diff --git a/src/BaseGrid.h b/src/BaseGrid.h
index a2c4d588b577df9fa9df796bbd559b82b464f9e1..55669bd770225d88c910ce94f3f6c9e7e15dc348 100644
--- a/src/BaseGrid.h
+++ b/src/BaseGrid.h
@@ -21,6 +21,18 @@
 #include <ctime>
 // #include <cuda.h>
+enum BoundaryCondition { dirichlet, neumann, periodic };
+enum InterpolationOrder { linear = 1, cubic = 3 };
+#define INTERPOLATE_FORCE(result, function, boundary_condition, args) \
+switch (boundary_condition) { \
+case dirichlet: \
+    result = function<dirichlet>(args); break; \
+case neumann: \
+    result = function<neumann>(args); break; \
+case periodic: \
+    result = function<periodic>(args); break; \
 // using namespace std;
@@ -500,6 +512,7 @@ public:
+	template <BoundaryCondition bc>
 	DEVICE inline ForceEnergy interpolateForceDLinearly(const Vector3& pos) const {
  		const Vector3 l = basisInv.transform(pos - origin);
@@ -512,6 +525,13 @@ public:
 		const float wy = l.y - homeY;	
 		const float wz = l.z - homeZ;
+		if (bc == neumann) {
+		    if (homeX < -1 || homeX >= nx+1 ||
+		    	homeY < -1 || homeY >= ny+1 ||
+		    	homeZ < -1 || homeZ >= nz+1)
+		    	return ForceEnergy();
+		}
 		float v[2][2][2];
 		for (int iz = 0; iz < 2; iz++) {
 			int jz = (iz + homeZ);
@@ -519,9 +539,31 @@ public:
 				int jy = (iy + homeY);
 				for (int ix = 0; ix < 2; ix++) {
 					int jx = (ix + homeX);
-					int ind = jz + jy*nz + jx*nz*ny;
-					v[ix][iy][iz] = jz < 0 || jz >= nz || jy < 0 || jy >= ny || jx < 0 || jx >= nx ?
+					int ind;
+					switch (bc) {
+					case dirichlet:
+					    ind = jz + jy*nz + jx*nz*ny;
+					    v[ix][iy][iz] = 
+						jz < 0 || jz >= nz ||
+						jy < 0 || jy >= ny ||
+						jx < 0 || jx >= nx ?
 						0 : val[ind];
+					    break;
+					case neumann:
+					    ind =
+						(jz < 0 ? 0 : jz >= nz ? nz-1 : jz) +
+						(jy < 0 ? 0 : jy >= ny ? ny-1 : jy)*nz + 
+						(jx < 0 ? 0 : jx >= nx ? nx-1 : jx)*nz*ny;
+					    v[ix][iy][iz] = val[ind];
+					    break;
+					case periodic:
+					    ind =
+						(jz < 0 ? nz-1 : jz >= nz ? 0 : jz) +
+						(jy < 0 ? ny-1 : jy >= ny ? 0 : jy)*nz + 
+						(jx < 0 ? nx-1 : jx >= nx ? 0 : jx)*nz*ny;
+					    v[ix][iy][iz] = val[ind];
+					    break;
+					}
@@ -865,71 +907,6 @@ public:
            return val[j];*/
-        //#define cubic
-	DEVICE inline ForceEnergy interpolateForceDLinearlyPeriodic(const Vector3& pos) const {
-                //#ifdef cubic
-                //return interpolateForceD(pos);
-                //#elif defined(cubic_namd)
-                //return interpolateForceDnamd(pos);
-                //#else
-                return interpolateForceDLinearly(pos); 
-                //#endif
-                #if 0
- 		const Vector3 l = basisInv.transform(pos - origin);
-		// Find the home node.
-		const int homeX = int(floor(l.x));
-		const int homeY = int(floor(l.y));
-		const int homeZ = int(floor(l.z));
-		const float wx = l.x - homeX;
-		const float wy = l.y - homeY;	
-		const float wz = l.z - homeZ;
-		float v[2][2][2];
-		for (int iz = 0; iz < 2; iz++) {
-			int jz = (iz + homeZ);
-			jz = (jz < 0) ? nz-1 : jz;
-			jz = (jz >= nz) ? 0 : jz;
-			for (int iy = 0; iy < 2; iy++) {
-				int jy = (iy + homeY);
-				jy = (jy < 0) ? ny-1 : jy;
-				jy = (jy >= ny) ? 0 : jy;
-				for (int ix = 0; ix < 2; ix++) {
-					int jx = (ix + homeX);
-					jx = (jx < 0) ? nx-1 : jx;
-					jx = (jx >= nx) ? 0 : jx;	 
-					int ind = jz + jy*nz + jx*nz*ny;
-					v[ix][iy][iz] = val[ind];
-					// printf("%d %d %d: %d %f\n",ix,iy,iz,ind,val[ind]); looks OK
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		float g3[3][2];
-		for (int iz = 0; iz < 2; iz++) {
-			float g2[2][2];
-			for (int iy = 0; iy < 2; iy++) {
-				g2[0][iy] = (v[1][iy][iz] - v[0][iy][iz]); /* f.x */
-				g2[1][iy] = wx * (v[1][iy][iz] - v[0][iy][iz]) + v[0][iy][iz]; /* f.y & f.z */
-			}
-			// Mix along y.
-			g3[0][iz] = wy * (g2[0][1] - g2[0][0]) + g2[0][0];
-			g3[1][iz] = (g2[1][1] - g2[1][0]);
-			g3[2][iz] = wy * (g2[1][1] - g2[1][0]) + g2[1][0];
-		}
-		// Mix along z.
-		Vector3 f;
-		f.x = -(wz * (g3[0][1] - g3[0][0]) + g3[0][0]);
-		f.y = -(wz * (g3[1][1] - g3[1][0]) + g3[1][0]);
-		f.z = -      (g3[2][1] - g3[2][0]);
-		f = basisInv.transpose().transform(f);
-		float e = wz * (g3[2][1] - g3[2][0]) + g3[2][0];
-		return ForceEnergy(f,e);
-                #endif
-	}
   inline virtual Vector3 interpolateForce(Vector3 pos) const {
 		Vector3 f;
  		Vector3 l = basisInv.transform(pos - origin);
diff --git a/src/BrownianParticleType.cpp b/src/BrownianParticleType.cpp
index 50abb69740c2b6fdc4bad1a9083c7ae0425a943d..e514500ec3b6b87058cf58389c2a99ab7ddd506d 100644
--- a/src/BrownianParticleType.cpp
+++ b/src/BrownianParticleType.cpp
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ void BrownianParticleType::clear() {
 	if (reservoir != NULL) delete reservoir;
         if (meanPmf != NULL) delete []  meanPmf;
 	pmf = NULL, diffusionGrid = NULL;
+	pmf_boundary_conditions = NULL;
 	forceXGrid = NULL, forceYGrid = NULL, forceZGrid = NULL;
 	reservoir = NULL, meanPmf = NULL;
@@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ void BrownianParticleType::copy(const BrownianParticleType& src) {
 	radius = src.radius;
 	eps = src.eps;
         pmf = src.pmf;
+        pmf_boundary_conditions = src.pmf_boundary_conditions;
 	meanPmf = src.meanPmf;
         numPartGridFiles = src.numPartGridFiles;
         //Han-Yi Chou
diff --git a/src/BrownianParticleType.h b/src/BrownianParticleType.h
index 68f99a9bb03d7cec972931bbebcb9347fef3f852..524a5b66be452771f0aa8aec65d76dfddb60b7dd 100644
--- a/src/BrownianParticleType.h
+++ b/src/BrownianParticleType.h
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ class BrownianParticleType {
 		BrownianParticleType(const String& name = "") :
 				name(name), num(0),
 				diffusion(0.0f), radius(1.0f), charge(0.0f), eps(0.0f), meanPmf(NULL),
-				numPartGridFiles(-1), reservoir(NULL), pmf(NULL), diffusionGrid(NULL),
+				numPartGridFiles(-1), reservoir(NULL), pmf(NULL), pmf_boundary_conditions(NULL),
+				diffusionGrid(NULL),
 				forceXGrid(NULL), forceYGrid(NULL), forceZGrid(NULL){ }
 		BrownianParticleType(const BrownianParticleType& src) { copy(src); }
@@ -62,6 +63,7 @@ public:
 		Reservoir* reservoir;
 		BaseGrid* pmf;
+		BoundaryCondition* pmf_boundary_conditions;
 		BaseGrid* diffusionGrid;
 		BaseGrid* forceXGrid;
 		BaseGrid* forceYGrid;
diff --git a/src/Configuration.cpp b/src/Configuration.cpp
index 9da0ba8cc449d9b5539a467ffd64a9599e4f4737..6e9f50194be10071d3f42263b891b374d7966433 100644
--- a/src/Configuration.cpp
+++ b/src/Configuration.cpp
@@ -599,18 +599,28 @@ void Configuration::copyToCUDA() {
 	for (int i = 0; i < numParts; i++) 
-		BaseGrid *pmf = NULL, *diffusionGrid = NULL;
+	        BaseGrid *pmf = NULL, *diffusionGrid = NULL;
 		BrownianParticleType *b = new BrownianParticleType(part[i]);
 		// Copy PMF
 		if (part[i].pmf != NULL) 
-                    float *tmp;
-                    gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&pmf, sizeof(BaseGrid)*part[i].numPartGridFiles));
-                    gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&tmp, sizeof(float)*part[i].numPartGridFiles));
-                    gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(tmp, part[i].meanPmf, sizeof(float)*part[i].numPartGridFiles, 
-                              cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
-                    b->meanPmf = tmp;
+		    {
+			float *tmp;
+			gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&tmp, sizeof(float)*part[i].numPartGridFiles));
+			gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(tmp, part[i].meanPmf, sizeof(float)*part[i].numPartGridFiles, 
+					     cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
+			b->meanPmf = tmp;
+		    }
+		    {
+			BoundaryCondition *tmp;
+			size_t s = sizeof(BoundaryCondition)*part[i].numPartGridFiles;
+			gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&tmp, s));
+			gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(tmp, part[i].pmf_boundary_conditions, s, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
+			b->pmf_boundary_conditions = tmp;
+		    }
+		    gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&pmf, sizeof(BaseGrid)*part[i].numPartGridFiles));
                     for(int j = 0; j < part[i].numPartGridFiles; ++j)
                         float *val = NULL;
@@ -626,6 +636,7 @@ void Configuration::copyToCUDA() {
 		b->pmf = pmf;
 		// Copy the diffusion grid
 		if (part[i].diffusionGrid != NULL) {
 			float *val = NULL;
@@ -1049,6 +1060,27 @@ int Configuration::readParameters(const char * config_file) {
 			//partGridFileScale[currPart] = (float) strtod(value.val(), NULL);
 			  stringToArray<float>(&value, part[currPart].numPartGridFiles, 
+		} else if (param == String("gridFileBoundaryConditions")) {
+		    register size_t num = value.tokenCount();
+		    String *tokens  = new String[num];
+		    BoundaryCondition *data = new BoundaryCondition[num];
+		    value.tokenize(tokens);
+		    for(size_t i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
+			tokens[i].lower();
+			if (tokens[i] == "dirichlet")
+			    data[i] = dirichlet;
+			else if (tokens[i] == "neumann")
+			    data[i] = neumann;
+			else if (tokens[i] == "periodic")
+			    data[i] = periodic;
+			else {
+			    fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: Unrecognized gridFile boundary condition \"%s\". Using Dirichlet.\n", tokens[i].val() );
+			    data[i] = dirichlet;
+			}
+		    }
+		    delete[] tokens;
+		    part[currPart].pmf_boundary_conditions = data;
 		} else if (param == String("rigidBodyPotential")) {
@@ -1119,12 +1151,22 @@ int Configuration::readParameters(const char * config_file) {
 				//partGridFile[currPart] = value;
 				stringToArray<String>(&value, part[currPart].numPartGridFiles, 
-				partGridFileScale[currPart] = new float[part[currPart].numPartGridFiles];
-                                for(int i = 0; i < part[currPart].numPartGridFiles; ++i) {
+				const int& num = part[currPart].numPartGridFiles;
+				partGridFileScale[currPart] = new float[num];
+                                for(int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
                                     printf("%s ", partGridFile[currPart]->val());
 				    partGridFileScale[currPart][i] = 1.0f;
+				// Set default boundary conditions for grids
+				BoundaryCondition *bc = part[currPart].pmf_boundary_conditions;
+				if (bc == NULL) {
+				    bc = new BoundaryCondition[num];
+				    for(int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
+					bc[i] = dirichlet;
+				    }
+				    part[currPart].pmf_boundary_conditions = bc;
+				}
 			else if (currPartClass == partClassRB)
diff --git a/src/GrandBrownTown.cuh b/src/GrandBrownTown.cuh
index 2dc5d5c146ed5f282083ca9063ef0a4f858840ed..ba31f468596616e431b35c7bc82998ef69659c92 100644
--- a/src/GrandBrownTown.cuh
+++ b/src/GrandBrownTown.cuh
@@ -118,9 +118,10 @@ updateKernelNoseHooverLangevin(Vector3* __restrict__ pos, Vector3* __restrict__
         for(int i = 0; i < pt.numPartGridFiles; ++i)
             ForceEnergy tmp(0.f,0.f);
-            if(!scheme)
-                tmp = pt.pmf[i].interpolateForceDLinearlyPeriodic(r0);
-            else 
+            if(!scheme) {
+		const BoundaryCondition& bc = pt.pmf_boundary_conditions[i];
+		INTERPOLATE_FORCE(tmp, pt.pmf[i].interpolateForceDLinearly, bc, r0)
+	    } else 
                 tmp = pt.pmf[i].interpolateForceD(r0);
             fe.f += tmp.f;
@@ -170,7 +171,7 @@ updateKernelNoseHooverLangevin(Vector3* __restrict__ pos, Vector3* __restrict__
             p2 = sys->wrapDiff( p2 ) + gridCenter;
             ForceEnergy diff;
-                diff = pt.diffusionGrid->interpolateForceDLinearlyPeriodic(p2);
+                diff = pt.diffusionGrid->interpolateForceDLinearly<periodic>(p2);
                 diff = pt.diffusionGrid->interpolateForceD(p2);
             gamma = Vector3(kTlocal / (mass * diff.e));
@@ -233,9 +234,10 @@ __global__ void updateKernelBAOAB(Vector3* pos, Vector3* momentum, Vector3* __re
         for(int i = 0; i < pt.numPartGridFiles; ++i)
             ForceEnergy tmp(0.f, 0.f);
-            if(!scheme)
-                tmp = pt.pmf[i].interpolateForceDLinearlyPeriodic(r0);
-            else
+            if(!scheme) {
+		BoundaryCondition bc = pt.pmf_boundary_conditions[i];
+		INTERPOLATE_FORCE(tmp, pt.pmf[i].interpolateForceDLinearly, bc, r0)
+	    } else 
                 tmp = pt.pmf[i].interpolateForceD(r0);
             fe.f += tmp.f;
@@ -282,7 +284,7 @@ __global__ void updateKernelBAOAB(Vector3* pos, Vector3* momentum, Vector3* __re
             p2 = sys->wrapDiff( p2 ) + gridCenter;
             ForceEnergy diff;
-                diff = pt.diffusionGrid->interpolateForceDLinearlyPeriodic(p2);
+                diff = pt.diffusionGrid->interpolateForceDLinearly<periodic>(p2);
                 diff = pt.diffusionGrid->interpolateForceD(p2);
             gamma = Vector3(kTlocal / (mass * diff.e));
@@ -332,9 +334,10 @@ __global__ void LastUpdateKernelBAOAB(Vector3* pos,Vector3* momentum, Vector3* _
         for(int i = 0; i < pt.numPartGridFiles; ++i)
             ForceEnergy tmp(0.f, 0.f);
-            if(!scheme)
-                tmp = pt.pmf[i].interpolateForceDLinearlyPeriodic(r0);
-            else
+            if(!scheme) {
+		BoundaryCondition bc = pt.pmf_boundary_conditions[i];
+		INTERPOLATE_FORCE(tmp, pt.pmf[i].interpolateForceDLinearly, bc, r0)
+	    } else 
                 tmp = pt.pmf[i].interpolateForceD(r0);
             fe += tmp;
@@ -463,9 +466,10 @@ void updateKernel(Vector3* pos, Vector3* __restrict__ forceInternal, int type[],
                 for(int i = 0; i < pt.numPartGridFiles; ++i)
                     ForceEnergy tmp(0.f,0.f);
-                    if(!scheme)
-                        tmp = pt.pmf[i].interpolateForceDLinearlyPeriodic(p);
-                    else
+		    if(!scheme) {
+			BoundaryCondition bc = pt.pmf_boundary_conditions[i];
+			INTERPOLATE_FORCE(tmp, pt.pmf[i].interpolateForceDLinearly, bc, p)
+		    } else 
                         tmp = pt.pmf[i].interpolateForceD(p);
                     fe += tmp;
@@ -525,7 +529,7 @@ void updateKernel(Vector3* pos, Vector3* __restrict__ forceInternal, int type[],
 			/* printf("atom %d: ps2: %f %f %f\n", idx, p2.x, p2.y, p2.z); */
                         ForceEnergy diff;
-			    diff = pt.diffusionGrid->interpolateForceDLinearlyPeriodic(p2);
+			    diff = pt.diffusionGrid->interpolateForceDLinearly<periodic>(p2);
                             diff = pt.diffusionGrid->interpolateForceD(p2);
 			diffusion = diff.e;