length2();
-		if (tablePot[ind] != NULL && d2 <= cutoff2) {
-			Vector3 f = tablePot[ind]->computef(dr,d2);
-			atomicAdd( &force[ai],  f );
-			atomicAdd( &force[aj], -f );
-		}
-	}
-//#if 0
 template<const int BlockSize>
 __device__ inline void _computeTabulatedKernel(Vector3* force, const BaseGrid* __restrict__ sys, 
 					       float cutoff2, const int numPairs, const int2* __restrict__ g_pair, 
@@ -870,11 +640,7 @@ __global__ void computeTabulatedKernel(Vector3* force, const BaseGrid* __restric
 				       cutoff2, numPairs, g_pair+start,
 				       g_pairTabPotType+start, tablePot,
 				       pairListsTex, PosTex, pairTabPotTypeTex);
 __global__ void clearEnergies(float* __restrict__  g_energies, int num) {
 	for (int i = threadIdx.x+blockIdx.x*blockDim.x; i < num; i+=blockDim.x*gridDim.x) {
diff --git a/src/GrandBrownTown.cu b/src/GrandBrownTown.cu
index 0510a0e41881166cabb49556a27b9c2f278130e6..fe55aad463b5b27ea6f095329ea14ed3917d498e 100644
--- a/src/GrandBrownTown.cu
+++ b/src/GrandBrownTown.cu
@@ -495,11 +495,11 @@ GrandBrownTown::~GrandBrownTown() {
-//temporary test for Nose-Hoover Langevin dynamics
 //Nose Hoover is now implement for particles.
-void GrandBrownTown::RunNoseHooverLangevin()
+void GrandBrownTown::run()
-    //comment this out because this is the origin points Han-Yi Chou
     // Open the files for recording ionic currents
     for (int repID = 0; repID < numReplicas; ++repID) 
@@ -508,6 +508,7 @@ void GrandBrownTown::RunNoseHooverLangevin()
             momentum_writers[repID]->newFile((momentum + repID * num), name, 0.0f, num); // 'pos + (repID*num)' == array-to-pointer decay
         //random_writers[repID]->newFile(random + (repID * num), name, 0.0f, num);
     // Initialize timers (util.*)
     wkf_timerhandle timer0, timerS;
     timer0 = wkf_timer_create();
@@ -1177,505 +1178,6 @@ void GrandBrownTown::RunNoseHooverLangevin()
 } // GrandBrownTown::run()
-// Run the Brownian Dynamics steps.
-void GrandBrownTown::run() {
-        RunNoseHooverLangevin();
-#if 0
-	printf("\n\n");
-	Vector3 runningNetForce(0.0f);
-	// Open the files for recording ionic currents
-	for (int repID = 0; repID < numReplicas; ++repID) {
-		writers[repID]->newFile(pos + (repID * num), name, 0.0f, num); // 'pos + (repID*num)' == array-to-pointer decay
-	}
-        //Han-Yi Chou
-        if(particle_dynamic == String("Langevin"))
-        {
-            for (int repID = 0; repID < numReplicas; ++repID)
-            {
-                momentum_writers[repID]->newFile(momentum + (repID * num), name, 0.0f, num); // 'pos + (repID*num)' == array-to-pointer decay
-                //force_writers[repID]->newFile(force + (repID * num), name, 0.0f, num);
-            }
-        }
-	// Save (remember) particle positions for later (analysis)
-	remember(0.0f);
-	// Initialize timers (util.*)
-	wkf_timerhandle timer0, timerS;
-	timer0 = wkf_timer_create();
-	timerS = wkf_timer_create();
-	copyToCUDA();
-        if(particle_dynamic == String("Langevin"))
-	    internal -> copyToCUDA(forceInternal, pos,momentum);
-        else
-            internal -> copyToCUDA(forceInternal, pos);
-	// IMD Stuff
-	void* sock = NULL;
-	void* clientsock = NULL;
-	int length;
-	if (imd_on) {
-		printf("Setting up incoming socket\n");
-		vmdsock_init();
-		sock = vmdsock_create();
-		clientsock = NULL;
-		vmdsock_bind(sock, imd_port);
-		printf("Waiting for IMD connection on port %d...\n", imd_port);
-		vmdsock_listen(sock);
-		while (!clientsock) {
-			if (vmdsock_selread(sock, 0) > 0) {
-				clientsock = vmdsock_accept(sock);
-				if (imd_handshake(clientsock))
-					clientsock = NULL;
-			}
-		}
-		sleep(1);
-		if (vmdsock_selread(clientsock, 0) != 1 ||
-				imd_recv_header(clientsock, &length) != IMD_GO) {
-			clientsock = NULL;
-		}
-		imdForces = new Vector3[num*numReplicas];
-		for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) // clear old forces
-			imdForces[i] = Vector3(0.0f);
-	} // endif (imd_on)
-	// Start timers
-	wkf_timer_start(timer0);
-	wkf_timer_start(timerS);
-	// We haven't done any steps yet.
-	// Do decomposition if we have to
-	if (fullLongRange == 0)
-	{
-		// cudaSetDevice(0);
-		internal->decompose();
-		gpuErrchk(cudaDeviceSynchronize());
-		RBC.updateParticleLists( internal->getPos_d() );
-	}
-	float t; // simulation time
-        int numBlocks = (num * numReplicas) / NUM_THREADS + ((num * numReplicas) % NUM_THREADS == 0 ? 0 : 1);
-        int tl = temperatureGridFile.length();
-        Vector3 *force_d;
-        gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc((void**)&force_d, sizeof(Vector3)*num * numReplicas));
-	printf("Configuration: %d particles | %d replicas\n", num, numReplicas);
-	// Main loop over Brownian dynamics steps
-	for (long int s = 1; s < steps; s++) 
-        {
-            // Compute the internal forces. Only calculate the energy when we are about to output.
-	    bool get_energy = ((s % outputEnergyPeriod) == 0);
-            //At the very first time step, the force is computed
-            if(s == 1) 
-            {
-                // 'interparticleForce' - determines whether particles interact with each other
-                gpuErrchk(cudaMemset((void*)(internal->getForceInternal_d()),0,num*numReplicas*sizeof(Vector3)));
-                RBC.clearForceAndTorque(); //Han-Yi Chou
-		if (interparticleForce) 
-                {
-                    //gpuErrchk(cudaMemset((void*)(internal->getForceInternal_d()),0,num*numReplicas*sizeof(Vector3)));
-                    //RBC.clearForceAndTorque(); //Han-Yi Chou
-	            // 'tabulatedPotential' - determines whether interaction is described with tabulated potentials or formulas
-		    if (tabulatedPotential) 
-                    {
-		        // Using tabulated potentials
-		        // 'fullLongRange' - determines whether 'cutoff' is used
-		        // 0 - use cutoff (cell decomposition) [ N*log(N) ]
-		        // 1 - do not use cutoff [ N^2 ]
-		        switch (fullLongRange) 
-                        {
-		            case 0: // [ N*log(N) ] interactions, + cutoff | decomposition
-                            //I want to replace this
-                            // by checking how far particles move to decide whether the pair list should be updated
-                            //if(NeedUpdatePairList()) //ToDo, Han-Yi Chou
-                            //{
-                            //internal-> decompose();
-                            //  RBC.updateParticleLists( internal->getPos_d() );
-                            //}
-			        if (s % decompPeriod == 0)
-		                {
-		                    // cudaSetDevice(0);
-				    internal -> decompose();
-				    RBC.updateParticleLists( internal->getPos_d() );
-			        }
-			        //MLog: added Bond* bondList to the list of passed in variables.
-			        /*energy = internal->computeTabulated(forceInternal_d, pos_d, type_d, bonds_d, bondMap_d, excludes_d, excludeMap_d,	angles_d, dihedrals_d, get_energy);*/
-		               // energy = internal -> computeTabulated(get_energy);
-			        internal -> computeTabulated(get_energy);
-			        break;
-			    default: 
-                               // [ N^2 ] interactions, no cutoff | decompositions
-			        internal->computeTabulatedFull(get_energy);
-			        break;
-		        }
-                    } 
-                    else 
-                    {
-		        // Not using tabulated potentials.
-		        switch (fullLongRange) 
-                        {
-                            case 0: // Use cutoff | cell decomposition.
-		               if (s % decompPeriod == 0)
-		               {
-		                   // cudaSetDevice(0);
-				   internal->decompose();
-				   RBC.updateParticleLists( internal->getPos_d() );
-			       }
-			       internal->compute(get_energy);
-			       break;
-			    case 1: // Do not use cutoff
-		                internal->computeFull(get_energy);
-				break;
-			    case 2: // Compute only softcore forces.
-		                internal->computeSoftcoreFull(get_energy);
-				break;
-		            case 3: // Compute only electrostatic forces.
-				internal->computeElecFull(get_energy);
-				break;
-		        }
-	            }
-		}//if inter-particle force
-	        gpuErrchk(cudaDeviceSynchronize());
-		RBC.updateForces(internal->getPos_d(), internal->getForceInternal_d(), s, RigidBodyInterpolationType);
-                if(rigidbody_dynamic == String("Langevin"))
-                {
-                    RBC.SetRandomTorques();
-                    RBC.AddLangevin();
-                }
-		gpuErrchk(cudaDeviceSynchronize());
-            }//if step == 1
-	    //Han-Yi Chou
-            //update the rigid body positions and orientation
-            //So far only brownian dynamics is used
-            //RBC.integrate(sys, s);
-	    if(particle_dynamic == String("Langevin"))
-                updateKernelBAOAB<<< numBlocks, NUM_THREADS >>>(internal -> getPos_d(), internal -> getMom_d(), internal -> getForceInternal_d(), internal -> getType_d(), part_d, kT, kTGrid_d, electricField, tl, timestep, num, sys_d, randoGen_d, numReplicas);
-            //For Brownian motion
-            else
-                updateKernel<<< numBlocks, NUM_THREADS >>>(internal -> getPos_d(), internal -> getForceInternal_d(), internal -> getType_d(), 
-                                                           part_d, kT, kTGrid_d, electricField, tl, timestep, num, sys_d, randoGen_d, numReplicas);
-            if(rigidbody_dynamic == String("Langevin"))
-            {
-                RBC.integrateDLM(sys,0);
-                RBC.integrateDLM(sys,1);
-            }
-            else
-                RBC.integrate(sys,s);
-            if (s % outputPeriod == 0) {
-                // Copy particle positions back to CPU
-		gpuErrchk(cudaDeviceSynchronize());
-                gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(pos, internal ->  getPos_d(), sizeof(Vector3) * num * numReplicas, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
-	    }
-            //compute again the new force with new positions.
-            //reset the internal force, I hope. Han-Yi Chou
-            //First clear the old force
-            if (imd_on && clientsock && s % outputPeriod == 0) 
-            {
-                float* coords = new float[num*3]; // TODO: move allocation out of run loop
-                int* atomIds = new int[num]; // TODO: move allocation out of run loop
-                int length;
-                bool paused = false;
-                while (vmdsock_selread(clientsock, 0) > 0 || paused) 
-                {
-                    switch (imd_recv_header(clientsock, &length)) 
-                    {
-                        case IMD_DISCONNECT:
-                            printf("[IMD] Disconnecting...\n");
-                            imd_disconnect(clientsock);
-                            clientsock = NULL;
-                            sleep(5);
-                            break;
-                        case IMD_KILL:
-                            printf("[IMD] Killing...\n");
-                            imd_disconnect(clientsock);
-                            clientsock = NULL;
-                            steps = s; // Stop the simulation at this step
-                            sleep(5);
-                            break;
-                        case IMD_PAUSE:
-                            paused = !paused;
-                            break;
-                        case IMD_GO:
-                            printf("[IMD] Caught IMD_GO\n");
-                            break;
-                        case IMD_MDCOMM:
-                            for (size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) // clear old forces
-                                imdForces[i] = Vector3(0.0f);
-                            if (imd_recv_mdcomm(clientsock, length, atomIds, coords)) 
-                            {
-                                printf("[IMD] Error receiving forces\n");
-                            } 
-                            else 
-                            {
-                                for (size_t j = 0; j < length; ++j) 
-                                {
-                                    int i = atomIds[j];
-                                    imdForces[i] = Vector3(coords[j*3], coords[j*3+1], coords[j*3+2]) * conf.imdForceScale;
-                                }
-                            }
-                            break;
-                        default:
-                            printf("[IMD] Something weird happened. Disconnecting..\n");
-                            break;
-                    }
-                }
-                if (clientsock) 
-                {
-                    // float* coords = new float[num*3]; // TODO: move allocation out of run loop
-                    for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) 
-                    {
-                        const Vector3& p = pos[i];
-                        coords[3*i] = p.x;
-                        coords[3*i+1] = p.y;
-                        coords[3*i+2] = p.z;
-                    }
-                    imd_send_fcoords(clientsock, num, coords);
-                }
-                delete[] coords;
-                delete[] atomIds;
-            }
-            if (imd_on && clientsock) 
-                internal->setForceInternalOnDevice(imdForces); // TODO ensure replicas are mutually exclusive with IMD
-            //else
-            //{ 
-                //int numBlocks = (num * numReplicas) / NUM_THREADS + (num * numReplicas % NUM_THREADS == 0 ? 0 : 1);
-                //MLog: along with calls to internal (ComputeForce class) this function should execute once per GPU.
-                //clearInternalForces<<< numBlocks, NUM_THREADS >>>(internal->getForceInternal_d(), num*numReplicas);
-                //use cudaMemset instead
-                //gpuErrchk(cudaMemset((void*)(internal->getForceInternal_d()),0,num*numReplicas*sizeof(Vector3)));
-                //RBC.clearForceAndTorque();
-            //}
-            //compute the new force for particles
-            RBC.clearForceAndTorque();
-            gpuErrchk(cudaMemset((void*)(internal->getForceInternal_d()),0,num*numReplicas*sizeof(Vector3)));
-            //RBC.clearForceAndTorque();
-            if (interparticleForce) 
-            {
-                // 'tabulatedPotential' - determines whether interaction is described with tabulated potentials or formulas
-                if (tabulatedPotential)
-                {
-                    switch (fullLongRange) 
-                    {
-                        case 0: // [ N*log(N) ] interactions, + cutoff | decomposition
-                            if (s % decompPeriod == 0)
-                            {
-                                internal -> decompose();
-                                RBC.updateParticleLists( internal->getPos_d() );
-                            }
-                            internal -> computeTabulated(get_energy);
-                            break;
-                        default: // [ N^2 ] interactions, no cutoff | decompositions
-                            internal->computeTabulatedFull(get_energy);
-                            break;
-                    }
-                } 
-                else 
-                {
-                    // Not using tabulated potentials.
-                    switch (fullLongRange) 
-                    {
-                        case 0: // Use cutoff | cell decomposition.
-                            if (s % decompPeriod == 0)
-                            {
-                               internal->decompose();
-                               RBC.updateParticleLists( internal->getPos_d() );
-                            }
-                            internal->compute(get_energy);
-                            break;
-                        case 1: // Do not use cutoff
-                            internal->computeFull(get_energy);
-                            break;
-                        case 2: // Compute only softcore forces.
-                            internal->computeSoftcoreFull(get_energy);
-                            break;
-                        case 3: // Compute only electrostatic forces.
-                            internal->computeElecFull(get_energy);
-                            break;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            //compute the force for rigid bodies
-            RBC.updateForces(internal->getPos_d(), internal->getForceInternal_d(), s, RigidBodyInterpolationType);
-            //Han-Yi Chou
-            //For BAOAB, the last update is only to update the momentum
-            // gpuErrchk(cudaDeviceSynchronize());
-            if(particle_dynamic == String("Langevin"))
-                LastUpdateKernelBAOAB<<< numBlocks, NUM_THREADS >>>(internal -> getPos_d(), internal -> getMom_d(), internal -> getForceInternal_d(), internal -> getType_d(), part_d, kT, kTGrid_d, electricField, tl, timestep, num, sys_d, randoGen_d, numReplicas);
-           //gpuErrchk(cudaDeviceSynchronize());
-           if(rigidbody_dynamic == String("Langevin"))
-           {
-               RBC.SetRandomTorques();
-               RBC.AddLangevin();
-               RBC.integrateDLM(sys,2);
-               RBC.print(s);
-           }
-           if (s % outputPeriod == 0) 
-           {
-                if(particle_dynamic == String("Langevin"))
-                {
-		    // TODO: make async
-                    gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(momentum, internal ->  getMom_d(), sizeof(Vector3) * num * numReplicas, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
-                    /*
-                    gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(force, force_d, sizeof(Vector3) * num * numReplicas, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
-                    Vector3 f(0.f), p(0.f), r0(0.f);
-                    double total_mass = 0.;
-                    for(int i = 0; i < num * numReplicas; ++i)
-                    {
-                        f = f + force[i];
-                        p = p + momentum[i];
-                        total_mass += part[type[i]].mass;
-                        r0 = r0 + part[type[i]].mass * pos[i];
-                    }
-                    printf("The COM is %f %f %f\n",r0.x / total_mass, r0.y / total_mass, r0.z / total_mass);
-                    printf("The total momentum is %f %f %f\n",p.x, p.y, p.z);
-                    printf("The total force %f %f %f\n",f.x, f.y, f.z);
-                    */
-		    // Output trajectories (to files)
-		}
-                //RBC.print(s);
-                t = s*timestep;
-		// Loop over all replicas
-		for (int repID = 0; repID < numReplicas; ++repID) 
-                {
-                    if (numberFluct == 1) 
-                        updateNameList(); // no need for it here if particles stay the same
-                    // Write the trajectory.
-		    writers[repID]->append(pos + (repID*num), name, serial, t, num);
-                    if(particle_dynamic == String("Langevin"))
-                    {
-                        momentum_writers[repID]->append(momentum + (repID * num), name, serial, t, num);
-                        //force_writers[repID]->append(force + (repID * num), name, serial, t, num);
-                    }
-	        }
-                // TODO: Currently, not compatible with replicas. Needs a fix.
-		if (numberFluct == 1) 
-                    updateReservoirs();
-		remember(t);
-            }
-	    // Output energy.
-            if (get_energy) 
-            {
-	        wkf_timer_stop(timerS);
-	        t = s * timestep;
-	        // Simulation progress and statistics.
-	        float percent = (100.0f * s) / steps;
-	        float msPerStep = wkf_timer_time(timerS) * 1000.0f / outputEnergyPeriod;
-	        float nsPerDay = numReplicas * timestep / msPerStep * 864E5f;
-	        // Nice thousand separator
-	        setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "");
-	        // Do the output
-	        printf("\rStep %ld [%.2f%% complete | %.3f ms/step | %.3f ns/day]",s, percent, msPerStep, nsPerDay);
-	        // Copy positions from GPU to CPU.
-	        gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(pos, internal->getPos_d(), sizeof(Vector3)*num*numReplicas,cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
-                if(particle_dynamic == String("Langevin"))
-                {
-                    //gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(momentum, internal->getMom_d(), sizeof(Vector3)*num*numReplicas,cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
-                    gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(momentum, internal->getMom_d(), sizeof(Vector3)*num*numReplicas,cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
-                    float e = KineticEnergy();
-                    printf(" The kinetic energy is %f \n",e*(2.388458509e-1));
-                }
-                if(rigidbody_dynamic == String("Langevin"))
-                {
-                    //gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(momentum, internal->getMom_d(), sizeof(Vector3)*num*numReplicas,cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
-                    float e = RotKineticEnergy();
-                    printf(" The Rotational kinetic energy is %f \n",e*(2.388458509e-1));
-                }
-                // Write restart files for each replica.
-                for (int repID = 0; repID < numReplicas; ++repID)
-                    writeRestart(repID);
-	        wkf_timer_start(timerS);
-            } // s % outputEnergyPeriod
-	} // done with all Brownian dynamics steps
-	// If IMD is on & our socket is still open.
-	if (imd_on and clientsock) 
-        {
-            if (vmdsock_selread(clientsock, 0) == 1) 
-            {
-	        int length;
-		switch (imd_recv_header(clientsock, &length)) 
-                {
-		    case IMD_DISCONNECT:
-		        printf("\n[IMD] Disconnecting...\n");
-			imd_disconnect(clientsock);
-			clientsock = NULL;
-			sleep(5);
-			break;
-		    case IMD_KILL:
-		        printf("\n[IMD] Killing...\n");
-			imd_disconnect(clientsock);
-			clientsock = NULL;
-			sleep(5);
-			break;
-		    default:
-		        printf("\n[IMD] Something weird happened. Disconnecting..\n");
-			break;
-	        }
-            }
-	}
-	// Stop the main timer.
-	wkf_timer_stop(timer0);
-	// Compute performance data.
-	const float elapsed = wkf_timer_time(timer0); // seconds
-	int tot_hrs = (int) std::fmod(elapsed / 3600.0f, 60.0f);
-	int tot_min = (int) std::fmod(elapsed / 60.0f, 60.0f);
-	float tot_sec	= std::fmod(elapsed, 60.0f);
-	printf("\nFinal Step: %d\n", (int) steps);
-	printf("Total Run Time: ");
-	if (tot_hrs > 0) printf("%dh%dm%.1fs\n", tot_hrs, tot_min, tot_sec);
-	else if (tot_min > 0) printf("%dm%.1fs\n", tot_min, tot_sec);
-	else printf("%.2fs\n", tot_sec);
-        gpuErrchk(cudaFree(force_d));
-} // GrandBrownTown::run()
 // --------------------------------------------
 // Populate lists of types and serial numbers.
diff --git a/src/GrandBrownTown.cuh b/src/GrandBrownTown.cuh
index a152dd1ddef4f945e5f468c124a685b0b2d23a13..44ffe6f82c1c3dde464d8039ac6fef26dd97f84f 100644
--- a/src/GrandBrownTown.cuh
+++ b/src/GrandBrownTown.cuh
@@ -60,91 +60,6 @@ ForceEnergy compute_position_dependent_force(
-//update both position and momentum for Langevin dynamics
-//Han-Yi Chou
-#if 0
-__global__ void updateKernelABOBA(Vector3* pos, Vector3* momentum, Vector3* __restrict__ forceInternal, 
-                             int type[], BrownianParticleType* part[], float kT, BaseGrid* kTGrid, float electricField, 
-                             int tGridLength, float timestep, int num, int num_rb_attached_particles, BaseGrid* sys, Random* randoGen, int numReplicas)
-    int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
-    if (idx < num * numReplicas)
-    {
-	idx = (idx % num) + (idx/num) * (num+num_rb_attached_particles);
-        int t = type[idx];
-        //Vector3 r0(tex1Dfetch(PosTex, idx));
-        //Vector3 p0(tex1Dfetch(MomTex, idx));
-        Vector3 r0 = pos[idx];
-        Vector3 p0 = momentum[idx];
-        const BrownianParticleType& pt = *part[t];
-        float mass      = pt.mass;
-        r0 = r0 + (timestep * 5e3 * p0) / mass;
-        r0 = sys->wrap(r0);
-        pos[idx]      = r0;
-#if 0
-        Vector3 forceExternal = Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, pt.charge * electricField);
-        // Compute PMF
-        // TODO: maybe make periodic and nonPeriodic versions of this kernel
-        ForceEnergy fe = pt.pmf->interpolateForceDLinearlyPeriodic(r0);
-        // Add a force defined via 3D FORCE maps (not 3D potential maps)
-        if (pt.forceXGrid != NULL) fe.f.x += pt.forceXGrid->interpolatePotentialLinearly(r0);
-        if (pt.forceYGrid != NULL) fe.f.y += pt.forceYGrid->interpolatePotentialLinearly(r0);
-        if (pt.forceZGrid != NULL) fe.f.z += pt.forceZGrid->interpolatePotentialLinearly(r0);
-        Vector3 force = forceInternal[idx] + forceExternal + fe.f;
-        // Get local kT value
-        float kTlocal = (tGridLength == 0) ? kT : kTGrid->interpolatePotentialLinearly(r0); /* periodic */
-        // Update the particle's position using the calculated values for time, force, etc.
-        float mass      = pt.mass;
-        Vector3 gamma   = pt.transDamping;
-        if (pt.diffusionGrid != NULL) 
-        {
-            Vector3 gridCenter = pt.diffusionGrid->origin +
-            pt.diffusionGrid->basis.transform( Vector3(0.5*pt.diffusionGrid->nx, 0.5*pt.diffusionGrid->ny,
-                                                       0.5*pt.diffusionGrid->nz));
-            Vector3 p2 = r0 - gridCenter;
-            p2 = sys->wrapDiff( p2 ) + gridCenter;
-            ForceEnergy diff = pt.diffusionGrid->interpolateForceDLinearlyPeriodic(p2);
-            gamma = Vector3(kTlocal / (mass * diff.e));
-            //diffGrad = diff.f;
-        }
-        float tmp = sqrtf(0.50f * kTlocal * mass * timestep);
-        Vector3 rando = randoGen->gaussian_vector(idx, num * numReplicas);
-        #ifdef MDSTEP
-        force = Vector3(-r0.x, -r0.y, -r0.z);
-        #endif
-        p0.x = (1.0f - 0.50f * timestep * gamma.x) * p0.x + (0.50f * timestep * force.x * Unit1 + tmp * sqrtf(gamma.x) * rando.x * Unit2);
-        p0.y = (1.0f - 0.50f * timestep * gamma.y) * p0.y + (0.50f * timestep * force.y * Unit1 + tmp * sqrtf(gamma.y) * rando.y * Unit2);
-        p0.z = (1.0f - 0.50f * timestep * gamma.z) * p0.z + (0.50f * timestep * force.z * Unit1 + tmp * sqrtf(gamma.z) * rando.z * Unit2);
-        r0 = r0 + (timestep * 1e4 * p0) / mass;
-        r0 = sys->wrap(r0);
-        //step(r0, p0, kTlocal, force, tmp, -diffGrad, mass, gamma, timestep, sys, randoGen, num * numReplicas);
-        pos[idx]      = r0;
-        momentum[idx] = p0;
-    }
 ////The kernel is for Nose-Hoover Langevin dynamics
 __global__ void 
 updateKernelNoseHooverLangevin(Vector3* __restrict__ pos, Vector3* __restrict__ momentum, float* random, 
@@ -346,69 +261,6 @@ __global__ void LastUpdateKernelBAOAB(Vector3* pos,Vector3* momentum, Vector3* _
         momentum[idx] = p0;
-//The last step of BBK integrator to update the momentum for Langevin dynamics.
-#if 0
-__global__ void LastUpdateKernelABOBA(Vector3* pos, Vector3* momentum, Vector3* __restrict__ forceInternal,
-                                 int type[], BrownianParticleType* part[], float kT, BaseGrid* kTGrid, float electricField,
-				      int tGridLength, float timestep, int num, int num_rb_attached_particles, BaseGrid* sys, Random* randoGen, int numReplicas)
-    int idx  = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
-    if (idx < num * numReplicas)
-    {
-	idx = (idx % num) + (idx/num) * (num+num_rb_attached_particles);
-        int t = type[idx];
-        Vector3 r0 = pos[idx];
-        Vector3 p0 = momentum[idx];
-        const BrownianParticleType& pt = *part[t];
-        Vector3 forceExternal = Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, pt.charge * electricField);
-        ForceEnergy fe = pt.pmf->interpolateForceDLinearlyPeriodic(r0);
-        // Add a force defined via 3D FORCE maps (not 3D potential maps)
-        if (pt.forceXGrid != NULL) fe.f.x += pt.forceXGrid->interpolatePotentialLinearly(r0);
-        if (pt.forceYGrid != NULL) fe.f.y += pt.forceYGrid->interpolatePotentialLinearly(r0);
-        if (pt.forceZGrid != NULL) fe.f.z += pt.forceZGrid->interpolatePotentialLinearly(r0);
-        Vector3 force = forceInternal[idx] + forceExternal + fe.f;
-        float mass      = pt.mass;
-        Vector3 gamma   = pt.transDamping;
-        float kTlocal = (tGridLength == 0) ? kT : kTGrid->interpolatePotentialLinearly(r0); /* periodic */
-        float tmp = sqrtf(0.50f * kTlocal * mass * timestep);
-        if (pt.diffusionGrid != NULL)
-        {
-            Vector3 gridCenter = pt.diffusionGrid->origin +
-            pt.diffusionGrid->basis.transform( Vector3(0.5*pt.diffusionGrid->nx, 0.5*pt.diffusionGrid->ny,
-                                                       0.5*pt.diffusionGrid->nz));
-            Vector3 p2 = r0 - gridCenter;
-            p2 = sys->wrapDiff( p2 ) + gridCenter;
-            ForceEnergy diff = pt.diffusionGrid->interpolateForceDLinearlyPeriodic(p2);
-            gamma = Vector3(kTlocal / (mass * diff.e));
-        }
-        Vector3 rando = randoGen->gaussian_vector(idx, num * numReplicas);
-        #ifdef MDSTEP
-        force = Vector3(-r0.x, -r0.y, -r0.z);
-        #endif
-        //step(p0, kTlocal, force, tmp, -diffGrad, mass, gamma, timestep, sys, randoGen, num * numReplicas);
-        p0.x = (p0.x + 0.50 * timestep * force.x * Unit1 + tmp * sqrtf(gamma.x) * rando.x * Unit2) / (1.0f+0.5f*timestep*gamma.x);
-        p0.y = (p0.y + 0.50 * timestep * force.y * Unit1 + tmp * sqrtf(gamma.y) * rando.y * Unit2) / (1.0f+0.5f*timestep*gamma.y);
-        p0.z = (p0.z + 0.50 * timestep * force.z * Unit1 + tmp * sqrtf(gamma.z) * rando.z * Unit2) / (1.0f+0.5f*timestep*gamma.z);
-        momentum[idx] = p0;
-    }
 //Update kernel for Brownian dynamics
diff --git a/src/GrandBrownTown.h b/src/GrandBrownTown.h
index 6d8ed7f34c5bcdbed402929d8c5c3b41ffcb5f89..56d4c5a3b28c7b765542ba87eb5efa2445768c82 100644
--- a/src/GrandBrownTown.h
+++ b/src/GrandBrownTown.h
@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ public:
 	void run();
-        void RunNoseHooverLangevin();
 	static bool DEBUG;