From 32e3ef4b63725dbe21a38ca66346666c1512f7ca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Chris Maffeo <>
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 2022 12:16:39 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Initial port to CMake build system

 README                         | 112 -----------------------------                      | 110 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/CMakeLists.txt             |  91 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/Makefile                   | 124 ---------------------------------
 src/{imd.c => imd.cpp}         |   0
 src/{vmdsock.c => vmdsock.cpp} |   0
 version.cmake                  |  43 ++++++++++++
 7 files changed, 244 insertions(+), 236 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 README
 create mode 100644
 create mode 100644 src/CMakeLists.txt
 delete mode 100644 src/Makefile
 rename src/{imd.c => imd.cpp} (100%)
 rename src/{vmdsock.c => vmdsock.cpp} (100%)
 create mode 100644 version.cmake

diff --git a/README b/README
deleted file mode 100644
index aff911c..0000000
--- a/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-| Atomic Resolution Brownian Dynamics (ARBD) - beta Oct 19 |
-Brownian dynamics (BD) simulation is method for studying biomolecules, ions, and
-nanomaterials that balances detail with computational efficiency.
-ARBD supports tabulated non-bonded and bonded interactions between BD
-particles that can also be influenced by grid-specified
-potentials. Uniquely, ARBD also allows grid-specified densities and
-potentials to be associated with rigid body particles that rotate and
-translate to represent larger molecules. Most importantly, the code is
-designed to run quickly on modern NVIDIA GPUs.
-ARBD is a rewrite of the BrownianMover code, moving almost all computations to
-the GPU and enabling grid-specified particle models. Please be aware that ARBD
-is being actively developed and is offered without warranty.
-| Building |
-To build, please run `make' in the src directory.
-If your CUDA toolkit is installed in a nonstandard location, you may specify
-that location using the CUDA_PATH environment variable. For example:
-make CUDA_PATH=/nonstandard/path/to/cuda
-Note that ARBD has been developed using CUDA-8.0 and targets NVIDIA GPUs featuring
-6.0 compute capability. The code should work with devices with compute capability >=2.0,
-but there are no guarantees.
-Older versions of CUDA are not compatible with SM 6.0, so you may need to change
-the SMS variable in the makefile, or specify it as an argument to make.
-| Installation |
-Please explore the examples in the 'tests' directory.
-For example, try the following commands:
-cd tests/argon-small
-mkdir output
-../../src/arbd output/BrownDyn > output/BrownDyn.log
-You may use the '-g n' option to specify the n-th GPU on your machine, counting from 0.
-If you fail to compile and link the applications, we recommend running
-`make clean` to remove object files. Sometimes we have encountered
-CUDA related errors in binaries built in a "dirty" environment.
-| Citing |
-If you publish results obtained using ARBD, please cite the following manuscripts:
-"DNA base-calling from a nanopore using a Viterbi algorithm"
-Winston Timp, Jeffrey Comer, and Aleksei Aksimentiev
-Biophys J 102(10) L37-9 (2012)
-"Predicting the DNA sequence dependence of nanopore ion current using atomic-resolution Brownian dynamics"
-Jeffrey Comer and Aleksei Aksimentiev.
-J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces 116:3376-3393 (2012).
-"Atoms-to-microns model for small solute transport through sticky nanochannels"
-Rogan Carr, Jeffrey Comer, Mark D. Ginsberg, and Aleksei Aksimentiev
-Lab Chip 11(22) 3766-73 (2011)
-| Authors |
-ARBD is developed by the Aksimentiev group (
-as a part of the NIH Center for Macromolecular Modeling and Bioinformatics
-Please direct questions or problems to Chris.
-Christopher Maffeo <>
-Han-yi Chao
-Jeffrey Comer
-Max Belkin
-Emmanual Guzman
-Justin Dufresne
-Terrance Howard
-| Outstanding issues |
--- Not implemented --
-* There are no checks to ensure that pairlists are recalculated before
-  particles further than the pairlist distance move to within the
-  cutoff
--- Bugs --
-* A large amount of GPU memory for pairlists is allocated statically,
-  which may cause out-of-memory crashes in older hardware
-* If the number of pairs in the system exceeds the length of the array
-  allocated for pairlists, the non-bonded kernel will try to access
-  forbidden regions of memory, causing a crash
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..258dd3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# Atomic Resolution Brownian Dynamics (ARBD) - Nov 22
+Brownian dynamics (BD) simulation is method for studying biomolecules,
+ions, and nanomaterials that balances detail with computational
+ARBD supports tabulated non-bonded and bonded interactions between BD
+particles that can also be influenced by grid-specified
+potentials. Uniquely, ARBD also allows grid-specified densities and
+potentials to be associated with rigid body particles that rotate and
+translate to represent larger molecules. Most importantly, the code is
+designed to run quickly on modern NVIDIA GPUs.
+ARBD is a rewrite of the BrownianMover code, moving almost all
+computations to the GPU and enabling grid-specified particle
+models. Please be aware that ARBD is being actively developed and is
+offered without warranty.
+## Building
+### Dependencies
+Only tested on Linux with:
+  - CMake >= 3.9
+  - gcc >= 4.9
+  - cuda >= 9.0
+### Build process
+From the root arbd directory (where this README is found), run:
+cmake -S src -B build &&
+  cd build
+  make -j
+If your CUDA toolkit is installed in a nonstandard location that CMake
+is unable to find, you may provide use the environement variable
+`CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER` to specify the path to nvcc. You may also find
+it neccesary to set the environment variable `CUDA_INCLUDE_DIRS` if
+compilation fails due to the compiler being unable to find <cuda.h>.
+Note that ARBD has been developed using CUDA-9.0 and targets NVIDIA
+GPUs featuring 6.0 compute capability. The code should work with
+devices with compute capability >=2.0, but there are no guarantees.
+Older versions of CUDA are not compatible with SM 6.0, so you may need
+to change the SMS variable in the makefile, or specify it as an
+argument to make.
+## Usage
+Please explore the examples in the 'tests' directory.
+For example, try the following commands:
+cd tests/argon-small
+mkdir output
+../../src/arbd output/BrownDyn > output/BrownDyn.log
+You may use the '-g n' option to specify the n-th GPU on your machine,
+counting from 0.
+## Citing
+If you publish results obtained using ARBD, please cite the
+following manuscripts:
+"DNA base-calling from a nanopore using a Viterbi algorithm"
+Winston Timp, Jeffrey Comer, and Aleksei Aksimentiev
+Biophys J 102(10) L37-9 (2012)
+"Predicting the DNA sequence dependence of nanopore ion current using atomic-resolution Brownian dynamics"
+Jeffrey Comer and Aleksei Aksimentiev.
+J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces 116:3376-3393 (2012).
+"Atoms-to-microns model for small solute transport through sticky nanochannels"
+Rogan Carr, Jeffrey Comer, Mark D. Ginsberg, and Aleksei Aksimentiev
+Lab Chip 11(22) 3766-73 (2011)
+## Authors
+ARBD is developed by the Aksimentiev group
+( as a part of the NIH Center for
+Macromolecular Modeling and Bioinformatics (
+Please direct questions or problems to Chris.
+Christopher Maffeo <>
+Han-yi Chao
+Jeffrey Comer
+Max Belkin
+Emmanual Guzman
+Justin Dufresne
+Terrance Howard
+## Outstanding issues
+* There are no checks to ensure that pairlists are recalculated before
+  particles further than the pairlist distance move to within the
+  cutoff
+* A large amount of GPU memory for pairlists is allocated statically,
+  which may cause out-of-memory crashes in older hardware
diff --git a/src/CMakeLists.txt b/src/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ce15b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9 FATAL_ERROR)
+# option(USE_CUDA "Use CUDA" ON)
+# set the project name and version
+project(arbd VERSION 1.2 LANGUAGES CXX)
+# specify the C++ standard
+option(USE_NCCL "Use NCCL for single node GPU peer communication" ON)
+# configure_file( TutorialConfig.h)
+message(STATUS "USE_CUDA: ${USE_CUDA}")
+    add_definitions(-DUSE_CUDA)
+    ## CUDA_INCLUDE_DIRS wasn't getting set on my system with cmake 3.14.1, so check if in env
+    endif()    
+    include_directories(${CUDA_INCLUDE_DIRS})
+## Two lines below needed?
+## Print all variables by uncommenting block below 
+# get_cmake_property(_variableNames VARIABLES)
+# list (SORT _variableNames)
+# foreach (_variableName ${_variableNames})
+#     message(STATUS "${_variableName}=${${_variableName}}")
+# endforeach()
+## Set rpath
+set(CMAKE_MACOSX_RPATH 1)	# Unsure if this works for CMAKE_BUIlD_RPATH, or just CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH
+add_executable(arbd arbd.cpp
+target_link_libraries(arbd PRIVATE curand)
+## target_link_libraries(ARBD PUBLIC) MPI::MPI_CXX)
+install(TARGETS arbd)
diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 68598f4..0000000
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-### Paths, libraries, includes, options
-include ./
-SUFFIX ?= ""
-ifeq ($(dbg),1)
-	NV_FLAGS += -g -G -O0
-	EX_FLAGS = -g -m$(OS_SIZE)
-	NV_FLAGS = -Xptxas -O3
-	EX_FLAGS = -O3 -m$(OS_SIZE)
-ifeq ($(omp),1)
-	NV_FLAGS += -Xcompiler -fopenmp
-	CC_FLAGS += -fopenmp
-## Determine the version; TODO add tags for versions
-ifndef (VERSION)
-ifeq ($(shell git status >& /dev/null && echo true),true)
-	VERSION:=git rev. $(shell git rev-parse HEAD | sed 's/\(.\{8\}\).*/\1/')
-ifneq ($(shell git status --porcelain),)
-	VERSION:=$(VERSION) (modified)
-	VERSION:=unknown (not compiled in a git repository)
-CC_FLAGS += -I$(CUDA_PATH)/include
-CC_FLAGS += -Wall -Wno-write-strings -std=c++14 -pedantic# TODO: test on Mac OSX and other architectures
-ifeq ($(dbg),1)
-NV_FLAGS += -lineinfo
-NV_FLAGS += -lineinfo
-CUDA_VERSION_GT10 = $(shell expr `nvcc -V | tr 'V' ' ' | tr ' ' '\n' | tail -n1 | cut -f1 -d.` \> 10)
-ifeq "$(CUDA_VERSION_GT10)" "1"
-  CSTD:=c++14
-  CSTD:=c++11
-NV_FLAGS := $(NV_FLAGS) -std=$(CSTD)
-ifneq ($(DARWIN),)
-  CUDALIB = $(CUDA_PATH)/lib64
-  ifeq "$(CSTD)" "c++11"
-    CSTD := c++1y
-  endif
-CC_FLAGS += -std=$(CSTD)
-# NV_FLAGS += -ftz=true			# TODO: test if this preserves accurate simulation
-## Find valid compute capabilities for this machine
-SMS ?= 30 35 37 50 52 60 61
-$(info Testing CUDA toolkit with compute capabilities SMS='$(SMS)')
-SMS := $(shell for sm in $(SMS); do $(NVCC) cuda-test.c -arch=sm_$$sm -o /dev/null &> /dev/null && echo $$sm; done)
-ifeq (,$(SMS))
-    $(error nvcc ($(NVCC)) failed with all tested compute capabilities.)
-SMPTXS ?= $(lastword $(sort $(SMS)))
-$(info Building SASS code for SMS='$(SMS)' and PTX code for '$(SMPTXS)')
-## Generate SASS and PTX code
-$(foreach SM,$(SMS), $(eval NV_FLAGS += -gencode arch=compute_$(SM),code=sm_$(SM)) )
-$(foreach SM,$(SMPTXS), $(eval NV_FLAGS += -gencode arch=compute_$(SM),code=compute_$(SM)) )
-NVLD_FLAGS := $(NV_FLAGS) --device-link 
-LD_FLAGS = -L$(CUDALIB) -lcurand -lcudart -lcudadevrt -Wl,-rpath,$(CUDALIB)
-ifdef NCCL_PATH
-	CC_FLAGS += -I$(NCCL_PATH)/include
-	NV_FLAGS += -I$(NCCL_PATH)/include
-	LD_FLAGS += -L$(NCCL_PATH)/lib -lnccl -Wl,-rpath,$(NCCL_PATH)/lib
-### Sources
-CC_SRC := $(wildcard *.cpp)
-CC_SRC := $(filter-out arbd.cpp, $(CC_SRC))
-CU_SRC := $(wildcard *.cu)
-CC_OBJ := $(patsubst %.cpp, %.o, $(CC_SRC))
-CU_OBJ := $(patsubst, %.o, $(CU_SRC))
-### Targets
-TARGET := arbd
-ifeq ($(dbg),1)
-TARGET := $(TARGET)_dbg
-ifeq ($(omp),1)
-TARGET := $(TARGET)_omp
-all: $(TARGET)$(SUFFIX)
-	@echo "Done ->" $(TARGET)$(SUFFIX)
-$(TARGET)_link.o: $(CU_OBJ)
-#	$(NVCC) $(NVLD_FLAGS) $(CU_OBJ) $(CC_OBJ) -o $(TARGET)_link.o
-	$(NVCC) $(NVLD_FLAGS) $(CU_OBJ) -o $(TARGET)_link.o
-$(TARGET)$(SUFFIX): $(TARGET)_link.o $(CU_OBJ) $(CC_OBJ) arbd.cpp vmdsock.c imd.c imd.h
-#	$(NVCC) $(NVLD_FLAGS) $(CU_OBJ) $(CC_OBJ) -o $(TARGET)_link.o
-#	$(NVCC) $(NVLD_FLAGS) $(CU_OBJ) -o $(TARGET)_link.o
-	$(CC) $(CC_FLAGS) $(EX_FLAGS) arbd.cpp vmdsock.c imd.c $(TARGET)_link.o $(CU_OBJ) $(CC_OBJ) $(LD_FLAGS)  -o $(TARGET)$(SUFFIX)
-$(CU_OBJ): %.o: $$(wildcard %.h) $$(wildcard %.cuh)
-	$(NVCC) $(NV_FLAGS) $(EX_FLAGS) -dc $< -o $@
-$(CC_OBJ): %.o: %.cpp %.h 
-	$(CC) $(CC_FLAGS) $(EX_FLAGS) -c $< -o $@
-	rm -f $(TARGET) $(CU_OBJ) $(CC_OBJ)
diff --git a/src/imd.c b/src/imd.cpp
similarity index 100%
rename from src/imd.c
rename to src/imd.cpp
diff --git a/src/vmdsock.c b/src/vmdsock.cpp
similarity index 100%
rename from src/vmdsock.c
rename to src/vmdsock.cpp
diff --git a/version.cmake b/version.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c366f35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/version.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+execute_process(COMMAND git log --pretty=format:'%h' -n 1
+                OUTPUT_VARIABLE GIT_REV
+		                ERROR_QUIET)
+# Check whether we got any revision (which isn't
+# always the case, e.g. when someone downloaded a zip
+# file from Github instead of a checkout)
+if ("${GIT_REV}" STREQUAL "")
+    set(GIT_REV "N/A")
+        set(GIT_DIFF "")
+	    set(GIT_TAG "N/A")
+	        set(GIT_BRANCH "N/A")
+		else()
+		    execute_process(
+		            COMMAND bash -c "git diff --quiet --exit-code || echo +"
+				        execute_process(
+					        COMMAND git describe --exact-match --tags
+							    execute_process(
+							            COMMAND git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
+								            OUTPUT_VARIABLE GIT_BRANCH)
+    string(STRIP "${GIT_REV}" GIT_REV)
+        string(SUBSTRING "${GIT_REV}" 1 7 GIT_REV)
+	    string(STRIP "${GIT_DIFF}" GIT_DIFF)
+	        string(STRIP "${GIT_TAG}" GIT_TAG)
+		    string(STRIP "${GIT_BRANCH}" GIT_BRANCH)
+		    endif()
+set(VERSION "const char* GIT_REV=\"${GIT_REV}${GIT_DIFF}\";
+const char* GIT_TAG=\"${GIT_TAG}\";
+const char* GIT_BRANCH=\"${GIT_BRANCH}\";")
+    file(READ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/version.cpp VERSION_)
+    else()
+        set(VERSION_ "")
+	endif()
+    file(WRITE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/version.cpp "${VERSION}")
\ No newline at end of file